Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Matt the Radar Tech

ꜰɪxɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴏsᴇ ʀᴀᴅᴀʀs ᴀɴᴅ sᴛᴜꜰꜰ
  • Name: Kur
  • Occupation: Mercenary, bounty hunter
  • Homeworld: Unknown
  • Residence: Nar Shaddaa
  • Species: Gen'Dai
  • Relatives: Unknown
  • Languages Known: Anzat, Basic (Galactic), Durese, Echani, Epicant, Firrerreo, Gen'Dai, Sy Bisti, Twi'leki, Zabraki, Huttese [literate], Jawa Trade Talk [literate], Dosh [literate], Shyriiwook [literate]

  • Appearance:
  • Age: 2,700
  • Gender: Male
  • Height: 8'2" (2.5m)
  • Weight: 200kg (440 lbs)
  • Eye Color: Yellow
  • Hair Color: None
  • Body: Heavily muscled, physically strong and fast
  • Marks & Scars: Unknown

  • Force Sensitive: No; Force Dead
  • Affiliation: Kur's Dozen (Mercenary Company)
  • Rank: Leader

  • [+] Gen'Dai Species: Being a Gen'Dai affords Kur a range of strengths, and weaknesses, that have enabled him to become a deadly, vicious killer. As such, he is without bone structure, his body instead a mass of muscle fibers and millions of nerve clusters; and as a result, has near instant reflexes, heightened strength, speed and durability, and the capacity for sustaining high amounts of injury without suffering overall damage. Kur has a remarkable regenerative capacity, being able to grow back lost limbs and reform from being blown to literal pieces; as well as the ability to instantly stop blood loss from injury, through contraction of their blood stream, as they lack hearts. Also with a heightened sensory capability, being able to sense a human's heartbeat from 200 meters away.
  • [+] Battle-Hardened: Kur has had a long time to learn combat, in most of its forms. He is highly proficient with weapons, especially rifles and pistols, and is just as skilled with close-quarters weaponry, such as trench-knives and those included in his suit. While he doesn't have a particular specialty, Kur has developed a broad range of skills to an expert degree; as such he is able to keep up with most master combatants, simply through a combination of skill and species traits.
  • [+] Strategic: When not under the whims of his battle rage (see below), Kur is skilled at strategic planning and reaction. Often he will utilize cunning to maneuver opponents into positions advantageous to himself. He is well-versed in traps, ambushes and out-maneuvering opponents, and always knows where the exits are.
  • [+] Physical Mastery: Kur has come to master the use of his body, being able to maximize the physicality, speed, movement and regenerative capabilities it holds. This also allows him to control his pain threshold, able to heal minor wounds rapidly, and maintain his humanoid form as though it were second nature.
  • [+/-] Starting Degradation: Kur is at the age when Gen'Dai travel the galaxy, and this means he has started to suffer from early symptoms of the slow degradation of his brains, which means that he is just starting to feel less and less himself. While the natural psychosis that he suffers from isn't as potent or obvious as some others of the species, who suffered artificial degradation, Kur is certainly prone to emotional bipolar disorder, which can change in an instant and seemingly from very little cause.
  • [+/-] Ticking Bomb: Kur is prone to succumbing to a battle rage with excessive damage suffered, which in effect doubles his strength, agility and stamina, allowing for impressive feats of strength and movement beyond what he is normally capable of, as well as a mass increase to around 3 meters [9.8 feet] in height. The downside of this rage is that Kur's judgement is lowered, his actions more instinctual and he finds it hard to focus beyond killing his opponent.
  • [+/-] Force Dead: A result of a previous injury at the hands of a powerful Jedi several centuries past, Kur was stripped of the Force, in all respects. As such, he is now Force Dead, and cannot sense, use or otherwise interact with the Force in any way. This means he is invisible to those who use it to sense others, has some resistances to it being used on him in harmful ways; the downside is that he cannot manipulate the Force, can not be easily assisted by allies with the Force, nor can he be communicated with via the Force.
  • [-] Wanderlust: Kur hates being still, or not progressing. If he isn't fighting or learning, he's bored. This can make him one sided, as though he's little more than an animal, despite a sharp intellect being inside that helmet of his. Very few can gain his interest outside of combat.
  • [-] Recovery Time: Needless to say, the more damaging the injury, the longer it takes to recover from; as such, a cut may heal near instantly, or a lost limb could come back after several hours, but being blown into small pieces of mush can take a considerably long time to come back from - years, even.
  • [-] Slow Decay: As is the eventual fate of his species, Kur has started to suffer the first mild effects of his mind degradation. While he is far from falling into complete psychosis and losing his mind, Kur certainly knows it is coming and has grown to fear the looming eventuality. Even now, sudden emotional shifts have become a little too common for his liking.
  • [-] No Fear of Death: Because of his species' long-lived age, and his ability to recover from basically any injury or wound, Kur has no fear of death. This makes him reckless when he isn't focusing, and he attacks enemies in the same manner - frontal assault, with little care to the consequences, until he's in some kind of trouble.
  • [-] Atomic Wipe: While Kur, and his species, are near invulnerable, they do have a weakness that can kill them - by being destroyed on the atomic level, such as a nuclear blast or being sent into a star. Understandably, Kur isn't fond of space for this reason.
  • [-] Not Much of A Pilot: Kur is a below-average pilot, with any vehicle. Whether it's a starship, starfighter or a speeder, it's simply a matter of how gently Kur will crash it when at the controls; as such, he has to rely on others to transport him.

  • Personal Ships:
- The Hunter; Pursuer-Class Enforcement Ship
  • Personal Droid/s:
- IG-77824
- RX-67; pilot droid

  • Claimed Bounties:
- ...

  • Confirmed Kills:
- ...


  • ...

Matt the Radar Tech

ꜰɪxɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴏsᴇ ʀᴀᴅᴀʀs ᴀɴᴅ sᴛᴜꜰꜰ


  • Cip'muviz (NPC)|Bounty Hunters' Guild - A paranoid, mysterious, highly skilled slicer known as Cip, who operates the Bounty Hunters' Guild ShadowNet operations for members in need of information, whether prior to or during a contract.

Matt the Radar Tech

ꜰɪxɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴏsᴇ ʀᴀᴅᴀʀs ᴀɴᴅ sᴛᴜꜰꜰ

1. The Breakout - Kur and two of the Dozen are hired to break Marcellus Decker out of a Hutt slave camp, working alongside Jaster Awaud and his Republic troopers. [KD]
2. Does It Have A Bar? - The Dozen visit their newly completed battlecruiser, inspecting the final product before taking it on its maiden voyage. [KD]
3. Sleeping With The Fishes - The Dozen take on a mission to steal ship plans from the Mon Cal Shipyards. [KD]
4. Sabotage - The Dozen perform corporate sabotage, performing controlled damage to a mining facility to sway the opinions of board members. [KD]
5. Stygium Smash And Grab - Operating for the CIS, the Dozen assault Aeten II in order to smash and grab some valuable stygium crystal shipments. [KD]
6. Claiming What Is Yours - Kur joins Marcellus Decker on a privately commissioned contract. [KD]
7. A Hela Good Time - The Dozen join the fight against Mandalorians, under contract by an infamous pirate known as Yellowbeard. [KD]

Matt the Radar Tech

ꜰɪxɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴏsᴇ ʀᴀᴅᴀʀs ᴀɴᴅ sᴛᴜꜰꜰ

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