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Dominion Kiss of the Hutt | EE Dominion of Hoth and Mataou (SGWH)




What do Corellian Trade Spine, Hoth and Mataou have in common? Aside from all three entities being adjacent to the Eternal Empire, they all are in very close proximity to the Hoth Hypergate. Be that as it may, the place is also very important for trade, and on the other hand, it has historical significance harkening back to the Galactic Civil war, where the Galactic Empire won a great victory over the Rebel Alliance. The list could go on for days, but the present situation is more important today.

The Eternal Empire began to regain its never-before-seen light on the galactic stage as well, which is why it was important to strengthen not only the northern but also the southern regions. Strengthening Imperial supremacy in the region is also important because of the need to supervise trade, as it can bring a lot of money and revenue for the state. Then there's the Hypergate. It is well known that both the Eternal Empress and the heiress to the throne have a very close relationship with the Netherworld, so it was not surprising that the Empire also wanted to bring the Hoth Hypergate under its control, which was currently run by the underworld organisation known as The Frost Claw.

They still pose a very strong threat to the rule of the Black Sun, and also to the underworld of the Eternal Empire as a whole, controlled and supervised with an iron grasp. Both the desert world of Mataou and the frosty world of Hoth were ruled by Plarva the Hutt, the Mandalorian killer who had close ties to Frost Claw and allied with former CIS warlords and warlords. He and his men were also in charge of the Hypergate. It is rumoured that this group even maintained contact with the Sith and traded regularly with the Panatha system.

With all factors being considered, it should come as no surprise that the Eternal Empire has decided to put an end to the case and try to find out what is true from the rumours, and of course want to put this region under its own control to oversee the trade route and the Hypergate as well.



Objective 1: Divide and Conquer
In order for the Eternal Empire to rule the region, the trade route, and Hypergate;this sector of space has to be brought under its control. This requires the occupation and release of the Hoth Hypergate among others. It is guarded by the men, mercenaries and fleet of Plarva the Hutt. That is why the Eternal Empire has sent a large battlefleet here to destroy the enemy and secure the area. The enemy is currently present with countless capital ships assembled in a considerably larger fleet, so stiff resistance is to be expected.

OOC NB: Hypergate can't be destroyed just by Annihilation, so no one should try that.

Objective 2: Dark Secrets
As the fleet tries to assert its influence and power in space around Hoth and defeat the enemy, ground units try to occupy a base and obtain information from there. The base is located inside an ancient Star Destroyer that is half above the ground, half frozen and below, probably going underground. It is also a base owned by Plarva the Hutt. Based on the work of Blackwatch’s agents, there may be information at the base that links Plarva not only to Frost Claw but also to Panatha’s interests. That is why it is vital that the relationship with the Sith be explored. The base is also protected by various mercenaries, underworld humans, and droids.

Objective 3: Desert Power and Race
Plarva the Hutt, at home on the planet Mataou, is constantly appearing in pieces of Mandalorian armour to his subordinates, thus showing that he has killed not just one, but many Mandalorians in his past. He is now holding a large-scale ball for underworld figures, and intends to wear his armour as a show of strength. In addition, there is a podracer race in the deep desert of the planet for those who are interested. You can place bets, spy on the Frost Claw, start the race, and of course you can come to this place to kill the hutt. The event is in his own palace, with a large number of bodyguards, as it is expected to be attacked by other underworld members and the Mandalorians who are seeking revenge.

Objective 4: BYOO
Bring your own story, there is an entire hex worth of stories to be told. Have fun in any way that you please!

Silhana Lolaes'ra
Lynne Tal’kira aka Lady Orchid; The Angel-faced killer
Ver'alor (Lieutenant), member of the Clan Cadera; Bounty Hunter, Headmistress of the House Orchid and The Hounty Hunters' Guild
Objective: Ruin the party and kill the Hutt
Location: Near to Plarva the Hutt's palace,
Equipment: 2x Sunfury Pistol | 2x Beskad | Beskar'gam | Mandalorian vambrace || Stealth field generator || OPBC-01m
Tags: Open
[ Mando music ]
"Galactic Basic" | <"Mandalorian"> | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

"I know this may be important to Black Sun and to you, but I have a duty to kill that wretched slug because he killed other Mandalorians." I told Arturo Braga Arturo Braga before I went to Plarva's party.

There was no other option; there was no other way, that monster had to die. What the worm, the slug did, there was no circumstance that would have alleviated his fate. And today he had a party. It's almost a call to the waltz. Luckily, I had my own morals, so I was worried about potential civilians and slaves. Those who assisted this worm are not interested to me. But I still stuck to my own code. I will not kill those who have not served to this fate. I mean, I'm trying to avoid it.

True, I was not here today as a bounty hunter, but as a Mandalorian. Those armours had to get back to the clans whose members were killed by this Hutt. I waited in a pre-arranged place to where the others would come. According to the data, the party inside the Hutt Palace has already begun, the entertainment has started. I checked my weapons, everything's fine. I was ready.

It was actually the first time when I actually wore beskar'gam and not just my bounty hunter armour. By now, I had become a full-fledged Mandalorian and had achieved being an “adult” at last. Needless to say, because of my appearance and armour, many people looked at me. The local guards, all of them who wore the symbol of Plarva, and they stared suspiciously. They had no idea how much they were right.

