Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction Landfall | The Bryn'adûl and Silver Jedi Concord Junction of Charros IV & Nar Kaaga

Accompanied by: Jaina Grayson (Combat Configuration)
Tags: Open

While Nimdok spoke to Subject 648 Slipknot Subject 648 Slipknot , Jaina pushed further into the base’s archives. “The easiest and most surefire way to do this,” she said, interrupting the conversation between the two. “Would be to simply blow these computers up. Destroy them completely and utterly. Nuke them from orbit, even.”

The Grandmaster turned to her, one eyebrow raised. “Well, our only goal is to stop the information from falling into the hands of the Bryn’adul… but I don’t think the Silvers have any explosives to spare, and nuking seems a little extreme.” He paused. “Did you have something specific in mind?”

“I have some explosives on hand,” she said. “EMPs, along with ion weapons. It should do the trick.”

She had expected the Grandmaster to give her permission, then leave her to her work. Instead, Nimdok stepped forward and held out a hand. "I can help you with that. Not to worry, I've handled explosives before—though usually just dynamite for blasting open the entrances to tombs."

She handed him some of the charges, and the two split up in order to set them. Once all of the charges were placed and armed, Nimdok grabbed Slip, and the trio ran outside. There was a loud boom as the EMPs went off, followed by the sound of crackling electricity. They re-entered a few seconds later, checking the systems, making sure everything had been hit, then Jaina handed Nimdok more charges and they moved on to the next section of the archives, repeating the process, determined to be thorough…

Ostak Cl'mana

OBJECTIVE: Defense Removal
ALLIES: Byrn | Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma (in relative proximity) | Open to interaction
ENEMIES: SJC | Open to engaging up to 3 PC opponents
EQUIPMENT: Ceremonial heat-resistant leather Shaman robes
MOUNT: Urasik Wyvern (2x)

The Urasik dutifully obeyed their masters, ascending dozens of meters in seconds.
From their new view, the pair could see the city for kilometers in all directions. Great infernos rose behind and around their area, with only the proximity of the inner fortress remaining relatively unscathed. Its artillery fired erratically into the sky, aiming in vain at the nimble Phedrak fighters rapidly obtaining air superiority in region after region. Yet atop the backs of the Urasik, Ostak and the Primarch remained utterly undetected by the anti-air cannons.

"The Wyverns have reflective scales." explained Ostak. "Their stealth capabilities are unmatched among the bestiary of the Draelvasier, perhaps except for any personal mount the Chieftain himself may be breeding. The Urasik are the pride of the Kesh bioengineers, the perfect stealth mounts for Zealot Elite squads and high-risk command."

Indeed, Ostak had been personally involved in the recent creation of the Urasik mutation. In his capacity as a Shaman, it had been him who advised the bioengineers and Seers as to the natural behaviors of the remaining Uvaks kept in confinement on Kesh, Uvaks whose genes would be irreversibly modified to create the mighty Urasik. As such, he allowed a portion of his pride to creep into his tone. However, he also had to remember his other priorities.

"Primarch, I see your powerful efforts to cease the flow of evacuees." noted Ostak. "However, once they are dealt with, how should we handle the fortified holdout in the city center? A Zealot Elite Squad is currently infiltrating the facility, but they may need an external foe to sufficiently distract the defenders."

TAG: Aayla Shan Aayla Shan - Jax Thio Jax Thio

Bombs had fallen, and a dance of death had been orchestrated around them. He had become lost in the sea of bodies that had converged around him, cut down one by one with his lightsaber. At first, his quick dances astounded his troops. Even as Shocktroopers, it was still a sight to see one man strike through an army like a knife through butter. But they soon returned to their fire, which was what Josh wanted. It wasn't Josh alone that did it, after all. They would not have the opportunity to fell so many and keep the attention on them without him... And he wouldn't have the opportunity to do the same without them. That was what a squad did for one another. Even if they were from different camps... They could all still understand that.

People continued filing into shuttles, a task made easier the more troops that Josh and his men attracted to them. That was their role -- distraction. Those they cut down were simply a bonus. Or well, as much bonus as dealing death could be. Josh never liked it. It made his heart hurt. But he knew it was necessary. But even through doing what was necessary, they could not save everyone. He felt the cries of those who fell, and it tugged at him. It hurt. He would weep for them tonight. He would blame himself tonight. But he could still save others.

But a stir in the Force told a story of another. Surges of anger, pain... And he knew why pretty quick. After years on the battlefield, he recognized this anguish.

He reached out to Aayla Shan Aayla Shan in the Force. She was engaged in combat against a tough opponent, likely an enemy general. He didn't know if he could get to her. He was still surrounded by a sea of foes, and he wouldn't be able to focus his presence on her for long. But he did his best. A warming presence flowed through her as he made contact, and he spoke.

"Clear your mind. Emotion can be an ally, but one must know how to control it, to use it in moderation... And not to let it rule us. Master your emotions, and master yourself. Keep your calm, regulate your breathing, and you'll last longer. The Bryn are aggressive, fight it with patience."

As if to illustrate his point, he ducked under a swing and responded in kind with a resounding headbutt just at the right moment. It was a hard hit, and it rattled him, but it was worth it. They stood no chance as the blasterfire of his troops rocketed through their back. He had seen their approach, and he had acted at the right moment.

"Know when to press, know when to conserve... Know how to survive for as long as possible. That is our way."



Location: Charros IV, Jax's X-Wing
Ally: BB-12
Equipment: REC-EVA/01 Armoured Flight Suit, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Liedran Kathause Liedran Kathause , Crosten Feyn Crosten Feyn , Josh Dragovalor Josh Dragovalor , Aayla Shan Aayla Shan , Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma (Enemy)

"I don't think we can protect 4 transports at a time."

