
NAME: Languor
RANK: None
SPECIES: Stennes Shifter
AGE: 24
SEX: Male
WEIGHT: 110 lbs
EYES: Black
HAIR: None
SKIN: Pale gray with green accents
- Resourceful – Languor knows how to make-do with the materials at hand. A lifetime on the run taught him how to survive in nearly any environment, how to make money using his skills, and to be adept at reading people and situations.
- Stealthy – Languor has the innate ability to alter the perceptions of others such that they will not see him in a crowd. While this ability only affects the perception of would-be observers, as a result of years on the run, Languor has developed impressive physical abilities to avoid detection as well. He is adept at sticking to the shadows, and moving quietly.
- Skullduggery – Languor enjoys secrets. The only thing he enjoys more than secrets, is not telling others the secrets he discovers. Languor regularly takes up work as a spy-for-hire during his travels.
- Force-eater – Languor has the innate ability to absorb force used in his presence, and use it to enhance his own abilities.
- Lateral Thinker – Languor’s continued survival is due in no small part to his ability to find unconventional solutions to problems.
- Adaptable – Languor is eager to take in new information, and is generally a quick learner. He is used to learning on his feet in situations where not getting it right the first time could mean death. While Languor’s nomadic childhood generally leaves him uncomfortable with the structured society, he is adept at blending in.
- Paranoid – A lifetime on the run has left Languor deeply paranoid of others, and he is quick to suspect others are conspiring against him.
- Hunger – Languor has become addicted to the increase in force power that he experiences when others use the force. This leads him to seek out conflict with force users, and goad them into unleashing as much force power as possible. Exposure to higher levels of force use will only cause him to seek out stronger force users.
- Visions – Languor believes he has special insight into the future…but it is not clear how much, if any, of these visions are real. Exposure to higher levels of force use increase the frequency and vividness of the visions. While Languor does not always share the nature of his visions with others, he regards them as real.
- Whispers of the dead – When confronted with dead bodies, Languor will often perceive voices of the dead. These encounters can be quite startling, and may leave him shaken. It is unclear whether the voices he hears are the actual voices of the dead, or if they are auditory hallucinations brought on by the stress of encountering the dead. (Much of what the voices tell Languor could be unconscious inferences articulated through hallucinations.)
- Physical Weakness – Languor’s slight stature makes him a weak physical fighter, and vulnerable to physical harm.
Languor has a slight, but athletic build. Those who recall interactions with him usually are not able to recall his face, or any defining physical characteristics. He is usually concealed in his robes and hood. The few that have seen him recall a gaunt faced pale skinned young man with green accents. While his sunken eyes are naturally black, most only recall inky blackness beneath a cowl. Languor’s ability to alter perceptions of those who observe him often results in conflicting reports about his appearance, but most often…no recollection at all.
Languor knows what it is like to be hunted. He is a survivor, he has spent his entire life evading Jedi and would-be executioners. He is one of the few surviving Shifters left in the galaxy, and has learned a thing or two about not being seen. Since the death of his mother at the hands of the Jedi, he has survived as a spy and occasional thief.
As a child, Languor spent most of his time on the move with his mother, never truly calling any one place home. Languor developed a deep hatred for the Jedi order. Not only has he spent his entire life hunted by them, but he saw his mother mercilessly killed by Jedi. Languor grew up on his mother’s many stories about the attempted genocide of the Shifters at the hands of the Jedi order. Languor is driven, at least in part, by a desire to take revenge on the Jedi.
While he had many run-ins with the Jedi order over the years, his resourcefulness and natural abilities allowed him to avoid capture or execution. Over the years, Languor learned that he could absorb the force exerted by pursuing Jedi, and use it to enhance his own abilities. Over time, he quickly became intoxicated by the increase in power and is drawn to situations which would allow him to absorb greater amounts of force.
While Languor usually appears calm and collected on the surface, the trauma of his childhood has left deep emotional and psychological scars. Languor believes he has a nearly unique ability to see the future. These prophetic visions can sometimes guide his actions in ways that might not otherwise make sense to others. He also believes he hears the voices of the dead that he encounters. Languor maintains deep skepticism and paranoia about those he encounters.
Languor seeks training in the force to gain the power to take revenge against the Jedi, to further develop his innate perception altering abilities, and to feed his addiction to absorbing the force.
SHIP: VT-Varactyl Class Escort Freighter