And I was one of the more peaceful Mandos. I checked the time, there were still a few minutes left for the others to arrive. At least based on what was discussed. Some mercenaries stared at me again. I smiled charmingly under my helmet and waved at them as well. The others could come too, it would have been nice if we could have ruined the party already.

And of course, I would have liked the presence of Arturo Braga Arturo Braga


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Objective: Honour dead Vode by killing a slug
Location: Near the Hutts Palace
Tags: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera
Equipment: Beskar'gam, lightsabers, healing supplies, 3 thermal detonators, EF-M401e Rampage, Healing Blaster type A

Anashja Tal had come to represent the honor of Clan Tal on this day, she knew at least one of the stolen suits once belonged to her vod and that crime would not go unpunished. She had recognised the armour of a mandalorian she had not long know, and approached her, remaining casual. Tal were not known as a warlike clan but there were certain duties under the code that must be fulfilled.

"You wear that armour well, Cadera" she said with a tone of friendship and respect to Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera . It was always an honor to be present for anothers confirmation and ws glad to actually go out and fight along side her.

"I see a lot of potential collateral victims here, I dont like it. I hope we are on the same page regards avoiding unnecessary casualties." Anashja was aware Silhanna knew her alor so it was a safe assumption that Anashja wasn't here with the intention of killing innocents.

"Got a plan for if this goes south?" she used her dreamsight to tranfer a map to Sil with a hand of Tal marked on it. If Sil accepted it would clearly be the location of Ana's drop ship. "This is mine, meet you there if your escape plan is compromised."

As she spoke she checked her own weapon, the rounds she had picked for her shotgun were hollowpoint, nasty and thoroughly lethal, but much less likely to punch straight through the target and into the head of some innocent serving girl behind him. She cracked the safety off and quietly pulled the slider. She looked up at Silhanna and nodded to indicate she was ready.

Khalid Abbas

TAGS: Open


With the fleet duking it out in orbit, the ground forces managed to slip through and enter the atmosphere, only taking minimal casualties from the Hutt's ships overhead and the orbital defenses from the base. Khalid rocked a magazine into his rifle and slung it over his chest, looking at the rest of the units in the gunship. A queasy grimace adorned his features as the gunship rocked from flak explosions outside. "So far, so good." He commented, pulling his buff over his face.

He was never a fan of the snow, very much preferring frigid heat to hell-holes like this... but they had a job to do. Hellhounds would infiltrate while the Ultranauts covered them and did their thing. Their help was going to come in handy, given the target they were facing. An old Star Destroyer filled with mercenaries and other unsavoury characters, those only being the ones noticed by Blackwatch before they were all deployed. For all he knew, there could be other surprises waiting for them once they got inside. "You all know what to do! Just keep your heads down, those turbol-" He didn't even get a chance to finish his sentence as an explosion rocked the gunship, throwing them all around the compartment as it steadily started to lose altitude. "Hey, hey, HEY!" The Kandaran shouted as it started to tilt belly-up.

The gunship finally crashed into the snow, leaving a stripe of fluids and debris behind as it skidded along the surface. With a long groan, Khalid pulled himself from the floor and checked himself. Luckily, him and the rest didn't seem too banged up. "LZ is luckily not too far." He commented, checking the map as he slid on his helmet. "Let's move!"

The blast doors were blown off their hinges and the passengers spilled out, rifles at the ready in case they were attacked. At least the other gunships covered them pretty decently. "Check the pilots!" He ordered some of his men while the rest formed a perimeter around the downed gunship.

Kessia Miran / Agent Chameleon
Knight Warden of the Wardens of the Shroud, Agent of Blackwatch, sithspawn, L’lerim’s right hand, Agent of Nite, Member of the Hellhounds
Objective: Gather information
Location: Near to the Hutt's base; Hoth
Equipment: Væringi MK. I Assassin Armour | 2x Sunfury Pistol | 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | 2x Red blade lightsaber shoto | Cloaking Device | Amuler of Many | 5x ASBF Probe Droid || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tags: Khalid Abbas | Open
[ Rise of the Empire ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

It was very striking to Kessia that she was only sent to places where there was snow and ice lately. Many times she had to replace the Empress as a body double, as a shape-shifter it was easy, but Kessia didn’t like the cold, that was the Empress only. She would have preferred a warm, tropical, or even desert planet. Like the other place where there was action nearby. The planet of the Hutt; yes it would have been perfect for her. But today she had to be an agent again and get information.

Chameleon, true to her name, performed countless different duties in the Eternal Empire. Among other things, one of her incognitos was the current director of Blackwatch. This is how the Eternal Empress has kept an eye on the organisation to this day and controlled it from the shadows. Because of Wardens of the Shroud, a person in the executive chair who knew about the Force User organisation was needed. Otherwise, she also needed a shadow leader to keep them a secret from the actual director. And that's tiring.

In addition, she was secretly the Empress's right hand and executor, her shadow. It's not like she's had this thing so many times. The Empress preferred to do delicate matters herself. But sometimes she also had a chance or two to have fun. Like today, where she could have a simple agent again. Exactly, Kessia was in her "official" role as Agent Chameleon, member of the Hellhounds.

She arrived with a different dropship than Khalid Abbas, and she jumped out of her own dropship with her team near the man and her team. Kessia's men were immediately stationed between the position of Abbas' team and the approaching mercenaries to protect their own allies. It was the woman who went closer to them. Through MANIAC, she asked for the name of the team and who the members were, who was the leader. So she already knew who to address.

