Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Kyushu Tsukasa - "Boss Subs" Workshop


  • Intent: To create a set of Stun-Cuffs/Binders for effective arrest or capture of Force Users, intent on temporarily removing their ability to use the Force against their Captors.
  • Image Source: Click Here.
  • Canon Link: Not Applicable.
  • Primary Source: Stun Cuffs.
  • Tranqarest Sedation - a sedative injected into the skin of the captive forced to wear these binders will render the subjects neural pathways frenzied and unable to think or focus clearly. The effects of this drug are considerably potent and known for affecting Force Users especially. It is this particular feature that ensures the Captive cannot call upon the Force to aid them in their would-be escape.
  • Reversed repulsorfield - with thanks to the restraints gravfield generator, a smaller variation of a repulsorfield is created around the point of contact upon the subject, ensuring for minimal mobility in the hands or feet (wherever the restraints are placed). The stasis field works much the same as a miniature tractor-beam in which keeps the two hands or feet drawn together and locked into place until their captor wishes them freed.
  • Faraday Cage - Ensuring protection against energy discharges such as ion weapons fire, the Faraday cage is designed to protect the restraints themselves, that the Repulsorfield isn't targeted by such neutralizing attacks.

  • Sedation: Thanks to the added effects of Tranqarest, the subject who has been restrained is not only unable to free themselves but so too is their cognitive function diminished during the substance use. Certain people may be affected in different ways than others though it's known that the drug is so strong that even Force Users are removed of their focus to practice Force use due to their loss of concentration and general awareness.
  • Duranium: Resistant to the glancing blows of Lightsabers though not capable of withstanding a strong intensive strike, the alloy that has been used in the creation of these Restraints is both affordable and high grade. The material has none too difficult to acquire and thus allows for mass-produce while still giving some defense against Force Users.
  • Single Use Toxin: The Tranqarest Delivery system is not overly advanced however it does only produce a single injection before the restraints will require an additional neural-toxin canister replacement. Users however should be aware that excess use may result in death and The Tsukasa Gokudō does not deal in "returns". There's no "money back guarantee" should you accidentally kill your subject/slave/prisoner.
  • Repulsorfield AOE: the Area of Effect of the Reversed Repulsor Field is limited to a small area with which the restraints are physically attached and thus does not protect the Captive in any way from outside interference or mind altering conditions such as a blaster bolt to the head. These restraints do not rule out the competitions ability to take your slave from you, one way or another.

Created by The Tsukasa Gokudō within the heart of the Galaxy, the world of Coruscant, these restraints are made with the purpose of subduing and keeping those of Force Sensitive ability incarcerated for either private or law enforcement purposes.

Thanks to a fine blend of technology and chemistry, these Restraints are able to disorientate and neutralize the subject or captive's ability to think and focus, otherwise inducing them in a state of great euphoria with the hope of making one's brand new prisoner far more cooperative to the needs of their new Masters.

While the Tsukasa Gokudō take great pride in their ability to make the lives of others hell for considerable profit, these restraints have been made available to both law enforcement and civilian use. After all, there's no rule about not making friends with the local Cor-Sec or other Government Agents with deep pockets.

On the subject of finance however, these restraints are not of a largely unnecessary cost and come with a discount on shock collars soon to be in store at your nearest Black-Market dealer, should you purchase the bundle (three restraints for the price of two).

Submission has been reviewed and approved by site Judges.

Akio Takara - Legal & Business Council.


  • Intent: To submit and give detail to a Business Advisor and Legal Aid/Lawyer to personally assist Kyūshū Tsukasa in his legitimate and illegitimate dealings.
  • ​Image Credit: Click Here.
  • Role: Business and Legal Advisor, Lawyer and Council.
  • Links: Kyūshū Tsukasa, The Tsukasa Gokudō.
  • Age: 39 Standard Human Years Old.
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Force User.
  • Species: Human (Atrisian).
  • Appearance:
Notable features include full body tattoo's/markings, a scar over his right eye and side of the face of which he is blinded on that side, the color in his eye having faded over time.

Akio Takara is always seen in a black business suit with a white shirt and black or red tie; his clothes covering all markings save for the Atrisian Cultural design over the right side of his head.

Akio's hairstyle is a clean shave with a groomed finely trimmed beard and goatee. Additional features or noticeable belongings consist of a variety of rings and jewelry such as a silver embroidered watch as well as a gold ring gifted to him by the Tsukasa Gokudō.

