Intent: To make a device that enables the CIS to control Rakghouls
Image Source: Future Predator from the tv show Primeval
Canon Link: N/A
Primary Source: N/A
Manufacturer: CIS
Affiliation: CIS,Kalinda, CDF
Model: Rakghoul Control Module
Modularity: No
Production: mass
Material: Electronics, durasteel.
Ability to control rakghouls
The Rakghoul Control Module was made by the CIS to help control rakghouls to make it easier to study them and when required use them in conjunction with their droid armies. The RCM is a disk shaped object that is attached to the rakghouls head and inserts part of itself into the rakghouls brain allowing the CIS complete control over Rakghouls and similar sithspawn without the need of the force.
●Due to how the rakghoul mind works the rakghouls who are controlled by this are able to use weapons and vehicles if the rakghoul knew how to use the devices before they turned into one.
●The device allows the CIS to control the rakghouls from a control terminal.
●A very intresting side effect of this device is that rakghouls not controlled by this device will copy the rakghouls that are.
●Should the device me destroyed the rakghoul it is affecting will die
●If the device his hit with an emp it will fry the rakghouls brain
●Should the control terminal that the devices are connected to be destroyed and there are no back up terminals then the devices will self destruct killing the rakghouls.
●The device is essentially a nice target making it easier to kill the rakghouls
●Sith artifacts that control rakghouls such as the maras tailsman overpower the device meaning should the device give an order contradicting the maras tailsman then the rakghoul will listen to the tailsman
●It is meant for rakghouls and only works on them and their close relatives