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Large vessel ownership for corporations?

Ashin Varanin said:
At Tier 4, a corporation may own and operate non-combat ships up to 1000 meters. At tier 6, a corporation may own and operate non-combat ships up to 2000 meters.
Companies at or above Tier IV may field their own picket fleets if they are formed and acquired through sufficient roleplay. The amount of ships a company can keep active at any given time is dependent on tier. No matter what tier your company is, ships in a company's picket fleet cannot exceed 750 meters in length.

  • Tier IV - Five ships
  • Tier V - Eight ships
  • Tier VI - Ten ships
Company owners found in violation of these guidelines will be sacked, penalized, and then sacked again. If a ship is destroyed or damaged severely, some indication that the ships were repaired or replaced must be provided. Otherwise, the replacement or repaired ship cannot be fielded again until the company owner has done so. Losing too many ships from your picket fleet and replacing them too quickly may be grounds for tier demotion.
While I agree that larger companies should be able to field small security fleets, I think it should be done by total length rather than number of ships (by tier) and total length. It's the difference between a small company fielding two cruisers and a larger one having one cruiser and nine gunships just so they can field the total number of ships. Doesn't make much sense unless the total length goes up as well.

Smaller ships do cost quite a bit less to field and maintain after all.
I agree with Domino that each tier should increase the metres allowed, and the metres per ship.

If you do it by a simple scale you could get:
Tier 1 – 400m total, 100m individual.
Tier 2 – 800m total, 200m individual.
Tier 3 – 1600m total, 400m individual.
Tier 4 – 3200m total, 800m individual.
Tier 5 – 6400m total, 1600m individual.
Tier 6 – 12800m total, 2000m individual.

Or similar. After all, Tier 5 and 6 are meant to be the BIG players, companies with assets and holdings everywhere, and it is meant to be an exponential difference between tiers.

The total only applies to combat ships, they can have any amount of non-combat ships up to the individual cap.
I can roll with this.

If it passes can someone help me go thrift what SSB and ATC have to match this?

I can likely sell the rest for profit -- well the combat ships right?

As a shipping company, how many non combatant ships can I have for cargo? I mean they also need armed escorts.

Then the picket fleets if imagine are for headquarters right?

Sorry I feel so derp with all of this. :/.
[member="Danger Arceneau"]
Non-combat ships would be unlimited so long as they stay within the maximum individual ship size…and don’t get ridiculous for your tier.

Like, a tier one shipping company’s not going to have 100x100m corvettes zooming around. Like always, people just need to keep the non-combat stuff reasonable while we make sure the really contentious combat ships are limited in a fair way.
[member="Ashin Varanin"], et al, let me know what you think of this:

(Add into the factory rules, under companies.)

The spacecraft companies are permitted to use are limited by their size and whether they are combat or non-combat.
Non-Combat: A company may possess non-combat ships with the individual sizes determined by tier.
Tier Individual Size
  1. 100m
  2. 200m
  3. 400m
  4. 800m
  5. 1600m
  6. 2000m
The company is not limited in how many non-combat ships it can own, though excessive or unrealistic representation can be reported and action taken by staff.

Combat: A company may possess combat vessels up to a combined and individual length determined by tier. Attack craft are not counted if they operate from a carrier or station hanger.
Tier Individual Size Total Size
1 100m 400m
2 200m 800m
3 400m 1600m
4 800m 3200m
5 1600m 6400m
6 2000m 12800m
For example, a tier 3 company can possess a total of 1600 metres of ships. This might be 4 x 400 metre ships, 8 x 200 metre ships or any other possible combination.
That last line needs to go, shipping companies don't make ships and what's stopping someone from buying ships to use? That line means that if I want one ship of x type for my fleet, I then need to do an entire sub rather than just grab an existing one.
[member="Valeria Aetani"]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Valeria Aetani"]
Yeah, that'll work. I don't want to announce this bit, but of course if a corporation was also a minor faction, regardless of tier, they could have PC-captained ships up to 1km -- the existing faction rules would take precedence.
[member="Eli Fenric"] [member="Ayden Cater"] [member="Danger Arceneau"] [member="Darth Janus"] [member="Jared Ovmar"] What're your opinions on the latest draft?

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