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Approved NPC Korriban Rippers

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  • [SIZE=12pt]Intent[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]: To have a group of vultures prey on Funami’s potential and provide her with a gang of her own in return[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Image Credit[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]: Gangster club[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Role[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]: Funami’s posse and bodyguards[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Links[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]: Funami Teriyaki, Sith Empire[/SIZE]

[*][SIZE=12pt]Description[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]: Dressed sharp and acting as if Korriban’s their playground, the Rippers usually loiter about and occasionally mug lone travelers when not on a mission assigned by their pink-haired boss. In the fifth grade of elementary school, Funami does not have enough time to carry out every task given to her by her Sith superiors, and thus commands the gang to do most of her dirty work while she focuses on her studies. Whenever the petite Atrisian’s around, they flock around and try to curry favor with her.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Unit[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] Size: Small[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Unit Availability[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]: Unique[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Unit Experience[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]: Recruit[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Combat Function[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]: The Rippers serve as Funami’s muscle - do her dirty work and pose as a deterrent to those who would seek to do her harm. Despite looking tough and definitely a danger to lone trainees and smaller groups of acolytes, their potential as actual Sith is nil. Heavily reliant on fighting in group and overpowering lone targets by strength in numbers alone, they swarm their prey like a pack of Tuk’ata. Rarely employing any other tactic than a blind charge at the enemy, the Rippers pose little challenge to the prepared, and work much better as imposing thugs and tomb raiders.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Strength in numbers, never fight alone[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Can use basic Force abilities common among low ranked Sith[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Decent with melee weaponry[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Will flee from lost battles if Funami isn’t nearby[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Minimal training[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=12pt]Lack coordination[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Before starting their clique around the pink-haired Sithling, the Rippers were little more than another gang of bullies who preyed on weak acolytes and struggled to survive Korriban’s trials. Judging the Atrisian acolyte an easy target like so many others before them, they attacked her as one man – and were promptly crushed to the ground by the little girl’s power. Their cries for mercy fell on deaf ears until they finally begged to be allowed to serve her. The Sithling accepted their offer. Released from her grasp, they became the first members of this strange cult surrounding Funami. Owing to her unique appearance and telekinetic prowess, the pink terror of Korriban attracted attention like a magnet, soon gathering a few more followers among the more opportunistic acolytes who saw her as their ticket to greatness. Too weak to survive Sith training on their own, they flocked into her small group and hoped to rise in Sith hierarchy on the little child's back.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Funami had established a strict dress code for the group and organized daily fights among the members to strip them of individuality, turning them into an obedient herd. Aware they would not survive on their own, she encouraged the Rippers to focus on teamwork and helping out with her trials, promising to return the favor one day. She lied.[/SIZE]
[member="Funami Teriyaki"]

This is a really solid submission, I love it.

There's just one point I wanted to raise with you,

Funami Teriyaki said:
Unit Size: Small

Funami Teriyaki said:
Heavily reliant on superior numbers, they swarm their prey like a pack of Tuk’ata.
Could you just clarify if this is meant to be in a 1 vs group scenario? The wording is a little unclear as to the kinda of numbers they have. Especially when you say

Funami Teriyaki said:
, soon gathering more followers among the more opportunistic acolytes who saw her as their ticket to greatness.

It makes it seem like you have a larger ground of individuals here than a small unit so I'd appreciate if you could clarify this for me.

Of course, if you want I'd be happy to approve the submission as it is, my request is just a clarification that might help prevent problems down the line.
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