Krek Libera
The Queen
Krek Libera

No escape.
[ SOCIAL INFORMATION ]- Name: Krek Libera
- Allegiances:
The Golden Company - The Thyrsian Hierarchy
- Corellian Confederation
- Creed Security Initiatives, Jackal Company
[*]Rank: Lieutenant
[*]Homeworld: Twon Ketee
- Species: Twon Ketee
- Age: 38
- Sex: Considers self male, has male voice modulator
- Height: 9’6”
- Weight: 511 lbs.
- Eye Colour: Gold
- Skin: Leathery Red

Jackal Company.
- Immense Strength: Krek is considered strong even among Twon Ketee -- he can wrestle a fully-grown Rathtar on his own and win, and is effectively a pack animal for his company. There’s an old story floating around that he once flipped a tank in his youth.
- Redundant Organs: With two hearts, two stomachs, four kidneys and a myriad of other accessory organs, losing one or two isn’t too big a deal for the Twon Ketee.
- Regeneration: Krek heals at a rate markedly faster than just about everyone else due to physiology similar to the Gen’Dai. Give him a few days after having his arm blown off and he’ll be back.
- One-Man Army: Armed to the teeth and with the knowledge to use each weapon; Krek is a powerful force on the battlefield, highly agile for his size and with years of combat experience.
- Terrifying: Few have seen the monstrous Twon Ketee -- seeing one on the battlefield ripping apart your companions causes most to run in terror. Not that they’ll escape Krek.
- Observant: Thanks to some cybernetic modifications and naturally good senses, Krek is well-suited to sniff out ambushes and notice things that are out of place. In addition he’s able to track and scout, surprisingly well for his size and weight.
- Mechanic: The basic cybernetics attached to Krek’s head have the schematics for all of the cybernetic parts of his body. He’s capable of fixing and modifying the parts as needed.
- Cybernetics: With all the stuff in his body, Krek is able to survive harsh atmospheres and breathe easily in Type II atmospheres. With only minimal protection he can enter space for short periods of time. In addition, his legs are especially powerful and contain minor boost/jump tech, and his head contains a variety of scanners and communications equipment.
- Dumb dumb: Krek is not intelligent in any sense of the word. He can barely do basic math and needs the help of cybernetics to even form sentences in Basic properly.
- Big Target: Krek’s size makes him an easy target for enemy weapons. Due to his electronics, he's easily picked up by scanners.
- Poison: Due to the advanced metabolism of Twon Ketee, poison that might otherwise take hours to affect a victim can affect Krek in minutes.
- Blood Loss: The rapid pumping of blood by Krek’s two hearts means that if wounds aren’t covered or closed quickly he can simply die from blood loss.
- Ion Weapons: The cybernetics in Krek’s body are vulnerable to deactivation by ion weaponry. While minorly insulated in the head, EMP blasts can still disabled his legs or some of the other minor augmentations he has.