  • Name: Akio Takara.
  • Loyalties: The Tsukasa Gokudō.
  • Wealth: Considerably wealthy, employed and paid handsomely by the Tsukasa Gokudō, not only as a member of the organization but an important asset on the legitimate side of their business dealings.
  • Notable Possessions: Not Applicable.
  • Skills:
- Mixed martial arts and close quarters combat.
- Weapons training (akido/swordsmanship).
- Small fire-arms experience (blaster-pistols).
- Education in Galactic Sociology, Business and Law.
  • Personality:
​In most cases Akio Takara is calm and reserved, forever studying his surroundings and keeping a close eye and ear upon those around him. He is Kyūshū Tsukasa's right hand man and will go where he goes. Any and all interactions between them are spoken of quietly and in the presence of others, Akio will whisper to Kyūshū to ensure that they will not be overheard discussing business together.

Where the Laws of Sentient decree are concerned, Akio Takara is considered to be a Civilian, beholden to them as any other though also educated and qualified as a Lawyer chosen to privately represent the Tsukasa Gokudō.

In the rare case however where Mr Takara is forced to break his typical character and threatened or pushed into a conflict whether verbal or physical, Akio will move to deal with a situation as swiftly and firmly as the circumstance demands.

  • Weapon of Choice: Intelligence, Diplomacy, Wit & Guile.
  • Combat Function: Though capable, Akio is a non-combatant for the sake of his career and reputation as a "law abiding citizen". Should the situation arise however that he be forced to fight, his strengths are in self-defence and hand-to-hand combat or other small weapons such as knives or a blaster pistol. Akio Takara is not to be considered a soldier or militant member of the Organization however; his purpose is to provide creditable advice to the Kumicho, and otherwise represent the Atrisian Syndicate in a professional and orderly manner.

Born of Atrisia and forced to become a refugee during the war that engulfed their homeword between the Sith Lords and the Galactic Alliance, Akio Takara become a known associate of Kyūshū Tsukasa's during their would-be migration and merger into galactic society. It was during that war that turned Atrisia to a wasteland for so many years that Akio first drew blood at the cost of his right eye in self defense against Alliance troops.

It is rumored that Kyūshū Tsukasa saw a likeness in Ako's resentment for the so called upper echelons of Society and took him in; together they began to form a group that was, back then, little more than a street gang full of thugs and drug users. Akio however was indeed smart and Kyūshū therefore encouraged and even found means to help finance the man's education with a future set in mind for themselves and those friends that proved themselves honorable among thieves and criminals.

With Ako Taraka's graduation and entrance into a career of Law, he soon became the Kumicho's most trusted associate; something that has not always been looked upon favorably as many within the Syndicate consider Akio to be an outsider, one whom could be categorized among the rest of the ninety-nine percent of galactic society. Despite this, his reputation has grown to be significant on both sides of the Law and Akio Takara has become a valuable asset that has protected the Tsukasa Gokudō often against infiltration and conviction from the law.

Submission has been reviewed and approved by site Judges.
The Tsukasa Gokudō.

  • Intent: To create a a group comprised of members of the The Tsukasa Gokudō to fill in for background detail and peoples not played by Chaos Writers. The face of this Organization is to be considered a Criminal Gang while behind the scenes, I plan to expand into a Company as well. This Submission however is purely for Role-playing purposes.
  • Image Credit: Not Applicable.
  • Role: A Criminal Syndicate, of Atrisian descent, led by ​[member=Kyūshū Tsukasa].
  • Links: Yakuza (Wiki Link), The Tsukasa Gokudō, ​[member=Kyūshū Tsukasa].
  • Group Name: The Tsukasa Gokudō.
  • Classification: Crime Organization, Gang/Family.
  • Headquarters: Coruscant Underground (Slums/Lower Districts).
  • Loyalties: Extremely Loyal within their member-base and to their leader (Kumicho) Kyūshū Tsukasa.
  • Group Sigil: Not yet applicable.
  • Description:
The Tsukasa Gokudō are an Organization and Gang of Criminals made up from Atrisian Refugee's and those of Atrisian Descent whom have come to the Tsukasa searching for a number of prospects such as Family or Protection from the Law or other Criminal Entities.

Unlike most street level thugs and uncivilized groups, The Tsukasa Gokudō are a known Syndicate of Organized Crime and operate within a wide variety of illegal and legal dealings in order to make large sums of Credits to further fund their expansion throughout the underworld of Coruscant.

The Tsukasa Gokudō are also quite connected both within and outside of the World of Coruscant, affiliated with The Family through discrete partnerships and business dealings, though all of which are kept discrete and away from the prying eyes of the law enforcement in their given sectors.

