Voices of The Deep
◈ A Z U R E ◈

The Pillar of Ascension
Time. The line of everlasting existence through events and history? Or was it something more? Fact was, time was not something that could truthfully be explained by anyone. It was infinite. Just like the mysteries it held deep within its roots...just like the all powerful existence known as The Force. So many thought of time as a way to recognize the present...Others believed it to be so much more. A force beyond comprehension doing its work unintentionally and perfectly all at once. The stubborn existence of organization that held the past within a seal. The bringer of the future and the giver of the present. Some believed time to be a god all itself, invisible to the naked eye and unheard through religion. And for all anyone knew it very well could have been. When phrases are shouted out like ‘we are out of time!’ or ‘Times up.’ To some they are just phrases, to others they are tribute to the all mighty god of time. Whoever it may be weather it was real or not. Or perhaps…for something to be real one must simply believe it to be real? Faith was a powerful substance in many cultures throughout history. The Jedi...the Sith. A multitude of other factions who all followed their own obscured beliefs and faiths.
Consisting side by side with time was the gift of memories. A function of history stored within the subconscious of ones mind throughout the period of their lives. Of course…there were always memories better left forgotten. Despite the fact memories would always eventually be forgotten in the downward spiral called time. The memories of the past, of those before us. Never told from the beholder but often from the witness. Stories and legends passed down generation to generation but with each generation only losing more and more of the truth as the line between reality and fantasy grows ever so thinner. It was the same with the beings that traveled the world. Over time ones blood does not strengthen. It weakens. If one were to make a copy, of a copy, of a copy it would not come out stronger. But weaker. This has always been true. The memories that held the truth where lost…forgotten In time.
It was sad...in its own way. Life was given to the galaxy billions and billions of eons ago and since then what has anyone done with it? Cultures and civilizations rise and fall...beings as powerful as gods live out their existence until they to wither away and die. The Force had created many gifts within the universe...and yet just as many curses. The concept of balance was obscure and almost nonexistent in today's world of madness. Factions going to war over little more than the practice of blind faith...how simplistic.
The Ice Queen had been questioning a lot lately...about her life...the life of others...life in the galaxy. She had become more distressed than usual. Years of baring a cold frozen heart was beginning to weigh on her...she wan-...no. She needed answers. A signal, a sign. Anything to help her understand the feelings that made her mind spin.
And as those crimson optics scanned the inner interior of her ship she inhaled...filling her lungs to capacity. Then exhaled...her gaze wandering over those who walked back and fourth along the balcony and staircases...heading to the next area where they could learn learn from the next instructors. The ship had been divided into several sections...each form of magic from along the galaxy had been categorized and given a section...Destruction magic, Alteration, Mysticism, Conjuring, ect. Each section had it's own specialist instructor who taught members of The Awoken what they desired...
Winter knew it was unusual...but she wanted to revitalize her withering culture...she wanted to teach others a path less walked by others in the galaxy. The limitless potential and unexplored power that could be unlocked if one simply...dedicated themselves to its practice. At first, when she came up with the idea for her little faction it did not seem to have much support...but sure enough after her Galaxy Wide Broadcast it took off rather nicely. She was...pleased with its progress.
Her crimson gaze observed two young children as they ran into the main hall with their spellbooks...strange. Winter had not carried a Spellbook before...she supposed children needed to remember their incantations somehow. And as the young boy and girl laughed and giggled Winter tilted her head slightly as they both looked to The Queen...
Winter, unlike most who desired to sit on a fluffy throne above everyone else...Winter sat within the center of the ship on a small circular spot with a few stairs leading up to it...she was at ground level. Watching those who came and went along the halls of her ship. The children...who looked to be about thirteen excitedly approached The Ice Queen...their eyes full of brightness and hope...something Winter had lost long ago. The two approached, gave a slight bow as a sign of respect and conformation.
The Queen had been sitting most of the time...her legs crossed over one another as she meditated and practiced her own abilities. Winter gave a nod and lifted a hand, gesturing their permission to come on up. The two children exchanged glances and smiled, slowly approaching the queen and taking a seat on either side of her. The woman looked to each and offered a...rather forced smile. Winter rarely smiled...but she had no desire to dishearten the lads.
"Good evening children...did you enjoy your studies?" Winter asked warmly, trying to see less cold and ruthless as she was normally depicted. The children nodded rapidly and smiled.
"Yes ma'am! I learned how to Water Shape!" The boy exclaimed, hugging his spellbook and bouncing lightly. The young girl beside him piped up next.
"I learned how to use Speed of the Toocha..." She said before frowning a bit. "I keep running into walls though..." She muttered, making Winter cock a brow. She had never heard of anyone running into walls when using the spell...but she supposed it could not be helped when it came to children.
"The more time you invest into your craft. The better you become...Either way, it pleases me to see you two are taking your teachings seriously...When did your parents intend for you to return to Dathomir?" Winter asked curiously, watching as the two looked at one another and shrugged.
"Not for a while. Mum is studying Alchemy, Da is with her but i don't think he is very good." The girl explained. Winter scoffed a laugh and gave a brief nod.
"Mmm...i see. Well, i wish them both luck in their pursuits. Now run along young ones...i'd suggest going to get some food in you before your next session." She urged, giving them a stern look that made them nod and give a slight bow before standing to their feet and stepping down the stairs. Heading off towards the ships cafeteria. Winter sighed and went back to meditating...closing her eyes and taking a breath before relaxing herself.
While some considered this a school of sorts...The Awoken were far more than that...and one of these days. The Galaxy would discover this first hand.
[member="Isley Verd"] - [member="Ember Rekali"]
[member="Darth Erebos"]
[member="Evan Kenner"]
[member="Felran Natri"]
[member="Ghorua the Fish"]
[member="Gray Raxis"]
[member="Grudge The Grutt"]
[member="Henry Chinko"]
[member="Jack Raxis"]
[member="James Justice"]
[member="Jayce R. Vitalus"]
[member="Kaeda Vevut"]
[member="Maya Whitelight"]
[member="Rose Blade"]
[member="Thid Qaal"]
[member="Vithar Seth"]
[member="Zenva Vrotoa"]
[member="Juliana Darkmourn"]
[member="Kara Blackmoor"]e
(This is a Faction thread for both The Witchmasters & The Awoken. Both members of each faction are allowed to join unrestricted.)