Things were getting worse as Crosten was having problems of his own, he manage to partially take out some of the trebuchets but it wasn't enough and now they set their sights on the Inferno Turret. Thankfully not many projectiles got to the Turret but Jax was worried about it eventually they'll reposition themselves and start to get better angles perhaps the ground team could find a way to disable them. He lost contact with Aayla and Commodore Lidran but Josh was able to transport the people to safety. Jax could even sense him giving words of wisdom to Aayla it was good to know that she was at least safe. The battle in the air was a losing effort, about half of 8th Squadron remained and even fewer for the other two squadrons. The Frigates were either destroyed or disabled blowing Jax's hopes for getting cover, the Bryn fighters were relentless for every one they destroy at least six more came up. While Jax continued to rain down fire and rally the remaining pilots, BB-12 had been running calculations coming with a grim strategy.

<It's risky,> BB-12 beeped ducking down to avoid incoming fire from a two Wyverns. Jax did a barrel roll avoiding the creatures projectiles before shooting their wings off with a barrage of blaster fire. The Wyvern's and their pilots fell bellow chunks of burning flesh smashing against the ground at high speed. <But with things unravelling the way they are we have no choice! I was going to suggest six but we're spread thin as it is!>

BB-12 was right with how they were getting pounded here, they'll have to simultaneously protect more. The Inferno Turret can only do so much especially with the added pressure of the trebuchets and with Liedran gone to Force knows where. The pressure was on the X-Wings and Crosten to do keep the skies clear for now. "Josh!" Jax contacted him through the intercom. "Things have gone to hell up here! I'm sorry but we're going to need to double your efforts in getting these civilians out of here. We're gonna protect four transports at a time! Stay close to the Inferno Turret and if you can try to redirect some of those AA guns to the trebuchets their putting a beating on it."

He contacted Crosten. "Crosten!" Jax said. "You've heard the plan! I need you to take care of those Ramacks! No doubt those large beasts will focus fire on them! I'll give some cover! 8th Squadron keep an eye on those bombers! The rest of you engage those fighters!"

They had to fight, they had to survive for the people on this planet. They need to send a message to the Bryn that they won't go quietly into the night, but fighting a losing battle is rather disheartening......

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He had been touched, but it was hardly enough to kill a beast like this. Her second strike was quick, but not quick enough, and at this point she was beyond a feint, unless one misspelled and meant faint instead. Instead of being able to continue that free flowing momentum was quickly, grounded. As soon as her form touched the floor, her saber would touch the ground, eyes briefly noted his blade; actually looking at the weapon before rolling away from him in an instant, saber deactivated midway she performed another in quick succession; almost stumbling out of the second one and activating her blade again to cleave yet another of his kinsmen down with an accurate swipe across the midsection.

With that she spun on a dime, eyes locking on the opponent. Her tank was empty, it was obvious as her once rigid grasp on her saber wavered. The point that had just touched him buoyant, and raising and falling with her breath. Even with both hands on the blade, she felt that she was exhausted. Left hand left her weapon for a moment, wiping a mixture of blood, sweat, and water from her left eye as she groaned. Her mind was open in the Force, but her exhaustion played an important factor in what was soon to be a losing battle.

'Clear your mind. Emotion can be an ally, but one must know how to control it, to use it in moderation...'

Aayla glanced away from her opponent, seeming to zone out at the intense battle taking place near feet from them. Outside of the one opponent she had struck down, the rest of the warriors around them seemed content to duke it out amongst themselves. Truly, it was a one on one, unless either requested their forces focus on the other. She didn't want too, and so far the massive Bryn'Adul didn't seem interested in having his kill partaken in by his subordinates. For now, she focused on that whisper in the Force; zoning out only because it felt she really needed to focus on it. It was barely audible at first.

She knew who it was though, and where she felt alone, suddenly...

She deactivated her saber, looking across the battlefield at him and closing her eyes. Instead of focusing on the war that consumed all of them, she focused on that voice, the warmth it brought her; the calm... How quickly she felt it had centralized her on the path. Solidified her in the light.

"Master your emotions, and master yourself."

Her emotions were all over the place. Like a child, she had allowed the Bryn'Adul to so easily drag her away from her teachings. She had used the Force in anger just a moment ago... If she lived... No, when she lived, she would reflect on that. She needed to purge such thoughts from herself. Such an intent to kill, to destroy for the sake of protection. She knew better, she knew where that lead. She breathed in, a rushed gasp that seemed to cement the earlier exhausted demeanor she displayed. Almost on queue, she heard him again.

"Keep your calm, regulate your breathing, and you'll last longer. The Bryn are aggressive, fight it with patience. "Know when to press, know when to conserve... Know how to survive for as long as possible. That is our way."

He had finished, but she wasn't aware. That warmth. Even here, even now, she couldn't hear anything but his voice. Albeit she was so aware... Her now slowed breathing, felt louder than it should have; her head canted lightly, as she almost gasped with the realization. Eyes closed, Aayla stood there, seemingly stuck in a daydream in the middle of the battlefield. In reality, even now she was training. Regardless of how hot the fighting had become, she wasn't alone. She was never alone.

Her eyes opened, a smile finding her newly scarred features, the cerulean blade sparking just in front of her face was spun with delicate efficiency. Her dominant (right) foot slid back, preparing for a defensive maneuver, lightsaber held just in front of her navel with both hands as she turned one side to the towering Bryn'Adul. Shii-Cho. Her once wavering saber held firm, her eyes coldly observing the other as she waited, only giving him a cool smile. in response.

He had already done too much to force the battle in his favor, but she wasn't like him; she wouldn't fight them how they wanted. She was a Jedi...

"That is our way..." she said aloud, though to anyone paying attention it wouldn't seem as though she was speaking to anyone in particular. With that, she waited, senses on fire for anything he had up his sleeve.
Post: 2
Obj: Exterminate

The town was burning to the extent it could on the already dry, arid planet. The Drael were advancing like a tidal wave, the militia that was left to protect the town was crumbling before their eyes. Crumbling like dust in the wind. It would be over soon, but there were still a few pockets of troops hiding in the stone buildings, or laying down just outside of town using the ditch as cover.