[Member=Kyūshū Tsukasa] is the man in charge, the Oyabun or Kumicho of the Atrisian Family of Organized Crime and any and all dealings that are made by the Syndicate must first be approved by either he or his adviser, Akio Takara.

  • Hierarchy:
The key to the hierarchy is the oyabun-kobun relationship, a set of father-son roles that binds all Yakuza clans together. In return for absolute loyalty and unquestioning obedience from his kobun, the oyabun provides advice and guidance along with protection and prestige.. The focus on honor and tradition further cements these relationships.

Oyabun (Clan or Syndicate Head - aka Kumicho): [Member=Kyūshū Tsukasa].

Wakagashira (Second in Command).
- Shategashira (Lieutenant).
- Wakagashira-Hosa (Underlings).
- Kumi-in (Enlisted Men or Soldiers).

Saiko-Komon (Advisor/Chief of Staff): Akio Takara.
- Komon (Specialist Staff).
- Hisho (Secretaries).
- Kaikei (Lawyers).
- Shingiin (Accountants).
  • Membership:
Entry into both an oyabun-kobun relationship and a Yakuza clan is marked by a special ceremony. A third person pours glasses of sake for the new member and his oyabun boss. The boss and new member drink some of the sake from their own glasses. Then, they exchange glasses and drink some of each other's sake. The boss drinks his fill while the initiate merely sips. This symbolizes the sharing and joining of one's life with the Yakuza under an oath of loyalty to the Oyabun-Kumicho.

Upon agreeing and undergoing this rite of passage into the Syndicate/Organization, all former ties to Family or external loyalties outside of the Yakuza are forfeit before the needs of the Clan. The new member becomes a Brother to his peers and a Son before the Oyabun (Leader), and failure to uphold such loyalties or to disappoint one's Father is to invoke Yubizume, the rite of discipline and a show of honor and apology.
  • Dogma/Doctrines:
- Yubizume:
The traditional punishment for failure within a Yakuza clan is the amputation of a part of the little finger. This act of contrition is known as yubizume. When the gangster has displeased his boss, he is merely given a knife and a bandage. He must then chop off the top joint of his fourth finger and present it to the boss. This is a symbolic weakening of the Yakuza's ability to grip a sword, thereby making him more dependent on his clan for support and protection. Further infractions can result in the loss of an additional section of finger, moving on to the other fingers if necessary.
  • Curios:
- Full Body Tattoo's (Atrisian Cultural Engravings/Markings):
It is not uncommon for members of the Tsukasa Gokudō to cover themselves in the engravings of ink and color, etched into the skin through an old traditional carving method that dates back generations within Atrisian Culture. These Tattoo's often depict spiritual beliefs, proud commemorations of the Yakuza and in some cases even the markings taken following the murder of another, displaying their kill count for the good of the Syndicate/Organization.

- White Collar Society:
Perhaps the most common of identifiable traits within the Tsukasa Gokudō are the suits that the members of this family are expected to wear in order to show their respect, pride and honor of representing, what is in their opinion, a highly valued and privileged position to be in among the Yakuza. Not only does the Suit, shirt and tie look good but it also presents a more legitimate image that the Syndicate wishes to promote to local law enforcement in order to appear superior to other rival gangs and criminal structures; but also to appear to be a legal following as well.

- High profile/Expensive Jewelry (Rings, Necklaces and earrings):
Favoring Status and Prestige is important to the Tsukasa Gokudō. Expensive Jewelry is often found upon it's members most especially rings which are common for the Men to also capitalize on during physical confrontations.

- Atrisian Vibroblade (Katana/Wakizashi Ceremonial Weapons):
A decorational piece given to those whom ascend the hierarchical ranks of the Tsukasa Gokudō, the Atrisian Vibroblade also known as the Katana and Wakizashi pair of swords are a ceremonial gift to those whom earn the right to carry them. These weapons are battle-ready though generally avoided in confrontation for both their financial and sentimental worth among the Criminal Syndicate.
  • Goals:
The Tsukasa Gokudō is making moves to overcome it's rivals in the Criminal Underworld of Coruscant, taking to other storefronts and criminal businesses with aggressive negotiation that often leads to somebody being killed.

The Organizations future however isn't set in stone and the Oyabun has his eyes set upon other Worlds and the greater marketing value of the Black Trade and illicit commerce of weapons and slaving-rights. Their current dealings in substance contraband is on the rise and other cartels and organizations are being pressured to respond, sparking territorial confrontation, yet by all appearances, Tsukasa Gokudō does not seem to be slowing in it's plan to take the Coruscant Underworld for itself.