<"First Lieutenant Abbas, this is Special Agent Chameleon, Hellhounds."> she introduced herself.

She waited for the other to react, then continued.

<"The engineers and the medical unit will take over the task here. We have orders, we have to move on. Are you and your team ready to continue the mission?"> she asked him.



Gear: Flight Beskar'gam, Glastros Undercover Armor, 1x modified Trayc'kal, 1x Zygerrian Electro-Whip, 1x Sith Cultist Lightsaber, 1x Bando Gora Needle Disruptor

Vaux clicked her Trayc'kad's hammer and cylinder around as she listened to Anashja and Silhana. She hadn't really worked with either, but this was something she wanted to get done as much as any Mando. Mig had training to do with his boys, so Vaux was quick to volunteer. She'd brought everything she could realistically carry. Maybe she could've brought the particle shotgun too, but Vaux had a feeling a rifle-sized weapon wouldn't help her here. When Ana noted the potential casualties, Vaux spoke up.

"I can't say I'm too concerned about more then a few of the underground types at this party. Especially depending on what... 'businesses' they've got their mitts in." She then noted Sil, looking at her armor. "And what she said. New armor looks good. But plan wise.... We have a plan to get inside right? Doubt the Mandalorian killing Hutt will take kindly to us showing up."

Anashja Tal Anashja Tal Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera

Location: Hoth, Graveyard (Near the Hutt's Base)
Gear: Staff of the Damned / Talisman of the Witch / Magical Gems / Bow of Immolation / Hilt
Familiar: Archimedes
Tags: ?

To the undead, the colder the better. Winter chills, frozen locker cabinets, and anything to preserve our flesh was more than appreciated. And here upon Hoth, nothing was more acceptable than just the cold; but the history of the planet. I came here to kill a Hutt, I think, or at least it's supporters. I hate Hutts, like the Moons hate the Suns. Indifference I suppose. Forgive me, I'm an undead, a vampire with lesser morals than your bastard children; but I maintain a reasonable sense to killing. I eat, as all Vamps do, but I'm selective in my choice of morsels. I love the wicked, the deceitful, the murderous, the evil doer: call it an acquired taste, but I enjoy as one might enjoy a bantha steak still bleeding and baying upon their plate.

I'm not one of those Wardens of the Shroud, or anything connected to a title of the Eternal Empire. I'm what you would call: a problem solver. If titles must be bestowed, I'm a Nightsister of a dying, if not dead clan. 'Tis been awhile since I been back to Dathoimr; there is an unreligious chance I'm the last of my clan; but I doubt it. My clan survives in ways that is not categorized or cataloged by visitors to Dathmoir. Monsters, that's my sisters. But I've aligned myself with this Eternal Empire. My Cla Mother told me to go forth and stretch my legs, find something to attach myself to and, well, here I am.

Unlike my darling Sisters, I' m not a proud or great warrior, however, I can fight if prodded. My talents lie elsewhere, in the realm of magic; more to the point: necromancy. If it's dead, I can breath life into it; transforming rotting flesh into a tool of destruction. And if my tool fails, well, remember I'm a vampire: all perks included. the reason I'm here. Information. I can say without a doubt there are captives being questioned and pressed for information, and probably right now, plans to obtain captives for the aforementioned. Me, I find it best to seek information amongst the dead. Dead souls love to speak, always chattering about this and that, but if you listen carefully: the dead usually speak volumes of information.....and that is why I haunt graves for information.

Location: Outskirts of Plarva the Hutt’s Base - Hoth
Call Sign: Rominaria Seven
Dialogue Legend: <"High Nelvaanian"> │ “Galactic Basic”
Tags: Kessia Miran Kessia Miran Khalid Abbas Darth Moskvin Darth Moskvin

The Styx-class dropship landed in a plume of snow and smoke, before disgorging its payload of heavily-armed Ultranauts, accompanied by a pair of Blackwatch assassins, in Rominaria Seven and the Chameleon. By now, the two women had forged a close working relationship which went all the way back to Chalcedon, before Ivixa had been initiated into the ranks of Blackwatch. Since then, Ivixa had worked with the Chameleon in operations on Vagar Praxut and Bormter, taking down cells of rebel terrorists and Vagaari slavers with clean, relentless efficiency. As such, it went without saying that this was by no means an unconventional mission for either of the two women. However, with the snow in some places going up to Ivixa’s chest, the environment was mildly uncomfortable for the short-statured sniper. Fortunately, her vacuum-sealed, temperature-controlled armor kept frozen planet’s chill well at bay.

Stepping off the dropship, Ivixa quickly scanned the immediate area for enemy activity. Finding none, she sent her probe droid off to scan the area further, before moving after the Chameleon as she went to greet the Hellhounds.

By all indications, this was a standard operation. However, Ivixa had been an Agent long enough to know that a mission could be flipped on its head in an instant.

<"Special Agent Ivixa Nera’kas."> Ivixa introduced herself after the Chameleon. <"I’ll be on overwatch. There’s a heavy enemy presence inside the Star Destroyer, but it's nothing we haven’t faced before.”> She continued, before shifting her gaze to the taller woman.

