Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Kirdo in Chains | RTL Dominion of Kirdo III

Voice of the Outer Rim



The Sanrafsix Crisis, Part I



< for Diplomats, Commanders, and League Members - the Situation Room >

Aboard the RSS Endurance, a crewman replays an unsettling distress call for the gathered officers and diplomats. The message crackles, thick with static.

"skzzt-skrzt- This is Ranger-Sergeant Anderson, 5th Fleet -skzzt- shot down on Kirdo III. I repeat, shot down on -skrzt- heavy -skzzt- slaver activity in sector five, requesting -skrzt- immediate support from any available -skzzt-"

The signal ends just as suddenly as it began, Sergeant Anderson's words lingering heavily in the room. All eyes are on the crewman who intercepted the transmission. His expression is grim. Over half-a-dozen distress calls have come across the League's scanners in the past month, each of them solidifying a dark reality: A new slaving guild is on the rise. Worse yet, they're on a streak slipping by the League and abducting entire villages before the Rescue Service can respond. Without a trace, hundreds of spacers, colonists, and native sentients were stolen from their homes. This time, though, the League has caught a lucky break.

An Abednedo officer steps forward from the crowd, his gruff voice ending the silence on the bridge.

"Is there anything else? Anything we can use to track down these mongrels?"

Whispers and murmurs follow his words. Another diplomate chimes in, "Do we even know if Sergeant Anderson is still alive?" The crewman shakes his head.

"It's on a loop, replaying the same message over again until the transponder is deactivated."

He looks over the League members before him, swallowing hard before adding, "That's it. That's all we've got."

< for Rescuers, Rangers, and Freedom Fighters - the Ground Team >

Just beyond the slavers' sensors, hidden under the cover of a Kirdoan sandstorm, the Rescue Service has established a forward operating outpost among the dunes. Already, preparations are underway to provide the people with food, water, medical supplies, and emergency evacuation if necessary.

"Right then," a Rodian Ranger shouts over the howling winds, "your target is a fortified camp on the other side of the ridge. We have the high ground and the element of surprise, so use it to your advantage." He taps at the screen of his gauntlet-mounted holopad, setting off a series of blips and pings throughout the base.

Across their personal devices, the ground team is delivered a rough curation of sector maps that reveal the slavers' fortifications; According to scans of the area, the slavers are encamped in the remains of a crashed freighter, relying on the derelict vessel for protection, security, and control over the sector. Surrounding debris and surviving cargo pods have been retrofitted into crude holding cells for the Kitonak, a nomadic people native to the deserts of Kirdo III.

Rescuing the slaves from their captors is the League's primary concern, but any data recovered while infiltrating the camp could go a long way in shining a light on the Outer Rim's newest slave traders.

< for Wayseekers, Pathfinders, and Lone Wolves - Tell Your Own Story >

Kirdo III is a planet rich with culture, mysteries, and untold stories just waiting to be discovered.

The arid planet's deserts are littered with the remains of spacer vessels left largely untouched by the simple Kitonese nomads, attracting all sorts of salvagers eager to pick through the forgotten ships; Kitonak who were spared by the slavers are in desperate need of consolation and reassurance, opening a new avenue for diplomatic connections to be made; Canyons, ravines, and caverns beckon for explorers to map them, furthering the League's knowledge of Kirdo III.

Feel free to explore your own original objective.
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Shar Vida


Homesteader Mule

This was it then. Shar adjusted the poncho over her outfit and inhaled deeply. It was nice to be off Sevarcos and be able to breathe without needing a mask to filter out the spice in the atmosphere. The air was dry and parched her lips, but she was used to that. Lekku twitched in anticipation as she studied the map of the fortified camp.

A crashed freighter was an interesting choice. It meant most small arms couldn't get through the hull, but it also meant they couldn't shoot out.

"Ironically," Shar said, levering a round into the chamber of the repeater. "It'd be nice to be on Sevarcos and have some wind-gliders with the flash cannon." As primitive as the weapons were, they weren't likely to explode from getting sand in the tibanna gas, since they had none, and they had the power to hammer at the freighter's hull.

"We're ready to go, corporal," one of her squad members from Sevaracos said, draped in the same poncho as Shar, but wearing the loose robes and turbans of Sevarcos.

"Not a corporal on this one," Shar replied, bending low as she picked her way along the dry ground. "Today, we're all Rangers. Just like we trained on Sevaracos- use the desert to your advantage. Stay low and hug the dunes. The heat radiating from the ground can help buy you some time. It'll take a few moments for them to decide if you're real or a mirage."

