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Approved Tech Kirk's Cybernetic Arm

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Unpainted model, and before minor synthflesh coating added

Intent: Due to Kirk's cybernetic right arm being a key trait of the character, this is in order to legitimize some of the unorthodox features of the arm. Most features are similar to Cad Bane's iconic wrist gauntlet.
Development Thread: None
Hero Unit: N/A
Manufacturer: BioTech Industries
Model: Prostetic arm
Affiliation: Kirk
Modularity: None
Production: Unique
Material: Desh-alloy
Quality: Resistant to light blaster and slugthrower fire. Weak to heavy blaster and slugthrower fire and lightsaber strikes.
  • On-contact stunner (Lethal/non-lethal adjustable shock, contact through hand)
  • Cable launcher (Palm-launched, grapple spike, made of conductive fibercord, max-length of 15 meters)
Misc. Equipment:
  • Control console (Posterior forearm near wrist, for using and adjusting the settings of equipment, hidden when not in use)
  • Comlink (Speaker and mic on control console, audio recording capabilities)
  • Data uplink (For trans-planet communication, requires friendly satelites/ships capable of subspace transmission)
  • Storage (Posterior upper arms, no object larger than 6in x 4in x 4in dimensions, no more than 5 kg)

Description: Sometime just after 825 ABY, Kirk lost his right arm in an unfortunate accident while on a mission for Imperial Intelligence (they "borrowed" him from the Navy for a while). Once he recovered, he was given a prostetic arm with the intent of increasing his combat prowess while on the ground as well as increasing his capabilities as an agent.

The cybernetic arm fulfilled the functions any normal arm would do. By 835 ABY, Kirk had gotten used to the feeling of the prostetic arm and was able to use it just like a natrual one. It had a blue finish to the plastic layer on the surface. This gave most of the arm a matte, off-color look that reminded the Chiss of the loss he had. Synthflesh of the same shade as his skin covered the joints of the arm.

A control console allowed Kirk to utalize many of the other featuers of the cybernetic arm. For most of the time, Kirk hid the console behind a slide that could retract into his arm. On the console was a multitde of buttons that could adjust the settings of certain equipment and use them.

The arm came with a couple other features beyond normal. A contact stunner allowed for Kirk to either stun or kill (human sized) targets. The power necessary for lethal use of the stunner made the arm incapable of doing anything but move for about a minute - disabling most of the auxilary features. Wearing gloves made this feature impossible to use. The stunner was activated by a button on the control console.

Along with the stunner was a cable launcher that acted much like a grapple hook. It could have allow Kirk to swing across gaps or reach high places. The cable itself was conductive, which allowed Kirk to use it along with his stunner to incapacitate targets from affar if he could wrap the cable around them. Gloves also made this feature impossible to use effectively. Kirk could use the control console to fire the grappling spike and retract the cable either by a certain distance or all the way back. The cable could handle pulling a force up to twice Kirk's weight on standard gravity over a long distance.

For communication, Kirk's arm have a comlink that allowed him to speak to others in the same planet or very astronomically close to him. The data uplink feature of this comm system allowed him to contact others through subspace provided that a ship or satellite he could utalize with subspace transceivers was available.

Finally, a little storage compartment in his upper arm allowed Kirk to keep several small items he wished to keep hidden on his person. It would open or close itself on command of a button on the control console. Because of its size, Kirk would not have been able to hide most weapons beyond a small knife. Yet, he could store things such as datachips and vials of certain liquids.
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