  • [Member=Kyūshū Tsukasa] - Oyabun.
  • Akio Takara (NPC).
Kyūshū Tsukasa was born on the World of Atrisia, where his family originated from. He was still but a young man when war engulfed their world and a cataclysmic event turned the land to a barren wast at the hands of those that could weild the power of the Force. During this time, his mother and father were killed for the sake of his escape and life today.

For a few years, Kyūshū's life was lived as an Atrisian Refugee, being shipped off to different worlds, whomever would take them in while they tried to rebuild their lives. Over this period, he was introduced to the Criminal world in order to survive and through the friends that he would make, would later grow to become the Organization built upon loyalty and honor, dismissive of the laws of Society; Outcasts whom first had to look out for themselves in order to get ahead.

Today, Kyūshū Tsukasa's livelihood is made through the continued business dealings of the Criminal Underworld of Coruscant with an eye of expansion and investment in order worlds and Organizations that would look for mutual benefit in dealing with the Tsukasa Gokudō. Never staying in one place for too long and never without protection, the head of the Yakuza maintains a dominant presence in the upper echelons of executive society in order to appear successful and legitimized. His reputation and that of his Organization however continues to grow and Kyūshū has taken an eye away from petty crimes and instead begun to look into the profits that can be obtained through the Black Market and warring States of the Galaxy.

Submission has been reviewed and approved by site Judges.
Link Here.

Akachōchin - aka "The Red Lantern".

  • Intent: To create a location that the Tsukasa Gokudō will use as a place for recreational, business or personal use. To create a local establishment for drinking, gambling and shady substance abuse; a place appropriate for those outside of the Law to enjoy.
  • ​Image Credit: See all Images here!
  • Canon: Not Applicable.
  • Links: The Yakuza (Faction), The Tsukasa Gokudō (NPC/PC), Akio Takara (NPC), Kyūshū Tsukasa.
  • Structure Name: Akachōchin.
  • Classification: Business - Bar, Brothel & Restaurant.
  • Location: Coruscant - Lower Districts/Underworld.
  • Affiliation: The Tsukasa Gokudō, [member=​Kyūshū Tsukasa].
  • Accessibility:
The Red Lantern is a public establishment for the enjoyment of all whom have the credits and the courage to enter into a known business and hangout of the Tsukasa Gokudō. The Establishment offers VIP privileges to members of the Criminal Organization for the purpose of business meetings and/or recreational use of their desire.
  • Description:
On the outside, Akachōchin doesn't look nearly so accommodating as it is within; blending in with the rest of the deteriorating neighborhood that is part of the lower-levels of Coruscant allows for something of a subtle refinement to an otherwise five-star establishment run by the The Tsukasa Gokudō. The building over-all is a three storied complex with only an entrance through the front and one out the back that requires those using it to pass through a warehouse to the back of the property before reaching the open street.

Inside the fine Atrisian establishment, everything looks brand new and state of the art with a nice mix of technology and culture. The Red Lantern offers the best of meal service through it's restaurant on the first floor, the bar on the second floor for more joyous occasions and on the third floor, one might seek out the company of the female persuasion.

  • Bar and VIP Quarter (First floor).
​The Bar here is open to the Public, while the VIP Quarters are rooms that are reserved for those with the appropriate coin or are otherwise associated with The Tsukasa Gokudō. The first floor was chosen for the purposes of beverage consumption due to the above floors requiring a steady footing to navigate the stairways up and down. Should any troubles arise, the Organization that is rarely without at-least two of it's members present, will escort any unwanted guests out the front door and into the sidewalk head first.
  • Restaurant (Second floor).
The Restaurant here is truly beautiful and any man with a taste for Atrisian Culture may find a little piece of home here, even on a world like Coruscant. For the Tsukasa Syndicate, the restaurant will in most cases be entirely cleared out and reserved for meetings of great significance between their Organization and the possible dealings with other heads of Families or Criminal Organizations.
  • Brothel (Third floor).
Those whom are brought into The Tsukasa Gokudō are typically discouraged from marriage and commitments outside of the Organization least they're willing to open themselves up to exposure and weakness. As such, it's not uncommon for many of the Syndicate nor customers of the Atrisian Organization to seek the company of working women and the living quarters that may be rented on a nightly basis.
  • Storage Warehouse (Rear of Property).
A property set to the back of the Red Lantern and the only way out of the rear of the establishment, this Warehouse is also owned by the Organization and used for the temporary storage of goods both legitimate and otherwise. Often times business deals are conducted here and the exchange of substances best done out of the public eye. Several times, blaster-fire has been reported here however no one in the neighborhood ever appears willing to talk to the authorities about the matter.

