Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Work In Progress Kytrand

  • Intent: To make a new lightsaber crystal

  • Name: Kytrand Crazy Lace
  • Manufacturer: N/A (Naturally Occurring)
  • Affiliation: Jedi Order
  • Market Status: Open-Market
  • Homeworld (optional):
  • Production:
  • Modularity: Can be cut and shapes for use in lightsabers
  • Material: Lightsaber Crystal
  • Classification: Lightsaber Crystal
  • Weight: Average
  • Color: Swirling bands of colors in raw form, in lightsabers, produces blades of constantly swirling, mixing colors
  • Resistances: N/A
  • Lightsaber Crystal that produces blades which are a constant mixture of swirling color patterns traveling along it.
  • Essentially a very powerful Light Side Crystal, enabling the user to Channel Force Light much more easily and in creasing the strength of a given manifestation of Force Light.
  • Enables potentially greater cutting strength against alchemized materials.
  • Produces a wide blade for better blast deflection.
  • All deflected blaster bolts become stun bolts due to light infusion
  • Mercy Measure: The crystal causes any lightsaber blade it powers to convert all blaster bolts to non lethal stun bolts
  • Wide Band: The blade produced by this crystal is slightly wider than normal, allowing for easier blast defly
  • Flash: The Crystal makes it easier than normal to channel Force Light as well as increase the strength of a given manifestation of it from the user
  • Cutter: The crystal infuses the blade with massive amounts of cutting power, allowing it to possibly effect even alchemized materials.
  • Swirls: Installed, the blade the crystal produces a blade whose surface is an endless oil pattern / Tye dye swirl of rainbow colors traveling constantly along it's length
  • Force Voids: Does not function in Force Voids
  • Difficult to cut and shape: Kytrand Crazy Lace is more difficult to cut and shape than normal Lightsaber crystals, and may require an actual lapidarist to cut and shape a sample to the User's specifications
  • Neutral difficult: Using this crystal makes it slightly harder to use offensive neutral powers with the Force
  • Difficult to locate: Kytrand Crazy Lace occurs in basketball sized samples in small very very rare deposits and seems often trapped in hard to reach areas with lots of volcanic activity
  • Vanilla: The blade produced by this is subject to the weakness of other lightsabers (Vulnerability to pure Cortosis, Solid Ammo, and Sonic weapons)
  • Slow travel: all deflected bolts travel a tenth slower than normal, allowing shooter's a possible chance to dodge

Kytrand Crazy Lace is a form of Force Imbued Agate found in basketball sized deposits only on the planet Kytrand. Suitable for Lightsabers, it's perfect for fighting Dark Side followers and Entities, and a single geode can yield many crystals for blades, provided it's is properly cut and polished. The difficulty is in reaching it in the volcanic vents where it's often found as harvesting can be dangerous.

Of all the lightsaber crystal deposits on Kytrand, Crazy Lace is the variety of which there are among the least samples to be found
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  • Intent: To make a new species

  • Name: Kytrand Silk Worm
  • Designation: Non Sentient
  • Origins: Kytrand
  • Average Lifespan: An Average Worm can live 20 years, and produce plenty of silk
  • Estimated Population: Planetary: These worms are found normally only on Kytrand but can be transplanted elsewhere in limited fashion
  • Description: Starting out as larvae, they mature in a month or less to fat worms the thickness of an average thumb
  • Breathes: Standard
  • Average Height of Adults: 1 centimeter
  • Average Length of Adults: 3-4 centimeters
  • Skin color: White
  • Hair color: none
  • Distinctions: A simple, shiny looking white worm about the size and length of an average human thumb. The worms asexually reproduce every two years until their death, growing a few sacs that store larvae that eventually fall off them and hatch. Reproduction is preceded by a higher consumption of vegetation than normal. They are uniformly one color in any region
  • Races: N/A
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Sensitive
  • Sericulture Friendly: The worms show evidence of being genetically altered to be more friendly to silk harvesting, growing faster, lasting longer, and producing high quality silk more frequently
  • Extreme herbivore: The alterations mean the worm is capable of surviving on virtually any form of plant life, the powerful enzymes in it's digestive tract capable of stomaching even solid wood
  • Vibrancy: The Silk it produces is always high quality and may bear energy resistant properties depending on what it was fed prior to producing silk. Many varieties of silk can be produced from these worms
  • Hardy: The worms are extremely hardy, resistant to most poisons and disease. They can even be used as food themselves
  • Diet: The worms speed at producing silk depends on what they were fed. Denser plant materials take longer to process
  • Invasive species: The worms have to be carefully monitored and controlled so they don't become a hazard to the environment they are introduced into. They could be very easily used in war to defoliate an area slowly and cause all manner of problems and disruptions in the food chain. On Kytrand they have a natural equilibrium with other life forms. On any other planet, they become vastly more aggressive in their consumption and amounts of larvae produced, and have a high chance of destroying the environment with strict monitoring
  • Diet: Herbivore
  • Communication: None
  • Technology level: None
  • Religion/Beliefs: None
  • General behavior: These worms spend their life looking for something to eat, and can always be counted where the plants are

