Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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There was fresh blood soaking into the patch he'd worked over the pole. The change had obviously opened up blood vessels that he'd sealed by blasting off the end of the metal. That made up his mind.

He shushed Skreech, but he was having none of it. Intact as Xin moved closer he let off a relatively deep hiss in warning. The nautolan outlaw kept his hands on show and moved slowly. He peeled the patch back to revealed more blood welling up around the wound. He swore to himself.

The medical pack in his pocket wasn't meant for something like this. He opened it up and spread the contents out, sifting through them with his index finger. There was a small tube of glue. He'd used that before on a knife wound. The puncture hole probably wouldn't seal with that. He swore again. The lizard probably thought that was his native language by now.

There was an antibacterial wipe and some more bacta soaked dressing. There wasn't much bleeding now but they didn't have time to wait for it to stop.

Xin closed one hand around the pole and pulled it out in one smooth motion. The woman's face screwed up tight. He wiped the wound down and put some pressure on it for a few moments. In those seconds with nothing to do he tried to keep his eyes from the unblemished parts of her flesh that were no longer covered up. Xin chuckled the wipe, and applied the dressing. He barely had enough tape to hold it down, wrapping it around her as far as he could.

Xin left the pair for a moment to go and spread some blood across some more sheets to make it seem like they had left in the direction opposite to where he was planning to go. When he came back he wiped himself down and moved slowly to pick the shapeshifter up again.

“If I asked yuh to put pressure on da wound would yuh know what I meant?” He asked the creature fussing over her.
Most would consider Kowakian Monkey Lizards to be nothing but annoying beasts. However, they had a sharp intelligence that belied their typical nuisance behavior. While Skreech enjoyed playing the part of a menace, he was quite bright, even able to speak in broken Basic beyond his parroting.

“Press the wound, yes. Squaakkk” his broad, sharp beak gave a chitter as he spoke, the crimson and emerald tuffs at the top of his head swaying with the jerky motion of his speech. With a trill and a speed that could potentially alarm, the Kowakian Monkeylizard shot from the ground and gave a leap towards the Nautolan. His claws caught into his clothing, perhaps digging a bit too deeply, as the creature went bounding up to perch at his shoulder. From there, his tiny paws came down, moving to place some pressure along the bloody bandage. The sickly sweet scent of the bacta patches and blood was nearly overpowering, but there was precious little time to consider that.

Up several levels, Choka, a lanky member of the Blue Hawks stepped out of his speeder bike to survey the flaming chaos before him. While the explosion had been relatively contained, there were still flames and a number of wounded around the point of origin. Medic services were slowly arriving, but the Blue Hawks had other pressing matters to deal with.

A curl of a peirced upper lip and Choka swung his cybernetic lenses to the blue haired men and women beside him.

“Find him. I want that karking tailhead on a hook.”
The creature didn’t weigh a great deal. Xin was grateful that those claws didn’t cut through his skin to carry to extra burden, but it also meant there was a limit to how hard the creature could press down. At least it wasn’t trying to scratch or bite him. A modicum of understanding would go a long way right now. Normally he had a good sense for when someone harboured ill-intentions towards him. That was because of his headtails as far as he was aware. Right now the monkey lizard seemed far more concerned with its master. Partner? Associate?

Xin backed through some of the sheets to keep them from being stained by their passing and giving the route away. Even the noise it made as it slid across his shoulders made him wince. Favouring speed over stealth right now he took as brisk a pace as he dared down the main walkway between the towers of scaffolding. The terminal had contained an old map of the area and he knew roughly where there was a connection to the next level down. That assumed it was still in the same place.

It was, but the stairs were narrow and treacherous. The woman wasn’t particularly heavy, but he still had to lean back to balance out her weight and take each step tentatively. It was slow progress. The thought of leaving her behind started to grow once more. There was no point, he told himself, in both dying down here.

