Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Knights of Avarice | Dominion of Brosi | Warlords of the Sith


Objective: #2
Tags: Hideki Satou
Shoengen Delta


Dashing on the beach Romund took long powerful strides. Using The Force to increase his speed to supernatural levels. Blurring across the wet sands of the beach he made his way to the docks of the city. Watching as the close air support bombarded the ships stationed there. There Romund could make sure that the job was done and make sure there wasn’t a single vessel that was left operational from a missed bomb or missile. It would also do well to deal with whatever anti-air armaments there were on the docks. He figured there were at least some as he saw rapid blaster fire shooting up into the sky at the close air support.

Getting close to the sturdy docks made up of duracrete and durasteel Romund in a split second placed both his feet on the sand together before bounding up into the air with a Force Jump. Shooting himself up onto the docks, as he came down he saw enemy imperials who looked up in surprise to see the figure clad in bronze colored armor above. Reaching behind him he unsheathed his vibrosword as he fell onto an imperial soldier. Stabbing them in the chest as he landed on them.

Looking up on the rest up there with him, some recoiled as they watched him impale one of their comrades. Romund could spare no empathy for them as he stood up, and pulled the blade out of its victim. The ultrasonic vibrations having not even been activated yet. The other soldiers readied their blasters frantically before Romund properly activated his sword. The soldiers around him were enveloped into a storm of sword and strikes from kicks and metallic punches. Occasionally using the precognition provided by The Force to grapple an unfortunate soul into a human shield to take blaster fire on his behalf.

When he finally took out the immediate threats around him Romund took a knee. Breathing heavily as he finally realized how hard he’d been pushing his body. Even in The Darkside one could only be a conduit for The Force for so long without burning out. Heavy breathing echoed from his visored helm.

Romund cared little for the concerns of petty imperials and the harm he gave to them. Why should he care? What care do they show his people in their final days? Where were their peace, and security? These were questioned that could not be answered now, especially among corpses.

Then Romund picked up on someone, someone touched by The Force. Looking up he only had a split second to react. Holding his blade out in front of himself as he still knelt. TING! He was knocked back some, the vibrosword turned force weapon having blocked the incoming strike. An imperial knight had launched themselves towards him while he was taking a breather. Hoping to have killed him in one strike. The force of the attack mixed with Romunds poor posture had him knocked over onto his back. Looking up he saw the imperial knight about to impale him as he laid there. As she attempted to plunge her brilliant white blade into him he deftly rolled to the side and onto his feet. Using Force guided acrobatics to get him up. Yet he was a tad slow and awkward thanks to his armor, which was still deceptively lightweight. Calling his sword over to him with the Force he caught the handle just in time to block another attack from the knight.

It was then that Romund realized what had happened. Half his blade was missing. The impact a moment earlier must've snapped it in half. Also Also because of the imbalance the vibrations made it violently wobble in his hands as he pressed against the enemies saber.

“You Sith are all the same, never know when to give up.” She hissed at Romund. He turned his blade’s vibrations off to keep his blade more secure and keep it from wobbling. He was at a disadvantage. Fighting off a full length blade with what was essentially a shoto. With an mild increase in leverage with their locked blades Romund pushed her off. But they came in with another blow overhead. Meeting her weapon with his he rotated his blade around the energy beam until his was onto. All the while stepping to the side. With her being preoccupied with the blade work he almost snuck up on her. When she realized that he’d gotten to her side her face was met with the blunt impact of his gauntleted fist. Having built up some kinetic force with his rotation and side step. She was dazed for just long enough for Romund to fatally counter her. Rotating his blade into a reverse grip he plunged it into her back. Just to make matters worse for her he activated the ultrasonic vibrations to maximize the internal damage as they fell. Slain by a broken vibrosword.

Looking down at the deactivated lightsaber he picked it up. Figuring it was about time he got one of these for himself. It was simple to it’s construction, possibly even uniform to most other Imperial Knights. Perhaps Romund could fix that by customizing it in the future.

I was just then that Romund saw a lone vessel nearby. He watched as droid star fighters screamed towards it. He realized too late that he was a tad too close to the vessel. As the missiles shot out towards it the craft blew up. The shockwave ripped through Romund and sent him flying though the air and off the docks. Right into the tides bellow in the ocean.