Genetically altered by the Bloodscrawl Medical Corporation, Kytrand Worms are highly valuable and potentially dangerous as a species, producing a variety of silks depending on the plant fed to them, their diet occasionally making themselves a food source to others. Created before the Gulag Era, these worms have a harmonious existence with Kytrand's plant systems: On any other world they become ravenous in the extreme, leading many to suspect the corporation developed them to double as a weapon when the situation called for it.
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  • Intent: To make a new species

  • Name: Kytrand Mollusk
  • Designation: Non-Sentient
  • Origins: Kytrand
  • Average Lifespan: Average of seventy years
  • Estimated Population: Planetary
  • Description: They began life as small chalk white clams only to increase in size while very rarely changing color
  • Breathes: Water
  • Average Height of Adults: Varies
  • Average Length of Adults: Varies
  • Skin color: None (Inner clam meat is pale-pink)
  • Hair color: None
  • Distinctions: [ Describe the unique physical traits that define what they are and set them apart from more common species like humans. Be sure to include any differences between male and female, as well as variations between different regional groups if any, and characteristics that denote a matured or ageing specimen. ] Starting out in small clusters that eventually break off from each other in the ocean, they start off being the size of your palm to eventually potentially being the size of a land speeder. A small node in it's center regenerates all the meat that eventually gets harvested slowly, as well as restarts the the pearl/nacre production in it's innards once they have been harvested and suitable materials are placed within to restart the pearl harvesting process
  • Races: None
  • Force Sensitivity: Rare (The rare clams that are force sensitive are set aside, as their pearls can be made into lightsaber crystals
  • Harvest friendly: Genetically engineered to increase size quickly, so that the amount of meat or pearls recovered is always the highest possible
  • Repeat harvest: The clams are genetically engineered to regenerate their meat and Nacre/pearls from a single living organic node within the center. As long as it gets a steady stream of debris, the node is healthy, and meat and gemstones can be repeatedly harvested from a single clam over its life time, making large examples the sea equivalent of "Cash Cows" every three months
  • Money maker: It's meat can be consumed by virtually any species and it's pearls are often of extreme quality to the point they can be refined as weapon lenses or just simple jewelry
  • All Waters: Genetically Engineered to thrive in both fresh water and salt water environments with the type and color of pearls it produces changing depending on what kind of water it's immersed in.
  • Toxin vulnerable: The Clams are much more vulnerable than other mollusks if poisoned
  • Sudden temperature changes: While it can endure the occasional unexpected increase or decrease, exposing them to too sudden and great a temperature change could put one in shock and kill it
  • Meat spoils easily: The meat must be harvested, packed and stored away within hours of being taken from the clam. The difficulty of transporting it without spoiling it makes it a potentially expensive delicacy
  • Diet: Omnivore
  • Communication: None
  • Technology level: None
  • Religion/Beliefs: None
  • General behavior: They basically spend their lives passively eating organic debris from the oceans/lakes of Kytrand, or basically wherever introduced waiting to be harvested for their meat and pearls

Kytrand Mollusks were, like many species in the world, genetically engineered by the Bloodscrawl Medical Corporation to increase profit margins. Able to survive in salt or freshwater, each bringing changes to the size and color of pearls, as well as changes to the meat, Whoever controls access to these creations is potentially rolling in credits. Bacta-Works has taken control of their creation and harvesting, distributing meat and gems across Alliance Space.
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  • Intent:

  • Image Credit:
  • Canon: [ Is this a canon species? If yes, link to the original species wiki here, if no simply put N/A. ]
  • Permissions: [Please link any Marketplace purchase or similar approvals to use other Writers' content as part of this submission.]
  • Links: [ Provide links to any relevant threads, characters, companies, locations, etc here. Canon or otherwise. Especially obscure references, or events important to the submission.]
  • Name: [ Name of the species ]
  • Designation: [ Sentient, semi, or non-sentient. Unsure of what qualifies? Read up on sentience designation here. ]
  • Origins: [ This can be a planet (canon or Chaos canon sub), a company's lab, a region of space, extra-galactic, etc. Provide a link if applicable. ]
  • Average Lifespan: [ In standard years. An average age or range is required. ]
  • Estimated Population: [ Unique (Only One Member), Semi-Unique (An extremely small number, first or last of their kind), Rare (A few groups, often limited to a single world), Planetary (A Large Concentration on a single world or system, rarely found off-world), Scattered (Smaller groups or individuals found in many places around the galaxy), Inter-Planetary (Multiple larger populations found within numerous star systems), Common (Can be found in most any space-worthy colony around the galaxy)- Optional: include a population number. ]
  • Description: [ Provide a short paragraph that describes this species at a glance. More in-depth descriptions can be added in distinctions below. ]
  • Breathes: [ Type of atmosphere or medium it breathes. ]
  • Average Height of Adults: [ In metric. ]
  • Average Length of Adults: [ In metric. If not applicable put N/A. ]
  • Skin color: [ Their commons skin colors. ]
  • Hair color: [ Their common hair colors, if any. ]
  • Distinctions: [ Describe the unique physical traits that define what they are and set them apart from more common species like humans. Be sure to include any differences between male and female, as well as variations between different regional groups if any, and characteristics that denote a matured or ageing specimen. ]
  • Races: [ Not subspecies, distinct cultural or physical races (aka, just like human races). ]
  • Force Sensitivity: [ Force Dead (members of this species are Force Dead with the bonuses and drawbacks inherent to that. Ex. Yuuzhan Vong.), Non-Sensitive (no members of the species are FS), Rare (very few members are FS. Ex. Hutts), Low (Some members are, but many are not), Standard (Some are, some are not, it is neither common nor uncommon), High (Many of its members are sensitive to the Force. Ex Humans, Twi'leks, etc), All (Every single member is born sensitive to the Force, but lack training. Ex. Neti, Vahla). For Force Dead and All Force Sensitive Species, see the Species Rules for guidelines before submitting. ]
  • [ Provide, in list format, some strengths of this submission. 2 recommended. ]
  • [ Provide, in list format, some weaknesses of this submission. 2 recommended. ]
  • Diet: [ Herbivore, Omnivore, Carnivore, Other (please explain). Note down common foods and preferences, what is poisonous, etc. ]
  • Communication: [ How do they communicate? A spoken language (if so, tell us which), through barks and yips, body language, telepathy, etc. ]
  • Technology level: [ Describe their societal technology level if it differs from Galactic Standard. ]
  • Religion/Beliefs: [ If this species has a prominent religion or set of beliefs, describe them here. ]
  • General behavior: [ Describe general behaviors such as: family life, values, how they raise their young, how they find mates, how they interact with the world and other species around them. Do they hunt? Do they build? Are they inventors? Are they explorers? Are they nocturnal or diurnal? Do they attend schools? Etc, etc. ]
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  • Intent:

