Location: Diplomatic Consulate - Byllurun, Sullust [Aryn's Quarters-West Wing]
In the Company Of: [member="Aryn Teth"]
Srina stared, hard, when the Jedi admitted that he did not know if he was on the right side. It was not at all the answer that she had expected. Not from the man, whom all heralded as being nigh perfect, while leading the Alliance to days of prosperity through his war efforts. It was a pail of ice cold water to the face to realize that no matter how well she thought she knew him, because of the Force Bond, they truly didn’t know one another at all. An identity crises should not have surprised her so…But it did.
“You should. You should know.”, she responded quietly, words barely a whisper, but there all the same. If the slender apprentice was in a position where she could have allowed herself capable of compassion it would have been palpable then. He feared the loss of the Force. It was understandable. No one wanted one of their senses abruptly cut off.
No one wanted to become disabled—to go blind.
In her eyes…They didn’t have a choice. It was better that they crippled themselves, versus breaking the alliance, and eventually destroying all they had worked for. Darth Metus, if he figured it out, would most certainly take it as an act of war on his worst days. At his best, there was a slight, slight chance that she might be able to reason with him…But the apprentice had her doubts. Something told her, very clearly, that her Master would not forgive the Supreme Commander for ensnaring his apprentice.
Srina attacked the golden threads which bound them at seemingly infinite points with precision. She did not see the darkness at the end of the tunnel. The blackness that consumed her light, that pulled her in, and drew her nearer instead of letting her go. She drew a shaken breath, swallowing a cry that was crossed between a mewl, and a whimper. It was the sound of an injured animal, a fawn, that had been shot and left to die slowly. Distantly, she could hear Aryn telling her to stop.
She did not hear his chair hit the floor. She could not hear, could not feel, could not process anything other than the pain that laced through her core. It was agony in every sense, emotional, and physical. It took everything she had to keep fighting. To keep pushing him away. She had to lock him out. There had to be a way. This bond, for the sake of both of their nations, for every man, woman, and child…It had to be undone. It had to.
Blue eyes met silver as her vision pinged with darkness. It was hard to focus. As soon as she felt his touch on her shoulder, trying to keep her from falling, everything worsened. Her eyes reddened. Not from her tears, nor from Sith Corruption, but from blood. She could feel the Force building within, the same telekinetic burst that had destroyed Verd Industries on Coruscant, and momentary alarm filled her. She had decimated the entirety of the building by accident…And that…
That was nothing like this.
Srina knew she could not release that kind of power here. There were innocent people. Civilians. Friends. “Get away. Y-You have to—“, she tried to warn the Commander, but her words came out jumbled, confused. There wasn’t time. She gasped and her eyes closed when she inexplicably turned the energy inward. What she had used to fight Aryn, to contest his hold, had turned against her. Capillaries burst beneath her skin, leaving her with reddened spots that faded rapidly into dark and mottled purplish bruises. They flowed, patterning across her fair skin in a way that was both grotesque, and mesmerizing.
The struggle ended abruptly. What Aryn threatened, what he warned, seemed that it was very much the truth. If she kept pushing and repeatedly tried to cut him out of her being…She could feel now, that she had been very wrong, and that it would only get worse. If she died in the quarters of the Commander it would be a war regardless. Silver eyes remained closed, taking shuddering breaths until her tears ran clear. The bodice of her once pristine gown was spattered with small splashes of red.
The only comfort she could find was in the man that knelt beside her. It confused her. For as much as she had slashed at the Force Bond, for as deeply as she had tried to dig it out from the root…It wasn’t all pain. There was forgiveness. There was strength. Peace. “What…W-What is this….”
Srina did not understand. Rather, feeling as if she had been beaten bloody by a rancor, she simply could not understand. Echani, as a whole, were a people that acted minimally with words. With that in mind, she reached for Aryn’s hand, and held it to her shoulder, keeping him where he was to soothe the misery. The closer he was physically the less damaged she felt.
“…What do we do? If we can’t….Maybe I just….Maybe it was just the wrong way…”, she murmured, closing her eyes wearily as she leaned back in the chair, trying to think of ways to explain this. No training session left her this battered. At least, not any that she had held on Confederate soil. Echani methods of learning could be brutal. “I don’t know what to do.”
The admission stung her. For someone so typically in control, so stoic, and steel-eyed…This was crushing. To feel entirely out of control, after fighting so much for a simple shred of it, left her feeling hollow. Defeated.