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Approved Tech Lapis Animus

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  • Manufacturer: Darth Metus (HV, Inc.)
  • Affiliation: Closed Market
  • Model: Lapis Animus
  • Modularity: No
  • Production: Semi-Unique
  • Material: Alchemized Kyber Crystal
  • Suitable for Lightsaber or Jewelry Installation
  • Infinium: Significantly augments the wielder's Dark Side abilities, especially Sith Sorcery.
  • Memoriam: Retains the memories of captures souls for the wielder's usage.
  • Deformitas: As souls slip into the afterlife, the stone's potency degrades. Moreover, the wielder will be unable to access the memories of souls lost. The ability to contain requires the introduction of fresh souls, or substitution of the wielder's own energy over time.
  • Consacro: Extreme exposure to the Light Side of the Force can damage the Stone's ability to contain souls, causing extreme degradation.
  • Resigno: Force Neutral Zones (i.e. Ysalamir) can temporarily suspend the Stone's ability to contain souls, causing extreme degradation. Dampening Fields (i.e. Void Stone) can weak the ability to contain drastically as well.
  • Infirmus: Despite being created through sorceries, the Stone does not feature supernatural durability. It is as fragile as its original state and can be shattered, crushed, etc. The physical destruction of the Stone will eliminate its ability to contain.

The Lapis Animus began through a moment of Hunger.

When the Sith known as Darth Metus clashed with adversaries above Maramere, a grievous blow was struck. A sibling was lost, and in that moment He was able to perceive the beyond. Rather than mourn, Darth Metus took from the bounty of eternity - devouring a portion of the very afterlife. For years, the honored dead were imprisoned within, serving as fuel for his sorceries. In the present era, He rent a portion of this bounty apart and fashioned a boon for his successors. Thus, the Lapis Animus came to be.

Beginning as a Kyber, the influx of Darkness and literal souls bled the crystals. Now crimson, each was empowered with the ability of containment. Each became a new prison - and thus the power of eternity could be passed on to the worthy. When wielded, the souls are an incredible source of might. So much so that sorceries become exceedingly more potent.

However, despite the potential, the Lapis Animus are mundane creations. Unlike a proper, mortal vessel, souls are unable to be contained indefinitely within. They are naturally drawn to eternity, and thus began to slip out of the containments. This causes a noticeable degradation in the stone's potency. Should the stone go without usage, full degradation can take many months - even years. Average usage can see degradation after a few months of consistent use. Future wielders have the option of supplementing this loss with their own strength...or by refreshing the pool with fresh souls.

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Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
Darth Metus Darth Metus

This looks interesting and fairly well there is only one thing

Memoriam: Retains the memories of captures souls for the wielder's usage.

There is potential here for exploitation. Are the memories tied to the souls within the stone and as long as it is there the memories can be there? Or are they permanently there?

Second question is decay rate of the souls. No hard numbers more is it hours/days/months/years. Do they degrade faster from use witht he stone and the magnitude?
Krass Wyms Krass Wyms

Added "Moreover, the wielder will be unable to access the memories of souls lost." to the Deformitas weakness. Once a soul is gone, access to its memories goes with it.

Added "Should the stone go without usage, full degradation can take many months - even years. Average usage can see degradation after a few months of consistent use." to the final paragraph of the description.

Let me know if these tweaks work for you or if there's anything I can clarify further!
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