Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Kobe's training.

The sweat dripped from his brow, as he stepped back to see the damage he had done. The droid that stood before him was battered, bent and ruined, the arm hung loose from where Kobe's trikes from his bokken had hit hard, though Kobe was still small, and still only four years of age the precision in his strikes were clinical and precise.

He raised his cream robed arm to his forehead, and wiped away the sweat that had formed around it, his brow was furrowed and his eyes were stern, concentrating upon the two remaining droids left in the room with him.

He had took hard to his mother leaving, ''Was i not good enough.. did she not love me? did i drive her away'' often were the dark thoughts of the young boys mind, he tried to escape them, often, which is why he had taken to training in the simulation rooms, every minute he had spare.

At first of course, he was not great, not at all. His swings were wild, useless and more dangerous to him self than to his enemies. After all, he was still an Initiate and still had studies on his mind, it was a lot for him but he took it in his stride, though his main drive was always the same. 'Why'.

After a couple of weeks, some of the Padawans, and young knights must have took pity on the young Kobes, futile attempts on fighting the proxy droids with his wild and savage swings, and some taught him simple techniques and strikes based on the form of Shii-Cho, and even a little bit of Ataru. Simple strikes as they were, Kobe had taken to perfecting them as best his body could. And it would aid him in the future, after a few months it had finally come to the time where Kobe could take on two proxy droids at one time. And eventually, after a long and gruelling battle, he would sometimes win, and of course. Sometimes lose. Badly.

Though the scene he had before him was now a different challenge, he had three droids. Two left of the moment, the first as stated before being dispatched after several minutes of combat.

His grey eyes focused on the one closest to him, and he took in a breath. '' Zone one, the head. '' Two, the right arm, Three the left arm and side.. four the back.. five and six the right and left leg.. if i can just get close enough to perform Sun Djem.. i can take him out of the game before his friend realises..'' Kobe nodded his head, and within a split second he formed his body into a roll, kicking his back foot off of the floor as he did, his body went from a roll to a jump within moments, and he raised his bokku to slash towards the droids stun blaster, cutting the barrel in half instantly. He swung his blade back around and dutifully took the droids head from it's shoulders.
''That will be a pain to repair for me later. Oh well.''

He was not allowed thoughts for more than a second, before the final droid advanced. It fired upon his right knee, and managed to knick his robes, before Kobe could concentrate once more.

He Turned, moving his tiny feet back into a starting stance once more, before sprinting towards the droid. ''This is it.. will i finally manage to defeat three, in ONE session?!.. Perhaps then.. mother will return.. she will be proud and everything will be okay''.

Kobe was falling down in the air, his wooden blade ready to slash the the droids weapon in half. '' I've got this.. just a little bi-'' His foot crashed off the side of the droid before he could do any damage to the droid, and before he knew it the droid fired multiple stun pellets into his chest. Indicating if it were real, he would be very much so dead.

'Simulation over'' Kobe said outloud, and the droids were brushed off to the side. He sat himself on the floor, sighed and pulled out his flask of water, drank, and waited to start all over again.

@[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Matsu had been surprised when she heard the news, more so that her padawan wasn't with his mother. As much as it pained her to admit she was glad of that. Asha had fallen into disillusion with the jedi, she had forsaken her vows to protect the republic and now as she roamed the galaxy risking herself... Well it was good she had left Kobe here with the jedi. A boy should be with his family and despite somethings his family was here. Tracyn had stayed, Joshua and Je'daii were his caregivers and as his master she would make sure he learned as much as he could.

It helped soothe the small amount of ache she felt that having to be the only mother in his life. Yes she wasn't his mother but of the four people who were here now, his father, god parents and master... She had raised two children. A four year old was a challenge but she knew how to treat and at times spoil them. He would find joy with her and if she had to do some to help so be it.

That finally led her into the training room and Matsu's eyes set upon Kobe while she looked to the droids and to the floor. Slowly her hands went behind her back while the geta she wore lightly clacked on the floor until she came to a stop just above him and sat down. Slowly Matsu tucked her legs under while speaking taking in the droids.

"You are getting quite good I have been told, pretty good we might have to get you a training saber. Padawan Kobe, I know it has been rough but I can promise you this. It will only get better at time goes on, wounds like this eventually wash away in the falling snow and we see much of ourselves change. Your mother loved you with all her heart and that is why when she fell, when she left she stayed her hand at taking you. She wanted you to live to be what she could not be, to make right her mistakes."
Kobe turned. And bowed at his Master, his short Padawan braid hanging loosely on his head.
''Still a long way to go..'' He looked at the droids, before continuing. '' A training saber.. they' just don't feel right, Master. I don't like the way they are in combat.. i dunno..'' He looked at her, and rubbed his still chubby, childish cheek and then smiled, his trademark.

