Building an Empire

- Intent: Create a new, and powerful energy cell.
- Image Source: X
- Canon Link: N/A
- Permissions: N/A
- Primary Source: N/A
- Manufacturer: Scarlett Industries
- Affiliation: Scarlett Zann, Company Name Scarlett Industries, Faction Name Zann Consortium, Stolen Archived Mon Calamari Plans
- Market Status: Closed-Market
- Model: N/A
- Modularity: Yes - Can be modified to be used by Light freighters for 25% effectiveness.
- Production: Semi-Unique
- Material: Ranite , Kybernite, and Beskar.
- Able to house and store energy, syphoned from Kyber Crystals.
- Kyber Cells can be used to temporarily power weapons or give a 20% boost to starfighter shielding. (up to a maximum of 200% and any energy over 100% has a 20% halflife over a 5 min period)
- Able to boost engines by 300% for one quick burst.
- Built to contain an extreme amount of Kyber Plasma Energy
- Built small enough to be used in Starfighters.
- Can be used to power weapons and give shields boosts to starfighters.
- Can be used to boost engines by 300% for one quick burst of speed.
- Energy has to be syphoned manually and not by droids due to electronic interference.
- 1 Kyber Crystal can only be Syphoned once per 15 minute period.
- Power to weapons only lasts a few shots and power to shields has a half life of 20% every 5 min over 100% shields
- When used by engines, has a 20% chance to be a dud or overwhelm the engines causing them to shut down. (roll a 1-10. 1 = dud. 10 = overload and engine failure)
Scarlett was experimenting with Kyber Crystals and what they can be used for besides light sabers. She knew that powerful weapons were created using giant Kyber Crystals, so she experimented using large amounts of Kyber crystals in replacement for a single large one, but respectively met the same error or failure. She then thought of the idea of using Kyber crystals to make individual chambers such as the Kyber Cell that could be combined to power large weapons such as turbo lasers, and was successful, however the amount of crystals needed for a single turbo laser use out weighed the merit for such a sacrifice. She then played around with the idea of using them on a Starfighter and giving a single use turbo laser, but that was pointless and also fried all the components of the experimental starfighters. Lastly, she decided that there was not much use for her idea except to provide starfighters an emergency reserve energy source. She developed and refined the Kyber Cell down to what it is now.
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