Relit Vandal
"Stare upon the waterfall now. What do you see?"
"I see...flowing water."
"Look further."
"The water pushes down the mountain side, the sun glistens across the stone top. Why?"
"Because it knows nothing else."
"Yes, precisely. And because it knows nothing else, it lives life free of melancholy and free of lamentation."
"Is that what you would have of me? Free of melancholy and lamentation?"
"No. I would have you understand that when the force calls, it's your responsibility to answer. Just as the water pours down the hill."
"And my answer? Will I flow"
"You must respond. But your for you to choose."
Objective: Defend the prospects of the Jedi OrderLocation: Finding his way towards the Ruusan Academy
Allies: The Jedi Order, [member="Kana Truden"], [member="Varus Shatterstar"], [member="Dair Cotarin"], [member="Zylah Dvale"], [member="Travot Ravenna"], [member="Setzi Lunelle"]
Enemies: Those hidden in the dark, [member="Melori Raaf"], [member="Sage Bane"], [member="Darth Valdra"], [member="Kerstas"], [member="Saiah"], @Vengence, [member="Viktor Noali"], [member="Tanek Santii"]
He couldn't recall the drift or the sensation that drew his fingers from the autopilot, to draw the rickety piece of craft into harbor upon such subtle clamor. But the tinge of the force, even through the folds of the darkness of space gave him a sense of purpose beyond the flicker of lights upon dash and stars within the view screen. How long he had wondered, setting foot upon mission so rarely, he wondered if this would be any different. He remembered a time, during the great resuscitation of the universe, so many torn asunder, that he attempted to prescribe his own form of aid to the Grand Republic. But even in their times of need, he felt they never assuredly needed his. But this felt different.
The haggard X-wing kicked open it's gaping maw, dust flying from the intricacies within as the Zelosian pulled himself from the cockpit and muddled his way from the false sense of vertigo. Gripping at his sea legs, he pulled the pack from the cargo hull and patted himself down. A kukri machete, a dissuader, a scatter gun, and a particularly vintage lightsaber. With the goggles pulled tight over the emerald sheen of his eyes, he smiled towards the sky. A tooth filled one at that, long having missed the warmth of that kiss. Energy filled him, chloroplast dancing enthusiastically at the notion of the touch, as he felt it's rejuvenation - long lost in brackish waters, gulping up water from a fresh spring.
Fingerless gloved hands flexed at the impending notions that dwelt within him, the concept of someones cruelness and harsh proclivities soon laying conquest upon the temperate land around him. A head on a swivel, he looked towards the nearest structure - Academies, no matter the constructs, always had an air about them. He was never one for such traditional venues but they held value, especially against such brewing consequences from those led so far astray. A candle, burning fiercely, is ever vigilant of the encroaching shadow. With a mind towards helping where he could, he began his steady movement towards the academy. He may face a darkness he had never known, on this day, but he would do it with a mental and spiritual fortitude harnessed in the depths and loneliness of space. For whatever that was worth.