Yet despite his aching shoulders and thighs he carried on for now. Immediate danger would make that decision a more important one. The stairs ended in an old corridor that had seen little use. Leaking water pipes once more ran overhead and droplets fell on them all as he picked up the pace. The sounds of machinery started to fade. Several more twists and turns and he moved into the uninhabited regions. Now he could see why they had been described as killing fields. Walkways and platforms and lifts, but the floors were mostly gratings that could be seen through. If they chased him down here in numbers things were going to get interesting. The immediate problem was that he needed a rest. He started to slow and look for somewhere to put the shapeshifter down.
[member="Xin Boa"]

One would think consciousness would come in degrees. In shades of confusing gray as realitywarped into existence. Not quite for Mirax. The change was always exhausting. Made her feel hungover whenever she shifted from feline form back to humanoid again. It was a painful process, one that her kind would say turns into a familiar ache with time. For Mirax, it still made her feel as if a Ackley had cut off everyone of her limbs, gorged on her remains, and then shat her out so she could put herself back together.

Skreech would always look after her until she came to, keeping a watch. He couldn't really do much save maybe drag her unconscious body to a dark corner, but it would help. Stress could prompt the change, sometime she'd been trying to control but unable to properly grasp. Never mind long trips in hyperspace. There was a reason why she had a tendency to stay local. When the beads of Macar couldn't keep her calm she had to find other ways. People in small ships didn't take to a large cat with teeth, claws, and spikes that could cut through durasteel well.

She'd only barely survived the last time the curio circus had tried to keep her in a pen.

That's where Skreech and she met. His ma had been caught, set for another attraction for patrons wanting to see. She'd been pregnant and as Kowakian Monkeylizards were wont to do, made life hell for the overseer. One act turned too far and after being forcefully flung against Mirax’s cage, the monkey lizard found herself caught in between the over seers whip and a row of sharp teeth. 'Teas more surprise when cognizant yellow eyes inspected the wounded pregnant monkeylizard and the yelps of the overseer. Massive paws took to stepping over the injured creature, and Mirax's savage roar of warning left it at that. No one was getting her unless they made it past the Felacatian.

Flashes of the past bled into the present. Pain burned as if white hot pokers lanced her flesh. Barely a slit of eyes drew open, a blurry kaleidoscopic landscape of shadows and bright lights. Right in the middle a familiar crimson and emerald tuff of fur wiggled. Skreech.

Her mouth was dry. Thick. Metallic tang. Blood. Nausea rolled. In Xins arms he'd feel her start to twitch and dry heave.

This wasn't good.
Xin's arms were already getting tired and he didn't want to drop her if she came to and struggled. The nautolan stopped at an intersection. Above them were gratings and pipes and the walkways above.

With a grunt he turned down to the left. The door to a side room was half open at an odd angle as if the sliding mechanism had fallen apart. He ducked and squeezed through the space. There were some old broken machines that had been abandoned. One of them was covered in some yellow vines that extended up into the grates above. Most importantly it was dark and out of the way.

He set her down in the corner behind an old and rusted sonic laundry machine. Skreech had to shift quickly as he pulled her into her side in case she was going to vomit.

Kneeling above her he decided that perhaps it was a good time to afford the girl some modesty. His hands stopped at the button of his jerkin as it occurred to him that she might rouse to think something unthinkable was happening.

“I'm going to give you this to wear,” he said quietly but clearly. The sleeveless jacket was tugged off and laid across the shapeshifter. Xin didn't know what the change was like for her. Once he had been forcibly transformed into a giant cat himself. It seemed that his mind had decided to excise some of those memories, but he could still remember the shadow of the extreme pain.
It was a good thing [member="Xin Boa"] set her down. As soon as Mirax was on her side, the female Felacatian gave a hurl. Agony went rippling throughout her belly, the tightening of muscles sending a spasm up and tossing the contents within spewing out in a toe curling, chunky pink splatter. Bile coated the inside of her mouth, that lingering acrid taste so similar to battery acid and prompting another pitiful heave, the shock of orange hair shuddering with every hurl. There was blood in the splatter, but not to the extent where one would believe there to be too much internal bleeding. This was good.

Mirax still had a serious injury, but at least this meant that none of the vital organs had been hit.

Honestly, the woman barely registered, what XIn said or when he removed his sleeveless jerking to drape over her trembling form. It was Skreech who had, and he went bounding back and forth near Mirax as if ready to defend. He gave a chittering hiss, the sound of it echoing in this part of the sector. Likely would have to have him quiet down before someone else would find them soon.

The entire mess stank high of piss, gray water, and with Mirax’s contribution, ammonia laden bile. A bloody hand came up, the girl’s delicate nostrils flaring at the stench, shaking hand wiping her mouth and chin with the back of her hand.