  • The Tsukasa Gokudō - Often seen within and outside the premesis, the establishment is set in the heart of the Syndicate's turf and is regularly guarded by the Atrisian Criminal Enterprise and lower Gang Members.
  • Akio Takara - The Chief of Staff and representative/middle-man between the Criminal Syndicate and the local authorities. With his first class wit, he has taken on a number of Officers under the Organization's payroll and can call upon these "corrupt" officials should things get out of hand or a number of bodies are noticed by the common public.
  • Security Cameras - Set up outside of the establishment covering the property itself, yet none have been offered to the interior for reasons of obvious privacy concerns.

The construction of Akachōchin was put into development by a previously unknown Alias, for which Akio Takara organized for the purpose of keeping their plans for the redesign astray from the growing reputation of the Tsukasa Gokudō who back then were but a handful of ambitious street Criminals having formed a small Gang. Before the establishment became known as the Red Lantern, it was previously owned by a Rodian who they were able to intimidate into selling the business.

Showing a boldness unlike many other criminal organizations, the Tsukasa Gokudō made this business into their first base of illegal operations and the home-front for their further Criminal endeavors; often times their meetings were held right under the nose of the public eye and though their discussions were forever held sacred and kept far from the knowledge of non-associates, their reputation only seemed to grow thanks to their fear of being seen in the spotlight of Coruscants lower-levels.

Submission has been reviewed and approved by site Judges.
Link Here.
Akuma (悪魔)

  • Intent: To submit a Side-arm Pistol for the personal ownership of Kyūshū Tsukasa, and add a little sentimental flavor to the Fire-arm.
  • Image Source: See images here.
  • Canon Link: N/A.
  • Primary Source: Slugthrower Pistol.
  • Manufacturer: The Tsukasa Gokudō.
  • Affiliation: [member=Kyūshū Tsukasa].
  • Model: Colt .45.
  • Modularity: Yes (Pistol Modification & Various Attachments).
  • Production: Unique.
  • Material: Durasteel, blaster components
  • Classification: Slugthrower.
  • Size: Small.
  • Weight: Very Light.
  • Ammunition Type: Slugs.
  • Ammunition Capacity: 12 (Standard Clip), 18 (Extended Mag).
  • Reload Speed: Average.
  • Effective Range: Close - Mid-Range.
  • Rate of Fire: Average.
  • Stopping Power: Low.
  • Recoil: Very Low.
  • Silencer: A detachable modification piece for the fire-arm used to decrease both sound and muzzle flash when a slug is fired.
  • Extended Magazine: A greater variant of the Slugthrowers typical ammunition capacity allowing for more shots fired before needing to be reloaded.
  • Tactical Laser-sight: Made for greater accuracy and expected point of impact for which a slug is fired, the visual green dot is capitalized upon best at close range.
  • Mini Red Dot-Sight: A smaller variation of the retical sight used for high accuracy shooting with Rifles and fully-automatic weapons.
  • Will not overheat due to continuous fire.
  • Cannot be deflected by Lightsabers.
  • Comes with a wide-variety of attachments.
  • Can fire a variety of different types of Slugs.
  • Effective range limited due to compact design.
  • Smaller ammo capacity than standard Blaster-pistols.
  • Semi-Automatic (Single-fire mode).
  • Cannot be fired while submerged.

The 'Akuma' Colt.45 Pistol once belonged to Hideaki Tsukasa back upon the World of Atrisia and was inherited by his Son, Kyūshū Tsukasa during his fathers final moments. At the time, their home-world had been engulfed in war between the Galactic Alliance and rogue Sith Lords seeking to empower the Royal Family's claim to the area in a bid to make a home too for themselves.

The Colt.45 Slugthrower is simplistic as far as fire-arms of its type are concerned. Each Slug is fired using a chemical propulsion mechanism rather than typical Blaster-pistols, meaning decreased rate of fire compared, yet a higher penetration rate and kinetic force upon point of impact with the target. This specific Slugthrower is a semi-automatic pistol with a number of attachments and modifications that can allow for easier handling by the user.

Aesthetically, the Akuma carries it's own sense of individuality as far as slugthrowers are concerned, sporting a full-body engraving of Atrisian Cultural design as well as custom hand-grips upon either side of the fire-arm for better comfort.

The Akuma carries a great significance to Kyūshū Tsukasa as it commemorates both the death of his parents as well as the fall of his home-world and the start of a new life which has led him into a path of criminal activity and eventual power at the head of the Tsukasa Gokudō.