<”On your mark, Chameleon.”>

Silhana Lolaes'ra
Lynne Tal’kira aka Lady Orchid; The Angel-faced killer
Ver'alor (Lieutenant), member of the Clan Cadera; Bounty Hunter, Headmistress of the House Orchid and The Hounty Hunters' Guild
Objective: Ruin the party and kill the Hutt
Location: Near to Plarva the Hutt's palace,
Equipment: 2x Sunfury Pistol | 2x Beskad | Beskar'gam | Mandalorian vambrace || Stealth field generator || OPBC-01m
Tags: Anashja Tal Anashja Tal | Vaux Gred Vaux Gred | Open
[ Mando music ]
"Galactic Basic" | <"Mandalorian"> | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

For now, it looked like the task was going to be a girl party because the two female Mandalorian came to my location. Although I hadn’t worked with any of them before, being a bounty hunter had its benefits. They taught me that the daughter of the twi'lek can work with anyone. So I had no objection to either Ana or Vaux. However, at the words of Ana, I snarled under my helmet. I hated nothing more than when someone questioned my honour.

<"I would be glad if you did not question my honour and integrity! I was a bounty hunter, not an assassin!"> I told her. <"And House Orchid is well known for making sure there is no collateral damage during our missions and hunts.!">

And at such times, some people are still wondering if I’m grumpy for the rest of the day. I'm not surprised! In the meantime, I also got the maps from Ana; although I had them too, so I didn’t care much for it, I was not prepared to escape. I just wanted to finish it all over; to kill Hutt and leave. And my plan was really simple.

<"Nothing will go wrong. If so, I'll die in there. I'm not running away."> I told them.

I know and know the bounty hunter code and I live by it, and I know the fact that no job is worth dying for. But it wasn't a bounty hunter job. I didn't have to stick to this. Not today.

<"My plan is to go into the main entrance, turn on the alarm so everyone can escape. We follow Hutt and when he is in a place where there are fewer of them, preferably only his bodyguards, we kill him. If anyone has another idea, I listen and if necessary, I adapt.">



Khalid Abbas

TAGS: Kessia Miran Kessia Miran | Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas


The team was still reeling from the crash, pretty much all of them stumbling to their positions with rifles shakily at the ready. Khalid was no exception, slightly wobbling in place as he held his rifle at the ready, vision modes flicking through their settings as him and others kept an eye out for any advancing enemies. Luckily the only thing coming at them was another team of Hellhounds.

<"The engineers and the medical unit will take over the task here. We have orders, we have to move on. Are you and your team ready to continue the mission?">

"Inshallah..." He muttered to himself with a sigh of relief, fiddling to find the controls for his comms. :: Abbas to Chameleon, copy that. Battered but ready to go. :: He answered, glancing to his men as they safely pulled the pilots from the cockpit. "Ready up! Let's move out! We have a job to do." He called out to them, quickly moving through the snow with his soldiers toward the other team. The fortress of the enemy loomed in the distance, firing with everything available at the storm of Ultranauts trying to land on the frozen planet's surface. "That is why I hate gunship flights." He quipped, pointing to the wreckage in the distance behind him as a grin formed behind his helmet. "Ready to move." He commented, blinking with surprise at the ludicrously short sniper for a moment. As long as she could use a rifle, stature didn't matter much in the Empire.

The advance was announced with the booming of artillery, Ultranauts digging in and commencing their attack against the old Star Destroyer. While ancient, the current inhabitants managed to get some of its feared guns repaired, and those turbolasers made it hell for anyone trying to advance towards it. What that didn't solve, the laser cannons and sniper fire from the Hutt thugs dealt with as well. The only saving grace being the sheer determination of the Empire's forces. "We can flank around the rear and look for a way in from there. This slog isn't going to move anywhere anytime soon." He suggested, gesturing to the rear of the Star Destroyer sticking from the snow. Flashes from the ship's hull were followed by the echoes of explosions as shells, missiles and cannons battered it.

Wearing: Warrior's Skin

Radiation Suit

Consort's Ring

Armed with: Heart of Edges

Citizen Energy Sword

Assault Radiation Blaster

Nightsister Energy Bow Pistol

Current Persona: The Collaboration (See Bio)

Objective: BYOO (Secure Ancient Nuclear Facility)

Earlier, aboard The Colossus Of Shadows

The Battalion strode through the mobile space city with all the authority her position as Consort of House Io's Matriarch enabled.

It had an at times dreary, gothic aesthetic running throughout the whole of the ship. But The Amalgam and most of the Cultists had always felt right at home, for Xiphos had, as with many of the interiors of her ship, based it on what she saw in the interiors of Brain Demon temples, though she had disguised it enough with an overt military aesthetic to disguise this.

As she strode it's vast artificial streets the organic citizens and Droids giving her a wide birth, leading to housing, military depots, businesses of many, many varieties, she saw a large holographic projector in a small city square light up with an image of her in her usual all white Catsuit, sitting in a large seat with her legs crossed and her arms relaxed comfortably on its rests.

"Greetings, my fellow Citizens. This is The Battalion speaking. In the months since establishing ourselves at You-Know-Where, we have begun to at last put out a system of governance and finally begun nailing down some of the finer points of interacting with and living together. As you all know, I am a member of The Cult of The Brain Demon. And as you are all certainly aware, The Cult of The Brain Demon is a Dark Side Cabal of vicious murderers who take extreme joy in what they do. But I am hear to reassure you, here and now, that House Io is not a Dark Side Government. If it were, we'd be no better than the Maw. But it doesn't change the fact that the Cult is a cabal of vicious killers. But it's never personal. We do what we do because our religion and faith in the Unholy Spirit demands it. But that doesn't mean we can't be friends!" The Battalion in the Projection said with a smile.