“Karkin… ‘ell.” came the shuddering groan. Bits and pieces came back together. The change, her state of dress, the bloody pole that had -- wait.

Quick fingers came down, trying to get a glance at her belly. Frantic fingers found the bloody bacta patch and the gauze. No metal pole sticking out of her like a skewer. Swinging her head wide, the large citrine orbs of her eyes caught sight of the Nautolan’s silhouette.

Another grimace and wipe with the back of her hand and she gave a blink, registering everything. From the patch on her belly to the leather jerkin that had been half draped over her. Half shifting, Mirax slung her arms through the wide sleeve holes, half staring up at Xin in suspicion and half grateful. Mirax wasn’t used to getting any sort of help from anyone. She was far more used to their suspicion and cruelty. The traveling intergalactic circus she’d been trapped in was proof enough of that.

An attempt at figuring out where they were appeared to be a lost prayer. None of this was familiar to her. At least Skreech was with her.

“.. ‘vhere,” her accent was thick as her tongue rolled in her mouth, tiny sharp teeth flashing under the light. “‘ ‘vhere arr weh?”
Xin turned and looked at the surroundings. Not a good place to wake up. He had woken up in worse. Xin didn't have time to be squeamish about the unpleasant, warm odour wafting up towards him. Fortunately even though that he could pick up on her state through the headtails. Not that he needed them, she was clearly still in pain and confused.

“Few levels down from where we were,” he explained. “Sorry, I do nuh have notin to drink.”

The wounds didn't seem to be bleeding through the dressings. That was fortunate as whilst he was quite self sufficient and had some first aid skills that would have been beyond him.

“Yuh saved me from a bolt to de head so getting yuh out of dere seemed fair. Dis sector is abandoned, but we need to keep going down.”

She didn't have her blaster so at the very least he wasn't going to get shot and robbed for his trouble. A half step back gave her space but it also gave him time to draw in case she decided to blame him for their predicament. He wasn't certain whose fault this was in the end. She had been in some kind of altercation, then the gang had turned up and suddenly everything had gone to hell.

“Oh, left breast…” don't use that word, he chided himself, “pocket. I need the datacard in dere.” It was the key to the ship he had arrived on, so he really did need that back from his jacket.
[member="Xin Boa"]

Wary eyes went narrowing up at [member="Xin Boa"], Mirax’s tail twitching at the tip much like the rattler on a snake. She was anxious, still gathering her bearings and felt like shit. Part of her wasn’t sure what to make of him. He had given her his jerkin for a portion of modesty and brought her four levels down. But then what?

Up at the marketplace her speeder bike along with her salvage had gone up in a blaze of glory. There went her month’s wages as well as her ride back to the spaceport. As if sensing her shifting emotional turmoil, Skreech went scrambling up along her arm, coming to a stop on top of her shoulder. His tiny clawed paws rose to bat a her head, where the wide goggles sank against her head like a makeshift headband.

An unconscious tightening of the jerkin across her chest at his gesture and mention of a front pocket, as if the thought of placing any unfamiliar hands within that region was the last thing on her mind. A scowl and suspicion arose across her exotic, angular features, the dim light barely revealing the caked blood smeared across her cheek along with the beige spots of fine, downy fur that had been wiped clean when the back of her hand hand run across it.

Quick mental stock told her she didn’t have her blaster with her. A blue streak of curse words went racing across her mind after.

“Boskkrelogh lin.” «Watch him.»Her husky voice broke with the quiet request asking Skreech to watch the man in heavily accented Proto Basic.

Ever so carefully, tail flicking beside her as she sat half curled up on the dingy floor, Mirax's fingers lightly went pawing up towards the left breast pocket. The beads at her wrist would give a gentle jingle, an odd, soothing sound considering where they were at.

All the while, both sets of eyes would watch Xin’s every move as if expecting him to attack.
It seemed as if she was doing a mental recap to work out what was going on. Xin couldn't help but let his eyes fall to the dried gore still present around her mouth. At least when he had been a nexu, albeit briefly, he hadn't bitten anyone. He couldn't imagine it was a pleasant experience to wake up with a mouthful of shredded, raw flesh. He didn't know if the pipes through the area carried drinkable water or not.

“Sorry? Oh” he said, realising she'd spoken to her companion in another language. That wasn't a good sign either. It clearly understood basic so the language shift was probably to avoid him hearing the message. Skreech didn't really have a poker face either the immediately turned his beak to stare at Xin. Did she think the pocket was a trap? Would have been a roundabout way of killing her.