Submission has been reviewed and approved by site Judges.
Link Here.


  • Intent: To create an Armor set for the Tsukasa Gokudō to serve as their elite soldiers, assets financed and trained by the Organization for the purpose of rivaling organizations above and beyond the typical means of law enforcement or civilian grade technology.

  • Image Source: Click Here & Here.

  • Canon Link: Not Applicable.

  • Primary Source: Armor, Ninja.

  • Classification: Multipurpose.

  • Weight: Light.

  • Resistances: Average.
- Blasters: Average Resistance due to over-all materials used.
- Kinetic: Low Resistance thanks to the Verpine Leather and Armor-mesh underlay for shock minimal absorption.
- Lightsabers: Average Resistance (Phrik).
- Other: High EMP/ION Resistance (Faraday Cage).



  • Reconnaissance Helmet: Equipped with high grade optical sighting (Night Vision/Thermal Vision and Optical Zoom/Rangefinder).

  • Internal Communications Link: An inbuilt Commlink for secure communications across encrypted channels. Outside of the helm, all communications both inbound and out are kept silent to preserve stealth.

  • Personal Respiratory Feed: Offering a personal supply of Oxygen for most hazardous environments that would be otherwise impossible of sustaining life and providing clear air to breath.
  • Concealed Blades: attached via an electronic sheath strapped to the wrists, the blade can be extended or ejected from it's holding at will for close quarters execution or assassination.
  • Grav-Gloves: Short for Gravitation, the soft black material upon the palm of each hand harbors a technology that when triggered, allows the wearer to climb or hang from walls that would otherwise be impossible. These are generally used for infiltration and stealth and are not meant for use in combat.
  • I-R Alpha One: The implementation of a rather forgotten line of technology has been added to this set of armor thanks to old connections and somewhat shady dealings under the table, behind the scenes of the black market.
  • Utility Belt: Customized for maximum capacity ammunition for blasters and slug-throwers or weapon of choice. Is often used for the carrying of devices and smaller weapons such as throwing knives (Kunai).
  • Thermal Layer: An air tight exo-skeleton designed to keep temperatures optimal even in the coldest of environments (within reason). This thermal layer is made for the purpose of long term reconnaissance missions.
  • Backpack & Additional Sheaths: The bag (Backpack) is as are most of their like, used for the purpose of transporting goods. It's fairly resistant to weather though little else while the two sheaths are made to house Atrisian styled Vibroblades, the Katana and the Wakizashi.
  • Grav-Boots: Identical to the Grav-Gloves, these boots offer the ability to walk/run across walls or other vertical surfaces such as the hull of a ship out in space.

  • The one wearing this gear (Specifically the Gloves and Boots) can traverse walls and scale large obstacles with relative ease.

  • Communication is kept both encrypted and silent thanks to the I.R Alpha One Wrist Datapad and the Tactical Helm meant to muffle any communications to and from the user.

  • Has an exceptionally strong defense against energy based attacks such as Ion munitions or Electric Magnetic Pulse blasts, thanks to the Faraday Cage.

  • Agility and Martial Practices required to make the most out of this Armor Set, specifically the gravity gloves and boots require great strength of body to climb difficult terrain.

  • Kinetic Force will still suffer the body physical harm despite other resistances as this armor set has been designed for speed and maneuverability over strength of physical defense.

The Design around the Tsukasa Chūnin Armor has been made to take influence from the Atrisian Assassin's and Spies of older times. Using a mix of technology and the wearer's personal training for which most members of the Tsukasa Gokudō practice, this light-weight yet complex combat attire is most at home in Urban Area's where the environment can be used against the enemy, to flank, evade or infiltrate and assassinate one's target with speed and decisive action.

For the purpose of assessing and scouting environments of high profile, the Headgear has been built to offer superior line of sight and all-round vision through a variety of different modes, (Night Vision, Thermal and Optical enhancement). Communication within the head-piece has also been designed so that audio can only be heard from within and the inner wall that comforts the head has been sound-proofed so that the Organization's intel can remain secure as well as the soldier be allowed to communicate with others even during combat, without giving away their intent or the order's they may be receiving.

Two key advantages and technological assets upon this attire are the Grav-Boots and Gauntlets which allow the wearer to essentially "Wall-run" and climb their way across otherwise inaccessible routes. Combined with the physical discipline of Atrisian Martial Arts, these Gokudō Soldiers will make for a swift opponent should once come up close and personal with them.

Submission has been reviewed and approved by site Judges.