Sethrak didn't know how the main battle was going but he had every intention of sending his troops to flank the enemy as soon as this town was wiped off the map. He personally had sliced down perhaps ten foes, most of them within a thirty second interval. They had been grouped together, all he had to do was deflect their blasts and then a few swings later they were sliced like meat at a butcherer's stand.

The other few had been spread out but still posed no threat to him as he dashed from target to target.

But now something felt off. The Force was tugging at him, telling him something. Then he felt it; the vibration of a lightsaber, and the breeze of someone moving quickly. He spun around, blocking the saber as it landed inches from his face. He had blocked with the left part of his spear, and now he used the right side to try and strike low. The Jedi dodged, but in doing so he broke the lock between his saber and the spear, allowing Sethrak to move in for a few more quick strikes. They were deflected and now it was Sethrak's turn to defend.

The Jedi pulled his arm back, something Sethrak had learned meant a Force push was coming. The Warlock dug his spear into the ground as the blast took him off his feet. He held on tight, landing on his feet and pulling the spear back from the ground. He was irritated, and that gave him strength. Not that he needed it right now, just because he had been blocked didn't mean he was losing. He could easily beat this Jedi and in fact he enjoyed the challenge.

He threw a ball of fire at the Jedi, it wasn't enough to kill, just wound, and that wasn't even his intention, he just wanted to distract the fool. It worked as The Jedi caught the ball in his hand and absorbed it. Sethrak moved in for the kill, thrusting the spear at the Jedi's gut from an angle. It sliced the Jedi but it was just a graze as the man had side stepped. The counter-attack was a cut directed at Sethrak's extended arm. He braced, knowing that he couldn't dodge this.

The saber burned so much it almost felt cold. Within a second Sethrak's arm was gone, the severed limb collapsing to the ground with a puff of smoke from the seared flesh. Weaponless and in severe pain The Warlord allowed a yell to escape his mouth as he stumbled backwards. He had been beaten by a jedi, one of many that he had fought. He had beaten them all but He wouldn't lose. His eyes turned a golden orange as he extended his left arm. A blast of lightning burst through his finger tips quicker than the eye could follow. The Jedi blocked it with his saber. The Lightning intensified as Sethrak's pain got worse and worse.

The Jedi caved, his saber falling from his shaking hands as the lightning fried him, melting flesh and catching his robes on fire.

Around The Warlock, the battle was over, his troops had taken the town. He retreated to find a medic and barked off the order to help the main assault. Hopefully the Bryn were winning the battle there too, but it was clear that, for now at least, they needed to go without him.


Armour | Axe | Sword | Gauntlet
Allies: The BrynBois
Engaging: Cadere Cadere | Zemira Zemira |
Objective: Extinction

Blood oozed from the wound of the knelt Jedi, tense hands shaking outside the gaping wound. No longer a threat, Tathra was moving on to his neck target as the familiar haze of light entered his periphery. His ears pricked, the kinetic wave of energy generated from her hand coming for him. Tathra stepped back, dropping the Axe as he grasped the head of the Jedi in the palm of his hand.

The kinetic blast struck the Jedi now dangling from his grasp, one of his arms snapping like a twig as Tathra's thumb and index finger were pressed against the adjacent temples of the man's head. Tathra tensed his grasp, the strain obvious in the Jedi's face, eyes gouging from their sockets as the back of the skull exploded, a splat of various lumps of meat slid from the Titan's breastplate as he threw the body aside; eyes affixed on the approaching Jedi.

Aureate eyes locked on to his attacker, another child sent into the fray. The Titan felt mild discomfort when he saw the old hiding behind the young. A disgrace that spelled out what was wrong with their species. He slimmed his profile, stepping back once with each foot out of the range of the approaching Knights swing. Bringing his left foot back to the side of his Axe, flippantly casting aside the corpse of the Jedi, fingers caked in blood as his foot slid under the Axe; propelling it into an open left hand, holding it at waist length as he brought his gauntleted right between himself and the Jedi.

Ver'kad Inuk

Objective: Exterminate
Friends: Bryn'Bois
Enemies: Liedran Kathause Liedran Kathause | Jax Thio Jax Thio | Crosten Feyn Crosten Feyn
Fleet Composition: Three 2000m Carriers | Two 3518m Butcherer vessels | The Divine Brutality | Two Ra'mak squadrons

With the Alliance fleet all but shattered, the Bryn'adûl vessels were allowed full range of the atmospheric conflict below. Anti-air or no, they would ensure as little of their evacuation shuttles would escape as possible.

"All craft, form up on the Divine. Prepare for atmospheric entry and bombardment."

The Divine began to move into atmosphere alongside the two Butcherer vessels, the two ships using their powerful beams to target the planetary defence cannon as the Divine began to open fire with its ballista's, attacking the shuttles.

The red maw of the Divine Brutality slowly began to power up, facing right into the cut off segments of the population in the city below.

"This is for Nar Kreeta and Sarka, Jedi."
Objective: Defence Removal
Enemies: Crosten Feyn Crosten Feyn | Jax Sloane Jax Sloane | Aayla Shan Aayla Shan
Friendless: Sylok'Vanari Sylok'Vanari
Equipment: Armour | Triad | Bryn Shot | Mace 2x |

Galak continued forward as much as he could, slowly being beaten back by the turret. His legs nearly gave out, slipping in the rumble and mud as he dropped to one knee. He was on his last lg quite literally when the two Juggernauts he'd sent to flank opened fire on the turret, killing its gunner as the overconfident troopers moved into to surround him. Galak retracted the compact shield, steaming and glowing with heat from the plasma.

The two maces of his back jutted upwards, magnetic holsters propelling them into his grasp as he took the two Maces from his back and began to thunder through the crowd of troops all around him. Ahead, he could see the familiar outline of an Ashaka. Sylok, he was fighting one of the Jedi. He couldn't tell who was winning, but either way he wasn't willing to let another of his kin die whilst he watched.

The Warlord roared, bulldozing through the Concord forces in his way to get closer to the Jedi and the Ashaka.