Status: MIA

(TLDR Summary: Romund reaches the docks, slays an imperial knight and takes their lightsaber for himself. But then a vessel blows up and knocks him into the ocean bellow)


Shoengen Delta Beachhead
Engaging: Zinn Zinn Bink'sa


The Gungan lunged, something Hans though no sane person would do when they were in this position. Then again, sanity did not seem to be a prerequisite for becoming a Sith.

Hans unleashed the blaster on the irate amphibian, but his shots went wide as he tried to avoid the slashing strike of it's vibroblade. Without his shield in hand, he improvised a block by putting his rifle up the blade. The gave Hans only an extra moment to back up, and the blade cleaved straight through the gun. Hans dropped the two halves and whipped his own lightsaber from his belt.

He assumed a quick Shii-Cho stance and swung his own blade back wildly towards the Sith's midsection.

"You won't take another world from us Sith!" he yelled, although Sith rarely seemed to understand things like that. They only cared for more bloodlust.



Objective 1: Knights of Avarice
Location: On Nihun Bridge - Engaging Errant
NIO RP Partner: Errant
Other NIO Enemies: Rurik Fel, Mazus Strain Kainan
Warlords Sith Partners: Kascalion Giedfield
Warlords Sith In-Vicinity: Darth Immortuos

The Albino strode closer to the twi'lek, a wave of his hand dismissing others who moved closer. "I'm afraid you've erred in coming here if you believed a Knight of the Empire would surrender," he'd circle around her, his face emotionless, closer to carved marble than flesh and bone. "In your haste to flaunt your power, you've willfully marched to your doom. When I deliver your head to the Imperator, I will ensure he knows of your final, misguided kindness." The Knight charged the Sith headlong without warning, weapon raised high before arching down towards her head. It flashed out from there into a flurry of swift, measured strikes. Errant studied the woman with each blow. Measuring her skill, silently gauging her strength.

The blurred streaks of the ashen pale Knight's strikes masked its calculated thrusts with a deceptive finesse. They prodded the defensive edge of Voyance's reach. Each probing attack was met with Voyance's own discerning block or parry. She merely reacted, letting the attacks pierce the sphere of influence the reach of her blade patrolled. The Knight had his ways and they were interesting. Bold and forward, as a chivalric Knight of the New Imperial Order would be. But, still with its tricks. A fine test. But, he's probing came with the presumptuous axiom of the ability to enter and remove himself from Voyance's range without consequence. She would alert him to dangerous case of the opposite.​

As another deep strike was delivered, Voyance caught the blade not at the tip as she had previously done. But, at the far deep base of the blade, crossing her plasmatic spitting red crimson, powered by a kyber lava crystal, with his cool white. This close a hilt lock would see the Knight tested by the very discharges of the blade as flecks of plasma, heat, and viscous energy spewed in crackling bites. But, just as the lock was met, Voyance pivoted her long hilt so that the empty end of the saber swiveled forward with its open emitter facing the Knight's face as the Sith Lady used the motion to lunge into a side step. Using a wicked technique of mid-battle saber activation, Voyance ignited the other end as it turned to face the Knight - aiming to skewer him at close range.
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Objectives: 1 & 3
Location: Hfredium Corporate Conglomerate Headquarters - Shoengen
Tags: Darth Voyance Darth Voyance Dasam Kal Dasam Kal

A classical maneuver in which would pinch down on the Imperal Knights. The Ore-Duke looked it over. Surprised by the detail in which Dasam had provided to the man. Clearly making it easy for such a move. The man was finished without much of another word. Almost as though Dasam was entirely invested into such a plan. Looking it over, double checking it, reviewing other forms of tactics.

The man who was past his prime, and deserved more than a week off, simply nodded his head. Without another word, he leaned down. Messed with a couple buttons, and called up one of his underlings.

"I am providing your a location in which I need your men to move. Gather up what you can and attack here."
"Are you sure Sir?"
"Are you really going to argue with me?"
"Then, DO IT!"

