Failure Is Not Fatal
[SIZE=9pt]Jacen exhaled slowly as the group turned to him. The theme seemed to be on favourite drinks, but that was a sore spot. He’d snuck a few beers on some recent missions to less desirable locations when no other members of the Order were about. Wasn’t about to go mentioning how much he missed that![/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]“Name’s Jacen Voidstalker, hello to those I already know, and those I don’t!” he said in his gruff voice. “As an aside I am told I’m a reasonable baritone,” he continued to the group. At that he nodded and sat back down, job done.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]"Oh, right!" he blurted out, holding up one hand, palm out. You fething moron. "I was born on Coruscant, where my family still mostly live under Sith rule. We're tatooinian back a few generations though."[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]“Name’s Jacen Voidstalker, hello to those I already know, and those I don’t!” he said in his gruff voice. “As an aside I am told I’m a reasonable baritone,” he continued to the group. At that he nodded and sat back down, job done.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]"Oh, right!" he blurted out, holding up one hand, palm out. You fething moron. "I was born on Coruscant, where my family still mostly live under Sith rule. We're tatooinian back a few generations though."[/SIZE]