'' As for mum... Shes gone now.. s'ides.. dad is still somewhere, and i got you, Uncle Josh and Aunty Je'daii, i'm in good hands!'' He flashed a brilliant white smile, hoping that it would evade the trauma he held inside him.

@[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
@[member="Kobe Ordo-Seren"]

Matsu looked at him and smiled with that. If he didn't want to use a blade that was good enough for her for now. Though he would have to learn how to use one as a jedi eventually. "Yes you are surrounded with ones who care for you and... A saber will come eventually in time. All jedi learn how to use one but it is not the blade that defines you. It is if you choose to use it. Now come on and tell me how your self training has been going?"
Blessed are the peacemakers
Tracyn watched from afar, his hand on his chin. He was incredibly unsure of how to act on this, for the reason that he hadn't seen his son in a while, but he wanted to observe him interacting with other Jedi. In fact, it was obvious that Tracyn wasn't exactly happy that he was here, either. The Jedi were good, but he felt as though Asha had somewhat forced Kobe into here. He sat down on a bench, observing his son from afar, and placing his hand on his chin. He wanted to go to him, but he wasn't quite sure what to say or do, and if saying or doing anything for a few days and then leaving would be good. He wasn't a good father, and he wasn't a good husband.

He was a better soldier and a better widow, that was for sure. He kept an eye on Matsu, the fresh images of Metalorn in his mind. He gave a sigh, leaning back in his comfortable seating position, watching the pair interact.
@[member="Kobe Ordo-Seren"] @[member="Matsu Ike"]
Kobe lifted his hand to his forehead, brushing his now overgrown hair from his eyes.
He looked to his Master, and smiled before speaking. '' It goes well, i have been doin' some studying.. and spending most of my time in here anyway, but it's good!.. As for the saber i'm not against it, i jus' think theres better weapons to use i'unno.''

He placed his left hand onto his bokku, and placed it onto his back. The bokku was a strange weapon, for many, it was long and curved, carved from the wood of a Kashyyyk tree, it had his name on it, and his fathers symbol. He was proud of it.

Before Matsu replied, Kobe had a feeling.. ''Am i being watched?... is someone here?'' though he felt that he was being watched the aura he sensed.. although to some it may seem off putting, the aura for Kobe himself was calming, and soothing. '' Father?'' Kobe looked, searching the training room for the sight of his father, though his eyes could not place him and he was not trained well enough into the force to pick him out with that.

''Just feeling things'' He sighed.

His grey eyes turned back to face his Masters own eyes, and awaited what she had for him to do.

@[member="Matsu Ike"] @[member="Tracyn Ordo"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
@[member="Kobe Ordo-Seren"] @[member="Tracyn Ordo"]

The idea of better weapons was amusing and true, there was always a better weapon one could use at their disposal should they need it but it was also a thing sometimes to use a saber. She could admit the force was a far stronger weapon for herself then a simple blade.

"There is always a better weapon Kobe, for a jedi it is deciding what that is. Some are far more talented in using their words to diffuse fights, some are stronger in the force and can use it to influence or with a strong enough display hopefully stop. Then there are the ones who use the blade and none of those choices are wrong, none are stronger then the other. It is all a matter of preference. Myself I use all three when needed, a lightsaber should I have no other choice, my words to give warning and plead and finally if all else fails. My fans to conduct the winds, to moisten the clouds and create quakes. It is not something done lightly or that should be used without preparing to have your heart weighed down by guilt. It is why I do not easily leave the temple, I train my padawans and if we must go out to see the galaxy it is done from the Harlequin."

Her head didn't need to perk up, she felt Tracyn watching and it was strange. Inviting him over though would have been... Something, she wasn't sure if mistake was the proper word or if kindness. He wasn't the biggest fan of most people.
'' I suppose so, Master.. i guess everyone is always searching for something.. something new and different, be it with the force or anything else.''

Kobe smiled and bowed to his Master, before raising his body up and standing straight.

''So! what are we learning today, Master?''

@[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
@[member="Kobe Ordo-Seren"] @[member="Tracyn Ordo"]

"Today Kobe I will teach you some defense techniques. In my youth I traveled and learn many things from other groups, Teras Kasi, the way to throw a disc blade, fight in a battle circle against the Alors of Mandalore, the force techniques of the Jal shey, forging techniques from the Jensaari, history among the Disciples of Twilight and alchemy from an old and tired master who came to regret his past in the final days of his life. There is much that can be taught to you and the basics are the best place to start. So from where you are stand I want you to extend your arm."