The man screamed at his own men. Commanding them with the same way a Child would. While hidden, Kept kept the smile to himself. Luckily the Isolation helmet he wore, would allow him to contact any he wished, without others hearing him.

"The Dukes men are headed your way Tash. Make sure it looks legit."
"Nur and I got this."
"Make sure you use the Imperial Sabers. Not your own."
"Yes, father."
"And please do make sure to kill some of our own in the process. Sells the act."
"As you wish."

All communication with them was cut from now on. Allowing them to perform their act, as a false flag. Imperial Knights, ready for them at that position, slaughtering his men, as well as some of Vora's own troops so that the Ore-Duke would fail. His job would make that of Voyance's harder to take full control, but also make it much easier for Vora and Dasam in their own schemes. It was minutes of pure silence until finally, a call came back. One from an emergency line. The Duke's own men.

"SIR! THEY WERE PREPARED! They are killing us left and right!"
"What do you mean?"
"The Sith Troopers and us!"
"Imp Knights! They number in the dozens!"
"God damn it! I want that Pincer formation. Keep fighting."
"Sir we are barel-"

The line cut. A white saber came in from the side, as Vora and Dasam would be able to see Tash Kaar, his daughter and apprentice walk over the man's body and spit on him before planting a foot on the man. Looking down at the Holodevice, then with a wave of the hand, the feed went dead.

"You made a bad decision Duke."

Vora speaking up, walked over to the man. While Vora knew how the Duke would react, he only made the feelings and emotions run stronger. Using the force to alter himself. Vora's once demeanor went from that of ease, to intense anger. One could feel it easily. Pure unadulterated rage seethed within the man as he closed the distance.

"You got both of our men killed! You sent them into a suicide mission without thinking to send out scouts? To confirm our thoughts? Just sent them out without another thought?"

While Vora had laid into the man for just a moment, He took a step back. Giving the room for Dasam, as now, the final point in what they were planning to do all along, was taking effect.

Molly Armstrong


Enemy: Areyon
Equipment: Force-imbued armour and sword
Leading: The Mother's Mercy
Location: Conglomerate Tower, Sheongen

The warriors of The Mother's Mercy dug their heels into the ground and raised their swords in defense as the Omegas charged them. Kuric threw another fire ball towards the Knights, though it went wide. He cursed under his breath.

He turned his wicked gaze to their leader, the one who mocked him. He would revel in running him through and leaving him as just another corpse in his wake of desolation.

"I regret nothing, churl. Even if you kill me I will relish every second of this fight before I find peace in the void."

Kuric stepped forward from the line as the Imperial Knights bore down on them, as if to present himself to Areyon.

"Bring your blade to me!"


Another Snake
Darth Luminoth | Darth Maleva

The purple blade of his lightsaber sliced into the armored torso of a Sith Trooper, effectively killing the soldier that was bold to charge him along with his deceased squad. Casualties were looking grim in this sector against the Sith as the simple infantry had no support from armor or air. They were hapless against his-


The Dark was near. He could sense it, and it was intoxicating. His nostrils flared, breathing deeply as if smelling its scent. It was impossible to not resist being drawn to who was radiating that aura. A clash of individuals fallen to the Dark Side, yet Cewr was not perfidious as the Sith who were far more decadent than he was. The iris of his eyes bloomed another shade of sulfur, symbolizing his descent into his state.


There he was with that crimson saber in his hand. No dialogue would be spared to the Sith, and no mercy would be given.

Ashin Cardé Varanin

Couple bodies in the garden where the grass grows
The bridge had looked better. Some local architect had put a lot of love into the design a few decades back. Now blasterfire and grazing saber arcs had blurred and warped the stone. Thermal detonators' baradium hearts had erased spherical regions that often manifested as neat rounded holes big enough to fall through. The demands of the moment had led Ashin to advance and retreat across the same stretch of rubble and corpses more times than she could count.

She found no warmth anymore in the blood that soaked her bodyglove at her armor's joints. It felt clammy, stank of butchery work, chilled her deep. Jentaral hung like a sledgehammer in her hand - hit like one too,if necessary. The bridge and the day were nearly won, but she'd pushed herself harder than she would have liked. Real risk jeopardized her ultimate goal: all of this was secondary. Everything here. The pride, the world, even the hate.