"Our Cult believes Dark Side governments are...impractical...for lack of a better term." The Battalion continued. "In truth, it doesn't honestly matter if there is a Sith Empire or not. Oh, sure it vastly simplifies things. For a while, anyway. But as we have all seen, they always collapse in the end. Always. And however we might feel about the failures of democracy, one can't deny they last a lot longer than empires. If they're strong, that is..."

The Battalion stopped by a small vendor controlled exclusively by the House itself, selling the latest in their self developed Weaponry.

"Laertia Io shares the vision of the Cult's Grandmaster, The Amalgam. We have opted for a middle ground!" The Battalion in the projection said excitedly. "Now, per our binding agreement, The Cult are allies and Citizens of the House. That means to strike at you is the death penalty. I am happy to say that there are many Brain Demon Cultists who are more than happy to abide by such a verdict, and are thus safe to be in an enclosed space with while within knifing range, even when there are only House younglings about. Eat with them! Drink with them! Play volleyball with them if it suits you! But we all know there are always going to be rule breakers. Mostly, you have nothing to fear from us. Mostly."

(Cutaway of the Xenomorph attacking Burke)

"And to those of you thinking about breaking the rules, The Amalgam will kill and absorb you." The Battalion in the projection warned. "To the rest of our fine citizens, when it comes to interacting with us, be polite. Be respectful. Treat them like a family member. But keep that holy water handy. Also, so there are no more of those terrible scandals such as that which rocked the Engineering section a week ago, allow me to reiterate three basic rules to ensure that extra bit of safety for House Citizens interacting with other House Citizens who heed the call of The Unholy Spirit. Rule One: Do not give any pens to a Brain Demon Cultist. Do not give any pencils to a Brain Demon Cultist. No scissors or paperclips. If one of us offers you something, refuse it (A Nice Chianti:1000 XP) in a timely and polite manner unless you have acquired magical protection against curses. For questions about the curses you should be most concerned about, please consult our text, made available on the House Io Secure Net 'The Infamous 21 Curses', written by Darth Phyre. "

"Rule Two, when interacting with Brain Demon Cultists outside of a combat scenario, make certain not to accept any invitation to meet alone, and always tell at least twelve other people what you're going to do and where you are going with the Brain Demon Cultist if you end up having to break this rule."

The Battalion told the human Vendor where to deliver what she selected and where she would like it delivered. The Vendor complied as he would be compensated indirectly.

"Rule Three: If you ignore the first two rules, you do so at your own risk." The Battalion in the projection stated flatly. "If whatever you reason you need to slay one of us try to lure us into consecrated ground, and feel free to use Disruptors, both standard and sonic based. Don't worry! In the Cult of The Brain Demon, Turn About is always considered Fair Play. Speaking of which, that reminds me, we are having a sale on magnetic Disruptors. So those of you with a License, run you ass down to your local Military Vendor and get yours before they're gone. We recommend them for the extreme pain they inflict while killing. That's all for now. Be well, Citizens!"

The Battalion ignored the stares of WTF she got from her citizens, both Droid and Organic as she left the vendor and headed for the Adminstrative section. She had discovered something important on Mataou.

House Io searched actively for any and all technological advantages over their opponents. Whether a piece of technology was House developed or not was irrelevant. The point was, it had to be theirs.

The secret she had discovered was that there was an ancient nuclear reactor facility on the desert world, it's full purpose was located in the deep desert, surrounded by a canyon cut deep in the earth. Xiphos had designated it essential the facility be secured, not just to prevent it from falling into enemy hands, but so they alone could reap the full reward of whatever equipment was recovered inside...

So sensitive was the mission that no less than the Matriarch herself was going to personally secure its contents, along with a full team of Model 3 Nuetralizers. Anything intact was to be seized as state property. The rest was to be abandoned.

The Battalion reached the section where her very large shared quarters with Xiphos was. She patiently waited for all the security systems to clear her before heading inside, where she soon found all the Weaponry she had ordered waiting for her. As she had realized where she was going was somewhere her normal skill set might not have much weight. So she allowed ons of the many Witches living inside her, a ranged combat specialist known as The Collaboration to take hold, her form bulging melting and warping into that of a woman with very tan skin and an even more muscular build with dark, slicked back hair.

The Collaboration opened her eyes and then glanced down at her new rifle and smiled.

"I haven't put holes in anybody in ages!" she hissed in delight, hefting the Large Rifle.

Just then she shivered in delight feeling Xiphos enter and went to speak to her, putting down her rifle.

"Why my little Icicle!" The Collaboration hissed as Xiphos came into view, stopping when she saw Xiphos with a sour look.

"Why the long face?"

"Our latest scans indicate excavation efforts are underway at the Reactor Facility."

The Collaboration blinked. "Eternal Empire?"

"No... Underworld, I'm betting. But listen, Annabelle...this Nuclear facility...I've been pouring over it's structural peculiarities, and I am starting to think it was a test bed site for experimental Atomic Technology. Our spies watching the area indicate components to at least four different types of Reactor have already been transferred out."

"Are we too late?"

"It's starting to look like it..." Xiphos replied grimly, slinking over to her personal terminal,

"But they are still there, and there are photos of them bringing injured out. If worse comes to worse, you are to destroy this facility if if cannot be seized from the enemy." Xiphos explained, bringing up drone photos.

