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Approved Tech L4 Aranea Battle Droid

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  • Intent: To provide a heavier battle droid in Lucerne Labs product line-up
  • Image Source: here
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Modular Weapons: The Aranea's pair of weapon arms are highly modular, designed to be easily interchanged few a different models which can each support a variety of different weapons from Lucerne Lab's subsidiary, Lucerne Personal Defense. This allows the Aranea to use a fairly wide variety of weapons and ammunition types. This enables the Aranea to be used be precisely tailored for use in certain roles, from air defense with missile launchers to nonlethal internal security with blaster weaponry.
  • Manipulator arms: The Aranea has a pair of retractable manipulator arms which allow the droid to reload its arm mounted weapons or make repairs to either itself or the weapons.
  • Sentry Sensor Suite: Araneas are designed to be tireless sentries, guarding key points. To that end, they actually have a fairly sophisticated sensor suite that's keyed primarily to detect and then accurately fire on enemies that enter their firing range. In close quarters, this is primarily done through its Target Identification Network, but other sensors, especially its mobile remote viewers provide most of the droid's long-range detection and fire control.
  • ECM Suite: The Araneas carries a 4x-Phantom Sensor Jammer which it uses as a basic ECM suite. This jammer can make the Aranea difficult to detect from long ranges by energy scanners like dedicated energy receptors, but it is not entirely foolproof against such scanners, nor does it do anything to prevent the Araneas from being detected by other sensors, such as the simple eyeball, visual sensors, or full spectrum transceivers. At closer ranges, its broad spectrum jamming makes it difficult to get an exact target lock on with many targeting sensors or by many guided munitions, but the amount of sensor noise it produces while doing this also makes its presence very easy to detect from even long ranges by even the most basic scanner.

  • Heavy Firepower: Araneas typically sport two crew served weapons, making them potent sources of firepower for their small size.
  • Durable: Araneas are fairly well protected, sporting thick armor plating, shielding, and sensor jammers to protect itself from a variety of threats
  • Lightning Reflexes: Araneas have strong servo-motors, which coupled with the TIN make them very quick and accurate shooters, capable of precisely taking out hidden enemies or attacking enemies just as they enter range.
  • Simple Personalities: Aranea isn't particularly sophisticated in its personality programming due to a large amount of its hard drives being dedicated to using different types of weapons in different tactical situations. This makes them fairly predictable if very time efficient opponents.
  • Binary Only: While Araneas can understand Basic, they can only speak in binary, much like the popular R-series of astromech droids. While some users have little difficulty understanding it, more users resign themselves to the fact that they will have to rely on translators or data-jacks to really understand what the droids are saying. This is typically not ideal in a combat situation.
  • Lesser Shielded: While Araneas do sport shielding which protects it well from most handheld weapons, they typically don't provide much protection from vehicle grade weapons.
Aranea is a heavier battle droid that commonly acts more like a mobile weapon's platform much like the older and famous Droideka. More expensive than most common battle droids, Araneas typically are found in smaller numbers than the common soldiers and smaller battle droids that fill the rank and file of most armies. Instead, Araneas typically augment more common forces, providing exceptionally heavy and flexible firepower. It's not uncommon to see laser cannon-armed Araneas cutting down speeder bike charges assailing their friends or launching missiles against enemy aircraft. Because of this firepower, Araneas are sometimes considered interchangeable with many light vehicles, but the droid, while reasonably well shielded and armored against small arms, does not fair long against most vehicle weapons. Aside from augmenting infantry and other light combatants, Araneas are often commonly used to guard important installations or patrol larger warships. While most often owners keep the weapons the same in each arm, they do sometimes mix up the weapons up to create unusual but effective combinations, such as using a laser cannon and a warhead launcher for anti-aircraft work or an assault cannon and flamethrower for clearing out enemy bunkers.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Gir Quee Gir Quee

Very nicely made as usual. However it is a Semi-Unique droid, not a mass production one. The Phantom sensors' article write:
capable of absorbing and blocking incoming long-range sensor pings, thus rendering the fighter invisible to most enemy sensors.
And it is a perfect stealth technology. So please modify the production scale or modify the jammers.
Particularly rare or powerful special features may necessitate using a lower level of production, such as stealth or anti stealth technologies (for example: cloaking technology, personal cloaking devices, gemcutters, crystal grav traps, moon dust, ), or rare canon technologies (for example: Hyperwave Inertial Momentum Sustainers, etc) and their equivalents will only be permitted at Semi-Unique production.

MANIAC MANIAC where are we currently drawing the line on what constitutes stealth as being a restricted material? Is it any stealth feature regardless of effectiveness, or does the older standard of "equivalent to a cloaking device" still remain in play?

The 4x-Phantom is a pretty common sensor jammer, canonically known for its inclusion on the A-wing, which is hardly a rare or powerful fighter. It is not equivalent to a cloaking device. The phrasing that you mention in the wookieepedia article does I think make it more powerful than it actually has been described in canon sources, which I think is a result of conflating/over simplifying. In an effect, that language refers to one very specific part of the jammer, the Dedicated Energy Receptor Projector (DERP), which in turn by its name seems to very much be a specific countermeasure against a very common sensor, the Dedicated Energy Receptor, which per the wookiee article is the most common military sensor out there.

I think it's worth noting that the DERP only works well at long ranges, otherwise it wouldn't need a full spectrum distortion projector for close range use. And even that interferes (doesn't wholly block or make invisible). It's worth noting that this actually makes the jammer easier to detect from range, which we can also referenced in canon references, like the FFG RPG Game materials:
  • Miradyne Ltd. 4X-Phantom Sensor Jammer: Blocks all sensors within range, counting its ship or vehicle's silhouette as one smaller when being fired at. Immediately notifies all ships in a star system, or within one hundred kilometers if planetside, to the ship or vehicle's existence.
It's not stealth in the classic sense in that it is invisible or prevents detection, but rather it is a means to prevent precise targeting.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Gir Quee Gir Quee

This Jammer always was a stealth technology. Your sub is not my first with these sensors, once I accepted with minor production scale, and the RPJs and John pulled back because it is stealth technology. I quoted the part where it says the sensor is able to hide the ship/object from the sensors. And nearly from all the sensors.

So I have no problem with the jamming part, but with that part where it makes you invisible against the sensor is the problem. If something is just jamming the system and because of it, they are not able to target you, that is ok. But with this they are not even able to follow you in the sensors or on the map image, because they do not see you.

I believe different sources write different things, but I think you know, we do not accept the "FFG RPG Game" link or any other text as reference, just data only from Wookieepedia and

I can accept this, if you will mention in the sub, it does not hide the droid from the sensors, and you mention in the Weaknesses as well, so if you skip the stealth function it. Otherwise, I have to ask you to replace the Phantom with a simple jamming device.

And I know exactly that you'll never abuse it.
ECM Suite: The Araneas carries a 4x-Phantom Sensor Jammer which it uses as a basic ECM suite. This jammer can make the Aranea difficult to detect from long ranges by energy scanners like dedicated energy receptors, but it is not entirely foolproof against such scanners, nor does it do anything to prevent the Araneas from being detected by other sensors, such as the simple eyeball, visual sensors, or full spectrum transceivers. At closer ranges, its broad spectrum jamming makes it difficult to get an exact target lock on with many targeting sensors or by many guided munitions, but the amount of sensor noise it produces while doing this also makes its presence very easy to detect from even long ranges by even the most basic scanner.
I've added this part to make it clear that the sensor jammer is not intended to be a high-powered stealth system.

MANIAC MANIAC | John Locke John Locke
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