"Sylok!" Galak called out, a storm of Juggernauts at his back.

He considered the action for a moment, perhaps it was dishonourable to interrupt their combat. But he didn't care. With the motion of his hand, a squad of
Minors led by a Major at his side opened fire with their carbines at the Jedi.

TAG: Aayla Shan Aayla Shan Jax Thio Jax Thio

The presence calmed. A slow nod of his head and a smile ensued, even within the heat of battle. Good. She was doing better, he could sense it. He didn't know if it would turn the tide of battle, but at the least it would hopefully help her survive just a bit longer. Which was a good thing, as his comms came in saying that things had just gotten a heck of a lot worse.

"Oh boy, just what I needed. More trouble. Oi! Make it snappy with the civvy loady!"

Josh took a deep breath as he leaped into the air, kicking off the head of one of his adversaries before using the power of Force Levitation to keep himself suspended in the air. It took a moment for the hordes to realize he was gone and where he had gotten off to, and that gave him an opportunity to communicate to his squad.

"I need some of you to take control of the AA guns and train them on the trebuchts. I'll buy you some time."

Well, this was not going to be fun. He needed to stall for as long as possible, and it was going to take something risky to pull it off. Summoning a fireball in his hand, he let go of his Levitation before charging it up and diving through the blasterfire that had begun to ensue. Blaster bolts ricocheted off the Magnus Armor as Dragovalor waited for the right moment, charging it for as long as he could before launching it downwards. The beasts below him dove out of the way, but hitting them wasn't his intention. The large fireball exploded into a smokescreen that blinded and confused the horde. The explosion also grabbed the attention of even more of the enemy troops, causing them to rush his way.


The moment he landed in the smokescreen, he pulled off his trump card. A tactic he had learned from watching Jyoti Nooran at work. It wouldn't work on Force Users, but for infantry...

The Force Stun Wave froze many of the men in place, starting with the ones closest to him and reaching back a fair ways. The ones further back were unaffected, but the smokescreen would make it difficult for them to realize what had happened, and having to push past their own forces when they did realize would delay them further.

But it wouldn't last forever. And there was a difference between when Jyoti had done so, and this. Jyoti had used it to essentially freeze the area when things got out of hand in a zoo. This was a battlefield. A battlefield where Josh had successfully attracted close to a hundred men his way in his pursuit of a distraction.

Jyoti had emerged unscathed. Josh knew full well he would not.

And that meant he needed to make the most of the time he had.

Drawing his second lightsaber, the Grandmaster did not hesitate. He dove into the fray and began his regrettable dance of death. Men on both sides of him were cut down as the blademaster went to work, cutting a swath through his opponents as he navigated his way through the field. It wasn't long before he emerged from the smokescreen and fell upon the confused remainder. He may not be able to singlehandedly take down this many men, but he was sure as heck going to ensure this group had a bad time. Having befuddled and disorganized them, he was able to cut a swath through many more. Not as quickly, but he was eventually able to make his way through and back to his own side.

Just as the smoke dissipated, he released the Stun Wave. Those who survived were disoriented, disorganized and confused, and many more began to be mowed down by his squadron's blaster fire as a result. Josh had successfully bought time for a dispatch to be sent to the AA guns, and fire begun to rain on the trebuchts just as Jax Thio Jax Thio had requested.

But as Josh made it back to his side, his step faltered. His head felt heavy and his vision began to blur. The time to pay the toll had come. A stunt like that came with a price. It was a calculated risk, and he knew he'd survive if he managed to make it back to his squadron, but...


These words rang through the comm as the Jedi collapsed, narrowly caught by one of his men. Josh groaned as he slowly edged himself to his feet, leaning on the trooper for support for a bit longer.

"Oh, put it away. I'm still alive" Dragovalor softly, but still quite sassily chided the group. "Are you alright, sir? I don't know what you did, but by the looks of you, it did a number on you. Why did you do that?"

The Grandmaster managed a cheeky smile in turn. "I did what I had to. Simple as that."

Josh pushed himself off them, hobbling on wobbly legs. He was sore and short of breath, he was spent and fatigued, and he was going to hate himself in the morning for that stunt.

"I... Hah... Hah... I can still fight. Probably can't pull another stunt like that without a death wish, though. I need you lot to push the offensive, take as many of them out as you can. I'll cover you from the rear, I don't think I have the strength left to fight on the front. We need those turrets to fire on those big beasties for as long as possible, we need to buy enough time for the escort crew to get those people in the shuttles, and get the shuttles off the planet. Those are your orders. Now go!"

As the men rushed forward to take advantage of the chaos he had sown, he deactivated his lightsabers and hung them back on his belt with the Force as he stumbled the moment the bulk of them were gone. They didn't need to see him dry heave and gasp for air. Josh may not have been on a big battlefield like this in a long time, but a soldier never forgets the importance of morale. And in a time like this... When things were desperate and all hope seemed lost... They needed all the morale they could get.

That was another reason he had acted. He had sown chaos and discord in the ranks of their enemies, but he had also given the men hope. Hope that while this battle wasn't winnable... They could still win another kind of victory, even in the face of hopelessness.

He'd join them shortly, he told himself. He just... Needed a minute. Maybe two. His canteen was called off his belt with the Force, and the Jedi drained it like he hadn't had a single sip in a month. He was NOT doing that again if he didn't have to.

He was getting far too old for this poodoo.

Traumatized Carrier-Loving Mess
{Galactic Alliance Expeditionary Fleet 1 - Squadron 3 -- State of Disrepair}
{Commodore Kathause in Command -- Aboard ANV Pegasus - C.I.C}
{Silver Jedi Concord Allies}
{Several light years from Charros IV - Aiming for Objective III }
{Relevancy list: Yes....}
"Comms online, ma'am!"

A faint smile reemerged on the commodore's face as she stood before the table--still a mostly deactivated mess, but it would do.

"Launch the Ferrets, jump one within Charros's system, send the other between us. Link up comms frequencies, and get ready to relay a message to the ground. And get us a sit-rep."

