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Approved NPC Korsehv Drone

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  • Intent: To codify a killer from the Draelvasier army that is in thrall to the power of Venn's ring, the Alchemist's Eye.
  • Image Credit: Original Artist
  • Role: Common melee combatant, assassin beasts.
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A




  • Unit Name: Korsehv Drone
  • Affiliation: The Sith Order (Sith Eternal subfaction), Venn Kolis Venn Kolis , Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean
  • Species: Draelvasier (Genetic abnormalities repurposed for war)
  • Classification: Monster Thrall
  • Description: Savage Drones of the once-great Brynadul war machine, branded by the Alchemist's Eye. Their crazed ferocity thoroughly cowed by the flame of Sith Magic, they have regained some semblance of self-preservation in exchange for their insane bravado in battle. Walking the line between sentient and not, their instincts do not quite make up for their lack of intelligence.
  • Unit Size: Medium. The Brynadul once employed these drones in huge swarms, but the Sith Eternal have found success in breaking them into smaller packs consisting of around 100 members.
  • Unit Availability: Common. Made of discarded genetic material in the Draelvasier spawning pits, these beasts are literally made of cloning-process garbage. The Brynadul casually send them into battle 2,000 at a time. So long as remnants of their power remains, there will always be more drones to brand.
  • Unit Experience: Rabble. Korsehv walk the line between sentient and beast. To train them would be a truly time-consuming and tedious task.
  • Equipment: None. A Korsehv Drone, while not incapable of using improvised tools or weapons, will often forget it even has a weapon if given one, and is incapable of using a blaster. Its weapons and armor are built into its body: vicious claws, fangs, and crude metal plates build into its tough hide.
  • Combat Function: Guard dogs. Assassin beasts. Melee shock. The Korsehv are slightly more intelligent than their Brynadul drone counterparts... but only slightly. They are capable of simplistic pack tactics, stealth, and ambush, but strategy entirely escapes their comprehension. The best of the Korsehv can understand 3-4 word commands in Galactic Basic. The most animalistic require one-word orders in the native tongue of the Draelvasier. It helps to give the stupid ones sharper packmates.
  • Force Abilities: None. Drones are exclusively non-sensitive.

  • Physical Prowess: Korsehv Drones are around 7ft tall on average. They are strong and very fast runners. Their many limbs, combined with their clawed hands and feet, make them superior climbers.
  • Dark Puppet: Due to the extremely base nature of their intellect, Venn can override the minds of the Korsehv at will. They become little more than psychically controlled weapons in this state; swords of flesh. This 'Total Control' slightly enhances the Korsehv's inherent physical prowess, and enables them to perform feats beyond their intelligence- recovering a valuable item from the battlefield, or fighting with terrifying technique and skill. Use of this ability typically kills the Drone within 10 minutes or so.
  • Rented Hound: Though all Korsehvs are ultimately bound to Venn Kolis and the Alchemist's Eye, they will diligently follow and serve any master strong in the Dark Side, provided Venn has vetted or marked that master before hand. This allows the Korsehvs to serve Venn's numerous allies among the Sith Eternal and the Sith Order at large. They make imposing and terrifying gifts. Venn is fond of giving them away.
  • Great Conductors: Ion based attacks can superheat the metal plates in the Korsehv's body very quickly, causing agonizing and lethal burns.
  • Fear of Death: The fiery brand of the Alchemist's Eye has scarred every Korsehv- they lack the crazed bloodlust of their old lives, and without direction, they will flee from overwhelming force.
  • Dregs of Dregs: Korsehv Drones were created from subpar biological material. They are nowhere near as resilient as typical Draelvasier.
The Alchemist's Eye was an artefact forged for the primary purpose of bringing the Draelvasier into the service of the Sith Eternal. Once the ring was completed, Venn first tested its power against the Savage Drone of the Brynadul. These troops were numerous, therefore easy to find, and stupid, therefore easy to corner and brand. The name Korsehv is a mangled word from the Drael language meaning blind death. Once the Korsehv consisted of a number of packs, Venn began to use them to ambush other, more intelligent Drael. Their sheer numbers were useful for pinning these Drael down, holding them still for the ring's branding.

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