"Any risk of it going critical?"

"This facility is incredibly old. Scans of the radioactive decay there indicate it may be more than three Millennia old. If there is still Radiation danger there, it's minimal, otherwise the whole area would be polluted. Everyone would have picked it up."

"Is it so important we take this facility if possible? The prudent measure may be just to simply bury it in the canyon. Turbolaser the site from orbit. (It's the only way to be sure: 1700 XP) Besides, we have vastly more efficient power generation methods than what Atomic Fission can bring us." The Collaboration pointed out.

"True. But such reactors are also really cheap and easy ways to obtain fissionable material that can be used for... emergencies..."

"Such as?" The Collaboration asked in both her and The Battalion's voice.

"Such as for when the Maw comes to Tython like all our intelligence is saying."

"You want to nuke The Maw?"


The Collaboration seized her lover by the shoulders.

"That's the hottest thing I've ever heard you say. I've never nuked anything before...I'm honestly amazed I didn't think about it sooner..." The Collaboration admitted. "Are you sure I can't have you right this second?!"

"Sorry. But the Reactor is still Priority One..." Xiphos answered, though she slid a finger against the bottom of The Collaboration's chin.

"The things I am going to do to you when I get back from work..." The Collaboration boasted before winking at Xiphos, who smiled back slightly., Before grabbing her weapons and departing for the hangars.


The Collaboration hadn't been sure what she had expected when she had arrived here with a twenty five strong crew of Model 3 units.

She had expected to a firefight with others. Epic shooting. But there were corpses everywhere, covered in burns..."

"Consort, I'm picking up high levels of Radiation here..." One of The Model 3's said.

The Collaboration, in a radiation suit walked ahead through a dusty, now bloody canyon. She felt a terrible evil from within the facility, which was a basic tower of concrete, now windows, with two broken cooling stacks.

The Collaboration, being The Collaboration, loved a challenge.

"This..." she joked to her small army of step children. " where the fun begins..."

The Collaboration then took off at a spring for the entrance, the Nuetralizers following...
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Objective: Honour dead Vode by killing a slug
Location: Near the Hutts Palace
Tags: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera Vaux Gred Vaux Gred
Equipment: Beskar'gam, lightsabers, healing supplies, 3 thermal detonators, EF-M401e Rampage, Healing Blaster type A

Anashja was a little taken aback by the curt response but it was nothing that would trouble her. "Apologies, I meant it rhetorically, it was was not meant as a statement on your honor or the name of your house." she was about to say that she had been burned before by mandos when they get the blood thirst, but thought better of it, she wouldn't compare them to those monsters.

She laughed a little "Let's hope it doesn't come to a decision between death or flight as much as I'd prefer not to die, abandoning a Vod has a bad look to it." she hoped her attempt at a humorous reassurance that she had the pink woman's back came across correctly.

"I can't say I'm too concerned about more then a few of the underground types at this party. Especially depending on what... 'businesses' they've got their mitts in."
This response was maybe a little on the casually violent side for Anashja's tastes. "Either way, no blood bath, we're better than that. And a precision attack sends quite the message that more thugs alone won't protect you." anyone could send in brain dead soldiers with tons of guns to kill everyone, solution was just to hire more goons, but how do you protect against an attack that side steps you human shields entirely.

<"My plan is to go into the main entrance, turn on the alarm so everyone can escape. We follow Hutt and when he is in a place where there are fewer of them, preferably only his bodyguards, we kill him. If anyone has another idea, I listen and if necessary, I adapt.">

"Love this idea, have you checked for panic rooms? He makes it to one of those and we might have a problem if they built it properly. There is a little room just off the main corridor on the blueprints, here, it doesn't say what this room is, what does your bounty hunter's eye make of it? If he heads this way, we get in front of him, even if it risks attacks on the way past." she flipped across another map, this to both mandalorians that were with her, there was no reason someone like Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera wouldn't have thought of it, but Anashja was methodical, this sort of attack wasn't her natural setting and she didn't want to make a fool of herself.
Kessia Miran / Agent Chameleon
Knight Warden of the Wardens of the Shroud, Agent of Blackwatch, sithspawn, L’lerim’s right hand, Agent of Nite, Member of the Hellhounds
Objective: Gather information
Location: Near to the Hutt's base; Hoth
Equipment: Væringi MK. I Assassin Armour | 2x Sunfury Pistol | 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | 2x Red blade lightsaber shoto | Cloaking Device | Amuler of Many | 5x ASBF Probe Droid || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tags: Khalid Abbas | Darth Moskvin Darth Moskvin | Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas | Open
[ Rise of the Empire ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

It was always a pleasure to work with people she had worked with before. Plus, successfully. So was Ivixa. She knew that this field was not exactly the best terrain for the short height sniper because the snow was quite high. If they get into the star destroyer, the woman will be much more helpful as well. For now, however, she was still dealing with the man and his team.

The woman grinned under her helmet after his words, as she also hated dropship "combat" or the entire process and travelling with them. Most never hit the ground. What a waste!

<"Totally agree Lieutenant"> she told him.

It was indeed expected that the enemy would be able to repair some of the ship's armaments. They were actually ancient pieces, they may have been on the surface of this planet for hundreds or thousands of years. To the chagrin of Chameleon, however, they operated. She looked in that direction and then signalled to Ivixa that she could start the task because they were leaving. After Khalid's words, she had an idea. The man's idea was smart anyway and should be considered.