  • Intent: Create a series of Vibro-Swords capable of competing against Lightsabers and other advanced melee weapons.
  • Image Source:
​- Click here (Pinterest link).
- Click Here (Original Source).
  • Manufacturer: The Tsukasa Gokudō.
  • Affiliation: Closed-Market.
  • Model: Gokudō Katana.
  • Modularity: Sword & Sheath.
  • Production: Minor.
  • Material: Cortosis Weave, Phrik, vibrosword components.
  • Classification: Swords.
  • Size: Average.
  • Weight: Average.
  • Cortosis Weave - Using a minimal amount of Cortosis Ore in the sword-smithing technique, the blade is able to parry blows from Lightsaber wielding foes. Due to the small amount of Ore used in each blade however, should a lightsaber connect with the weapon, it will not be deactivated/shorted out.
  • Phrik - Lightweight Lightsaber resistant alloy allowing for ease of maintenance and consistent, high grade, effect against lightsaber wielding opponents.
  • Faraday Cage technology - Protecting the hilt and generator in the base of the vibro-blade from being susceptible to electrical attacks.
  • Atrisian styled engravings are available to be etched into each blade should the consumer desire such personal works.


If there's ever been a threat to a Criminal uprising, it's been lightsaber weilding do-gooders trying to maintain order within their beloved territories, whether Jedi or Sith, they both have a tendancy to be a royal pain in the a-...Atrisian backside; Which is precisely why the vibro-blades created by those within The Tsukasa Gokudō have obtained and modified each blade with a process known as Cortosis weaving, a method of strengthening the alloy with Cortosis Ore, albiet significantly less than used in gear the likes of body armor, to produce a weapon that can not only compete with the high powered impact of a lightsaber's blade, but thanks to the added Phrik, will suffer far less damage over time and continued use.

These Swords have been shaped and styled by true Atrisian's, though no longer based within their home-world, the make of the traditional Katana themed blade has clearly been included in the planning of this new Vibro-blade, mixing the technology of ultra-sonic vibrations to sharpen the edge in each cut or cleave, with the form and grace of a culture still very much alive in this day and age, these Vibro-swords, while simple in their design, are certainly lethal in the hands of a practiced swordsman.


  • Can cut through many standard materials with relative ease.
  • Can resist the strength of blows from Lightsabers.
  • Easily Maintained.
  • Does not deflect blaster-fire as the blade is still made of an alloy based material.
  • Cannot penetrate dense metals such as Beskar or high-grade metals such as Cortosis plating.
  • Requires a sheath to house and carry the blade safely, and is otherwise easily distinguishable upon one's person.
Submission has been reviewed and approved by site Judges.
Click Here.

  • Intent: To create a private, civilian class, factory line of Air-Speeders.
  • Image Source: Click here.
  • Canon Link: Not Applicable.
  • Primary Source: Air-Speeder.

  • Classification: Air-speeder.
  • Role: Civilian Transport.
  • Size: Average.
  • Weight: Heavy.
  • Minimum Crew: 1.
  • Optimal Crew: 2.
  • Propulsion: Repulsorlift.
  • Speed: Very Fast.
  • Maneuverability: Average.
  • Armament: None.
  • Defenses: Low.
  • Squadron Count: None.
  • Passenger Capacity: 0
  • Cargo Capacity: Average.
  • Sports Class Air-Speeder - High profile, high speed and extremely comfortable.
  • Reinforced Windows and inner-frame for added protection against blaster-fire and physical impact/Collisions with solid objects.
  • Tinted Windows for added privacy.
  • Entirely Civilian: Baring no weapons or offensive means what-so-ever, this is a vehicle to take out on a joy ride or to impress and make jealous the lower class economy, not to take into a gangland crusade.
  • Dense Materials: She's a heavy vehicle compared to most sports class speeders, often mistaken for a Muscle class vehicle.

The Tsukasa Auto is the first of it's kind to be manufactured by The Tsukasa Gokudō, made from dense materials to allow for safe travel while also showing off the speed and maneuverability of a sports class Air-Speeder.

There are two available models, the coup and the sedan, built for either two or five passengers dependent upon the buyers preference. Built out of the core capital world of Coruscant, a place where it's like is most appreciated, this vehicle is designed for both air and ground based travel.

As this is a civilian class vehicle, there are no armaments or offensive weaponry of any kind and may not be suitable to those outside of general, social means. Those who do purchase and drive such a sleek and impressive speeder however will be sure to be the eye of the public, as this vehicle is a good blend of both style and muscle packed into one considerably priced ride.

Submission is under Review and awaiting Approval.
Click Here
Blaster Rifle Template.