He kept his hands rather still as she popped the button on the pocket. He hadn't paid any attention to the beads before. As a feline her forearms hadn't become wide enough to snap the bracelet. That or it was elasticated just for this reason. The change had clearly taken a lot out of her and risked that wound becoming fatal. In the circumstances though it was less risky that the near point blank blaster bolt she might have otherwise received as Xin was being dragged away.

Someone had to make the first move so Xin turned his head away from her, his head tails flicking out. It did make him nervous to give them the opening given how feral the pair seemed to be - at least on the surface. Xin didn't trust that easily, nor did he often form long term bonds. He didn't judge people on their words, but there actions. He needed some trust from the pair if they were going to make it the rest of the way.

“Just a key card for my ship,” he said. “Think yuh can walk?” He asked.
[member="Xin Boa"]

[SIZE=9pt]Just a keycard for his ship? Well it very well could be. Didn’t stop Mirax from being a little suspicious. Or a lot. She was half naked with a hole in her belly laying on a ground beside a pool of what could only be watered down piss and her own vomit. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]The amount of trust to give away was running on low. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]However, the Felacatian didn’t miss how the Nautolan shifted back and forth on his feet, as if deciding what to do. It was only when he turned his back to her that it made sense. That he was willing to make himself vulnerable even after witnessing her shift and how she tore open that gangmember’s throat meant he was extending the proverbial olive branch. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Long fingers went working at the pocket, until they felt an oblong firm object. Plucking it out, her wide gold eyes squinted at the keycard under the dim light. Didn’t seem to be anything more than that. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Jay ve.” a calming command, prompting the Kowakian Monkeylizard to turn his broad face over to her. The tension seemed to ease somewhat. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Tail flicking, Mirax spun her head back towards the Nautolan, a grimace folding her features. Tentatively, she flipped the keycard in between her fore and middle finger. A slow stretch and the salvager gestured with her own olive branch; his key card.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Walk o’ crawl vill take meh there regardless.” she admitted, her bloody hands moving to adjust the jerking over her chest again. It was large on her. An amusing thought considering how big she’d shifted to. At least this went just a little past her thighs she reckoned. Her feet were bare, another curse. The claws didn’t take well to boots. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]This was going to cost her. [/SIZE]
“Might get you dere,” he replied as he took the card. He dropped it into a pocket in his trousers and turned for the entrance to the room. The air out there was at least more fresh than inside. He stopped at the threshold and looked down each direction and then up through the mesh floors. There was no sign of pursuit yet. In an ideal situation he would have had more to help her cover up but the jerkin would have to do.

“Might nah ef we get followed,” he added quietly. “One blasta between us...I’m hoping we’ve nah been followed.”

He looked down at the floor. Some parts were solid, but others were the mesh grids. Bad for two reasons: it gave those blue-haired bastards more visibility and it was going to be painful for…

“I’m Xin,” he added with a look back over his shoulder. “Think yuh might ave saved me from ah bolt to de head. I got turned into a nexu once. Was nah fun. Thanks.” Even if she hadn’t intended to it was still worth showing appreciation for it. A lot of people talked about helping people in times of need, few actually did anything about it.

He pulled the blaster from its holster and checked the charge before slipping it back away.

“Gud to go?”
[member="Xin Boa"]

It was the passing comment that he’d been turned into a Nexu once that caught Mirax’s attention. Her head swung sharply towards him, the Felacatian eying him with the expression of one who wasn’t sure if he was making fun of her or if he was serious. As she wasn’t one to read body language like a Lorrdian, or to read emotions like a Zeltron or even a Nautolan, the young salvager was a bit out of her league in determining what he meant.

“Yous makin’ fun of me?” well bluntly asking had to work for some reason or another, the sharp incisors flashing under the dim glow of light ahead. Skreetch went bounding up, clawing until he sat along her right shoulder. His tiny claws took a firm grip of that bright orange hair, but if it hurt the woman, she gave no indication.

With shaky legs and a push of her hands -- and a lot of grimacing - the woman drew herself to her feet. It would take her a bit to gather her bearings, the new hole in her belly along with the loss of blood not doing her any favors. It made everything a bit more super sensitive; her eyesight, her sense of smell, even down to her hearing.