They wouldn't be able to go back, the Pegasus was far too damaged, and couldn't even enter hyperspace in its current condition. But, if everything went correctly, they would be able to recommence the evacuation and hopefully keep the Bryn away. But it would cost lives. More than they had already lost. Hesitation festered around her, slowly trapping her in a vortex of doubt and hatred. Liedran slid her hand down the black-beaded necklace, then wrapped her fingers around the bright blue jewel that stood in the dead center, trying to hold on to whatever stability she could. Already, she felt herself losing her grip and slipping away.

After sailing from the wreckage that cluttered the starboard hanger bay, the Ferrets set their new course; wedged bows pointing toward their targets, before both disappeared into hyperspace, and the Pegasus was once again alone. The commodore watched the sensor graphs blip out, and let out a sigh, now awaiting confirmation of the probes' new coordinates.

Three. Two. One.

"Ferret position, transponders activated. Ferret Two..." The scanner chief began to tap a steady rhythm at his console.

Come on. Come on... Once again, Liedran found herself clutching her necklace, choking out the light for some fleeting sense of safety. Her eyes closed, her heart matching the slow tapping of hands against metal. Sharp corners cut into her skin, but she released just before blood could be drawn.

"Ferret Two in position. Transponders activated!"

"Get encryption programs active, patch me in."

The air streamed out, and the ends of her lips began to rise. Eyes opened, and her hand reached out to take hold of the rectangular communicator strung to the central table. Quickly, the microphone was tapped in to the Pegasus's general communications network, then along the trail of probes, eventually leading for Charros IV's ground and orbit, both on allied channels.

"{This is Commodore Liedran Kathause aboard the ANV Pegasus. Alliance and Concord forces, do you read me?}

Now it was time to wait, and hope.
Objective 3: Is it a bird? Is it a plane?
Allies: Jax Thio Jax Thio Josh Dragovalor Josh Dragovalor
Enemies: Galak Galak Krarolk T'manu

He had only reloaded the one of the launchers when he heard Jax's call, but that would be more than enough. He'd had his shot with the trebuchets; the best one he could take without getting shot down. Even then, he hardly made it through the run unscathed; smoke poured from the hole torn through Swiftrider-2's wing. The ship was still flying though and remained in good enough condition to continue and carry on.

"Roger, I'm on it" he gave his reply after he had made it back in the cockpit, turning the ship towards the newly given destination. Sensible enough for him, that things were going to hell in a hand basket was clear as day. He'd seen plenty of the allied pilots catch enemy fire and go down; they only had so many vessels, and the Bryn had significantly more. Whatever optimism he had set off with when he launched from Pegasus had been beaten over the head by the grim reality of the battle scape. The time it took to reach the transports was brief, but plenty enough to see the carnage of the scene.

Soaring onward toward his target, he could see the transports visible over the horizon, along with several of the Ra'maks Jax had warned him about. Steeling himself, he prepared to engage one. The ship was massive though, and winning this dogfight looked to be an challenge - but also an unnecessary one. What was important was protecting those transports, whether or not he could down the ships was another matter. After all, his main goal was to provide a distraction.

Crosten swooped in from the flank of the Ra'mak with his two forward laser cannons firing on its armoured carapace. The blasts left dark scorch marks on impact, but none managed to pierce the thick plates of armour. He was gaining speed on it, and soon his ship soared near the head of the beast, with the crew now taking notice of him. The Ra'mak began to maneuver around, winding in front of his ship in an attempt to engage before he could get a good approach himself. He had gotten their attention, but he was now seconds away from being in their sights. If his main laser cannon had barely scorched the armour he expected little better from the automated turret. He hit the switch for it anyway. Anything would be a useful distraction, and he needed anything that would help.

He set the automated turret to target the front of the Ra'mak; pelting the front with pulses of laser fire. Smoke began to billow from the front of the beast, and though Crosten hadn't managed to down the ship he provided a suitable distraction for himself. With a hard banking turn he managed to slip away to the ship's other flank, causing it to follow along in likewise course.

He was safe from that Ra'mak's fire but he had gotten the attention of the others too, and not long after more shots began tearing through the air around his ship. He began to swerve to avoid getting hit; he wasn't sure if Swiftrider-2 could tank another one. Either way, he had gotten what he wanted; their attention was now on him, and if he could hold onto it then maybe those transports would find safe passage away.


Location: Charros IV, Jax's X-Wing
REC-EVA/01 Armoured Flight Suit, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Liedran Kathause Liedran Kathause , Crosten Feyn Crosten Feyn , Josh Dragovalor Josh Dragovalor , Aayla Shan Aayla Shan , Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma (Enemy)

"Josh? Can you hear me?! Josh!"

Josh received Jax's orders and was able to lead the soldiers to the AA guns mainframe and reconfigure it however he was breaking up. "BB what's going on?!" He growled. <Too much fracking interference!> BB-12 beeped keeping his head low due to the constant flak of blaster fire the X-Wing has been receiving. <The Bryn is attempting to jam our communications but it's pretty sloppy! I have limited access to their battlenet lemme see If I can clean some of this static!> Jax gripped his fingers over the control stick of the X-Wing sweat pouring out from his brow. Terrible timing to be wearing a helmet when he needed to wipe off the sweat. "Roger that!" he said trying to remain calm.

In the meantime, Jax made sure the skies were clear by giving Crosten some cover fire while waylaid towards the Ra'mak while Jax accelerated and took out three Phedrak fighters who were trying to dive Crosten's ship. The Smuggler was doing phenomenal work onto the large war beast taking it down with a combination of laser cannons and his automatic turret to bring down. "She's going down!" Jax smiled for the first time in this disaster of a fight. "Good work Crosten, I see a lot of large, hulking carcass smashing the Bryn forces." Wasn't enough but at least it could delay them.

The AA turrets turned onto the Trebuchets firing upon them, Jax let himself relax "BB," Jax said airily. "This could be an opportunity to launch not 4 but 8 of the transports if we play our cards right."

