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Approved Tech Laoth's Cybernetic Body

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  • Intent: To submit Laoth's new cybernetic form following his injuries at the hands of Valery Noble
  • Image Source: X
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: Vault Purchase Receipts (1, 2) | Spindle Perm
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Classification: Mechu-Deru Cybernetic Body | Arms, Legs, Chest, Neck, Head
  • Size: Large
  • Weight: Heavy
  • Resistances (Optional):
    • Energy: Very High
    • Plasma: Low
    • Kinetic: Extreme
    • Lightsabers: Very High
    • Heat: High
    • Cold: Low
    • Acid/Corrosive: Average
    • Radiation: Low
    • Sonic: Average
    • EMP/ION: High
    • Vacuum: High
  • Suite of Everything: Created by the most psychopathically brazen engineers the Maw had at its disposal, the System-165x (or affectionally known as the P.I.E.) contains virtually every software and feature needed to make its subject as functionally lethal as possible. The primary focus of the body appears to have been defensive and reactive programs such as vacuum seals, reflex packages, sense enhancers, and a host of other bulwarks to keep Laoth protected in the most dangerous of circumstances or environments. Coupled with his already superb strength and willpower granted by the Dark Side of the Force, and his alchemized Devaronian genetics, Laoth is as viable as the most dangerous units of the HK-assassination droid series or even the ancient Dashade of Tulak Hord. When activated, these enhancers ensure that his strength is nearly unmatched in battle, and his reflexes and agility are such that he can appear more as a blur than an actual solid form. Additional battlefield interfaces to social integration software such as vocal modulators and pheromone emitters ensure there is little that Laoth cannot utilize for his performance in the field.
  • Mechu-Deru: The primary construction of the System-165x could not have been completed without the aid of Spindle Spindle and her applications of the Dark Side through the avenue of Mechu-Deru. The System-165x was thusly constructed in such a way as to make the body as much a part of Laoth's organics as his organics were a part of the body, making it more of a biomechanical monstrosity than a simple cover for Laoth's remaining organic parts. This has granted him a passive enhancement to his form without the activation of any of his cybernetics, retaining his strength and speed to how they were before his injuries. The body was thusly formed with alchemized variations of already potent metals, granting him greater layers of physical protection to kinetics and energy-based weaponry.
  • Overheating: Activating too many of his integrated software or packages, or even pushing himself beyond his extended limits, can result in Laoth overheating his systems to the point of literally burning himself alive from the inside out. While the Devaronian genetics ensure he has resistance to flames on an external level, this does not extend to inside his body, meaning that it is highly likely he can kill himself if pushed into this state. Enemies of the Devaronian with this knowledge or by simple happenstance can use this weakness to their advantage.
  • Required Activation: To ensure that Laoth's body does not overheat or shut down from running too many programs all at once, the designers' of the System-165x put in routines that made it a requirement to activate the programs willingly. In other words, beyond the interface of his augmented eyes, Laoth must select his desired software from a display and activate it willingly from his reflex packages to vocal modulators. This can be a difficulty in the field as he must have time to find and activate the desired program all the while defending himself from enemies, seeking to keep himself hidden, or any other hampering situation that could result in his inability to keep his advantage with the programs.
  • Side Effects: Many of Laoth's integrated packages and software grant him unparalleled strength, speed, and reaction time to ensure that he remains in the top possible form in combat. However, beyond the fact that these packages need to be activated in tune with the power of the Mechu-Deru alchemy, their possible side effects of overuse are so potent that can result in either incurable insanity, fractured ligaments, organ failure, software failure, or a myriad of other issues. The worst cause of these side effects would surely have to be the Cardio-Muscular Package which presents side effects capable of making its host feel invincible and brash to the point of possible self-destruction or maiming. Coupled with Laoth's already present arrogance, warrior ethos, and pre-existing mental disorders, the Devaronian is at high risk of killing himself in battle at a moment's notice with a simple activation of this particular program.
Following his near-death, one suffered at the hands of Valery Noble and his resulting consumption by a sandworm on Potemah (from which he barely escaped), Laoth was discovered and rescued by pure chance. His actions and the arrival of the former on the refugee world had rendered him seemingly without hope of being saved, left to die bleeding and dissolving in the sand dunes of the vast desert world. His left arm, both legs, most of his lower body, and entire face had been carved up and digested by his assailants, and blood was leaving him in such rapid paces that he should have passed out in seconds upon freeing himself. Only by pure spite and rage against the Galaxy so cruel to the man who had escaped his entombment of centuries did he hang on to the threads of life still within him, holding out under a burning sun.

And it was not providence or friends who came to rescue him that day. Rather, it was perhaps the most Sithly way he could have been rescued from its deserved fate. Spindle, an upstart of the Brotherhood of the Maw and burgeoning alchemist, answered the pull of utter darkness Laoth was emitting from his would-be grave and came upon the sizzling hunk of flesh in the vast sands of nowhere, his chest pulling apart at the seams as the acids of the worm's stomach mingled with the carvings of a lightsaber. Whether by mercy or devious plans of an unknowable nature, Spindle took the dying man from the sands and put him aboard her ship. There, the Devaronian's fate would be changed forever.

Through metal wirings and shocks of the Force, under the auspicious ministrations of engineers and sorcerous beasts pulled from the depths of the Brotherhood's ranks, Laoth was reconstructed into a being of pure sin. Biotechnical plates and cybernetics replaced lost limbs and muscle; organs wrenched from destroyed chasms of blood and bone and retrofitted with augmented synthflesh pumping adrenalized fluids the color of tar into new coiled veins; eyes mulched and reformed around optical enhancements to perfect his vision; the brain mutated into a mass of chemicals and software designed to provoke only the greatest of warrior traits within the monstrosity once considered Sith. For weeks, the beast of Devaron endured the worst tortures imaginable in the world of saving a life - the pain he felt beyond anything he could have wished for even his greatest of enemies. Such was the wretched alterations of his body that only by the grace of Spindle's magick was the man spared decrepit insanity.

Finally, the work was done and Laoth rose from the operating table as something...worse. Something greater than what he was before, something unlocked with a new hunger for violence. A new adaptation to the world he lived in. Gone was the Devaronian who had suffered the indignities of imprisonment. Gone was the fool who trusted only his blade and nothing else. Gone was the brute who believed anything but the straightforward path was foolhardy and pointless. Now stood the cybernetic freak of the Force.

Now stood war incarnate.

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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Laoth Laoth

This is a very cool piece of technology! However I found some problems.
  • You need to ask Spindle Spindle 's permission to use their character as Manufacturer. I know ICly really they made this, but the rules are rules. So please ask this, and put the print screen to the permissions.
  • Please link the Swarm Drones into the submission.
  • And please use the Kirino Visual Interface's submission link, not the vault's link.
  • Last thing, your ratings are underpowered (-2), if you want, you can edit this.
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