She'd finish out the day regardless.
Tags: Open
See Bio for Equipment
Music to read to

The area of battle was aflame with the struggle between Imperials and Warlords. Columns of both noxious and mundane smoke pillared into the skies above as the bite of red sabers clashed in yet another segment of the formerly unified Sith Empire. The clouds of vapor in the air were split by the cries of starfighter engines which ripped through the clouds in pursuit of one another. Laser cannons illuminating the increasingly darkening skies with their terrible, deadly, light. As the Imperial defenders fought valiantly to orchestrate the evacuation of their city bound administrators and central delegates, a hidden danger lurked in the murky and orange emblazoned clouds.​

A train of armed shuttles swiftly began to leave the airspace into low orbit in hopes of activating their hyperdrives to leave the system before they could be intercepted by the otherwise engaged Warlord starfighters. Their profiles too small for the large turbolasers of the warships above to accurately engage without risking an ill timed shot into the invading forces.​

"Signature on scan." reported an Imperial enlisted to the shuttle's commanding Ensign "Armsmen, track that signal!" she ordered sternly as the shuttle's laser cannons wheeled to track the rapidly approaching signature "Its running an interception course, ma'am!" another monitor declared while the pilot looked over his shoulder "Evade?" he asked "Maintain course! We mustn't expose ourselves." the Ensign declared "Signal has... passed us?" murmured the bemused monitor too quietly for the Ensign to hear. The Ensign looked to the holoprojector near her command terminal called to a nearby shuttle "Shuttle N8721 to Shuttle N8156, we are tracking an unknown signature running an intercept course into the evacuation route. Advising to keep current course for evacuation." a middle aged man wearing an Imperial uniform appeared on the hologram "Received N8721, we're with you. Maintaining course bea-" the signal cut out as the shuttles broke through a thick black cloud.​

The bridge of shuttle N8721 was swept with darkness, the dimly illuminating floor mounted aisle lights and the luminescent screens providing the only source of light "Say again N8156? N8156 say again your last." just then out of the mire of smoke broke a flash of orange and red, shaking the shuttle and its passengers "Brace!" shouted the pilot as the flaming wreckage of a half-flying armed shuttle listed sideways towards the vessel. Durasteel hulls clanged together with and a violent shudder went throughout the shuttle as the pilot desperately wrestled with the flight controls to avoid a complete spin. Had the Imperial mariners not been securely strapped to their seats there was no doubt of the catastrophic trauma the crew would have been facing.​

"That was '21!" said a now terrified navigator "It was the fighter! Its still on signal!" the Ensign wasted no time despite her daze "Auxiliary power to engines. Get us out of here pilot, NOW!" as the shuttle's engines began to take on a heavier load it broke through the vast column of blackness. Before the shuttle a shadow rushed across the cockpit as a thunderous explosion wracked the battered vessel once again "We lost a shuttle above us!" reported the navigator. A flaming hull panel with an Aurebesh 'N7720' whizzed by the bridge back into the blind spot of the crew. The Ensign grabbed at her command terminal to steady herself, she did not have the experience to know what was occurring "Commander?" asked the pilot "Stay the course?" there was silence on the bridge "Commander?" the Ensign was breathing rapidly "Stay the course." the pilot nodded "Aye, staying the course."​

For a brief few moments of clarity in the air it was clear that the evacuation route looked clear. Far too clear. The Ensign squinted her eyes in growing suspicion "We're only a few hundred meters off course." said the pilot to the navigator who looked like he had seen a ghost "Y-yes, we're within the extended zone." the sign stood with a grave expression as the truth dawned on her "Its a trap." The faint sounds of an explosion behind the vessel hit the crew's ears, and instinctively the Ensign looked over her shoulder at the currently bolted closed bridge access doors "Commander, no signature on scan!" the navigator looked over his terminals "Its gone..." he said in disbelief as he continued to tap away at the screens "15 seconds from greenlight." the pilot reported as he continued to stay the course into low orbit of the planet.​

