Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Kladro Uz'ra

(Original image found at Edited by me

NAME: Kladro Uz’ra

FACTION: A faction helps a character get into the galactic scene and grow in strength. Feel free to join any that suit the character.

RANK: As a member of society, your character might have a rank that exemplifies his or her importance.

SPECIES: Dathomirian Zabrak genetically modified with Daelite DNA.


AGE: 18

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 6.1 ft

WEIGHT: 185 lbs

EYES: Blind (Whitish in color)

HAIR: No hair

SKIN: Red skin with black tattoos



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :


1. Unnatural Abilities:
Because of the rigorous and painful experiments he was subjected to, Kladros genetic code was mixed with Daelite DNA and combined with his Force Sensitivity allows him to use his own energy and the Force to produce and control fire. (i.e: Fire shaping)

2. Master of Stealth:
Combined with his training in the gladiator pit and his training with a Miruluka mentor allowed him to use the Force to see despite being blind and he also learned how to heighten his senses using the Force. His training under Darth Nekros also allowed Kladro to learn how to blend in with the shadows and mask his presence

3. Weapons Expert:
Kladro served as a gladiator for several years and during that time he trained in a wide variety of weapons both melee and ranged.

4. Knows his way around a Hydro spanner:
Kladros father was a mechanic on Mustafar and tought Kladro everything he knew allowing him to become very familiar around machines, especially droids which he has a fondness for.


1. Hydrophobic??:
Because of his partial Daelite DNA, Kladro does not function real well in cold and wet environments. For example when under water or in extremely cold environments he struggles to ignite his fire powers. He will need some form of stimulant or protective equipment.

2. Temper Temper:
Kladro can sometimes be very quick to anger and this can sometimes get him into fights and may make him difficult to be around at times.

​3. Fiercely Loyal:
Kladro is fiercly loyal to those he cares about or feels protective of. So much so that he will often willingly risk his own life.

4. Conflicted:
Kladro has had a very difficult life. He has lost so much and has been enslaved for many years. He sometimes will feel pulls between the light and the dark as he fights his inner demons from the past.

SKILLS/ABILITIES: Novice - Apprentice- Adept- Expert- Master

Force Abilities:

Fire Shaping/Pyrokinesis: Adept
Telekinetic force powers: Adept
Force Speed: Adept
Force Sight: Expert
Force Cloak: Expert
Breath Control: Expert
Force Stealth: Expert
Force Listening: Adept
Psychometry: Novice
Electric judgement: Apprentice
Mind Control/ Mind trick: Adept
Mechu Duru: Expert
Force Drain: Novice


Proficient in hand-to-hand combat/ Martial arts
Trained in a variety of melee weapons
Marksmen in training


Gifted in the art of stealth, spying, infiltration, assassination
Survival skills
Excellent knowledge of mechanics especially droids
Decent Pilot
Risk Taker

  • Body:
  1. Muscular build, red skin with series of horns on head
  2. Zabrak tattoos
  3. Blind
  • Clothes/Armor:
  1. Dark black cloak (Think of Nazgul)
  2. Metal gloves
  • Weapons:
  1. A single red-bladed Lightsaber

Kladro Uz’ra was born on the volcanic planet of Mustafar to a Nightbrother father and Self-exiled Nightsister mother who both hail from Dathomir. His father was a starship mechanic as well as droid designer and his mother was once a nightsister witch. Kladro had somewhat of a difficult childhood on the volcanic planet, but he was always in good spirits and eager to explore. He often visited local Mustafarian lava miners with his father. He even developed friendships with the local lava-based sentient life forms known as the Daelite. He was somewhat of a rebellious child and would often go off exploring on his own with family probe droid and on one such excursion he discovered a long abandoned Separatist Droid Foundry left over from the Clone wars. He was tutored in mechanical knowledge by his father and thus quickly developed a deep and complex understanding of mechanical systems especially droids. He was discovered to be Force-Sensitive at a young age and was mentored a little by his mother who was an ex night sister witch.

However, the good times would not last forever. At the age of 13, his father was forced into a contract with the First Order; who controlled Mustafar at that time. His father, along with several of the native Mustafarians were conscripted to repair First Order vehicles and produce combat support droids. Eventually over time the demands and quotas set by the First Order became more and more unreasonable and Kladro’s father began to fall behind. Failure was met with punishment in most regards, and many Mustafarians were imprisoned as a result. At one point however Kladro’s father failed to meet a deadline for a critical droid construction project and the First Order overseer decided punishment was required. One night, First Order stormtroopers burst into Kladro’s home and beat his father sensless, Kladros mother tried to fight back but she too was subdued and beaten. As a final punishment, the overseer decided to abduct young Kladro for experimentation. His parents tried to object and save Kladro but it was no use. Kladro was yanked from his home…kicking and screaming.
Kladro was brought on board a First Order transport and brought to a Star Destroyer in orbit. Once on board, Kladro was handed over to a First Order scientist who was conducting genetic and biological experiments in hopes of perfecting a technique to create super-soldiers.

