Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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La vengeance est Froide (Taeli Raaf)

As Raven stood and Taeli mentioned it, Sophie's voice rang in her head and said "See? She's smarter than you thought. Maybe that's why you love her too much."
"Quiet..." she snarled.
"And that's why you won't kill her."
"I said ENOUGH!"
Raven's scream had turned into one powered by the Force. The shock broke more things around them and possibly shook [member="Taeli Raaf"] as well. Such an attack was only fueled by rage and emotion. After that she swung out again, attacking and sweeping her sabers all around. At one point they passed a nearby statue that Raven sliced at the base. As it fell she used the force to push it towards Raaf. If she stopped it or moved to the side Raven would follow with a powerful bolt of force lightning that would shatter it before it could hit the ground. She was not letting as much anymore.
[member="Darth Raven"]

Taeli smirked as Raven spoke, but it wasn't directed at her. Interesting, perhaps some of her old apprentice was still left in the woman before her. The scream at the end turned into a Force-powered shriek that Taeli placed another Force Barrier around herself to absorb. The barrier shattered as she let it go, having done its job.

The attacks were getting wilder and all Taeli continued to do was deflect and redirect, using her footwork to keep the fight nice and contained while giving her plenty of movement space. One of the statue's was broken and Raven used the Force to throw it at Taeli. Taeli responded by jumping on it, performing a handspring off it to drop into a defensive stance to absorb the lightning on her lightsaber blade.

"So tell me, Sophie, what is the other side saying to you? Or do you just keep ignoring the rational side of things?"
After Raaf managed to make her moves and began calling Raven out on her maddness she sneered, pointing one saber at her, while saying "It's far from rationalitiy. It's weakness. That poor little fool of a girl you found on Tython is dead!" She followed with another fluent motion of attacks before locking blades with Raaf. Face-to-face she continued with "I know what you're trying to do. You think you can wear me down. Turn me into a frail old senile woman, huh? You think I haven't tried to work around this condition myself?"
She broke away from her only to unleash more force lightning. The bolts that missed or were deflected shot out and struck other parts of the village. Places cracked and toppled or were burned by the singe of it all. Some had even come close to where Morgana and the entrhalled men were. One was struck and killed but the others were unphased in their trance states.
[member="Taeli Raaf"]
[member="Darth Raven"]

"Well clearly you're losing your mind as it was Ossus, not Tython," Taeli responded while their blades were locked. As they broke, Taeli could see it even if Raven didn't yet. She was just a tad slower then when they began, the lightning arcing out was more wild and less controlled. Still, it had almost hit Morgana while Taeli kept her lightsaber blade in front of her to absorb any near her.

"Good for you that you recognized what I'm doing, but you're not exactly helping the matter with your actions," Taeli said, slowly swinging her saber side to side once the lightning ended. "One would think you're a bit blind to anything but revenge."
When the ligthning ceased and Raven looked at her she became all the more resentful twoards [member="Taeli Raaf"] , trying to speak as though she understood Raven's actions anymore. This was more than she realized.
"You see so little, master. Revenge is just a means to an end." she called out. "I want more than you can understand. But none of that can happen. Not until what's done here is finished." After that she stood with her blades crossed and said "Now stop holding back and FIGHT ME LIKE A WOMAN!"
[member="Darth Raven"]

""Oh, a means to an end huh?" Taeli said, smirking a little at the woman. "Says the person who went through such an elaborate scheme to bring me out here ... but if you really want a fight ..."