The jedi master rose and waited for him letting the boy do as needed while she walked around to the side. "Now for you size it will be harder but if someone throws a punch at you. Use the force to side step and snatch their hand then twist to break the wrist. The second part is to disable the rest of their arm by opening your palm and beating it against their elbow until it pops. One of the faster ways to disable force user. If they can't use their arms they can't use a saber and in some cases the force as well."
Blessed are the peacemakers
The robes adorning the man at the end of the training room were thrown off, in stylish, bravado fashion. Tracyn stood, legs spread apart and fists at his side, a power stance in the fullest. He stared at matsu, letting his son take in his form and his demeanor.

"The best way to defeat someone when you're smaller than them is not striking, Kobe. Grappling and manipulation of an opponent immobilizes and destroys." Tracyn said, dropping one leg back and advancing towards matsu. He waited for her to return the invitation to a spar."Striking only works in a select few situations, you can apply grappling in almost every single one."He said with a grin. And it was true, grappling worked against even the largest opponents, and especially armored opponents. Force powered or not, it was still hard to break an armored person's arm through striking.

@[member="Kobe Ordo-Seren"] @[member="Matsu Ike"]
Josh watched from afar, his hood over his head on his robes. A smirk crossed his face as he watched Kobe train under Matsu.

Then he saw Tracyn reveal himself... But he didn't stop them. He just watched, curiously. If anything went wrong, which he doubted considering Tracyn was Kobe's father, Josh would step in...

But for now, he watched, proud of the progress of his nephew...

@[member="Tracyn Ordo"]
@[member="Matsu Ike"]
@[member="Kobe Ordo-Seren"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Matsu looked up and then at Tracyn as he spoke with a smirk. She moved out of the way of Kobe and bowed for a moment as he advanced. Then removed her robe letting the weapons and equipment she carried be revealed before taking it off. It was partially un-jedi like but exotic weapons she could carry on herself and not take too much still fell in the bounds of minimalist. The several tattoo's along the length of her body also spoke for what she had done. A dragon on her back and shoulder with tribal marking mirroring the Jal Shey then along her forearms with more showing on her hands. The sides of her ribs that weren't covered by the sarashi across her hips and ending at her feet as the pants covered the rest.

The petite jedi master curled to fingers and let the energies pool in her hands. Tracyn was... Many things but an ex super commando (do not recall if it is supposed to be common knowledge) and mandalorian meant he was double maybe triple her own weight. A foot or more taller then her and then she spoke. "He is correct, grappling can work wonders against some if not so more then exotic techniques. Now watch Kobe, your father is quite a skilled fighter, perhaps more so then me but we may just stand as equals in this." Her face stayed on Tracyn and she slipped out of the geta shoes letting the floors coolness bring her attention to the man. "Are you ready to begin?"
Kobe extended his arm, his small cream robes shuffling up to his elbow.
He nodded at his masters words before noting the familiar voice.

''Dad?... dad is that really you!?'' He looked up, with a face of surprise, and pleasure, though this had completely distracted him from his training.

He had also felt the pressence of his uncle, giving a slight wave into Josh's direction, before turning back to his father.

''What are you doing here, dad?.. i thought you were away on training?''
He bowed to his Master, to show his respect to her. Before awaiting his answer as he laid down his arm, the training on hold for now.

@[member="Matsu Ike"] @[member="Tracyn Ordo"] @[member="Josh"] Dragonsflame
Josh smirked as he watched, giving Kobe a small wave as he watched.

Ah... So Matus and Tracyn were going to duel as an example... He walked over to Kobe and stood with his nephew, patting him on the head proudly as he watched this fight with a eager smile.

@[member="Kobe Ordo-Seren"]
@[member="Matsu Ike"]
@[member="Tracyn Ordo"]
Blessed are the peacemakers
Tracyn bowed to @[member="Matsu Ike"], and then watched his son for a moment, before closing his eyes. He placed his feet together, and tapped his fists together. For a moment, there was a tattoo line visible that seemed to start from his arm down to his wrist, though the image was obscured for the time being. He tapped his knuckles together, bowing his head, and then went straight for Matsu. He ran towards her, looking to do some sort of charge, and then stopped in front of her. He turned on the balls of his feet, launching one of his long and powerful legs high into the air, not as a kick, but as a wrap around behind her neck. His next step would be to grab her arm, and using a simultaneous movement of arm and leg in a rotating position, would flip her over and put her on the ground for further combat. Quite a powerful and intimidating move, in such a short amount of time as well.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
@[member="Tracyn Ordo"] @[member="Kobe Ordo-Seren"] @[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]

Matsu saw the charge and moved with it, Tracyn was many things and one of them was a foot taller then her. His high kick to wrap around her head would meet with the air while her eyes tracked him. Her head snapping to the side while her arm extended touching the floor into a one handed handstand while her two feet came up snapping forward quickly from above. It might have been enough height for his jaw to be connected with but she wasn't sure. All she knew was the breeze from his leg nearly grazing her ear.