The crusier eventually left the Mustafar System to head deeper into First Order Space. Meanwhile, Kladro was suffering at the hands of the First Order Scientist who subjected the Zabrak to test after test, experiment after experiment. The youthful, curious boy was exposed to pain beyond comprehension. However, one fateful day, Kladro was subjected to an experiment that would change his life forever; the scientist attempted to merge Daelite DNA into Kladro’s genetic makeup. This experiment caused Kladro to undergo a violent and dramatic transformation; he felt as if fire was coursing through his very veins burning him from the inside causing severe agony. The test however granted Kladro something…. Combined with his Force-Sensitivity the experiment granted Kladro the ability to produce flames via the Force. And at this point Kladro had had enough of First Order captivity, and by way of the Force he broke free of his bonds and killed his host; burning him to a crisp. Kladro began to go on a rampage throughout the First Order ship, in his unstable state he used his power to kill everyone he encountered, spreading fire throughout the ship. He eventually escaped off the crusier via a TIE-fighter leaving behind a burning hulk.

Eventually, Kladro began to stabilize and his powers seemed to lessen or become dormant. As he sped through space he was eventually captured by Zygerrian slavers and forced once again into captivity. He was eventually sold in a slave auction on Zygerria to thugs representing a Hutt-run gladiator pit on Klatooine and thus Kladro’s next phase of life began. He was enrolled in the gladiator pits of Klatooine as a fighter and his next few years would be filled with combat, blood and death. He was trained in the ways of combat by an old IG Magna guard that had been charged with training many of the gladiators. The droid took a liking to Kladro particularly since Kladro used his mechanical knowledge to provide the old battle droid with much needed maintenance and upgrades. As a sign of gratitude, the droid gave Kladro extra private training lessons to ensure his survival in the arena.

After about a year of training and minor fights, Kladro finally was put in a real Gladiator match to fight the current champion in front of thousands of guests. He faced off against an electro staff wielding, armored gladiator known simply as “The Storm Gladiator”. In this fateful fight Kladro suffered a blow from the electro staff to his face resulting in becoming blind in both of his eyes. As he writhed in agony the champion moved in to finish him off but through a sub-conscious use of the Force, Kladro managed to land a fatal strike on the gladiator, resulting in him winning the match and becoming the current champion. However, most people attributed the win to nothing more than a lucky strike and many assumed that his lack of vision would soon be the end of him. However, Kladro would be blessed with some good luck. He met a fellow prisoner of the pits who happened to be a Miruluka who claimed he could help the young champion. The Miruluka was able to tell that Kladro’s win in the match was not due to a lucky strike but due to a use of the Force. With the Magnaguard training him in weapons and combat and the Miruluka training him to see with the Force Kladro continued to survive match after match. However, he also was forced to take the lives of dozens of fighters forced to fight him in combat; and this weighed heavily on him.

For two years, fight after fight, life taken after life taken, Kladro slowly became unphased by the fact that he was taking the lives of other slaves just like him. However, he tired of this gory life and longed to be free of his shackles; it seemed that his wish would soon come true. When Kladro was 16 he noticed that during almost every one of his matches he noticed a dark cloaked figure was watching him from the stands. After every match he would notice the figure talk to some stout, insectoid alien making gestures towards Kladro as they conversed. One day as he sat in his cell, the mysterious figure visited him. The figure introduced himself as Nekros and said that he could offer him freedom from this life if he agreed to come with him. Kladro, desperate to escape agreed almost immediately, and then Nekros slipped him a card-key through his jail cell and instructed him to meet him at his ship. During the night Kladro escaped his cell and killed the guards and eventually freed his Miruluka mentor, the old magna guard and every other prisoner starting a massive riot. However unfortunately during the riot, the old Miruluka was fatally shot by one of the guards and died in Kladros arms but before he died, he gave Kladro a strand of cloth with symbols on it. Kladro and the Magnaguard fought together to finally get out of the pit before making it to an outside landing area full of starships. Kladro and the droid split up but agreed that they would meet again one day and traded contact information. Kladro boarded the ship belonging the man Nekros and suddenly found himself back in space.

Nekros revealed himself to Kladro as a powerful Sith Lord and that he wished Kladro to serve him and learn under him. Kladro albeit apprehensively, agreed. For the next two years Kladro would serve Darth Nekros as a member of his cloaked inner circle of elite warriors known as The Lich Knights of Nekros. As he trained under the Sith Lord he learned what a horror of a monster Nekros truly was; a fanatical maniac obsessed with growing his undead forces. Kladro found himself unable to resist the will of his new master, as if the Sith was influencing his very thoughts. He once again was forced to kill others for the pleasure of a new master. Kladro Uz’ra…was once again in chains…….for now.

Does your character have a personal ship? If so, describe it in moderate detail (what does it look like, what can it do, what types of weapons and engines does it have, etc.).

Post the names of the PC characters (characters role-played by real people) that your character has killed. If possible, include a link to the thread in which your character killed him/her.

Post the names of any bounties you have delivered and the amount of money you gained for it. If possible, include a link to the thread in which it happened.


Post the links and the titles to all of your characters Role-Plays. To make things easier, post the link and name here as soon as you enter the Role-Play thread.

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