At least unless the slavers were also familiar with the desert life. She didn't think so, though. They likely wouldn't have been so easy to find out in the desert if they were. But then, this was Kirdo, not Sevaracos. The culture was different. The environment was different. It was entirely possible that moving unseen in the desert was less of a thing here.




The winds on Kirdo were wicked and today was considered a mild, mannered sort of day. The forward operating base that served as their home away from home was having one heck of a time battling the winds. Damned and determined to rip the bolts right out of their sockets the wind screamed through the forward base. The poor Rodian Ranger did his best to make his voice heard, Mishel got closer to him just so she could hear him better. Mishel got a look at the derelict vessel and figured that perhaps a quick, quiet, and fast approach might be best. They did have the element of surprise - but that only went so far, they had to make sure none of the captured were harmed.

A quick glance over her shoulder and Mishel spotted Shar Vida and her crew heading out. "Right," acknowledged Mishel and turned to head out, and looked over at those present, "Cailen, right?" She recalled having met him on Dagobah, "why don't you and some of the other padawans come along with me." It was less of a question and more of a statement, an order really - however casually relayed. The winds were going to be part of their problem, the other part was making sure the derelict vessel remained intact. It could be retrofitted later for the RTL, an added bonus for sure. In fact, winds like this made Mishel kind of wonder if even Kurayami Bloodborn Kurayami Bloodborn could navigate it.

Grabbing a tusken-raider-like outfit, Mishel was quick to fit it on and slid goggles over her eyes to protect them from the whips of sand that often kicked into the wind. Attention fixated on the exit, the Tygaran headed out after Ranger Vida. "Might do us some good to keep from destroying the vessel outright, could retrofit it for RTL's purposes. I know plenty of folks who can reinforce it for us as well. Gather, the best way to do this is quick and quiet, never let them know what hit'em." Mentioned Mishel matter-of-factly following after Vida, and mostly to anyone around her who had a mind to listen.

Mya stood in front of the holodisplay, lips pursed together as she stared at the data sprawling across the screen. This new syndicate was a concern. Karazak Slaver's Cooperative, she thought they had a handle on, even with the rumors of their alignment with the Hutts. But this was bold, mass abductions on a border world and shooting down a Ranger Corps vessel. They had to know better than that.

Unless they weren't concerned about the consequences, which was indeed possible. But that meant they had backing far deeper than anyone could guess. Or, they were fearless and mad. It was hard to tell. And right now, they did not have nearly enough data to make an assessment either way.

Blood pounded in her ears and she flexed her fist, watching the old faded scars darken briefly across her knuckles from her misspent youth before forcing them to relax, looking ahead and across the briefing room.

They had been rerouted on the way back from Dagobah when they received the distress call and turned the small Rescue Service vessel into a command base for the Ranger Captains and the Council. Not that Mya wanted the Council to be heavily involved at this point. This was a Ranger mission, plain and simple, supported by the Rescue Service. The Council was officially in charge of both, but they were civilians. There was a reason the Charter had built in a gap between the armed services of the League and the Council. It did not bode well for either when they became too intermingled.

After a deep breath, Mya turned away from the display and strode to the viewport, staring at the world below. "Have we been able to get in contact with any of the Kitonak leaders?"




Honestly, Ariel wasn't entirely sure what she was doing here. She'd have rather stayed on Kathol, and yet here she was, an outsider - not a member of anything. Still, slavers were operating in the area and she had a mind to figure out how to stop them. RTL was the best bet, and thus there she stood listening to the distress call on a loop. The First Order would have already dispatched its military to take care of the problem. Unfortunately the Rimward Trade League's while it could hold its own in a fight... They were not the First Order by any stretch of the imagination. Chewing on the inside of her lip momentarily and watched as one woman walked away from the display. They asked if any contact had been made with the indigenous people of Kirdo.

Yet the slaver's bold move of shooting down a vessel, well. There had to be something bigger at play, even if they were aligned with the likes of the Hutt. "How long ago was this distress signal received?" First and foremost they needed to ensure the person in distress would be rescued or at the very least brought home, one way or another. "Do you have data showing just where all the recent activity from this slaver group has occurred? Perhaps a pattern can be spotted?" If it was a matter of technology and manpower, Ariel was sure she could find some way to assist in that regard.

Mya Jesel Mya Jesel | Open to Interaction​

The winds on Kirdo may have been wicked, but when you put a batshit insane Corellian at the controls of a prototype ship that was impossible to miss and told him there were slavers running around causing problems for people, well that was one way to get Kurayami to show up. At least that was how Mishel Mishel had managed to do so today. He had brought his Bulwark-class prototype corvette along, yea yea, ground mission all that jazz, but that was the reason. The small hangar in the back held a rack of eight 74-z speeder bikes they could use to get in and out with less issue. Granted actual extraction of refugees or anyone else would not be able to be done with the bikes, but that could be handled by someone else.