The thunderous sound of an explosion in the distance behind them stirred the bridge crew who all seemed to be counting the seconds "Engaging hyperdrive." reported the pilot as his right hand went to a lever and pushed it forward. The shuttle's hyperdrive engines roared, space blurred before them, and Imperial Shuttle N8721 departed the system. The Ensign dropped to her chair and looked weary as she put her hands to her forehead "Ma'am?" the monitor looked to the Ensign, she was standing while pointing to her large terminal screen. The pilot, navigator, and an armsman were crowded around it "You should see this..." she sounded terrified despite the danger having long passed "What is it?" the Ensign nearly groaned as she hauled herself up and pushed past the group of mariners.​

Captured by the imaging sensors of the shuttle was a still image of what appeared to be a winged beast with glinting metal plates ridden by a figure that carried a metal pole of some sort, the pole was red hot on a segment near the front, but was too long to see the end of it. The figure was clad in a metal suit similar to the beast's. There, clear as the stars in space, two burning yellow eyes stared directly upward at the crew with a piercing ferocity from behind the sleek helmet "Force preserve us..." she said in a shaking voice her eyes locked with the figure's.​
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Hfredium Corporate Conglomerate HQ - Shoengen - Brosi
Tags: Vora Kaar Vora Kaar | Darth Voyance Darth Voyance



The Sith stood by the holographic map of the battlefield, the elements within either shaded in a low green or a bright red. The setting was set onto the signature blue hue. Dasam merely watched on as the three dots signifying the mercenaries went to the location called upon by their commander. There were comments that Dasam had, regarding how the noble commanded his men. But that will be saved for when the time is right, and it was soon.

The holo-call of a distressed mercenary was the eve of that time, Dasam watched on at the performance brought about by Tash: an individual Kal recognized. Now he finally caught on to more of the picture Vora had and held himself back from a grin. The Ore-Duke was frantic and Vora was laying the words upon his person with a heavy weight to them. But that was just the tip of the iceberg, Vora cleared a path and Dasam swooped over to stand in front of the Ore-Duke who was at a loss of words, dazed by Vora's augmented accusation.

Kal leaned forward to place his face close to the Ore-Duke's. The scent the duke carried was strong, the fabricated fragrances he put onto himself merely hid under the shadow of the alcohol he consumed. There used to be a man of focus, determination, and will. But it devolved into a glutton, who carries a lethal amount of pride and forgot what it meant to be a leader.

I gave you an idea to expand upon, Ore-Duke. As my lord said, you didn't take any precautions or even take in the full weight of such a decision. This is your battle, and you have it in such low regard. That firefight proved to me something. Either your men are redundant, or you are."

The Ore-Duke remained silent, shivering. The aura of fear was focused on the glutton, but the anger was still present in the shape of a frown as heavy as him. Dasam continued.

I firmly believe it's the latter. For whenever a set of followers fail, it is a failure on the leader's part. And it would not be beneficial to our cause to have your failures about."

The Ore-Duke was filled with rage and barked out. "
Now wait a god dam-..." A gasp for air broke into his sentence, as the Epicanthix raised a hand. The palm pointed up and the fingers eagerly bent. The pressure was put onto his neck, just enough to have Dovark flail about in the act of suffocation. The Sith merely looked on, his golden gaze sunk into the Ore-Duke's eyes as they were being drained of life. Dasam took a bit of time to let this moment pass, before ending it with a flick of his wrist. The head of the Ore-Duke was violently turned counter-clockwise in a fashionably loud crack. The Glutton ceased with his flailing and was lifeless on his chair.

The Sith pulled the corpse off with a wave of his hand. A thump was to be produced, as the heavy body collided with the metal floor. Dasam looked about at the other inhabitants of the room before his head turned over to Vora.

Now we can get back to work."

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Objective: #2
Shoengen Delta


Romund as almost out cold from the blast. After his back hit the water hard he felt a second wave of whiplash. First from the blast, now from hitting the water. Since he was in his full body armor he sank down. The tides were fairly rough as he felt his body drift side to side to side. His body felt to numb to realize that he was beginning to drown now. All he could feel was the cool embrace of the tides he was now caught up in.