Most didn’t take to shapeshifters well. Some thought of them with a mixture of suspicion and awe. That’s why they wanted her in that cage. Nothing but a peculiarity. She may not have traveled much but she knew that those with the headtails on their head don’t shift like she did. Unless he was a new type of breed.

“Good as any.” Mirax replied thickly, still unsure. HOnestly, she’d have felt better if she had her blaster with her. The last thing she needed was to shift again just to defend herself. Hands came down, trying to make some semblance of sense with her pants. There was just not enough credits for her to get the sort of clothing that would shift along with her. It just ended up being torn to pieces when she couldn’t control her shifting.

“Gorram it.” Her tail gave a flick and twitch in annoyance.

"Nah. Actually happened," he replied. The angry grunt that followed suggested that it was not a pleasant memory. "Anyone ever ask yuh to help find a sith artefact. Say no."

It was very specific advice, but still sound. Xin hadn't expected to get caught up in situation like that. Or like this. He could remember leaving that oppressive facility with simple plans. Just finding some of the credits he had stashed and enjoying some time doing nothing. Maybe finding some big open spaces or a nice ocean. The outdoors, some drink and no responsibilities. That plan had lasted five minutes and since then events had just run away from him.

"Sorry," he said when he turned and saw what was frustrating her. "Can't led yuh my pants too." He gave a sympathetic shrug. Then he checked either direction down the corridor. Nothing but the sound of droplets of water hitting metal flooring and a distant steam vent. Whilst Xin had made a show of trust already, giving her the blaster and leaving himself defenceless hadn't even occurred to him.

"Need help walking?" he asked. Not selfless enough to hand over the blaster, but by this point it was clear he wasn't going to abandon the wounded shapeshifter just yet. Xin wasn't a selfless man, but there was some good in him.
[member="Xin Boa"]

[SIZE=9pt]A Syth artifact? What was that? Mirax’s expression would reflect puzzlement, having not heard much about such treasure. Her ‘verse consisted of salvaging and keeping to herself, enjoying that Skreetch and she had food in their bellies and trying not to shift out in public. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Ain’t like dhey’d fit meh.” Points of shame had long since left the young woman, what with her time in the circus and the shifting in between. There hadn’t been much time to have to be concerned about modesty when running away. Oh you’d get looks for wearing no knickers and bits swaying, but it was less attention than being a massive cat with claws and teeth. The former would get you unwanted attention, the latter would end up getting her shot. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Ay can do just fine.” That was half a lie. It was more as to ensure that she could keep a level eye on the Nautolan. Oh there had been the first olive branch of trust on his part, but even Mirax hadn’t shared her name yet. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Walk. Gotta walk! Blue heads come!” Skreetch would squawk, prompting a wave of Mirax’s hand to call him down. The noise would carry.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Eyes wide, the woman took to looking around them. Where were they? A few levels down at least from what she could gather. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]But to what direction were they headed to?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“‘Vere yer be goin’?” [/SIZE]
Xin grimaced at the noise the monkey lizard made. The shapeshifter had already signalled for quiet so there was no reason to say anything further.

“Yuh companion is right. Blue heads might be coming and we need to move.” Xin looked back at the pair once and then took the corridor to the left. He went at a brisk walk before stopping at the intersection.

“It’s me dem are after, but I wouldn’t go back up if I were yuh. Dese levels are abandoned and dere territory stops a few levels down. There was still no sign of pursuit, but he had a nervous tingle running up and down his spine that made him feel like he wasn’t safe.

“We’ll find yuh a medic. I’ll pay.”

It was his fault she’d ended up in the crossfire, even if her own altercation had been responsible for the situation getting truly out of hand. Besides, he would just use the Dragoon’s credits for the trip. She needed stitching.
[member="Xin Boa"]

"Well my salvage is lost." considering the situation, it was understandable to hear the edge of underlying anger at that. Her speeder, the entire month salvaging those Isotope-5 powercells off that battlefield was just gone.

So much for food and fuel for the next month.

"And my speeder." sharp insciors went flashing under the dim glow, even her bright yellow eyes seemed to give off a slight illluminecence.

The fact she had no money to pay for a medic was the least of her worries. She had made an agreement to pay for the hanger space for her small ship with the funds from the Isotope-5 sale.

This was literally the shittiest circumstance she could find herself in.

