skin, bone, and arrogance
L A R A .. F A I R F A X

NAME: Lara Fairfax
FACTION: Silver Jedi Order
RANK: Knight level training - no formal rank with SJO yet.
AGE: 21
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'7"
WEIGHT: 125 lbs
EYES: Lavender
HAIR: Platinum blonde
SKIN: Pale
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
[Good Natured] A generally even-keeled person, Lara is hesitant to employ offensive violence unless it is necessary. She as no issue with taking up arms in defense, but prefers to solve problems by other means.
[Silent Running] Her slender frame and light weight allows Lara to move quickly and with limited noise; when she is acting stealthily, she is nearly silent to the unaided ear.
[Hoarder] Growing up in a poor farming family, Lara grew up with next to nothing. Since leaving Barkhesh, she has taken to keeping things, from gadgets to gizmos, to tinker or fidget with, and is hesitant to dispose of them.
[Spray n' Pray] Not particularly well-suited to projectile or laser weapons (i.e. slugthrowers and blasters), she is not a great shot.
[Causeless Rebel] Lara Fairfax isn't quite sure where she belongs or what she believes. She fled the First Order's invasion of Barkhesh because she didn't want to become one of their faceless, nameless collective. However, this doesn't make her politically opposed to them; she is not a crusader.
Medium-height and slender, with pale skin, lavender eyes, and blonde hair.
Born to a poor farming family on Barkhesh, she discovered her Force sensitivity when she was 14. She and her brother Liam were taken in by a small Force cult, where she was trained for years in the basics of the Force. When the First Order conquered the planet and raided the Force cult for inductees (willing or not) into the Order of Ren. She fled with refugees and obtained a job on a freighter crew, using her limited technical skills to pay her way.
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