<True,> BB-12 whirred. <But I managed to patch Josh through it's not looking good....>

"What?!" Jax roared. "Let me talk to him!"

"GENERAL DRAGOVALOR IS DOWN!" A soldier shouted through the radio.

"Son of a-" This battle had enough dead heroes and right now Jax couldn't help but feel responsible that he lead someone to their death. What was even worse was that Josh was one of Jairdain Jairdain closest friends. How could he break the news to her? Jax leaned his head against the controls not caring about the explosions around them. He wanted to save them all, he wanted to make sure that they were safe. All the friends that Jax made over the years and now some of them are dying right in front of them.

<Jax!> BB-12 beeped. <Get a hold of yourself man! You can't save them all!>

"Frack you!" Jax yelled until Josh's hollow voice talked through the radio.

"I... Hah... Hah... I can still fight. Probably can't pull another stunt like that without a death wish, though. I need you lot to push the offensive, take as many of them out as you can. I'll cover you from the rear, I don't think I have the strength left to fight on the front. We need those turrets to fire on those big beasties for as long as possible, we need to buy enough time for the escort crew to get those people in the shuttles, and get the shuttles off the planet. Those are your orders. Now go!"

Jax closed his eyes and nodded. "Roger that," Jax said as the radio went dead. "Any remaining ground team be sure to escort the civllians to their transports on the double! We're gonna for eight transports! We got a short window of opportunity so let's move it!"

It was then Jax heard an automated message turning his head the computer elaborated saying that it was from a beacon. Commodore Liedran had reestablished contact again. "Commodore this is Jax Thio," he said. "It's been hell on Earth, If you're capable get back to Charros space and do whatever it takes to give us cover. Do an orbital strike, do whatever it takes! We're running on fumes and at this moment relying on instinct."

Jax didn't know how much he could take at this moment.

Equipment: Herglic utility clothing, Lightclub
Tags: Cadere Cadere Osam Osam Zemira Zemira

Or'Fol felt something as he turned his head, only to see one of the Bryn soldiers firing at him. The Herglic's eyes widened before he quickly went to dodge and attempt to Force Push some of the shots away. That didn't stop one round from flying through his upper left arm. He yelled out for a second before looking at the wound. It was a flesh wound, but it burned like a star. He would then look at the Bryn quickly holding out his lightclub.

"You're smart. Not smart enough though." The Herglic would then try to Force Pull a rock behind his new opponent into the monster's back.
Objective 3: Is it a bird? Is it a plane?
Allies: Jax Thio Jax Thio Josh Dragovalor Josh Dragovalor
Enemies: Galak Galak Krarolk T'manu

The Ra’Mak he had just approached continued in a turn to match his own maneuvuer. The winding ship continued to veer to match Crosten’s turn, before descending downwards with smoke billowing from the laser blasts that had perforated it. Unlike the blasts to it’s armoured carapace, the shots that struck the face of the beast had managed to pierced through the hull and had done more damage than the smuggler imagined it would. Fortunate for him that it did, as he had three more on his tail.

He continued in an erratic path that had the ship barely dodging the volleys of plasma fire sent his way. Unable to turn around and engage his pursuers without leaving himself exposed to getting shot down, he had little choice but to continue his attempt to get away. As much danger as he was in, things were going well; the more time the Ra’maks spent in their pursuit, the more likely those transports were to escape to safety.

As the aerial battle continued on, the barrage of shots surrounding his ship became less frequent, and a glance out the side window showed him the reason for it. They were taking fire themselves from Jedi fighter ships that were now present, and gratefully helping to fight off his pursuers. Much of their fire landed on the armour as his shots had, but the distraction had granted himthe freedom to shift his course and make another run at them. To his front he could see that one of his allies was taking heavy fire, but he was now lined up to take a shot at the Ra'mak engaging him and hopefully return the favour. Firing his laser cannons, he managed to tear into the front of the beast; but not before it had opened fire and destroyed the unknown friendly in a torrent of plasma. A shame he couldn’t have been quicker on the trigger. He resolved to keep up the fight, and disallow his fallen allies from dying in vain.

As another Ra’mak broke free from the dogfight and began to ascend, so did Crosten - remaining on it with an approach from its flank. As he approached the front of the ship it broke off it’s pursuit; preferring to break it off early than allow the smuggler to fire upon its head.
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Objective: Extermination
Enemy: Or'Fol Moric Or'Fol Moric

The battle continued to rage around them as the forces of the Bryn'adul contested the ownership of the evacuation site with the Concord rangers. Had the Draelvasier received the additional beast support that was being provided to others of their kind across the world, then the fight would've been over much faster. As it was - it was a slog, a skirmish that seemed that it might stretch on for a significant amount of time, until one side or the other pulled out an ace in the hole.

Osam smiled deviously as one of his rounds scraped along the flesh of the Jedi. If it had been a direct hit, he was fairly confident that it might've taken the Jedi's arm off, but he was satisfied with the flesh wound that he had managed. Pain was hurtful to good concentration, after all. He prepared to fire another burst off when a sudden gust of wind caught his attention, and a hefty stone about the size of his chest smashed into his back.

The wind was knocked free from his lungs by the impact and he stumbled forward, catching himself on his hands before he'd fallen completely prone. He forced himself back to his feet even as the gasping wrenched itself out of his body, attempting to restart the automatic breathing process.

Once he'd regained his control, he prepared himself for another shot at the Jedi, hoping to punish the pain he'd caused.
Life Weaver of Ashaka



Post # 5
Location: Charros IV, City Streets
Objective: Extinction
Enemies: Silver Jedi Concord | Aayla Shan Aayla Shan , Jax Thio Jax Thio
Allies: The Bryn'adûl, Ashaka Ik'straktors, Ashaka Battlemasters (Hybrids),
Tags: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus , Galak Galak


The blade connected, the curved inner edge slid down the saber connecting with the hilt. Steel met steel and Sylok cranked his grip sideways, the result giving him the desired effect of taking the Jedi out of the air. The Aeravalin's mouth widened, teeth retracting backwards as his long tongue stretched outward. He licked the air with excitement, the grey pools of stormy eyes widened. The Jedi was talented, but Sylok was superior in other elements of the fight, one being strategy. In the split second her feet touched the ground, the saber deactivated, Sylok took advantage. A slashing arc tore through the small spaces between them. It was fast and as she went to retreat, he hoped the blade would make some sort of impact on the stubborn youth.