  • Intent: To create a generic blaster sniper rifle.
  • Image Source: N/A (No Image)
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Primary Source: X-45 Sniper Rifle
  • Manufacturer: BlasTech Industries
  • Affiliation: Open-Market
  • Model: EX-11
  • Modularity: No
  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material: Durasteel, blaster components
  • Classification: Blaster Sniper Rifle
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Heavy
  • Ammunition Type: Power cell, gas canister
  • Ammunition Capacity: 10 (power cell), 25 (gas canister)
  • Reload Speed: Average
  • Effective Range: Battlefield
  • Rate of Fire: Low
  • Stopping Power: High
  • Recoil: High
  • Battlefield range
  • Very accurate
  • Accurate over very long ranges
  • Next to useless in personal ranges
  • Heavy and cumbersome to maneuver with
A standard blaster sniple rifle, this weapon is very accurate over long ranges. Its power pack can power the weapon for ten shots, while the blaster gas canister provides ammunition for up to twenty-five shots. Although this weapon is ideal for any sniper, it is not without its drawbacks - being relatively unusable in short and personal distances due to being built specifically for sniping enemy targets from extreme distances and cumbersome to carry while on the move.
Armor Template

  • Intent: (Example: 'A personal weapon for Darth Scabious' or 'an advanced armored personnel carrier for the Republic')
  • Image Source: (Please link to where you found the image, or to the original artist if possible. TinEye or Google Image Search can help.)
  • Canon Link: (Please link the canon link if applicable canon item.)
  • Primary Source: (Please link and cite the sources which you are modifying for your use in your submission.)
  • Manufacturer: (Kuat Drive Yards, BlasTech Industries, [Character Name], etc.)
  • Affiliation: (Individual Character Name (an individual PC/NPC who is permitted to use this item), Company Name(s) (Companies authorised to use this submission), Faction Name(s) (Factions authorised to use this submission, Closed-Market (Any character can use this if they have explicit permission through, for example, a marketplace purchase), Open-Market (May be used by any character without permission from the Manufacturer), other potential options include a submitted NPC unit, or another general organisation/group.)
  • Model: (Example: E-11 Blaster Rifle. For submissions where a model wouldn't be appropriate, such as a custom walking stick, put 'N/A' for 'Not Applicable'.)
  • Modularity: (Can components of this submission be swapped out for other components? Is it especially easy to modify? For most submissions, put 'No'.)

  • Production: The scale is Unique (Only One Character), Semi-Unique (Maximum of 10 characters), Limited (Only one small group of characters. IE: Small task force, not entire factions.), Minor (Large groups of characters. (IE: Multiple factions, companies, or groups.), Mass-Produced. (Anyone.) Characters refer to NPCs & PCs. For armor utilizing restricted materials please review their production limits here.)
  • Material: (What is it made out of? Certain materials are more resistant, or vulnerable, to certain weapons. Example: 'Durasteel, blaster components.')
  • Classification: (Anti-Blaster, Anti-Ballistic, Multipurpose, Other)
  • Weight: (Please choose a weight between Very Light, Light, Average, Heavy, Very Heavy and Extreme.)
  • Resistances (For each category choose from: None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme Ratings of High, Very High, and Extreme will need to be added as strengths with elaboration.)
- Blasters (And other plasma type weapons): How much protection does the armor provide against this type of damage?
- Kinetic: How much protection does the armor provide against this type of damage?
- Lightsabers: How much protection does the armor provide against this type of damage?
- Other: How much protection does the armor provide against this type of damage? (Examples: Sonic, EMP/ION, Elemental. You must disclose each specific type that applies to this submission with its own rating.)

  • (Short brief detail list on any advanced systems with a respective link to the technology if available. What are the types of advanced systems that this armor has? This includes stealth, Bio-restorative technology, power armor, Force Enhancements, Alchemy Enhancements, Force Imbuement enhancements, or any similar or equivalent Force or technologies that may be rare or specialized. - If these are notable enough to be strengths, you must add them to strengths)
  • (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 strength of this submission. Any resistance ratings of High, Very High, and Extreme will need to be added as strengths with elaboration.)
  • (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 weaknesses of this submission.)(If your armour is vulnerable to specific types of attack (e.g. Ion/EMP/Lightsabers) please list these here)
(Describe some of the histories behind the submission. Give us some idea of how it might perform its function, what it excels against and what some limitations of it are. This is where you talk about your idea, flesh it out over at least a good-sized paragraph, and address some of the ways it might be used or abused. For especially powerful or ambitious submissions, a very thorough description is recommended.)

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