  • Image Credit:
  • Canon: [ Is this a canon species? If yes, link to the original species wiki here, if no simply put N/A. ]
  • Permissions: [Please link any Marketplace purchase or similar approvals to use other Writers' content as part of this submission.]
  • Links: [ Provide links to any relevant threads, characters, companies, locations, etc here. Canon or otherwise. Especially obscure references, or events important to the submission.]
  • Name: [ Name of the species ]
  • Designation: [ Sentient, semi, or non-sentient. Unsure of what qualifies? Read up on sentience designation here. ]
  • Origins: [ This can be a planet (canon or Chaos canon sub), a company's lab, a region of space, extra-galactic, etc. Provide a link if applicable. ]
  • Average Lifespan: [ In standard years. An average age or range is required. ]
  • Estimated Population: [ Unique (Only One Member), Semi-Unique (An extremely small number, first or last of their kind), Rare (A few groups, often limited to a single world), Planetary (A Large Concentration on a single world or system, rarely found off-world), Scattered (Smaller groups or individuals found in many places around the galaxy), Inter-Planetary (Multiple larger populations found within numerous star systems), Common (Can be found in most any space-worthy colony around the galaxy)- Optional: include a population number. ]
  • Description: [ Provide a short paragraph that describes this species at a glance. More in-depth descriptions can be added in distinctions below. ]
  • Breathes: [ Type of atmosphere or medium it breathes. ]
  • Average Height of Adults: [ In metric. ]
  • Average Length of Adults: [ In metric. If not applicable put N/A. ]
  • Skin color: [ Their commons skin colors. ]
  • Hair color: [ Their common hair colors, if any. ]
  • Distinctions: [ Describe the unique physical traits that define what they are and set them apart from more common species like humans. Be sure to include any differences between male and female, as well as variations between different regional groups if any, and characteristics that denote a matured or ageing specimen. ]
  • Races: [ Not subspecies, distinct cultural or physical races (aka, just like human races). ]
  • Force Sensitivity: [ Force Dead (members of this species are Force Dead with the bonuses and drawbacks inherent to that. Ex. Yuuzhan Vong.), Non-Sensitive (no members of the species are FS), Rare (very few members are FS. Ex. Hutts), Low (Some members are, but many are not), Standard (Some are, some are not, it is neither common nor uncommon), High (Many of its members are sensitive to the Force. Ex Humans, Twi'leks, etc), All (Every single member is born sensitive to the Force, but lack training. Ex. Neti, Vahla). For Force Dead and All Force Sensitive Species, see the Species Rules for guidelines before submitting. ]
  • [ Provide, in list format, some strengths of this submission. 2 recommended. ]
  • [ Provide, in list format, some weaknesses of this submission. 2 recommended. ]
  • Diet: [ Herbivore, Omnivore, Carnivore, Other (please explain). Note down common foods and preferences, what is poisonous, etc. ]
  • Communication: [ How do they communicate? A spoken language (if so, tell us which), through barks and yips, body language, telepathy, etc. ]
  • Technology level: [ Describe their societal technology level if it differs from Galactic Standard. ]
  • Religion/Beliefs: [ If this species has a prominent religion or set of beliefs, describe them here. ]
  • General behavior: [ Describe general behaviors such as: family life, values, how they raise their young, how they find mates, how they interact with the world and other species around them. Do they hunt? Do they build? Are they inventors? Are they explorers? Are they nocturnal or diurnal? Do they attend schools? Etc, etc. ]
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  • Intent: to make New Lightsaber Crystals