While he set up for a landing as close to the established FOB as he could without drawing too much attention, he went into the back to get himself prepped for the upcoming insanity. He made sure that his saber was in place at his left hip, and on both his left and right thigh sat a holstered MSD-32 disruptor pistol and slung over his shoulder was a DC-17m in carbine configuration. For armor he was in his Aquila armored flightsuit, old but it had served him well through the years. He carried 10 extra clips for the DC-17m since that would be his main weapon and the disruptors would be last resort backups.

The walk to the forward operating base wasn't overly long and he got there in time to get to hear Mishel's rousing speech-orders to the padawans.

"Okay so quick, I'm good with, quiet, I'm alright with...never know what hit 'em. Now you got my specialty. So i got some speeder bikes onboard the ship i brought, eight of 'em. 74-z models, maintained and modded by yours truly. They were old mil-spec surplus so they got the cannons mounted. I tuned the engines for speed and to run a bit smoother than standard, so hopefully not too loud. Still can hold two people if needed. Interested? Oh and for those of you who don't know me, name's Kurayami Bloodborn, Drunken Corellian Savant, at your service."



Location: Kirdo III, Deserts
Equipment: Danger Jacket, Outfit, Discreet Hearing Enhancer - Left Ear, P.U.T. - Right Ear, Long Handled Double Lightsaber, Concealed Sling Bag
Tags: Open

She'd broke away from the Warden guy for a bit. Wanting to explore on her own, maybe learn a bit about the Outer Rim area without the nagging sensation of an older brother over her shoulder.

Her medical episodes not gone but seemingly under control for the time with all of the exponentially worsening situations she had found herself in.

This being yet another it seemed as she stared through the pinched hood of her capelet. Trading attire and even some other odds and ends she'd scrounged out of people's pockets on the way through for less revealing attire since the eyes that lived in the Outer Rim never seemed to leave her be.

Her feet heavy with sand in her boots as she trudged along, wondering just what had possessed her to make that fateful trip to Denon.

Pinching the nape of the hood against the top brim to minimize the overly bright sun that never seemed to relent.

"Ooh force. How the feth, does anyone live here!?" Her stomach grumbled alongside her attitude. A grimace crossing her hidden face as what she guessed was another mirage appeared through a dark streak in the ground ahead.

She'd never missed a more blatant attempt at person snatching again given the environment she'd found herself in. Taking the risk of falling across the dunes while listening to them trill on about a surprise score.

If that was her she had been surprised they hadn't spun around to grab her.

Then again the other people inside seemed a bit more troublesome than she, and leaving them with a half dozen riled up locals likely had something to do with it.

The sand made her steps languid, coming closer to the supposed mirage and stopping before she stepped over what seemed to be the edge to a large ravine.

"Wee-hoo! Let's see if thi-" Her leaning form pausing at the sight of a mass moving just across the way. Arms pumping air as she pushed herself back and falling into the scorching sand behind her.

She rubbed her eyes, fixing the hood again to see one of the local beings perhaps staring at her, or at least in her direction. Even squinting didn't give her a clear sign of either as she waved to them.

"Hey! Hello! Can I-" Her cry for help cut short as they startled and bumbled along a path. If it weren't for the pain in her gut she might have simply watched them go.

She wasn't letting a chance to find water or a meal go however.

She breathed deep, eyeing the edge of the ravine as she scooted sidelong towards it and tried to steady her breathing.

"Come on then, gotta be cooler down there at least." A final word of bravery to herself as she slipped over the edge with a shrill squeal as she fell. "Or quicker than starving!"

For about a meter drop into partial shade and a ledge below.

Feeling properly ashamed for the squeal, her eyes cast about for the local she'd spotted across the way, finding them watching her once more from what they likely figured was a safe distance in a shady spot.

"Can I talk to you please!?" She cupped her hands and hollered, waiting as they seemed content to simply watch her.

She frowned, standing and dusting herself off to take in her surroundings.

A crashed vessel of some variety bridged the gap, though it certainly had been there for some time. The s-foils rustier than anything the padawans had ever come across. The only certainty of its stability the weathered track of steps across what she guessed was the back of the thing.

Shaking her head, she weighed her options quickly with a glance back to the local.

"Just. Hang out there. I guess."



