Kyten Nejj
Red Hills Clan
NAME: Kyten Nejj
AGE: 20
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'10
WEIGHT: 190lbs
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Mone
SKIN: Green
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ Advanced training in lightsaber form VI
+ Strong connection to the force
- Overconfident. Kyten has trained extensively in his fighting style and believes in her abilities to the point that she will sometimes get in trouble
- Naive. Kyten isn't the most worldly of beings and she is gullible at times because of it.
Kyten wears regular clothes for her people, usually a simple shirt and pants in earthtones
Kyten was born on Dathomir to the Red Hills Clan. Being a witch, she was taught the basics and give the challenges to survive. Her inquisitive nature made her dangerous to not only herself but to her clan, when she was training with rancors as a young teenager, she lost her focus and in the process she lost her leg. She was relegated to work exclusively in the village after that. not content to be the village cripple she left in the night and found herself in an unfamiliar position. She was leaving Dathomir for the first time. Bartering her skills as a spell caster against a trip to anywhere she began her new life, adrift in the galaxy.
She had had to beg, borrow or steal everything she has. Not content to be a cripple, she arranged to get a basic prosthetic leg. It's her biggest shame, a constant reminder of her failure as a youth. She scours the galaxy now, looking for knowledge to complete the training she lost.
Lightsaber – Form VI – Niman – Advanced
Lightsaber – Form I – Makashi – Beginner
.: Skills :.
Force Jump – Competent
Night Sight- Beginner
Probe Spell- Competent
Warding Spell- Competent
Song of Power- Beginner
Spell of Fire Creation- Beginner
Spell of Healing- Beginner
Spell of Lightning- Beginner
Telekinesis- Beginner
Tempest- Beginner
Skill Levels:
Beginner – Can only use in ideal conditions e.g. couldn't use in combat
Competent – Can use in most situations including combat but with limitations e.g. duration
Advanced – No limitations on use
Expert – Advanced understanding and use
Master – Known to be one of the greatest practitioners
SHIP: none