The motion reminded him of his singed carapace, his shoulder tingling with a heated intensity. It wouldn't prevent him from finishing his attack, instead it drove him to follow through with another slash. This time with his elongated claws, sharp enough to tear her open. The ferocity of his actions came with a grunt. It seemed the Jedi was more agile than he considered, but even in her cowardly motion to escape him, Sylok could get lucky.

Then, in an instant, the two of them stood motionless. Each staring into the resolve of the other. Only one would falter here, Sylok knew this. Even so, he gave her the space she desired, not out of honor or kindness...but because he wanted the kill at their best. The general would have wanted it this way, she would prefer a better trophy, but this one would do just fine.

It would be the start of his own personal mission, collecting each Jedi one by one, in loving memory of Keldothera Keldothera . She deserved it, no; she demanded it from them all. The thought scarred Sylok deeply, she should have been here. It might have been a reckless mission and in the sudden change of realization, Sylok's mind even questioned it. His intellect churning for the right course of action, alerting him to the fact that allowing the Jedi space was ignorant. Still, he stood, his arms falling to his side. It seemed the Jedi refused to make her move, until the same tantalizing vibrant hue of blue pierced through minions of war. She was ready and the force swelled within her now.

Fragile strands of green light lifted from her being. The Weaver sneered, something had changed. He took note of it, it wouldn't save her. The amount of time she wasted, the force spoke to Sylok. The tainted tendrils of the force surrounding him in pure hatred.

"That is our way..." The Jedi snapped.

Sylok's right foot came forward, his body turning to prepare for the next phase of the fight. The concentration forced a squint, honing in on her. She was his only target. As his foot soaked into the gravel and his body tensed, a deep sigh left him. He was more focused now, but right before he went for the kill a guttural roar reached him.

"Sylok!" Galak called out, bringing a hellfire of an assault down onto the Jedi in front of him. Sylok bit down hard, she was his to kill. That clearly didn't matter to the Warlord Galak Galak . Frustration shot through him, but understood the resolve of his fellow brother.

Why is he here!? She...she...the general. I have to...I have to...

Sylok shifted his glance to the Juggernauts and Galak. He couldn't allow them to ruin this. Sylok screamed, his anger taking over.

"Hold your fire! SHE'S MY KILL GALAK!"


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Objective: Defence Removal
Enemies: Crosten Feyn Crosten Feyn | Jax Thio Jax Thio | Aayla Shan Aayla Shan
Friendless: Sylok'Vanari Sylok'Vanari
Equipment: Armour | Triad | Bryn Shot | Mace 2x |

The Warlord's eyes drew wide, shocked by his own brashness. The rage, the fear of losing another he considered a valued warrior had driven him to ignore things he shouldn't have. As Galak's fist rose, the gunfire slowing to a halt.

"All yours." The Warlord huffed, his forces shifting as Concord troops moved into the fray.

Galak took the Mace's into each hand, moving into the fray as the Jedi's forces came for them. He leapt into the crowd, crushing the first's face with the blunt of the Mace. His head popped like an egg, a gush of blood nearly blinding him. Blaster bolts shot over his shoulder, Juggernauts moving in to cover Galak.

"Siege Towers! Concentrated fire on my position! Wipe them out!"

The lumbering towers were headed their way, the ground quaking beneath their massive feet. S As soon as they got close enough, they'd open fire with their under-crown turrets.

Krarolk T'manu

OBJECTIVE: Defense Removal
LOCATION: The Sewers & Defense Platform, Charros IV
ALLIES: Byrn | Open to interaction
ENEMIES: SJC | See in individual Zealot summaries
EQUIPMENT: In Signature (Krarolk) | See individual Zealot summaries
UNIT: Zealot Elite Squad

In Proximity: Jared Starchaser Jared Starchaser / Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok / Subject 648 Slipknot Subject 648 Slipknot

There was still more for the Zealot Elite to do.

The Zealot Elite had enjoyed several minutes of uninterrupted infiltration, the defenders likely occupied with external foes or the grenade he had tossed into the computer-filled room that was now far behind him. He had ascended several floors, guided by a series of labeled signs scattered throughout the walls of the hall. Through his intermediate understanding of Galactic Basic, he could tell that the command area of the defense platform was still several floors above him, and that there were elevators that could take him up rapidly. However, they were all on higher levels than the one Krarolk had arrived in the platform from, and he had just arrived at the floor of the lowest elevator.

As the Elite turned right at a three way fork on the hallway, an alarm suddenly blared. Flashing red lights filled the hall, briefly startling the Zealot. Krarolk turned his jog into a sprint, desperate to reach the elevator before he could be pinned down alone. Another sign on the wall indicated that it was four hundred meters away, a distance that it would take roughly thirty seconds for him to clear. He was fourteen seconds into his dash when a bullet flew millimeters to the right of his neck, a few drops of blood leaving his body. He had been found.

In Proximity: Same as Krarolk

Armor + 2x Byrn Shots
Finally, an exit was presented to the murk of the sewer.
To the right of the sewage river was a large metallic platform, with a long and wide staircase at its end. Pulling himself out of the sticky water, Abvor shook himself off and ascended.

About a minute later, he found himself at what appeared to be ground level inside a large steel-walled facility. A sign nearby revealed that it was a military structure, most likely the defensive platform the squad was assigned to infiltrate. An alarm was blaring nearby - it was likely that his comrades had already arrived.