As he floated down thanks to his armor, his helmet came undone and floated down. Even though the titanium armor was lacking in density and thus weight. He was most likely falling in deeper and deeper from the lack of air in his lungs to provide buoyancy. Having the literal air knocked out of him from the blast.

However, after a particularly strong wave passed by he felt his eyepatch get pushed up his head and thus uncovered his eye. Without the object or it's rune covering it he felt a surge of force energy wash into him. Opening his eyes intensely inside the salt water he clenched his fist. He felt himself become both one and separate from the tides. Sensing a larger wave building up Romund prepared himself.

As the tidal energy moved so did he. Using the force to functionally blast himself out of the water with the wave. Moving with it and away from it. He launched himself out of the water and closer to the sands of the shore. He didn't make it since he was father then he realized. But he reached considerably more shallow water. Falling into it and trying to regain his balance. However that wave caught up to him and knocked him over, tumbling him onto the sands of the beach. As the water moved back into the ocean he was left there. Slowly getting himself up off the rough, harsh grains of wet sand. He sighed, it was everywhere, in his armor and clothes. Still feeling the unpleasant of precognition and a strange feeling of sensing the world around him he grabbed his eye patch and pulled it back over his eye. The Sith Rune working wonders to sooth him now. Looking back out into the ocean he raised his hand out and reached into the waters with the Force.

A moment later his bronze colored helmet shot out from the tides and into his hand. Some seaweed having been snagged from it. Holding the helm as salt water poured from it he turned his back on the waves. Romund had done enough for today, he was sore, got his mission accomplished. What he needed now was some bacta, and booze...

Darth Luminoth



Objective I
Darth Maleva | Marcad Marcad


"In truth, there is no sure way of holding other than by destroying.”


Radiant, golden plasma screamed free of Luminoth's hilt as he stepped off the shuttle. A symphony of carnage filled the aural space around them. Luminoth made a gesture over his shoulder, signaling the shuttle to fly away. Several stray blaster bolts diverted in ricochet as the Dark Sun swatted them with golden plasma. The craft lifted, bolts battering it like a monsoon as it ascended into retreat.

He deflected another dozen shots bound for Maleva and himself. Three deft strokes made quick work of charging Imperial Knights that manage to break line to their position. Standing among severed, smoldering flesh, a flash of purple caught his eye. From behind the mask, he found eye-contact with the opposing Mirialan.


The Knight's words entered the mind, not the ear. The Dark Side granted Luminoth the privilege of hearing what had died beneath blaster fire and shouting. The Dark Sun could sense his intention, the adversary making no effort to shield his mind. Why would he? There was no pretending this was anything other than it was. If ever there was a time for subtlety, this wasn't it.

Luminoth charged forward, golden blade lashing out with a furious drone against the stangnat air.


Darth Maleva




Objective I
Darth Luminoth | Marcad Marcad

Maleva stopped in her tracks as Luminoth fell upon the enemies, a beautiful but deadly grace in his movement. While warriors were admirable, she had no misconceptions when it came to her own talents on the field; her most powerful tool was not her body, but her mind. Inhaling deeply, the anzati brought her focus inwards. She allowed the anger and hatred that had festered inside her for so long to flow freely.

A bolt from a blaster flew past her head. Her neck snapped to the direction it had come from, eyes darting wildly, looking for the source. A single stormtrooper's head peeked from behind a corner once more, firing another shot at the woman. Maleva danced around it, the force guiding light footwork. A cruel smirk crossed her face as she waited one more, ready this time. When the first bit of armor appeared again, her open palm flicked through the air, before curling into a fist. The trooper crumpled as all will left his body. Maleva could feel her power grow as the man's strength was harnessed for herself.

Her gaze returned to the fellow Sith Lord as he took to the knight. Bending one knee, Maleva's other leg swept in a wide arc. Her arms waved as she began to whisper ancient incantations, every word laced with malice. Glowing scarlet wisps began to collect at the finger tips of her moving hands. She channeled her own energy, letting them grow larger, until they met her wrist. The pure hatred burned her ivory skin, but Maleva did not allow the pain to eat at her. Her arm moved inward, before flinging back out, releasing a bolt in the knight's direction.

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