Hunting Again

Image credit: A signature made by myself.
Name: Lady Reticea [Born Cerusia Rorisa Shamalain]
Loyalties: The Shamalain Family
Role: Lady Reticea is the daughter of [member="Lorelei Darke"], the grand-niece of [member="Vascious Relens"], the mother of @Quietus, the [much] older sister to Anhedonia [deceased, died from Gulag Plauge], [member="Amorella Mae"] and [member="Dissero"], and the grandmother of [member="Soliael Devin Talith"] and [member="Silva Talith"]
Development Threads: This character was a PC written by myself on another forum. I can provide links to threads if you like.
Age: 423 at time of death, she died from the Gulag Plague
Species: Garhoon / human
Force-Sensitive: Yes, Knight level capabilities but never officially Knighted.
Appearance: Said to be the fairest woman of the Shamalain line, Cerusia was noted for her feminine graces and regal appearance. Standing at 5'9'' with a sinuous, lithe build, she was never destined to be a fighter of any sort. Cerusia has no scars nor has she any tattoos. Her most discerning features were her mahogany curls and rose-purple eyes. She was of unblemished, fair skin and rarely ventured into the sunlight given her inherent weakness against it. Delicate of figure, the woman was not want for heavy lifting or manual labor - it didn't suit her. She wore the clothing of a noblewoman, namely gowns of fine materials, but rarely adorned herself with jewels. The only ring she ever wore was the one that denoted her marriage to the late Darth Moriir, the then-youngest-DLotS of the era.
Personality: Introspective, introverted, quiet, withdrawn. Cerusia kept to herself and was hardly sociable outside of her family and their immediate circle of close friends. Being incapable of verbal communication due to a family curse, her own interactions were limited entirely to Telepathic speech and body/sign/written language with others. She was not a scathing person, nor unsavory to be around - but simply preferred her privacy over most things. Her career was one of history and Archival studies, giving her plenty of opportunity to spend her time doing what she loved, alone.
Though the daughter of two notable and powerful Sith figureheads of her time, Cerusia never did connect with the Sith doctrines nor did she ever persue a path amongst their numbers. She kept herself to the Sith Council archives where she learned and studied history and artifacts. Her own distaste for violence garnered her no favor within the Council itself, and it wasn't until a man named Darth Moriir asked for her hand in marriage that she was even noticed at all. The marriage was a saving grace for a woman overlooked, and took her to Coruscant where she received the job of Head Archivist at the Coruscanti archives.
She was not a particularly good mother to Quietus, something she will readily admit to, but she was also not unloving. Cerusia simply didn't know how to handle the young girl who was so very opposite of herself and so very much like her husband, of whom she grew to hate later in their marriage and later divorced. She takes pride in her wealth of knowledge accrued over her lifetime, and her rare ability to not only translate but to "speak" and understand the ancient Sith tongues. Having spent a good portion of her marriage within depression, upon learning the truth of her husband's affair and his insistency to sweep his marriage under the rug in favor of the false marriage with his own Apprentice for his public facade, Cerusia became embittered. Despite this, she went on to get re-married to one of her mother's Apprentices, Darth Gravis [Jake Daniels] and gave birth to two more sons at her home on Honoghr years later.
To this day she still carries a very large chip on her shoulder. The greatest scorn of her life does sometimes draw out that Sith blood boiling in her veins.
Cerusia and her two sons died from the Gulag Plague.
Weapon of Choice: None, technically, now that she is dead, but in life Cerusia was trained to use a lightsaber and did successfully build her own in her youth. It's a simple weapon with a magenta blade, though it sees very rare use and mainly sits as a trophy of her many accomplishments.
Wealth: Born to the noble Shamalain family and married into high Sith nobility, Cerusia was afforded a vast amount of wealth in her later years. She owned and maintained with it three separate homes: a manor on Korriban, a penthouse on Coruscant, and her mother's old temple on Honoghr.
Combat Function: Cerusia is not a combatant. She can hold her own with a lightsaber long enough to attempt to flee, elsewise she is dependent upon her Force powers.
Skills: Is adept at Sense, Telekinesis, and Empathy. Highly skilled in Telepathy (an inherited trait of the Shamalain bloodline) and quite capable of protecting her own thoughts and mind. Her other skills are more inherent to her job as a Head Archivist - research, memorization, comprehension, etc.
Notable Possessions: In life, she had an Alethiometer that upon her death became her holocron which fell into the possession of her mother, then her younger brother Dissero, then her grandson Soliael. She has none in death.
Other Notes: She's probably a little bit of a feminist by now.