Objective II: Freedom Trail | Location: Kirdo III | Soundtrack: Run Forever



“Cailen, right?”

He nodded, the borrowed pair of Ranger goggles on his face jostling loosely. He reached up to tighten the straps again, shouting over the winds, “Right!”

He was still very green when it came to traveling the galaxy, but if there was one thing he’d learned well from his short list of excursions, it was that he hated sand. Especially when it blows around in the wind, scratching and pitting everything it touches. It clogs up machinery, gets stuck in his clothes, and leaves his body itchy for days.

His eyes turned to BB-4001A as he wondered how his new friend was faring. He didn’t get a chance to ask, though; Kurayami Bloodborn Kurayami Bloodborn was offering them a pack of modified speeder bikes to make the trek over the ridge. Anything to get them through the sandstorm quickly and quietly was a great idea to Cailen, and doing it in style brought a closed-lipped grin to his face.

“These could do the trick, Master!” Cailen called out to Mishel Mishel . He nudged BB with his elbow, his eyes full of excitement behind the tinted goggle lenses.

“Two-seater! D’ya wanna pair up?”




[ outfit ] [ datapad ] [ heart ]

[ post theme ]​
His memory banks contained information on the Kurdan Desert.

The sight of it was... quite a bit more impressive than mere data might have suggested.

"Okay so quick..."

The small droid politely turned to regard Kurayami Bloodborn Kurayami Bloodborn as he addressed the loose assortment of individuals who had shown up to support the Rescue Service.

For his part, the choice of accompanying the mission was one of pure logic. Humans were not well equipped for the whistles and clicks required for speaking Kitonese. And, for the same reason, Kitonak struggled with speaking Basic.

"Oh and for those of you who don't know me, name's Kurayami Bloodborn, Drunken Corellian Savant, at your service."

The blue- and violet-haired droid started to bow slightly toward this Master Bloodborn, when an elbow caught him in the side. Turning his head, the droid looked over at Cailen Corso Cailen Corso and then over at the mentioned speeder bikes.

"I have no objection to accompanying you," the chore bot responded in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Would you care to pilot? Or would you like for me to operate the speeder?"

He would make no presumptions, but he calculated the probability of the human wanting to have control over the craft as significant.
Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

Agent Solari had been embedded on the world for a while now.

The rumored resurgence of the Slaver Cartel had peaked Arcadia's interest. This was all that mattered. Even if the planet was sandy. Even if it was windy. Even if the people on-site were exhausting meat puppets. But they were everywhere it seemed. Nothing to be done about it. Regardless, Solari found a ship or one that approximated a ship anyway. Junk, but it could be repaired.

Its mission was done. Seeds sown and Arcadia would have some willing operatives soon enough.

Right in the middle of jury-rigging the ship to get the hell outta dodge? Solari rose up and stared intently at a random piece of hull. A bit beyond it was Lossa, in the middle of her yell to the locals, which alerted it.

Blaster was ready. If possible Solari would try and dissuade the meat, but if that didn't work? They'd have to find a different solution that was a bit more proactive and far more aggressive. "Calm down. I will try and be diplomatic." Solari spoke out loud to the screaming voice in the back of its head. Then again it was less screaming and more a whimpering whine.

As Lossa looked back at the local?

Solari poked a head out of the gaping maw which was the semi hangars of the junker freighter.

"Hello, fellow human!" That was the correct wordage, it thought. It related them immediately to what they had in common. "What brings you to these dreary and sandy parts?"

Nailed it.

Tag: Jun Chiyo

Middle of nowhere......

Jun is driving........

I'm probably gonna die.....

Aiden glanced at the hologram map as he sat in the land speeder next to Jun as he directed her to their destination. She had inquired if she could drive and well Aiden couldn't pilot to save his life, he was sure driving was the same thing for him. "According to these readings and if I am navigating us in the correct direction we should be able to see the deep canyon over this next hill." The pair were on a treasure hunt of sorts, well he wouldn't quite call it that. There was readings of crystals and other deposits of such buried deep in these canyon and perhaps caves that were beneath them. However, Aiden was hoping to find something more of historical value and such. Something that could go down in the archives that could benefit all the Jedi and free people of the world.

"Are you ready for this?! Aiden inquired with a rather excited tone as he gave Jun a nudge with his arm.

This was probably one of the few times that he recalled being outside of the confines of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Oh what a day it is going to be.

"Just keep your eyes peeled, we could run into some hostiles, just be careful! You are doing great by the way!" Aiden said flashing her a big smile.
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Tides of Change


Tags: Drowa Drowa | Kurayami Bloodborn Kurayami Bloodborn | Mishel Mishel | Shar Vida
Objective 2: Freedom Trail

In the sand dunes of KIRDO III...


