Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Last Known Owners of Canon Items

Kian Karr said:
[member="Aaralyn Gyndar"] | [member="Serena Bouie"]

I don't see any reason why not to assume at least some were smuggled out. If not by fleeing Jedi than by someone trying to make a quick cred by selling Jedi relics after the destruction. Unless there is a thread that talks about destroying them, in which case I'll drop the missions we were thinking of doing.
There was a team led by [member="Jorus Merrill"] and a few others that was there preventing such a thing and Darron Wraith destroyed the temple in an attempt to further prevent it. If I recall correctly.

That would be the reason - there was literally - having been there and knowing the timeframe and the craziness of the thread itself - zero time for smuggling out artifacts or anything of the like. I'm not trying to spoil fun but I'm trying to put some reason behind it - no one is going to specifically say they destroyed those items in particular or secured them.

Use your imagination as you wish but I believe that was the intention of those writers - I cannot speak for them, I know others attempted to take things from the Temple and failed.

Again - do whatever you wish - have fun with it, by all means. I'm just giving you history on something prior to your arrival to Chaos is all. :)
[member="Aaralyn Gyndar"] [member="Kian Karr"]

Is there a problem I should know about before I proceed further?

Edit: Ok, I'm still operating off that some survived. It is not like I said I found a cavern full. It's 2. Also could they not have been on loan to another temple at the time. Or traveling to a new temple as way of celebrating a new enclave. Or out for cleaning. Mending. Or given the long history on rotation
Serena Bouie said:
[member="Aaralyn Gyndar"] [member="Kian Karr"]

Is there a problem I should know about before I proceed further?

Edit: Ok, I'm still operating off that some survived. It is not like I said I found a cavern full. It's 2. Also could they not have been on loan to another temple at the time. Or traveling to a new temple as way of celebrating a new enclave. Or out for cleaning. Mending. Or given the long history on rotation
Oh no, I was just saying nothing like that, go nuts. I'll talk to you bout it on Skype.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Just as a heads up, I won't be able to keep up with this thread. I've turned it over to [member="Isley Verd"], who will make a new thread and input the last few changes in a copy of the list above.

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