"Gorram it." came her curse, tongue thickly accented by the dull ache at her belly and the quickly mounting realities that she was fucked.

Three levels up, the blues were already making their rounds. Shouts would echo, and Mirax's keen hearing made the woman cant her head to the side, one ear perking up at the nose.

Mouth half wide open, her nose gave a twitch, that long tail of hers following suit. It gave a tremble then froze. A prickling ran down the nape of her neck and along her spine.

They needed to get out of here. Fast.

Xin grimaced at her first complaint. His lips curled back even further when she mentioned the speeder. When she swore he gave up on displaying any outward sign of his regret. He resorted to just internally lambasting himself for not being more careful.

Normally he put himself in precarious situations. This time he'd ruined someone else's day. He could hear the tone in her voice. It was dawning in her just how much trouble she was in. Dealing with amateur bounty hunters was almost relieving. There was no time for thinking.

"What?" He asked, sensing the change in her demeanour. Xin turned his head up towards the sound as it reached his ears.

"Go, go!" He hissed quietly. He pointed towards the corridor ahead. With his blaster trained on the way he had come from he let her go first.

A loud clank above drew his attention. The ceiling of this corridor was a metal mesh. Xin looked up. The blue haired scout looked down. Xin brought up his pistol quicker than the gang member could swing his rifle around.

Two shots rang out. There was no avoiding it. They burned through the mesh and the chest of the scout. The metal panel he had been on collapsed and the man fell through. Xin out another bolt in him to be sure.

"Kark it! Stairs up ahead, we need to go down!" Xin paused only to take the sidearm from the human's belt. He left the heavy rifle, they needed to stay light. "Weapon!" He called out as he caught up with Mirax.
[member="Xin Boa"]

Skreech gave a yelp, bounding from Mirax's shoulder to fly forward, landing on the grates and scattering ahead. [member="Xin Boa"] did not have to tell Mirax twice.

Adrenaline went pumping through the Felacatian's veins, her grimy hands picking up the blaster that the Nautolan had tossed in her direction. Well, at least it was something.

Skreech had a better sense of direction and luck at finding a ways out of trouble. Granted, the earlier situation could have been avoided had things not escalated. Mirax was well used to being a target either due to her ways or Skreech, but how it all resulted had not been in her cards.

A grunt and another grimace. Up ahead, the cries and shouts of the street gang grew louder. Steam vents hissed around them, and every step was a painful one to make.

Nevermind that the action along brought a stain of crimson along that bacta patch along her belly.

They came to a fork. Three directions. Stumbling to a halt, Mirax shot a glance left and right.

"Vere to?" Xin might think she was talking to him. No, she was asking Skreech. He clawed at the grate, his broad face swinging back and forth.

"Gotta run." no poodoo. The Kowakian Monkeylizard took off, heading left.

Behind them, the pounding sound of feet grew louder. Within her, Mirax could feel her stress levels rising. poodoo. poodoo. poodoo!


"Go. Follow Skreech. He keep you safe."

Such an odd thing to say, the woman wincing as she gave a slight slump at the bulkhead behind her. Her bright orange hair swung, glancing around the corner.

"Ay'll keep up."

“Don't worry about your toys now. No time!" shouted his father.

His point was accentuated by a sudden scream of tortured metal. The entire corridor shook, the waters swirling as they pressed on. There were people all around them now, swimming for the landing bays. The water was thick with their fear.

Another mighty crash. This time the pressure suddenly changed. Xin felt his ears prickling with pain. The tunnel wall suddenly crumpled in towards them, metal layers unfolding like petals. He felt mum’s grip tug him back sharply before she released him. Xin hit the far wall with a thud.

Shaking his headtails he pushed himself from the wall as his father swam back past him. He turned at the sound of his mother’s cry. A heavy girder had burst through the wall, its weight had her pinned against the floor.


His dad braced against the floor and wrapped his arms around it. Muscles bunched and strained as he heaved. She managed to wiggle a few inches before his strength gave. She cried out once more. A dark cloud seeped out from beneath the girder. She was bleeding.

Xin started to swim towards the but firm hands wrapped around his waist and pulled him back. He struggled against them frantically.

“Go!” he heard his mother plead. She had placed her hands on dad’s head.

“Not yet.” The words were perhaps the softest Xin had ever heard from his father. “Xin!” he called turning to face him. “We’ll catch up. I promise.”