Elias stepped off the ledge of the shuttle cabin, landing with a soft thud as his boots hit the sand. He held his headscarf against the wind, adjusted his rebreather, and gave the outpost a scan through the dusty lenses of his goggles. He quickly spotted a group of familiar faces near the center of camp and walked over to join them, taking a spot beside Mishel Mishel as the mission briefing began. The Ranger got straight to the point, a practice Elias found to be most effective in high-stakes operations like this; Dozens of innocent lives hung in the balance, and a single slip could mean the difference between life or death.

A small shift in the Force caught Elias' attention, pulling his eyes to the diminutive Jawa beside him. He placed a hand on the Padawan's shoulder, easing his telepathic voice into Drowa's nervous mind.

<"You're going to do fine, just keep your eyes peeled and stay close to me.">

When the briefing was finished, Elias flashed a reassuring smile to the other Padawans, hoping his calm demeanor might encourage them on the tough mission ahead.

"BB, Cailen," he said, "watch after one another out there. Follow Master Mishel's lead, and have each other's backs." It was important to keep the younger Jedi optimistic; If they lost their cool, they could do just as much damage as any other member of the rescue team. They had each other, though, and Mishel as well. He was actually more worried for the slavers than the trio standing before him.

He turned to Drowa, lending a hand to help the Padawan climb aboard one of the speeder bikes before joining him.

"We'll meet you over the ridge!" Elias shouted to Mishel as he kicked the speeder into gear. Its engines rumbled low, barely audible over the winds that battered the outpost. These slavers would have no idea what's coming for them.
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Location: Kirdo III, Deserts
Equipment: Danger Jacket, Outfit, Discreet Hearing Enhancer - Left Ear, P.U.T. - Right Ear, Long Handled Double Lightsaber, Concealed Sling Bag
Tags: Erich Solari Erich Solari

She'd huffed at the local seeming to ignore her until a strange greeting caught her attention. Blinking at the very distinct phrase of, fellow human as she peered about to find the source.

Oh yeah, the shade was definitely a needed thing of that was how she was hearing a greeting.

"Uh, hi. To you too, fellow. Human." She wasn't about to argue with the only seemingly viable source of shade and intelligible contact however about being Zeltron.

She hung out at the mouth of the hangar, enjoying the dramatic drop in temperature as she pulled the hood back. The pleased sigh broken only by the attempt to let her eyes adjust to the dim interior with a few rubs and blinks.

She'd heard of being light blind but experiencing it was another thing.

"A very, generous, and continuing run. Of bad luck. And maybe, bad choices." A final set of blinks letting her see the defined lines of the interior rather than huge blankets of shaded space. "Mostly bad luck."

She breathed in, leaning against the doorway eyes closed for a second. Logic and reason fluttering in to disrupt her brief slice of relief. Something she was loathe to do as she remained leaned against the pillar, enjoying the slightly cooler metal on her skin.

"You aren't one of those weirdos picking people up, are you?" Opening both eyes to get a better idea of who she was dealing with. Brow arching slightly at the rather intriguing vision inside. Of a likely equally heat ridden man standing before her. Or a really elaborate mirage.

A handsome mirage at least.

"Cause your buddies already threw me off the skiff. And I didn't that journey the first time." Sighing at the thought of trying to find another shady spot in this forsaken place.

Was he actually here? Or just a part of her brain trying to make the best of its last pre-fried moments.

Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus


She was even responding positively to its announcement. This only served to confirm Solari's confidence. However, as Lossa came closer and settled in the shade, it realized something strange. The human. Was. Pink. It eyed it a bit closer. This was the issue with being embedded on a primitive world with barely any HoloNet access.

Solari was missing the majority of its mental faculties. Literal ones.

"You are pink." It said out of nowhere as it looked her up and down with some concern. "Did you receive a burn from the sun? It does not look very healthy to you." Added helpfully as it finally stepped down the stairs and looked along with her towards their surroundings.


Blinking in thought it quickly shook its head.

"No, I am perfectly normal, I assure you." The behavior didn't seem to match the words perfectly however. Then again, Solari wasn't making any overt aggressive actions to her and wasn't trying to kidnap her. "Are you normal?" Asked there cautiously. It was still a bit confused by the pink shade and rather concerned by it.

Could its organic body contract a pink sickness?

It involuntarily took a few steps back for safety purposes.

"I have been trying to fix this ship to get off the planet." Solari added there finally as it looked back towards the hunk of junk. "Truthfully I am not an engineer nor a pilot. I am concerned I will render myself inoperable if I try to fly it upwards."