He drew his Byrn Shots from his waist belt and ran, seeking to find access to higher floors. He was interrupted by the cry of soldiers in a nearby hall, indicating that a hostile was nearby. He rushed fowards and prepared to strike, turning right down a fork in a nearby hallway, intending to use the fork as temporary cover. However, he arrived right behind a trio of soldiers aiming at another Draelvasier who he quickly recognized as Krarolk.

Before the now-surrounded soldiers could adapt to their new situation, Abvor sent a grenade flying into the center of the formation, the projectile promptly exploding and turning the trio into a pile of blood and organs.

"Elite T'manu, we must move quickly." exclaimed Abvor.

"I understand, there is an elevator nearby." replied Krarolk.

The pair ran the remaining distance between themselves and the elevator, deciding to move five floors up. As the door closed, the pair came to a sudden realization.

"Where's the Commander?" asked Krarolk and Abvor at the same time.



The sewage water continued to flow red.

As the water became more crimson, it also became clearer, the murk and solid scraps in the flow becoming smaller and less numerous. An involuntary shudder ran through her body, prompting her to raise her guard even further. Her resolve now hung on by a mere thread, her fight or flight response stronger than ever.

Suddenly, the Zealot Commander acutely felt a pair of eyes on her.

She drew her glaive, aiming directly behind her. Yet nothing moved, and no heat signatures could be detected in the proximity. Letting out a deep sigh, she continued down the path, but did not withdraw her glaive. Up ahead, the tunnel seemed to open up. Surely enough, she soon emerged in a vast cistern running under the city, an enormous stretch of hollow space broken up by countless pillars. The Guardians and Servitors had yet to strike this area, an area whose destruction would surely cause the entire city to cave in. Just as she was about to remember her task...

Something splashed in the behind her.

The next few seconds seemed to occur in slow motion.

The Zealot Commander turned around, heart pounding wildly. As her torso pivoted, so did her head, her eyes providing her a view of something unimaginable. Out of the shadows, far larger and darker than they had been before, came two long things. They resembled tendrils, pitch-black except for a line of blood red that ran down their center, the faint glow of the red the only indication of their dimensions. They bore no heat signature and no precise point of origin, seemingly generated by the shadows themselves. The tendrils extended for meters, thin rectangular objects pointed directly at the center of the Zealot Commander. Instinct told her that once those tendrils made contact with her body, certain death awaited her.

Hands outstretched, the Zealot Commander swung her glaive wildly in front of her. It connected with both tendrils, which were cut through with surprising difficulty, as if solid steel had been given flexible qualities. Still, her muscles prevailed, and the ends of the tendrils broke off, vanishing into the air. With a shock, she realized that the blade of her glaive had also vanished. It seemed as if the tendrils could vaporize anything they touched, putting the Zealot Commander at a grave disadvantage.

Her glaive now little more than a staff, the Zealot Commander took several steps backwards as four new tendrils rose from the shadows several meters in front her.
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Traumatized Carrier-Loving Mess
{Galactic Alliance Expeditionary Fleet 1 - Squadron 3 -- State of Disrepair}
{Commodore Kathause in Command -- Aboard ANV Pegasus - C.I.C}
{Silver Jedi Concord Allies}
{Several light years from Charros IV - Aiming for Objective III }
{Direct Relevancy list: Ver'kad Inuk , Jax Jax Thio}

{Remaining Fleet Composition:

((-Liberator-class star defender - "Pegasus" - 1500m - Flagship/Carrier/Ship of the Line))[Crippled, and out of the battle]
-Iblis-class missile frigate - "Huntress" - 500m - High-yield Missile Platform/Long Range Attack
-2 x Negotiator-class light cruisers - "Valkyrie"(Destroyed) "Sonata"(Destroyed) - 330m each - Screeners/Assault Ships
-3 x Tantara-class corvettes - "Lullaby"(Disabled and Destroyed) "Odyssey" "Ardent" - 200m each - Light Carriers/Screeners

"Commodore this is Jax Thio. It's been hell on Earth, If you're capable get back to Charros space and do whatever it takes to give us cover. Do an orbital strike, do whatever it takes! We're running on fumes and at this moment relying on instinct."

Voices echoed across the C.I.C, garbled slightly by the strain placed on the Ferrets, but painfully audible. Another sensor sweep, courtesy of their probes in the system confirmed only what they had all been fearing. Within the first half of the battle alone, they had lost both Negotiators in atmosphere, and the Lullaby had been confirmed to be destroyed. But no one could believe their eyes, their ears, their minds when the next events had come to their attention.

The Bryn were firing at the ground.

-Prowler Three, I have you in my sights, just hold out a little longer! Prowler Four, I need you with me.

Four? Four?! Airman!

Liedran's hand shook. Sounds both new and old, sounds of screaming and static, sounds of whispering began to whirl into a chaotic tempest. Deep breaths..Deep breaths.

"{Mister Thio, this is Commodore Kathause, Huntress, Odyssey, and Ardent will be above you. We'll try and draw the Bryn's fire.}" She lifted her head, and brought it to face the C.I.C's front.

"Have Huntress target missile swarms for the enemy flagship's ballista array, have corvettes weave through blind-zones. Keep two hundred meter minimum."

The secondary display lit up with movement as the remaining three ships in the Charros system made there ways around and toward the Brynadúl forces. Missile bays charging with life as the guided warheads let loose at the enemy's broadsides. Turbolasers let loose in rapid salvos of green and blue, desperation infused into each bolt. They aimed for the main batteries, the engine units, anything they could disable to end the bombardment.

Now yet again abuzz with activity, the Pegasus's C.I.C echoed with the dashing of footsteps, and barking of orders as coordination officers contacted their respective fighter squadrons and vessels. Signals ran non-stop throughout the communications chain, looks occasionally thrown the Commodore's way for confirmation.

Chimera, this is lieutenant Kathause! The commander's dead, we need to get out of here!

Liedran's ears burned with awakened memories, her eyes burned with the constant bloodshed thrown about the holo-display. Her fists clenched, almost ready to hit at the rim with every unit of force she could muster, knowing that the most she could do was watch as people continued to die under her command.

"Come on...Come on..."

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