The second blade of her lightsaber ignited, and with a twist of the handle, the second part of the ring slid out and the blades started to spin rapidly. Taeli's lips turned into a hard smile and she launched herself forward, using Force Speed to augment herself as she brought her lightsaber against Raven's defenses in a flurry of attacks. The time had come to push the offensive.
A wicked smile came over Raven's face when [member="Taeli Raaf"] attacked. This was what she wanted. She charged in as well before meeting her. Blades meeting and the twang of lightsaber against lightsaber. The crackle of beams locking together. The fight between them was intense, to say the least. Morgana and the others watched as Sith and Jedi all full power began to tear at each other. Raven would take moments and fire bolts of force lightning before coming back with both of her sabers in a whizz of movement. This was what she wanted, a fight to the very end.
[member="Darth Raven"]

Every clash of blades, every absorbed bolt of lightning, was just what Raven wanted. Taeli knew that, but she it was time to finally deal with her former apprentice once and for all. Green electricity arced from her free hand, to force Raven into absorbing the Electric Judgment attack ... and giving Taeli's lightsaber blades an opportunity to attack her real target, the lightsaber in Raven's left hand.

If that lightsaber was destroyed, then Taeli knew she would have a much greater advantage.
The lightning had managed to knock the blade out of Raven's hand. It flew into the air and landed away from where she could not see it. Raven looked back and realized she was down to one saber, which was plenty to a truly skilled Sith. Despite being without two Raven still attacked [member="Taeli Raaf"] , showing that even with one blade she could be deadly. Overhead strike. Sweeps. Jabs. Parries. All of her movements were still so skilled and feirce. The bruning look in her eyes as she continued her onslaught against her former master did not yeild anything to chance.
[member="Darth Raven"]

Every attack was met, every jab deflected, hers parried away, but it was only going to be a matter of time. Her blades started to spin again as she launched a flurry of attacks to the left, right, then left again.

"I see you at least kept up with your saber skills," Taeli commented. "Maybe if you have done more with other things, you might not be some old decrepit lady that haunts nightmares. But no, let's not listen to reason and stick my hand to a thought bomb remnant."

Was her insult petty? Sure, but Taeli knew Raven had always been a bit vain about her looks. Being aged prematurely had probably not done much to help with her mental state and emotional balance.
After that moment Raven had some distance between the two, smirking. "Master? Was that petty I heard in that remark? I'm suprised. I thought the Jedi were better than that. Or am I not the only one with an inner self wanting to be let loose?" She waited for a moment and smiled again. "Yes. She's still in there, isn't she? Darth Arcanix? My true master! My love! She's trapped inside. And I'll set her free!"
Another charge and attack. Only now Raven's actions were more maniacal. A cackle and laugh with every strike and dodge. She was enjoying this like a sick game the two played.
[member="Taeli Raaf"]
[member="Darth Raven"]

"I've never claimed to be a straight laced Jedi, but dun moch works for both sides if it serve to gain an advantage," Taeli merely replied. Her remark did have part of the desired effect though, Raven's attacks were even more wild now, and her maniacal laughter with every strike was definitely indicative of her mind's slip towards more madness. Just lovely.

Her lightsaber blades continued to flash and crackle against Raven's, the pair circling and clashing while the flames raged around them and their audience watched. Taeli kept it all out of her mind, concentrating on the fight, but keeping an open sense in case something might change in that area.
More fighting and more clashing. The fighting had taken them into one building before being tossed out into another. Their clashes ranged all over the town to where they were unseen by Morgana and the others. The whole time Raven did not relent. Despite how tired she might have seemed, her hair starting to unravel fro the styled bun it was in, and her dress becoming all the more worn and torn. Despite it all the old Sith had proven her strength. She was indeed a master now, but one who's dirve for power and wisdom had forever changed her into the monster she was now.
[member="Taeli Raaf"]
[member="Darth Raven"]

As their fight raged around the town, Taeli had to give some grudging respect to her former student. She indeed had become a master ... pity she had also become a monster, then she might actually be able to reason with the girl. Her stamina, even in her old form, was impressive, but it was starting to show that not being her actual age was wearing on the seemingly older woman.

Taeli's attacks were getting closer and closer to their marks now, if the continued degradation of Sophie's dress was any sort of indicator. But she needed a better opening to really unleash an attack, something that Raven would never expect her former teacher of doing.

Jumping back, she landed back in the original spot where the duel had begun and threw her arms wide.