Originally Solari was planning on either taking her out or dissuading her from entering the ship. But perhaps this could be beneficial to them both.
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Location: Kirdo III | Soundtrack: New Worlds



Kel sighed as the transmission played over again, his eyes flicking to Breha Sal-Soren beside him. Her presence brought the old Bothan a small amount of comfort, a familiar face in a sea of strange new bedfellows. He appreciated her loyalty, oftentimes finding himself unable to believe that she departed the Galactic Alliance to join him on the frontier.

He wondered if she found the chaos of the Outer Rim was just as attractive as he did. Endless possibilities, years of work to be done and purpose to fulfill, all without the inherent shadow of war and corruption. Naive, some may say, but Kel knew a good opportunity when he saw one. The Rimward Trade League was the best he’d had in years.

"Have we been able to get in contact with any of the Kitonak leaders?"

“Afraid not, Ma’am,” the crewman responded.

“The Kitonak lack the technology to reach out on their own. They’re a… simple people.”

"Do you have data showing just where all the recent activity from this slaver group has occurred? Perhaps a pattern can be spotted?"

“In and around the Sanrafsix Corridor, mostly overlooked worlds like this.”

Kel nodded. He’d seen the reports, reviewed some of the signals - few that they were.

It was clear that this was no run-of-the-mill slave ring; Targeted raids on border worlds, going after sentients who were technologically challenged, avoiding the trade routes and market worlds… these were all red flags of something much deeper than the League has faced in recent years.

Even when serving the Alliance Senate, Kel had never dealt with slavers as well-organized as this. He entered the conversational lull, building on the thoughts of Ariel Yvarro Ariel Yvarro .

“It’s clear the Corridor is their preferred hunting grounds,” Kel said matter-of-factly.

“But where are they taking their victims? We’ve yet to find a true outpost or base, only razed villages and abandoned camps.”



Objective II: Freedom Trail | Location: Kirdo III | Soundtrack: Run Forever


"Would you care to pilot? Or would you like for me to operate the speeder?"

“Hrm…” Cailen murmured, taking a moment to think it over. His goggled eyes found Master Edo and Drowa Drowa nearby as they boarded one of the bikes, the former opting to pilot for his diminutive companion.

As cool as taking the driver’s spot would be, it dawned on Cailen quickly that he didn’t actually know how to operate a speeder bike. His gaze returned to the droid, humble eyes looking at him from behind the grimy lenses.

“Why don’t you drive, BB! I’m uh- not entirely sure I’d get us there without crashing,” Cailen said loudly over the wind. He was more than happy to follow the droid’s lead, and maybe pick up a thing or two about speeders along the way.

He turned to Mishel Mishel , cupping a hand around his mouth as he called out to her.

“Master! BB and I will be right behind you!”

Ariel Yvarro Ariel Yvarro Kel Se'Taav Kel Se'Taav Breha Sal-Soren Redarr Syko

The Jedi claimed the future was always in motion and that nothing was ever certain. She had never believed it but sharing a ship's conference room with a Yvarro of the old First Order was undoubtedly evidence in the Jedi's favor. But Kel spoke before she could and Mya turned, inclining her head in acknowledgment.

"See if any of the Jedi were already on the planet," Mya said after a moment. "Tiland Kortun was just here on a minor pilgrimage some months ago and make some interesting contacts. There may be some communications still extant between them."

The Sanrafsix Corridor. Even among the Outer Rim, that hyperlane had a poor reputation, sandwiched between the more luxurious Five Veils and the Rimma.

"It's clever," Mya had to admit, studying a holomap of the region, tracing the route up and down the three-dimensional map. "More or less neutral worlds serving as a buffer or contested zone between the League and the Sith." She highlighted the two respective borders, adding some shades to color the area between the two where their respective influences clashed. "Hyperlane for fast transit. Easy access to both the Rimma and the Five Veils with their increased traffic. It makes it easy to disappear from normal travel routes without having the frequent stops of the more commercially developed worlds."

No, she had to conclude this was something professional. Led by someone with a keen understanding of interstellar strategy and evasion.




Ariel moved to get a closer look at the galactic map, her focus on the worlds that had been the favored worlds of this cartel. "That might be so," focused as she was on the area. "Do we have information on when this started, which world?" She inquired, the Sanrafsix Corridor was certainly a spot - and if memory serves there was a nice hyperspace lane near it - now she wanted to see if any others were close enough that they could use. As Mya discussed the slaver's clever take, how they've been using a fast hyperspace lane and worlds that were sandwiched between the RTL and the SIth Order. Taking in a breath, she exhaled, "but that doesn't mean that we cannot use that for our own advantage."

