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Approved NPC Kira Sun

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Kira Sun
Personal bodyguard to Darius Vex
  • [SIZE=12pt]Intent: [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]As a supporting character to flesh out the government on Neo-Polis[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]​[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]Image Credit: [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]Sandra Posada[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Role:[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] Special Operative for the Neo-Polis government, personal bodyguard of Darius Vex.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Links: [/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=12pt]Age: [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]31[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Force Sensitivity:[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] Sensitive[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Species:[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] Human[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Appearance: [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Sex: Female[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Height: 176cm[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Weight: 145 lbs[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Eyes: Red-Orange[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Hair: Dark[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Skin: Pale[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Face: Tailored eyebrows, make-up, typically seen wearing a mask covering at least the lower portion of her face. Has a large, thin scar across right eye.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Clothes: Usually wears an armourweave bodysuit with dark, practical clothing or light armour on top. [/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=12pt]Name:[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] Kira Sun[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Loyalties: [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]Neo-Polis Bloc. [/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Wealth:[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] Upper-Class. Enjoys the benefits of being a high-level official of a corrupt government. Kira owns a large home in the capital of Neo-Polis, with a range of servants to cater for her and take care of the estate when she is travelling.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Notable Possessions:[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] Collection of vibroblades, some of which date as far back as the Old Republic Era. However, none of the blades contain Cortosis weave, and as such do not reflect lightsabers. Kira also owns a small collection of a half a dozen basic lightsabers. These are mostly kept for their practical value, not the aesthetics of the vibroblades.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Skills:[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] Kira is trained in close combat, specialising in using melee weapons such as the vibrosword. She is proficient in using a lightsaber, but lacks the special connection to the weapon many trained force users possess. Kira is also proficient in a range of blasters, and explosive weapons. [/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Personality:[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] Kira is a ruthless killer. She is not cruel for cruelty’s sake, but is willing to pursue any means necessary to achieve her ends. In conversation, she is quite cold, showing little emotion towards anyone or anything. She speaks slowly, and quietly; thinking out each word as she says it. By principle, she rarely reveals what she is truly thinking, believing that would give away her advantage in a conversation. When on the job she is an excellent imitator. She can easily adopt the personality of a ditsy, overconfident, or drunk person. Kira is fiercely loyal to the government of Neo-Polis. Genuinely believing that she and the other upperclassmen of Neo-Polis have a right to take the wealth and power of the planet for themselves. While Kira doesn’t believe the state’s narrative of an alien-led insurgency against the people, she accepts it as a necessary tool in ensuring the correct groups stay in power. A weakness in Kira is her habit of underestimating her opponents. She thinks highly of herself and sees few people as worthy opponents. This can lead to unpleasant surprises when an enemy turns out to be stronger or smarter than they first appeared.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Weapon of Choice: [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]Vibroblade[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Combat Function: [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt][+] Hand-To-Hand: Trained to fight at a young age, Kira is adept at taking down targets in unarmed combat. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt][+] The Way of the Sword: Kira is an avid collector of vibroblades, and has dedicated countless hours to perfecting the art of sword fighting. Kira is also trained in forms II and III of lightsaber combat, but is not a very good lightsaber duellist when compared to knight level force users[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt][+] Face Mask: With a rebreather over her nose and mouth, Kira is resistant to attacks from nerve agents and poison gases, but not fire or blistering agents.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt][-] The heat of battle: Kira is skilled in using blasters precisely and silently. In a large firefight she can become overwhelmed with the amount of fire and her skills will drop significantly.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt][-] Unpredictable: Because of her years of duelling with vibroblades, Kira fights with a graceful and professional style. This leaves her weak to brute strength attacks, and unusual moves that will catch her off-guard.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt][-] Lightsabers: When fighting with her main weapon, a vibroblade, Kira is weak to lightsaber attacks, as they will cut through the blade. Furthermore, her armour is not at all resistant to lightsaber attacks.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt][-] Explosive Weaponry: Kira's armour is designed to defend against blasters. Exposed sections of armour on the joints, neck and sides are vulnerable to the shrapnel produced by explosives.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt][-] Kinetic Damage: Much like with explosives, Kira is under-armoured at the joints and neck. A significant blow to this area would be enough to break bone and cause serious damage, despite the amour.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt][-] Incendiary or Caustic Weaponry: Due to an exposed face and eyes, an attack from fire or a weaponized cytotoxic/vesicant gas would be highly effective. Kira's armour cannot withstand the heat of an incendiary weapon either, and would quickly melt once exposed.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Like many of the upper-class on Neo-Polis, Kira was born into her wealth. Her parents were both rich landowners that profited heavily off taxing their property for Neo-Polis’ growing industry. Throughout her childhood, she received only the best, including education at the capital’s top school and a scholarship to a military training academy. At age 23, after the death of her father, she inherited his collection of ancient weapons, taking on a particular interest in vibroblades. Over the next few years, she increased her collection, training extensively with the various blades, and becoming familiar with each piece in her father’s collection. After graduating, Kira went to work in the Capital. Thanks to her father’s influence, she was given a job as Head of Security in The Halls of Parliament, serving for several years. During her stint as Head of Security, Kira was noticed for her professionalism, and efficiency. At 26, she was headhunted by Neo-Polis’ dictator to serve as his hand. Her job was to be his personal bodyguard, while also leading Neo-Polis’ newly formed secret police division. In the following years, Kira became infamous for her reputation of cruel punishments to dissidents. On the streets, she was called ‘The Snake.’ Recently, Kira has headed a task force, cracking down on a growing insurgency in the capital, Halcyon.[/SIZE]
[member="Darius Vex"]

Sorry for the wait, had some grad school stuff take priority. So a few things to address:

  • The weaknesses currently listed aren't really weaknesses per se. Please change these to something more substantial.
  • How strong in the Force is she? Acolyte level? Knight level?
  • Added the following weaknesses.

[SIZE=12pt][-] Lightsabers: When fighting with her main weapon, a vibroblade, Kira is weak to lightsaber attacks, as they will cut through the blade. Furthermore, her armour is not at all resistant to lightsaber attacks.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt][-] Explosive Weaponry: Kira's armour is designed to defend against blasters. Exposed sections of armour on the joints, neck and sides are vulnerable to the shrapnel produced by explosives.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt][-] Kinetic Damage: Much like with explosives, Kira is under-armoured at the joints and neck. A significant blow to this area would be enough to break bone and cause serious damage, despite the amour.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt][-] Incendiary or Caustic Weaponry: Due to an exposed face and eyes, an attack from fire or a weaponized cytotoxic/vesicant gas would be highly effective. Kira's armour cannot withstand the heat of an incendiary weapon either, and would quickly melt once exposed.[/SIZE]

  • Kira has no force abilities, and is merely force sensitive[SIZE=12pt].[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt][member="Taeli Raaf"][/SIZE]​
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