~ MANIAC, I want a blueprint about this kind of Star Destroyer! ~

She didn’t have to wait more than a second or two and the AI had already projected it to her retina. Fortunately, it was a fairly standard variety.

<" Approach from the engine area is correct. They are less protected in that part anyway. Let’s move back to the part where the turbo lasers can no longer reach us."> she agreed with him.

<< This is a Special Agent Chameleon to the ground forces and to the dropships. According to the data, the back of the base is less protected… and if possible, troops should land on the top of the ship and try to get in from there too. >> she said on the comm. channel.

She watched the teams as they began to take up position on the ground and also in the air. The dropships began to adjust their trajectory to avoid shots and try to land on the roof too.

<"Rominaria Seven, cover us!"> she told her, Kessia was fully confident that she would carry out the order.


Location: Ancient Nuclear Facility - Mataou
Tags: The Battalion The Battalion

The Consort of House Io led a force of 25 Model 3 Nuetralizers, armed to the teeth with magnetic disruptors, radiation blasters, energy swords, and other types of brutal weaponry…

In addition to one Echani Siren.

Once more, Esmeralda Io had volunteered for an extra assignment and her request had been accepted. As the lone Siren in the task force, the Echani was towered over by her 8-foot tall brothers. Nevertheless, at the very least, most of her inorganic brothers respected her competency as much as they did for each other. While there were a few that considered organic flesh to be inherently weaker than the solid plating of metal and the precision of inorganic circuitry, Esmeralda found that their opinions were a powerful motivator. She was religious in her training, preparations, and briefings, more so than many of her brothers—she believed. They might be stronger and faster than her, but when it came down to it…

She was far more efficient, or so she believed.

Nevertheless, Esmeralda loved, respected—and most importantly—trusted her brothers, no matter their opinions. It was impossible not to, not only because they were family, but also because she fought alongside them. In order to have any kind of effectiveness as a soldier, she had to trust those around her. She couldn’t watch her back at every second, or else she would never get anything accomplished.

In the immediate aftermath of the initial firefight, Esmeralda made her way through the canyon, following after the Consort as the Brain Demon Witch led the task force towards the facility. Even visibly, it was an imposing structure, ancient in its terror and presence amidst the desert landscape. Such strange technology was far outdated, especially with perpetual-motion antimatter reactors and similar technologies, which were becoming increasingly common across the Unknown Regions.

And yet, why were they fighting to secure the facility?

As always, it came down to weapons.

"This..." she joked to her small army of step children. " where the fun begins..."

“I’m having fun already!” The Siren answered with a playful bloodthirst in her tone, before activating her razor skates and slashing towards the facility’s entrance, speeding past many of her brothers in the process.


Location: Hoth, Graveyard (Near the Hutt's Base)
Gear: Staff of the Damned / Talisman of the Witch / Magical Gems / Bow of Immolation / Hilt
Familiar: Archimedes
Tags: Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas / Kessia Miran Kessia Miran

"A star destroyer," I whispered back to the dead creature. It only nodded, then pointed its rotting, nail-splitting finger toward the horizon. I gazed in the direction, wondering what dark secrets lay hidden inside an old wreckage. I read the earlier reports of a hidden, imbedded base; but I thought the reports of a star destroyer was fabricated. I was wrong. I placed my lips upon the dead's head, and a hand over the twisted and contorted breastplate, now nothing more than a gaping wound exposing insects festering on the buffet of the dead's remaining flesh. Once, where it's heart once rested, I slipped my hand inside and gripped the last visage of a dead heart. "Thank rest."

floated, not literally, like a ghost toward the wrecked machine; utilizing Archimedes to be my eyes and ears in the air. His attitude toward scouting was marvelous and commendable; planting visions through our symbiotic link like artwork. What he saw ahead, sharing his sight with me was something I wasn't entirely prepared for. Around the star destroyer, a battle was taking place between the supporters of the Eternal Empire and the supporters of the Hutt. Both sides, it appeared, were fighting at a stand still. Time to open holes in the enemy's ranks. I reached over my shoulder and grew my bow, extending it to battle ready. I placed one foot on a rock, firmly stamping my other into the ground for support. I ordered Archimedes to fly safely over the battle; sending me targets of opportunity. And each target he gave me, I opened up holes for the Eternal's soldiers to muster through. Then the time to get dirty appeared.

With bow in hand, I walked through piles of the dead, sputtering ancient incantations; raising the most capable of the dead to a upright position. Thier collective dead eyes starred at me, jaws chattering so hard that teeth broke and fell from mouths. Like my dead informant, I pointed at the star destroyer and its defenders spitting only one word, "Kill." A wave of howling death throes washed toward the defenders; gripping them in a paralyzing state of fear. Fear is the apex predator of the living.

The Collaboration smirked as Esmeralda Io Esmeralda Io expressed the proper amount of Bloodthirst for a House Io Citizen-Soldier.

"That's the spirit!" The Witch encouraged, wanting to bring out the thirst for battle and death and glory in all her allies.

She had been a pacifist, an actual one unlike Elaine Tear. And then she had killed someone by accident, found she enjoyed the sensation, and never looked back, constantly seeking more battle, more death.

The Collaboration pulled out her Radiation Blaster, the bulky, heavy thing having been one of Sword Herald's earliest rifle products, and still the weapon of choice for some.