“Promise?” Xin croaked.

“Promise. Gersh, take him with you!”

Xin stopped struggling and was pulled away. He saw his father brace himself for another pull. Mum closed her eyes, her hands searching for something to grasp.

Xin didn't need to be told twice. There were shouts from multiple directions now. It might just have been the labyrinthine layout of these abandoned levels reflecting the sound, but it made it seem as if they were being surrounded. If she couldn't run then they weren't getting out of here.

He kept a firm grip on his blaster but both his arms were swinging as he sprinted around the corner. The agitated monkey lizard was jumping up and down next to a door. It had found a set of stairs. The creature turned its beak between him and the turning behind him. Its master not being with them seemed to concern it. Xin took another step forward before he skidded to a halt. Like the lizard he turned back to face the junction behind them. If she wasn't going to make it then she wasn't going to make it, he told himself.

"Gotta run!?" went the lizard, hopping about.

"Feth it," Xin groaned to himself. He ran back down the corridor and turned to the right to find the shapeshifter pushing herself off the wall.

"Come on!" he called. He didn't stop to explain but got his left shoulder under her right arm and took most of her weight. He half ran, half dragged her tot he left turn.

"There!" came a very clear shout from behind them. Xin flung his right arm over his shoulder and squeezed the trigger. It was done on instinct and this time his luck decided to stand with him. He was rewarded with a startled cry as they rounded the corner. The monkey lizard zipped around their legs and then started down the stairs.

Xin released the shapeshift and slammed the door shut behind them and shot out the locking mechanism. There was a loud clunk as it locked tight. That was followed by a loud thud as someone threw their shoulder against the other side.

"!" the lizard cried out in exasperation. Repeater blaster fire started on the other side and a patch of the door started to glow. Xin pressed himself to one side of the corridor. The stairs spiralled down away from them but he wanted to do one more thing before they left. The circular patch glowed orange, then white before a hole was blown through. It was only a few inches across. As soon as the repeater fire paused Xin stepped up and placed the muzzle of his blaster against the hole and fired through with abandon. There were cries and screams as several shots connected.

"Fall back, find a way around!"

Xin stopped firing and swapped out the power pack on his blaster. "Idiots," he muttered. But even idiots could hunt down wounded prey as a pack when numbers were on their side.
[member="Xin Boa"]

Mirax had been raking her mind, trying to consider all viable options left to her in dealing with the gang. Her hackles rose, and the fine downy fur at the nape of her neck stood on end. One of the tell tale signs that her body was reaching that breaking point.

But the shift never came.

Instead, shock and confusion glowed within the large gold feline irises that dominated her face. Before she knew it, the Nautolan had come back, grabbing her to drag her along.

“Vhat areh --” no time to say anything, not when blaster bolt fire ran sparks over their heads. Her ears rang, sensitive shells prompting a jerking motion from the Felacatian under Xin’s arm. His blaster shot a volley, and the appearance of another gang member prompted the quick draw of her own.

Her arm shot up, mouth a thin, grim line, blood caked along her chin as she pulled the trigger back, sending one, two, three shots in quick succession. A guttural cry and then a dull thud as a body fell on the floor.

By the time the Nautolan got them behind the shut door, Mirax was in a half daze. Why did he come back?

That didn’t make sense.

“Vhat areh ya doin?” was really all she could ask, flabbergasted enough that the ache in her belly became a dull throb. Shifting up so that she used the bulkhead behind her as a brace, those large eyes studied the Nautolan with puzzlement.

“Move, fast. Kaah. Gotta run!” Skreetch, well, was his namesake.

“Yeah, well vhere to?” running was fine and dandy, meant less holes in their hides. But just where were they running?

That’s when Skreech went bounding up the stairwell railing and sat under a white and blue sign. There, in aurabesh, told just what he was aiming for.

Sanitation station and the Works. It was the large industrial center for this world, providing enough nooks and crannies to hide in.

Thing was, the Blues weren’t the only gang who considered that to be their territory. Maybe they could use that against them. A large flaming red Heth in a slanted design spray painted to the right of the sign told her enough.

This was Howler Territory.

“Howlers.” another grimace and then she stood to her feet. The bracelet at her wrist gave a melodic jingle. Such a stark sound amidst the hiss of steam and industry around them.

“Dhey ain’t gonna like anyone else comin’ in ‘ere.”

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