Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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לוֹחֶם מְפַקֵד
I run out of medpacks then I have to restart then I get bored then I run out of medpacks. Rinse, wash, repeat.


לוֹחֶם מְפַקֵד
@[member="Haven Pryde"] yea they were going to but they canceled it then came out with elite squadron... Which was renegade squadron with different maps and story.
By far, one of my favorite Star Wars games ever! I had KOTOR 1 and 2, and both were masterpieces. Wish they would give it a proper sequel instead of making an MMO which only shares the name. Not to say that TOR is by any means a bad game, it just doesn't do the originals justice.
I loved that game used to be one of the few old games i used to keep going back to. Sadly, xbox360 isn't backwards compatible. Which is STOOPID beyond all hell, i wonder if there is a pc version....

Kila Cadau

Mando Rally Master (With a metal kneecap)
Read the thread. Wishing I hadn't.

CURSE YOU FOR SPOILERS. I just got the game a few weeks ago - still stuck trying to steal the speeder bike thingy on Taris because stupid rancor - and I didn't want to know everything.


Ok here is how you get past the rancor, you get the rancor serum that is right outside the door of the sewer thing, then go in, don't go near the rancor just go forward and there should be a corpse place a poison grenade in the corpse then the serum, the rancor eats it and dies @[member="Kila Cadau"]


I am an completely different character, the G0-T0 made an army of G0-T0 droids, so I is one of them, who is your least favorite party member

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