  • Name: Kytrand Breathing Kybers
  • Manufacturer: The Force
  • Affiliation: Jedi Order
  • Market Status: Open-Market
  • Homeworld (optional):
  • Production: Semi-Unique
  • Modularity: Yes (Can be installed in Lightsabers)
  • Material: Lightsaber Crystal
  • Classification: Lightsaber Crystal
  • Weight: Very Light
  • Color: Sapphire
  • Resistances: NOTE: listed resistances are only for when installed in a lightsaber unless noted otherwise
  • Energy: Very High
  • Kinetic (Solid Ammo): None
  • Lightsaber: Very High
  • Ion/EMP: None
  • Acid: None
  • Sonic: None
  • Temperature (Heat/Cold): Extreme (Note: In or out of lightsaber
  • Pressure: Extreme (Note, in or out of lightsaber)
  • Vibro: Very High
  • Lightsaber Crystals that enable users to breath underwater
  • When Installed In a Lightsaber, produces blades that swing twice as quickly as a normal Lightsaber
  • Lightsaber blades using this crystal are slightly 'thinner' than normal, allowing for excellent dueling capability
  • Grants the user night vision and extreme resistance to hot and cold temperatures
  • Grants the user extreme resistance to pressure
  • Howdy, Sailor: Using this crystal gives nin-aquatic users the ability to breath underwater, as well as resist the crushing pressure of ocean forces and temperature changes while submerged
  • Duelist: Blades produced by these crystals are thinner than normal, making for excellent dueling
  • Speedy: Blades powered by this crystal have lessened gyroscopic effect, leading it to it being swung twice as fast.
  • Color: Produces a indigo blade when Installed in a lightsaber. Oooo, pretty!
  • Force Voids: Will not function in Force Voids
  • Acquisition Difficulty: Can only be acquired in underwater geothermal vents
  • Blast Deflection: The thinner blade results in poor blast deflection capability
  • Jeweling Knowledge Required: It requires expert jewel work to cut and polish properly for use in a lightsaber

Kytrand Breathing Kybers are special crystals found only in geothermal vents underwater, and grant the user the ability to breath underwater. Perfect for those needing to operate for extended time in the sea. The Bloodscrawl Family took special care to harvest large store rooms worths of these crystals in the last days before the Gulag Era truly began, and hidden storage rooms can still be found on both Kytrand and random spots throughout the Galaxy. Their beauty means they can also function as pure jewelry of extraordinary luster.
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  • Intent: To craft a new Lightsaber Crystal

  • Name: Kytrand Aquamarine
  • Manufacturer: The Force
  • Affiliation: The Jedi Order
  • Market Status: Open-Market
  • Homeworld (optional):
  • Production: Semi-Unique
  • Modularity: Yes (can be installed in a Lightsaber)
  • Material: Lightsaber Crystal
  • Classification: Lightsaber Crystal
  • Weight: Very Light
  • Color: Aquamarine
  • Resistances: Note: Resistances are for when they are installed in a lightsaber unless noted :
    • Energy: Very High
    • Kinetic (Solid ammo): None
    • Acid: None
    • Ion/EMP/None
    • Temperature Extremes (Heat/Cold): Extreme (With or without saber)
    • Sonic: None
    • Pressure: Extreme (With or without saber)
    • Vibro: Very High
  • Lightsaber Crystal that "swaps" a user's given skill at moving objects with their telekinesis, for moving and controlling water or other liquids the same way
  • Enables non aquatic species to breath underwater and resist extreme pressure and temperature
  • Enables easier channeling of Force Light
  • Produces a blade that can be a normal straight blade, or altered to a whip like capacity with the user's mind
  • Grants night vision
  • Dunk Master: The Crystal enables the user to breathe underwater, and resist the temperature and pressure changes that come with it. It also grants the night vision necessary to see in dark ocean depths and as a final boon, the loser loses the ability to control solid objects with telekinesis but gains the ability to move water and other liquids the same way
  • Flexible: Any blade produced by the crystal can be manipulated between a sword-state and a whip-state solely on the Users mind
  • Channeling: Enables easier channeling of Force Light
  • Force Voids: Will not function in Force Voids
  • Vanilla: The blades produced by these crystals otherwise contain the same weaknesses of normal Lightsaber blades
  • Cutting: The blades have slightly less cutting power than average
  • Acquisition Difficulty: Found only in the hottest geothermal vents underwater

Kytrand Aquamarines are rare Lightsaber crystals that are extremely dangerous to retrieve but grant a massive amount of benefits. Rarer than Kytrand Breathing Kybers, the Aquamarines form in geodes within the hottest geothermal vents underwater as natural cabochons. Their beauty means they make incredible aqua colored blades down to the very core of a lightsaber, and can also serve as a singular gemstone. Estimated value of one is around 400,000 Credits for a single Carat's worth
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  • Intent: To make a new Lightsaber Crystal

