Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

- Intent: To create for Sasori a series of jedi robes for the different uses
- Image Source: The Old Republic
- Canon Link: N/A
- Restricted Missions: N/A Sasori's Specialty Material
- Primary Source: N/A
- Manufacturer: Sasori Research
- Model: Sasori Robe Series
- Affiliation: Unique ([member="Kymber Joysea"])
- Modularity: N/A
- Production: Unique ([member="Kymber Joysea"])
- Material:
Sasori SynthMesh - Sasori Skylar
- Sasori Agena
- Classification: Multipurpose
- Weight: 4.5kg
- Resistances
- Kinetic: Low
- Lightsabers: Very High
- Other:
- Sonic: Low
- EMP/ION: Low
- Elemental: Average
- Piercing: Very High
- Lightside Restricted
- Murr Earrings
- Tensai Components
- Magno Clasp
- Sasori Amulet
- Sigil of Hope
- Sasori Circlet
- Recoils Darksiders
- Superior Protection: Designed using the Synthmesh, wintrium that has been improved by synthweaving in solari and pontite crystals
- Lightside Enhancement: Designed with different equipment sewn into the robes, from the sigil for Kymber that enhances the lightside to the circilet that helps with some small levels of protection. It makes the robes have a high inability to be worn by darksiders
- Agena: Designed with the Agena which can form a bond with Kymber over time making it so the robes will respond to her instead of others. They won't be sentient but they will seem aware of others trying to wear the robes that aren't her
- Kinetic Impact: While the skylar offers some protection from kinetic impact it doesn't do much
- Sonic Impact: Vulnerable to sonic damage and weapons
- Ion/Emp Vulnerable: Designed with the barest of protection from ion and emp weapons. What few electronics are with the robes can be vulnerable
- Lightside beacon: Designed with materials that radiate the lightside. THe wearer practically becomes a beacon of the lightside of the force wearing it
- Force Connection: Designed with force enhanced material that offers advanced levels of protection and requires remaining connected to the force. Vong tech, voidstone/steel, yasalimiri fields can disrupt and make the material vulnerable
- Agena: The semi-organic ideas of the agena allows it to with work be connected to and the robes can be attacked. Held in place which will hold the one wearing it into place. Generally requires a high level of concentration
Designed for Kymber a jedi within the order, the girl requested it from the jedi artisans and didn't want all fo the advancements that the jedi could offer but she as able to get just enough. The robes are simple and minimum comparedd to some fo the more sophisticated ones designed recently. With skylar that has been synthweaved with the synthmesh and agena. To strengthen it against blasters and blades both physical and lightsaber.Kinetic and somic weapons are still strong against the material as well as ion and emp weapons but there is few electronic builts onto the rob es for it to be a truly big factor. The robes though maintain some of their lighterweight from the materials, their connection to the force and requirements of maintaining a force connection. The robes are set to aloow themselves to connect with Kymber, slowly bonding to become her personal robes and when she wants to they could be passed to a child or someone.