"Forgive me, if this has already been done, but..."
Ariel chewed on the inside of her lip a moment or two, "has there been no intelligence operative or even a liaison, who could get to know this guild?" If anything they can shadow someone from the guild and get an inside person to provide information to RTL. At the very least they could study this guild's methodology, this way their intelligence unit could get ahead of others like them and prevent them from razing villages and abducting people.

She mentioned it, only because, Ariel was certain - the Imperials would've been way ahead of the issue. It meant that she needed to go to Primo Victoria's archives and see what she could pull, and donate to the RTL's efforts to ensure no family had to suffer what hundreds if not thousands had already.

Mya Jesel Mya Jesel | Kel Se'Taav Kel Se'Taav | Breha Sal-Soren | Open to Interaction​
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Location: Kirdo III, Deserts
Equipment: Danger Jacket, Outfit, Discreet Hearing Enhancer - Left Ear, P.U.T. - Right Ear, Long Handled Double Lightsaber, Concealed Sling Bag
Tags: Erich Solari Erich Solari

She couldn't ignore the comment about her skin. Not when paired with the fellow human comment. This person had to be one of those backwater folks looking to get off world for the first time.

Better to not agitate them.

"Uh. Yeah. I'm, a Zeltron. And it's actually kind of hard to tell if I got burnt. All of us have pinkish skin. Or other shades. So a sunburn might not. Show." A thought she had never had until this conversation, feeling her face a little to see if it felt tight or pained.

The comment about being normal eliciting a grimace.

Normal didn't seem to be in their range of abilities. But it was a better interaction than she'd had for most of the day, and she wasn't about to point out the oddities in her new acquaintance.

At least not until she was asked if she was normal and took some steps back.

"Other than being heat exhausted, largely normal." Sighing as she didn't let the comment remain in her mind.

"As for weirdos. I mean, like those sleemos that were taking people. But you don't seem the sort so no worries there." She huffed, pinching the hood a little and pulling it back and forth to move some air around her head.

They spoke about the scrap heap they were in. Attempting to fix it for space travel. Her eyes wide as she looked inside.

"I. Hmm. That seems a tall order. Helped my cousin once with a skyhopper. I think." Still leery about the possible space worthiness of the corpse of the thing. "I might be able to help a bit."

She knew what things were supposed to look like. Could recall a couple of details Briana had mentioned. Maybe.

Wearing: Sealed Armorweave Flight Suit

Armed With: Nathan's Lightsaber
Force Pike (Non Lethal Setting)
Stronghand Bow (8 Stun Arrows, 8 Acid Arrows, 4 Spear Point Arrows)
Ionised Stun Pistol (2 Clips)

Equipment: Medkit (2 Healing Stims, Two Bacta Patches, one Bacta Vial, Stich Needles/Twine, Scalpel, Forceps, Burn Ointment)
Ration Kit (2 Condensed Protein Bars, Bottled Water)
Mini Emergency Flares (3)
Mini Tactical Flashlight
Ammo Belt

Arrived in: Lysandra-1


Days earlier...

Nathan and Moya fought in the derelict holotennis chamber which had been cleared out in an equally derelict Luxury Station.

She was a strange creature. A prototype, Force Powered Android with shape shifting capability. Flawed. And unstable design due to an overheat flaw his Master had been unable to correct before deploying.

Moya Virtu Moya Virtu was one of a kind. He was acutely aware of how lonely that must be, given how he was the last of his kind. (He did not consider his daughter a Bloodscrawl.)

Moya had come to the chamber in the form of a pale athletic looking woman with long red hair, wearing that purple catsuit. Apparently, his daughter had designed equipment to mitigate her overheating problem...

This version of her was fast and strong, battering away at his defenses with Juyo attacks. Try as he might, he had yet to successfully defend himself against's unpredictable nature frustrated all his typical defensive options. Continually he was pushed back, until he was too exhausted to fight.

"Up..." Moya commanded, some of her more emotional, empathetic traits disabled due to the processing power required to run all her combat abilities in this form.

"I'm out of energy. My body is exhausted." Nathan replied.

"The enemy will not care." Moya replied. "Up."

Nathan grunted as he forced himself back up. Moya immediately attacked him again, giving him no room, offering him no quarter.

Nathan felt every muscle shriek in him as they strained to their absolute limit to provide him every last ounce of energy.

She floored him in five seconds flat. Her white training blade was at his neck.