  • Name: Kytrand
  • Manufacturer: The Force
  • Affiliation: The Jedi Order
  • Market Status: Open-Market
  • Homeworld (optional): Kytrand
  • Production: Semi-Unique
  • Modularity: Yes (Can be used in Lightsabers)
  • Material: Lightsaber Crystal
  • Classification: Lightsaber Crystal
  • Weight: Very Light
  • Color: A dull rose red color, down to the very core of the blade when Installed. Ruby colored uninstalled
  • Resistances: None
  • Lightsaber Crystal offering potentially increased cutting power against even alchemized materials
  • Lightsaber blade powered by this crystal will not shut down from exposure to Cortosis
  • All deflected blaster bolts increase in strength slightly
  • All deflected blaster bolts gain bow caster like ricochet qualities
  • Extremely useful as a meditation tool
  • Cutter: The blades produced by these crystals are so powerful that conventional and even Alchemized/ Force Imbued Lightsaber Resistant materials are potentially under threat
  • Deflection Plus: All deflected lightsaber bolts gain a slight increase in strength and gain a bowcaster-like ricochet effects, bouncing off surfaces up to four times before dissipating...or unless they hit someone...
  • Fail-Deadly: Blades produced by these crystals don't shut off after being exposed to pure Cortosis
  • Contemplation: Serves as an excellent meditation tool
  • Color: Generates a dull rose red color down to the core when Installed. Strange!
  • Value: Can double as an extremely valuable gemstone for jewelry
  • Force Voids: Does not function in Force Voids
  • Solid Ammo: Solid ammo melts against blades generated against these pistols just like normal Lightsabers
  • Ion: Being exposed to ion weapons causes the blade to shut down.
  • Slow: The blades generated greater gyroscopic force, leading to blade swings being a tenth slower than normal
  • Acquisition Difficulty: Garnet's are located only in areas of Kytrand where the surface crust is densest and deepest. It takes a TON of effort to cut samples free

Kytrand Rose Garnets are among the most dangerous crystals that can be installed in a lightsaber, offering potentially unparalleled cutting power at the cost of speed. Natural red Lightsaber Crystals were coveted by the Bloodscrawl Family wherever possible, and they took great care to secure samples of these gems whenever they were harvested.
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  • Intent:

  • Name: Tatooian
  • Manufacturer: Tatooine
  • Affiliation: Residents of Tatooine
  • Market Status: Open-Market
  • Homeworld (optional): Tatooine
  • Production: Limited
  • Modularity: Can be mixed into an alloy
  • Material: Tatooinion Metal Ore
  • Classification: Ore
  • Weight: Average
  • Color: Gunmetal gray
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: Low
    • Kinetic: Low
    • Lightsabers: Low
    • High Heat Tolerance: High
  • High heat tolerance
  • Able to be fabricated into a metal much like durasteel
  • High heat tolerance
  • Sudden extreme changes from hot to cold in temperature may make the ore brittle
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  • Intent:

  • Name: Tatooian
  • Manufacturer: Tatooine
  • Affiliation: Residents of Tatooine
  • Market Status: Open-Market
  • Homeworld (optional): Tatooine
  • Production: Limited
  • Modularity: Can be mixed into an alloy
  • Material: Tatooinion Metal Ore
  • Classification: Ore
  • Weight: Average
  • Color: Gunmetal gray
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: Low
    • Kinetic: Low
    • Lightsabers: Low
    • High Heat Tolerance: High
  • High heat tolerance
  • Able to be fabricated into a metal much like durasteel
  • High heat tolerance
  • Sudden extreme changes from hot to cold in temperature may make the ore brittle
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  • Intent:

  • Name: Tatooian
  • Manufacturer: Tatooine
  • Affiliation: Residents of Tatooine
  • Market Status: Open-Market
  • Homeworld (optional): Tatooine
  • Production: Limited
  • Modularity: Can be mixed into an alloy
  • Material: Tatooinion Metal Ore
  • Classification: Ore
  • Weight: Average
  • Color: Gunmetal gray
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: Low
    • Kinetic: Low
    • Lightsabers: Low
    • High Heat Tolerance: High
  • High heat tolerance
  • Able to be fabricated into a metal much like durasteel
  • High heat tolerance
  • Sudden extreme changes from hot to cold in temperature may make the ore brittle
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  • Intent: to make a new Lightsaber Crystal

  • Name: Kytrand Dusk Pearls
  • Manufacturer: The Force
  • Affiliation: The Jedi Order
  • Market Status: Open Market
  • Homeworld: Kytrand
  • Production: Semi-Unique
  • Modularity: Yes (Can Be installed in Lightsabers or used in amulets/jewelry)
  • Material: Force Imbued Pearl
  • Classification: Lightsaber Crystal
  • Weight: Very Light
  • Color: Black (Produces blue cored, black aura lightsaber blade)
  • Resistances:
  • Lightsaber blade that is completely silent when active or trying to cut through something/in contact with another lightsaber.
  • Light of Lightsaber does not carry beyond a single meter around the user.
  • Allows user to blend into any shadow of sufficient size to fit the user.
  • Dampens all noise made by the user, can be used in amulets or jewelry for the this trait and the shadow blending trait
  • Ninja: The blade is completely silent when active, even if attacking another Lightsaber or cutting something, and it's glare does not carry beyond a meter around the user. It allows the user to near flawlessly blend into any shadow of sufficient size. In addition to this, it nearly completely silences all noises made by the user when installed
  • Color: When installed in a lightsaber, it produces a blade of a very dark blue cored surrounded by a black aura. Ooo... pretty!
  • Multi use: Can be used in lightsabers, jewelry or amulets
  • Force Voids: Won't function in Force Voids
  • Cutting Strength: Slightly reduced cutting strength in comparison
  • Vanilla: Has all other vulnerabilities of regular lightsaber blades

Kytrand Dusk Pearls are perfect for Stealth Oriented Jedi, Gathered from rare members of Kytrand's resident clam species that exhibit Force Sensitivity, these Clams are set aside and meditated upon by Jedi or other Force Users to help shape and speed up final development. These pearls are usually found after harvest only in the most secured gem storage towers on Kytrand, and samples from off world are extremely rare.
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  • Intent: To create a gemstone