The Collaboration, spotting a recently set up auto turrets, let loose a few powerful shots from the radiation blaster, powerful, hissing green bolts singing through the air as they destroyed the turret before it could fire. The check in lobby to the facility and subsequent security checkpoints looked run down, and derelict. She saw black scorch marks.

"Stepson, any readings?" She asked a nearby Model 3.

"Nothing indicates Radiation Leaks or contamination. But the placement of the facility makes no sense unless it's owners were conducting clandestine testing." a Model 3 answered. *I'll try see if any computers are intact..."

The Model 3 went to an ancient terminal and began slicing it. It looked like the mysterious criminals who had come here had had the same idea and had restored it to partial working order.

"Consort, what records I recovered all seem to indicate the facility was owned and controlled by a Darth Nuutronn. And she was using it for the exact reason we would: To fabricate fissionable material that can be weaponized. Records indicate a storehouse Containing a single example of a back pack sized Atomic Compression bomb with a ten ton yield."

"So what killed everyone before we arrived?"

"Sensor logs only register it as 'unknown radiological anomaly'. Sounds like the set up to a bloody horror film if you ask me." The Model 3 answered with a shrug.

The Collaboration rolled her eyes. "I'm checking that store room. Where is it?"

"Two levels below us. The reactor is two levels below the level you will find it in. Be careful...the Anomaly was last registered in that area.

"Esmeralda and five of you, you're with me." The Collaboration ordered as she began looking for a service stairwell to get lower. No way she would trust an elevator in this place...
Location: Outskirts of Plarva the Hutt’s Base - Hoth
Call Sign: Rominaria Seven
Dialogue Legend: <"High Nelvaanian"> │ “Galactic Basic”
Tags: Kessia Miran Kessia Miran Khalid Abbas Darth Moskvin Darth Moskvin

<”Those engines are too big of an entrance to be left unguarded. I would expect heavy resistance that way too, but if it gets us out of the line of sight of those cannons, then I think they’re our best option.”> Ivixa agreed.

The snow was high in parts of the terrain, but it hadn’t taken long for Ivixa to realize that if worse came to worse, she could quite easily burrow himself in it as a means to avoid detection. While her cloaking device would be ineffective due to the snowfall, the weather did give her other options, She just hoped she would never have to use them.

<"Rominaria Seven, cover us!">

<”Moving into position!”> Quickly scanning the area, Ivixa identified a small hill in the terrain—marked by a boulder—and began to move towards it, using her Eleleth as a means to hover just over the snow in the process. Once she arrived, Ivixa set down her rifle and glanced at the reconnaissance data gathered by her probe droid, indicating a high concentration of enemies around the peripheries of the star destroyer.

Then, after burrowing herself partially in the snow, Ivixa scanned the area through her scope and set the crosshairs on her first target…


Gear: Flight Beskar'gam, Glastros Undercover Armor, 1x modified Trayc'kal, 1x Zygerrian Electro-Whip, 1x Sith Cultist Lightsaber, 1x Bando Gora Needle Disruptor

Vaux looked at Ana, nodding a little. "Wasn't saying I was going to try and take them here. Just don't be surprised if a few tracking beacons are missing after we're done with this slug. Plus, I'm usually about 200m... that way," she would point up before continuing. "But doesn't mean I can't do some more... precise stuff." Vaux them smirked as she listened to the plan. Solid enough. Kick over a rock and watch the bugs run. Kinda hard to miss a Hutt. There was one thing on her mind though.

"I can tell my droid VK to keep an eye out for the big guy trying to leave on a ship. Maybe take him out before he can run if that happens. Either way though, I'm ready."

Anashja Tal Anashja Tal Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera
Silhana Lolaes'ra
Lynne Tal’kira aka Lady Orchid; The Angel-faced killer
Ver'alor (Lieutenant), member of the Clan Cadera; Bounty Hunter, Headmistress of the House Orchid and The Hounty Hunters' Guild
Objective: Ruin the party and kill the Hutt
Location: Near to Plarva the Hutt's palace,
Equipment: 2x Sunfury Pistol | 2x Beskad | Beskar'gam | Mandalorian vambrace || Stealth field generator || OPBC-01m
Tags: Anashja Tal Anashja Tal | Vaux Gred Vaux Gred | Open
[ Mando music ]
"Galactic Basic" | <"Mandalorian"> | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

<"From what circles I come from, if someone asks this, they do it because they intentionally want to offend the other."> I said coolly.

After the girl’s words, I started to feel like I was in some kind of kindergarten. Is all of the Tal like that? I almost asked if he most certainly deserved that armour or stole it from somewhere like the Hutt did with his own. It was all the more unnecessary to plan any attack because the human factor was very much involved. We have no idea how the others inside will react.

<"Probably a security room or control room. And it’s best for us, if they run into one of the panic rooms."> I told her.

Do I really have to explain? I took a deep breath, luckily, they couldn't hear that because of my helmet. Just as they couldn't see me rolling my eyes.

<"And the panic room is great because we don’t have to go in. We simply let the air out from that room, through the security room's consoles and if he drowns, we go in for the stolen gear."> I told them.

What else can I tell them after that? Two things, I think.

<"In addition? We're improvising! Shall we go?"> I asked my two companions.

And I was hoping that Tal would now finish the problematic behaviour. Because apparently the other woman wasn't too happy about this demeanour either.



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