"In a real fight, I would have attacked you far quicker. Been even more unpredictable..." Moya spoke. "Things got more brutal since the Plague in some ways. You're gonna be up against the worst of the worst, and if the Lightsaber is to be your primary method of dealing with them, then you better treat that sucker like it's your only rope out of a pit."

"Lady, I was using Lightsabers when I turned 007..." Nathan muttered. "And I have had people trying to kill me my entire life."

Moya stepped back, stricken.

"What?" Nathan asked snidely. "Was I too salty about losing again?"

"Julia said the exact same thing to me once. Those exact words." Moya replied.

She shut off her blade. "I will not train you anymore today. Get some rest."

Moya left a now deeply unsettled Nathan alone.

Later that day...

Moya's words were like scratches on his Brain as he got out of the shower, dreading whether or not a Brain Demon Witch would try and harass him with a mental visitation.

He dried himself off, got dressed in cheap heart patterned pajamas and found Moya's pet Rabbit, Cortosis, waiting by his cheap mattress in one corner of the office.

He stared at the creature Laertia had once loved with all her heart.

It hesitantly hopped up to him, sniffing his feet. He looked at Moya, still in that pale form, sitting on her bed in the other corner of the Office, reading poetry.

Nathan got in bed, letting it hop onto his cheap blanket. It snuggled up to him.

His grim expression didn't change as he petted it's furry scalp. He was asleep minutes later, the rabbit snuggled next to his side.


The League had given him quite the assignment. In the ongoing efforts to identify and rid the system of slavers, word had spread that they were seeking out some sort of edge against their many enemies. They were not taking the League's increased interest in their efforts lying down.

The Wild Knight's had been dispatched to scout a supposed fortress in the desert that scans had been unable to get a proper read on, due to the severe storms. The Slavers had moved in around the "Fortress" only very recently. Most suspected it was something built during the Plague, by offworlders who had visited.

Nathan, having gotten established in a recent battle against the Sith had managed to get his Aurek repaired. Most pilots snorted at his choice in using the battered, hand me down used Starfighter, until they saw him shoot someone down with it. It was the best he could do at the's simple, primitive controls, unadorned by modern bells and whistles, were easiest for him to understand and spare parts were massively cheap and massively easy to come by. It was easy to fix to. He had gotten a free repair after fighting so that had been good on his financial situation.

He hadn't had much chance to get to know other Knights in this group beyond Roth Tillian Roth Tillian . He was quiet except when he had a specific question during briefings.

They had paired him up with another new recruit, a laid back, boisterous Padawan who hadn't fit in well with the quiet temple setting. He hadn't either, but not because he was loud. He was ultra quiet most times.

He never rested. Always business. Never casual. Never relaxed. When he wasn't on duty, he was training. He wasn't rude. But he was never warm either.

The mission would be simple. Land just outside the Fortress's estimated sensor range, and conduct the rest of the scouting mission on foot, making their way to it via the cover of the ship graveyard it lay beyond. And find out if the Slavers had managed to get inside it. If at all possible, remove whatever perimeter guard has been established and secure the Fortress. They also had permission to pacify targets of opportunity in their path

"There..." The Padawan, Kinea Lewylyn said over comms, pointing to the shattered hangar of a downed acclimator, shielded from the storms due to wreckage from other ships.

They flew in low, she flying one of the Zenith Fighters. They weren't far from the fortress, and out of the way of the more heavily inhabited ruins.

Nathan landed first, Kinea second, and Nathan was out and grabbing his gear.

Kinea was a lithe woman, shorter than he was, equipped with a worn, slightly scratched and banged up Lightsaber. She had chestnut colored hair, cut short, and fair skinned.

"I hope they haven't got any of its defenses running..." Kinea remarked. "These scumbags have killed enough people as it is."

"If they have, it matters not. We're here to make sure they don't keep it..." Nathan replied in a voice bereft of warmth, not removing his Flight Suit, the helmet of which completely obscured his face.

"Let's go..."

Fourteen minutes later.

The sand storm was so bad they could barely see a few meters ahead of them. They stayed silent, communicating mainly by hand signals as they navigated the treacherous graveyard of ships.

He saw the glow of a camp fire in the distance and signalled her to slow down. They spotted a slaver patrolling a perimeter, using a thermal imaging scope on his rifle.

Nathan teleported behind him, Force Pike in hand, and looped it around the Slaver's neck and proceeded to choke him out with it, dragging him back to their initial hiding spot behind ship debris...

Nathan clamped down on the slaver's neck...

"I think it's time for an impromptu Q&A session..." Nathan growled.

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