  • Name: Kytrand Pearls
  • Manufacturer: Kytrand Mollusks
  • Affiliation: Kytrand, The Galactic Alliance
  • Market Status: Open-Market
  • Homeworld : Kytrand
  • Production: Mass Produced
  • Modularity: Can be used in jewelry/clothing/clothing accessories
  • Material: Nacre
  • Classification: Organic Gemstone
  • Weight: Very Light
  • Color: Varies from white to various shades of yellow, pink, iridescent, and silver
  • Resistances: None
  • Valuable Organic Gemstone of significant colored and luster, enabling it to be used in all manner of jewelry and clothing, along with clothing accessories
  • Renewable Gemstone Source that doesn't hurt the environment
  • Cash Cow: Kytrand's pearls have remarkable beauty, making them highly in demand as jewelry and accessories, and despite being mass harvested, there are only so many planets and people they reach, and only so many that get shipped out, maintaining their on average value of 40,000 credits
  • Renewable resource: Gems cam be harvested regularly from Kytrand's clams, without damaging the environment
  • Guidance required: When gathered for commercial pearl farming, the diet must be strictly guided to make sure the pearls are a uniform sphere shape. Misshapen pearls are still valuable, but not as much as the classic sphere shape (By only about 10,000 credits)
  • Randomness: even the best dieting cannot control the size and color of final results
  • Theft Target: Gems will always be prime targets for aggressive theft attempts

Kytrand's pearls are among the most beautiful in the Galaxy, and charge a price appropriate to that fact. The hidden ruling powers of Kytrand restrict how many pearls leave the planet to maintain their value. All proceeds go to funding relief efforts to refugees, or development of Kytrand's economy.
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  • Intent:

  • Name: Furnace of Ession Crystal
  • Manufacturer: The Force
  • Affiliation: Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl , The Jedi Order.
  • Market Status: Closed
  • Homeworld (optional): Ession.
  • Production: Unique
  • Modularity: Yes
  • Material: Lightsaber Crystal
  • Classification: Lightsaber Crystal.
  • Weight: Average
  • Color: Clear with streaks of brilliant orange. in daylight. Glows bright orange in darkness
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: Low
    • Kinetic: Low
    • Lightsabers: Very High
    • High Heat Tolerance/Flames: Extreme
    • Dark Side: Extreme
    • Acid: None
    • Sonic: None
    • Cryo: None
  • Crystal emitting lightside infused flames when installed in a Lightsaber, so powerful it can potentially damage Alchemized, Force Imbued objects, Dark Side Spirits, also carrying a potential chance to ignite enemies and objects upon being struck.
  • Imparts extreme resistance to flames through concentration, like a Sith Amulet.
  • Imparts extreme resistance to the Dark Side through Concentration.
  • Naturally boosts all Force Healing Attempts
  • Heavily boosts ease of using Pyrokinesis.
  • Naturally boosts ability to sense blaster bolts
  • Naturally boosts the ability of the user to imbue objects with the Force (Imbued items always carry incendiary properties)
  • Blade generated can be mentally controlled to switch between blade form and whip form
  • Similar to the Heart of The Guardian, it increases the effects of any Lightsaber Crystal that is installed in the same hilt it is installed in.
  • Powerful tool of meditation, at the cost of receiving fragments of the memories of past users
  • Cutter Plus: When installed in a lightsaber hilt, creates a bright orange blade down to its core that emits light side infused flames that can potentially damage Alchemized or Force Imbued items, Dark Side Spirits/Beings, and potentially could ignite objects and enemies being struck with light side infused flames that are potentially very difficult to put out and could possibly cling to them.
  • Imbue Plus: While on the owner's person, it aids in their ability to imbue objects with the Force (While using this item, an object imbued gains incendiary/Pyrokinesis effects)
  • Heal Plus: The crystal boosts the user's skill in Force Healing themselves and others by a slight amount.
  • Flame Plus: Carrying this crystal on one's person or in a hilt amplifies their ability to use Pyrokinesis by a slight amount
  • Dark Shield: Through intense concentration, one can shield themselves from nearly all forms of direct assault from the Dark Side, similar in function to a Sith Amulet
  • Flame Shield: Through intense concentration, one can protect themselves from extreme flame damage, similar to a Sith Amulet
  • Enhancement: Similar to the Legendary Heart of the Guardian, the Crystal slightly boosts the effects of any other crystal installed in the same lightsaber hilt that it is
  • Variety: Through mental command, one can change the nature of the blade generated in a hilt from that of a standard blade, to that of a whip
  • Force Voids: Absolutely will not function in Force Voids
  • Cryo: Suffering direct cryo damage causes the blade of any lightsaber hilt it's in to shut off for a few minutes until the crystal recovers from absorbing the attack
  • Sonic: Sonic bolts bend around any blade generated by the crystal
  • Acid: Immersion in acid would naturally destroy it
  • Neutral Weakness: Neutral Powers are slightly harder to summon the focus to use, and the user suffers more damage from them.
  • Slow: Any blade generated by this crystal is about a tenth slower to swing than normal due to intense gyroscopic forces generated.
  • Radar: Reduces the user's ability to sense incoming blaster bolts, rendering this a specialty item for specific occasions
  • No instant switch: To switch from normal blade function to that of a whip, the user must shut the blade off first, to properly focus their will before turning it back on
  • Impossible to not sense: The Light Side Signature of the weapon cannot be hidden. It will be sensed quite a considerable distance away from the user
  • Influence: The user is forced to contend with the fragmented memories of every past wielder of the Crystal, as each left an imprint. This can manifest in the form of unwanted flashbacks, hallucinations of past users talking to them, questioning their decision making in a way that can be extremely uncomfortable, and the crystal itself attempts to influence the mind of the one who wields it to more merciful ends and may cause an unstable blade that shuts off at random if the user is dead set on a selfish aim. The more the User attempts to go their own way and not the Will of the Force, the more unstable any blade generated becomes. Worst of all, prolonged use of Pyrokinesis when wielding this crystal has a risk of mutating the user's body over time to better generate Pyrokinesis in various unpleasant ways, particularly in rendering the hands charred looking and skeletal (Yet retaining full functionality and strength). This may also reduce their ability to use offensive Neutral Powers even when no longer wielding the blade for a significant number of days afterward.
  • Meditation required: To use it's ability to aid in Force Healing or creating imbued items, one must be stationary, meditating and calm.
  • Conventional: It faces the same level of resistance from conventional and standard lightsaber Resistant materials not enhanced by the Force
  • Breakage: In it's whip form, it's blade is more vulnerable to breakage, even by lightsabers powered by natural crystals.