"If you want your revenge, come and take it then," Taeli said, presenting herself as an open target to the mad woman.
Her actions had more suprised Raven than anything else. She could see her presenting herself as an open target. Morgana perked and looked worried what her aunt would do. Would she really let her take the finishing blow and kill her? During the fighting she'd found her own plans of how to break free and help but it needed time. Time to reach out with the force to break the chains and eventually break away from the men and their blasters. During that time and all the fighting that went on she watched as they did to see how Raven and [member="Taeli Raaf"] fought with all their might only for it to stop like this.
Raven, angered, said "No! Don't stop! Don't you dare stop now! I want this to end as it should! Fight me!" After that she apporached and instead of attacking with the saber she kicked her master in the gut and insisted "Fight me!"
[member="Darth Raven"]

And that was exactly what Taeli wanted, as the kick came at her she pivoted and now Raven would be off balance for just a moment. A purple blade would come swinging down at the outstretched leg, the second blade reigniting to block any attempt to block it. Only a few things could save Raven, and Taeli knew there wasn't any time for her do anything without suffering some sort of injury.

"You forgot my first lesson yet again," Taeli said quietly, regardless of the outcome of her attack.
The sting of the heat from the lightsaber brought Raven to a scream. Her leg was scarred, bringing her down on her side. She clutched the spot, seeing the burn marks through her dress and shown how deep the cut had managed to get. She looked up, her hair now a tangled mess around her face and head. Her yellow eyes still peeked through and looked up to [member="Taeli Raaf"] as spited her for not learning her lesson. She still sneered when she heard this before trying to inch away. Her other saber had fallen and she was unarmed now. She looked worried as much as angered before finding herself stopping. She turned her face away and seemed to cry.
[member="Darth Raven"]

"You can't fool me, Sophie," Taeli said, summoning Raven's lightsaber to her free hand. Now, Raven wouldn't have a weapon to fight against her besides the Force, and Taeli was ready for anything she might try. Walking forward slowly, she kept a safe distance still, just in case Sophie was going to try and do something sneaky.

Not that running at her to try and grapple her would work out with her injury now. There was still no mercy or pity in Taeli's eyes, they were just those cold hard gems still.
Truly her cries were a jest. She then began to laugh as she picked herself up. The madness in her eyes as she stood despite her wounded leg. A horrible visage looked back at [member="Taeli Raaf"] , one of hatered and corruption. As she calmed Raven had her hands outstrencthed as well, as if wanting Taeli to chop her down then and there. Instead she backed away until she was against a wall.
"You never did ask how I found out about her." she began. "Your neice. You'd be suprised how any spies the Sith have out in the galaxy. When they told me about her and how she was a Jedi herself I saw oppertunity. I made sure I came to this planet ealry enough. Caused enough destruction to gain attention and eventually she would come." Another chuckle escaped her lips. "But I didn't fight her on my own. I had help."
Her hands began to rise further up into the air. As she did the sound of things stirring in the town could be heard. Morgana tried to say something but the muffling had kept her words aurgmented. Finally it was revealed. The people of the twon were dead, but they were not done. All the bodies were in fact awaiting the command of Darth Raven before they rose. All pale eyes that stumbled towards her, moaning as undead husks. Men women and children all swarming towards her. And all the while Raven cackled and laughed like an old witch.
[member="Darth Raven"]

"And you just sealed your fate," Taeli replied, and for just a moment, Raven might have heard the cutting edge of Arcanix in her words. If there was one thing Taeli would never ever touch, it was the art of necromancy. It was an abomination and something that should never be trifled with. Regardless, green electricity surrounded her, the crackling energy tearing through the air and making a wind stir up.

Purple eyes flashed and the lightning unleashed itself in an explosion of arcing energy that would be aimed at burning through and chaining through every single zombie corpses. Taeli had never taught Raven the variation of Force Lightning that was Chain Lightning, but she would see its abilities now.

"Is this what you want?" Taeli whispered quietly. "To see me unleash the Force as only you know I can?"

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