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Losers Bar
While the lower levels of Nar Shaddaa was denied the luxury of the light the sun provided, the hours of the day were still kept loosely by most of the inhabitants that fared the world despite the eternal night that the Undercity suffered.Technically, by rule of the scratched chrono on Jennifer’s arm, it was late at night and it was during these hours that Losers Bar had most of its customers. The cantina catered to slicers and other geeks, its whereabouts a secret that was only transferred by word of mouth or through the darkest channels of the holonet. In other words, it was a safe haven. It was here the digital underworld met in the flesh, to share a laugh, a drink and sometimes a game of Huttball, the arcade kind of course.
Currently Jennifer, a twenty-something year old sat in the corner of the dimly lit, green tinted room, leaning back in a fragile-looking steel chair while her legs was extended so that her pair of dilapidated black boots could rest on the table in front of her. She was in a deep, technical conversation with the other person that sat by the table, a friend she knew as J03, or Joe when spoken out loud.
He unlike Jennifer did not use the chairs provided by the owner of the cantina, but was instead seated in a wheelchair. As he talked, one of his hands constantly moved strands from his large brown mane of hair away from his forehead, his smile wide. The expression could to some seem almost haunting, even if it did not seem to phase Jennifer, or Phoenix as he and most other of the bar patrons knew her as.
The scary part of the expression on Joe’s face was mainly due to the fact that his eyes were without pupils, entirely white and ghostly in the green glow that emanated from the large bar counter at the other end of the cantina.
Finishing his glass of what was presumably fizzyglug soda, he nodded at something Jennifer said and slowly he pushed his way up towards the bar to grab new refreshments. Meanwhile, Jennifer seemed to return to tinkering with a halfway finished laptop, its expensive innards sprayed across the table they were seated by.
[member="Iris Issey"] :: everyone