He was far faster as she righted herself striking forward with serpentine strikes that pushed the force into her fingers. The methods were old, something she had been taught and she went for the left arm trying to strike several points to disable if done. It had been what she did to Isis on Metalorn before taking her weapon hand. It had been what she was taught before being sent into the prisons on Kessel when her saber wouldn't be able to be taken and what she used in lieu of over physical strength.
Blessed are the peacemakers
Tracyn watched the serpentine movements for a moment, after simply pulling his head back after watching her go for a tell-tale grasshopper kick. It was fast, but she was fighting someone who had not been taught how to fight. He was made to fight.

"The difference between some people, Kobe, is that some people were born to fight, and some are taught and trained."He said, wheeling his arm back after one of the serpentine strikes hit him. The good part was, she was fully extending her arm against someone who grappled. Old methods or not, it wasn't pleasant to what was about to occur next for Matsu. The pain in his arm was fleeting, as per his mental tolerance to pain. Tracyn wound his arm back, then shot it underneath Matsu's outstretched arm, timing it perfectly. He grasped at her back, and then brought his other arm around, and then attempted to literally smash her into the ground, shoulder first. Normally, in a real fight, he would have gone for the face, but that could easily break a person's neck and crush her skull. He also lessened the impact by not using his full strength, or using the force. He didn't want to break another Jedi."So you must find out for yourself, and it will take some time, which kind of person you are. Though I hope you never have to. And you shouldn't."Tracyn said, preparing to get @[member="Matsu Ike"] to the ground. He spoke calmly, even during the situation, showing his focus to the fight at hand, and his ability to fight and think at the same time.

@[member="Kobe Ordo-Seren"] @[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]

Kobe was annoyed, as he stood at his uncles side. He loved both his Father, and his Master and here they stood battling eachother to prove some sort of irrelevent point. And it annoyed him.

The force flowed through him as he increasingly got agitated, and weapons, blasters and chairs alike began to float around him like an orbit. The force was fully flowing around and out of him as he breathed through his nose, attempting and failing to calm him self.

'STOP FIGHTING, THE BOTH OF YOU. STOP IT NOW' The chairs and items flew more violently as he continued to watch them pointlessly (in his eyes) fight away.

'Just.. STOP.' The chairs flew into the far wall, and the training sabers and blasters followed, creating a loud bang, then scrap and rubble on the floor.

@[member="Matsu Ike"] @[member="Tracyn Ordo"] @[member="Josh"] Dragonsflame
Josh's eyes widened as Kobe began harnessing the Force.... While he would normally have been proud of his potent use of it, he didn't want it this way... Not in rage... Not in destruction....

"Kobe... He whispered into his nephews ear, taking the young boy's hand gently. He sighed, sitting down with the boy, whispering a song that he would always sing for Kobe as a young one when he was upset or enraged, one he used once in awhile at the odd tantrum the four year old Kobe would throw in present time... He couldn't recall a time that Kobe hadn't either calmed down, or fallen asleep... It'd worked for four years now.

@[member="Kobe Ordo-Seren"]
Blessed are the peacemakers
Tracyn paused in his fight, unhingimg himself from @[member="Matsu Ike"]. He stared at his son, and then Joshua. He realized that he could never repair the damage that he had done to Kobe or everyone in the room. He looked guilty, finding himself unable to even look at Kobe. He bowed to matsu, and walked over to his robings. He knew he shouldn't have come back. The only thing that he could cause Kobe now was pain, and more anger. He walked over to the cloak he had on, slowly grasping it.

"Truth be told, Kobe. Maybe the Jedi life isn't for you. Because family man is not one that I can be, Kobe." He put a hand through a sleeve, pausing before sliding his hood up. He stared at Kobe for a long while, before turning on his heels. His fists clenched at his side as he slipped away, his brown cloak falling behind him.

@[member="Kobe Ordo-Seren"]
@[member="Matsu Ike"]
@[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]

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