One of the most ancient and honored Relics in all of Ession's history at one time, but almost completely forgotten in the modern era, The Furnace of Ession chooses Jedi who have been beset by terrible tragedies, and/or made tragic mistakes in turn. The Crystal offers great power, and a chance to set right those wrongs and become a true champion of the light at the cost of potential mutation of the body to better channel the Force Power Pyrokinesis, as well as influencing the user towards decisions that may conflict with more selfish desires. Elaine Tear, who would later be forcibly altered into the shapeshifting Sith Sorceress known as The Battalion, wielded this crystal after it found its way into her possession. It was inside her lightsaber for years during her forced Exile from Ession as punishment for killing The Bloodscrawl Family, leaving her after she resumed her activities on Ession.

Nathan is not exactly certain what prompted the legendary crystal to choose him as the next wielder, given how his clandestine activities against The Cult of The Brain Demon go against the Jedi Code in letter and spirit, and considers it a sick cosmic joke on the part of The Force giving him something Elaine relied on. He initially considered outright destroying the relic upon discovery.

Though he fully recognizes his culpability for her current state, and is constantly haunted by his decision given the horrors it unleashed on people he never intended to suffer, he is still ultimately held back by his bitterness towards her for not only killing his parents, but marrying his daughter while he spent centuries dead. Nathan wants to get rid of it, but the deadly foes he faces compel him to keep the crystal, perhaps in anticipation of using it on its previous owner. His complex alignment in the Force however, makes properly using the crystal to its fullest extent tricky...he constantly struggles against the merciful feelings it tries to impart, meaning he can only use it in truly grave emergencies, and absolutely cannot afford to use it in the presence of other Jedi, who would immediately sense it and question how he acquired such a powerful relic, or rather, why it chose him in particular...
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  • Intent:

  • Name: Tatooian
  • Manufacturer: Tatooine
  • Affiliation: Residents of Tatooine
  • Market Status: Open-Market
  • Homeworld (optional): Tatooine
  • Production: Limited
  • Modularity: Can be mixed into an alloy
  • Material: Tatooinion Metal Ore
  • Classification: Ore
  • Weight: Average
  • Color: Gunmetal gray
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: Low
    • Kinetic: Low
    • Lightsabers: Low
    • High Heat Tolerance: High
  • High heat tolerance
  • Able to be fabricated into a metal much like durasteel
  • High heat tolerance
  • Sudden extreme changes from hot to cold in temperature may make the ore brittle
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  • Intent: To make a new metal ore

  • Name: Tatooian
  • Manufacturer: Tatooine
  • Affiliation: Residents of Tatooine
  • Market Status: Open-Market
  • Homeworld (optional): Tatooine
  • Production: Limited
  • Modularity: Can be mixed into an alloy
  • Material: Tatooinion Metal Ore
  • Classification: Ore
  • Weight: Average
  • Color: Gunmetal gray
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: Low
    • Kinetic: Low
    • Lightsabers: Low
    • High Heat Tolerance: High
  • High heat tolerance
  • Able to be fabricated into a metal much like durasteel
  • High heat tolerance
  • Sudden extreme changes from hot to cold in temperature may make the ore brittle
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  • Intent:

  • Image Source: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Name: Tatooian
  • Manufacturer: Tatooine
  • Affiliation: Residents of Tatooine
  • Market Status: Open-Market
  • Homeworld (optional): Tatooine
  • Production: Limited
  • Modularity: Can be mixed into an alloy
  • Material: Tatooinion Metal Ore
  • Classification: Ore
  • Weight: Average
  • Color: Gunmetal gray
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: Low
    • Kinetic: Low
    • Lightsabers: Low
    • High Heat Tolerance: High
  • High heat tolerance
  • Able to be fabricated into a metal much like durasteel
  • High heat tolerance
  • Sudden extreme changes from hot to cold in temperature may make the ore brittle
Last edited:
  • Intent:

  • Name: Tatooian
  • Manufacturer: Tatooine
  • Affiliation: Residents of Tatooine
  • Market Status: Open-Market
  • Homeworld (optional): Tatooine
  • Production: Limited
  • Modularity: Can be mixed into an alloy
  • Material: Tatooinion Metal Ore
  • Classification: Ore
  • Weight: Average
  • Color: Gunmetal gray
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: Low
    • Kinetic: Low
    • Lightsabers: Low
    • High Heat Tolerance: High
  • High heat tolerance
  • Able to be fabricated into a metal much like durasteel
  • High heat tolerance
  • Sudden extreme changes from hot to cold in temperature may make the ore brittle
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  • Intent: To create a new gemstone

  • Name: Kytrand Sorceress Tears
  • Manufacturer: Kytrand
  • Affiliation: Kytrand
  • Market Status: Open-Market
  • Homeworld: Kytrand
  • Production: Limited
  • Modularity: Can be put in jewelry
  • Material: Gemstone
  • Classification: Gemstone
  • Weight: Very Light
  • Color: Violet
  • Resistances: None
  • Almost always internally flawless gemstones of immense rarity
  • Extremely valuable
  • Can be cut and shaped in a variety of ways
  • Value: Always of immense rarity and perfect, or near perfect clarity, a few of these are valuable enough to purchase it a skyscraper on Coruscant, and are often for Crown Jewels for royalty
  • Modularity: Can be cut, polished and shaped in a variety of ways for a variety of jewelry styles
  • Heat treatment: Heat treatments to the stone may alter or ruin it's color
  • Acquisition Difficulty: Always harvested from the most dense areas of Kytrand's crust
  • Size: Never more than one or two carats in size
  • Theft Target: People are willing to kill to steal these. Plan accordingly

Royal Purple Gemstones harvested from Kytrand's mountains, all profits got to Kytrand's residents or to funding the Alliance Military. Kytrand's ruling authorities restrict these even harder than they do most gems when it comes to leaving the planet, and take great pains to make sure every gem is accounted for.
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  • Intent: To make a new Lightsaber Crystal


  • Name: Kytrand Fire Voids
  • Manufacturer: The Force, Cidd Cinndurr ( Syd Celsius Syd Celsius )
  • Affiliation: The Jedi Order
  • Market Status: Open-Market
  • Homeworld: Kytrand
  • Production: Semi-Unique
  • Modularity: Can be installed in a Lightsaber
  • Material: Lightsaber Crystal
  • Classification: Lightsaber Crystal
  • Weight: Very Light
  • Color: Black with fiery rainbow sparked at the center, producing a black lightsaber blade with the fiery sparking effects traveling up and down it
  • Resistances: NOTE: all resistances are only when Installed in lightsabers except where listed
    • Energy: Very High
    • Kinetic: None
    • Lightsabers: Very High
    • Temperature Extremes (Heat/Cold): Extreme (Inside and Outside of Lightsaber)
    • Acid: None
    • Ion/EMP: None
    • Sonic: None
    • Vacuum/Pressure: Extreme (Inside and Outside of Lightsaber)
    • Vibro: Very High
  • Conveys extreme tolerance for flames and cryo conditions, to the point of being able to walk through an inferno unharmed, to surviving the cold vacuum (And pressure, by extension) of space without a space suit (User doesn't need to breath in space with this equipped)
  • User regenerates from wounds as though immersed in Bacta when immersed in heavy flames. The hotter the blaze, the faster one heals by very slight amounts
  • Increased the cutting strength of Lightsabers to the point it's possible to threaten traditionally lightsaber resistant materials. Doesn't shut off if exposed to Cortosis
  • A Flame in the Void: Fire Voids increase the users resistance to hot, cold, and vacuum to such an extent that the user can survive without breathing in space as long as they have the crystal on their person at all times
  • Flame Heal: Being immersed in flames with this equipped means the user heals from cuts, burns, broken bones and internal organ damage as though immersed in Bacta
  • Cutter: Potentially increases the cutting power of the blade to the point it can possibly damage traditionally lightsaber resistant materials. Won't shut off if exposed to pure Cortosis
  • Dual use
  • Force Voids: Won't function in Force Voids
  • Water: Full immersion in water negates it's abilities and shuts off any blade it powers, regardless of ignition pulse tech installed in the hilt
  • Increased Splash: Solid ammo hits blades generated by these crystals and melts hotter than if hitting ordinary saber blades, potentially doing increased Splash damage
  • Increased Screams: Sonic bolts traveling around blades made by these crystals take on incendiary qualities potentially doing even more damage to the defender using these

Among the absolute rarest Lightsaber Crystals on Kytrand, these are found only in geodes in the deep desert, usually with a temple built around it. They are the ancient results of Cidd Cinndurr's original experiments to affect Kytrand's minerals with the Light Side before turning her ambition to all of Kytrand itself, these powerful crystals bare some trace of Syd's immense, still terrible strength in The Force regarding her command over flames. Jealousy guarded in the most secured towers on Kytrand, some unrecovered samples still lay undiscovered in the deserts, either option waiting for a soul enterprising enough to take hold of them.
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