Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Last Known Owners of Canon Items

Honestly - I feel people are scouring Wook for stuff.

I'd like to have Rowdy removed and just say it's a name for the Astromech, maybe the same brain as the original - but yeah getting sort've silly. I stole the name Whistler because I liked it and used it ever since I saw Corran Horn had it. *hides Mira's astromech*


Update that for me if you would be so kind and my two cents on it.
Darth Carach said:
[member="Maja Vern"]

Sadly Bane's Holocron has already been claimed. I simply forgot to mention it in this thread! My apologies.
No worries - I even did a search for threads but didn't find any that mentioned it. As it only opens for Sith that believe in the rule of two, is it possible for Maja to see it? Having Bane's Heart and with her philosophy - it might be prepared to speak to her?

[member="Sumiko Tanaka"]
A group of mandalorians have started a hunt to reclaim relics of their people, first of many anticipated threads linked here.

  • The key items searched for in that thread will be:
  • Jaster Mereel's armor
  • schematics for a Firespray class gunship
  • the repairable remnants of on of the 'Slave' gunship'
  • Boba's EE3 Blaster
  • as well as miscellaneous other hints and such of others.

If anyone is interested in leading opposition or joining in to help (no more relics or it would be silly right now) feel free to PM me and i'll pose it out it to the group.
[member="Serena Bouie"]

When you say Jedi Tapestries do you mean the Heritage Tapestries which hung on the pillars of the Jedi Temple?

I ask because I was about to get a mission started that had us looking for these, though since there are many and you are claiming two there shouldn't be any harm in going for others.

Are the two you guys found depicting any specific era of Jedi history?
[member="Kian Karr"] yes heritage tapestries. And there should be more since the Coruscant temple was huge. One is for master yoda depicting his journey and mast plo koon missions as a Jedi. Among the images are runes, buildings friends enemies, image of the great temple. Beautiful works of art to be handled gently.
Serena Bouie said:
[member="Kian Karr"] yes heritage tapestries. And there should be more since the Coruscant temple was huge. One is for master yoda depicting his journey and mast plo koon missions as a Jedi. Among the images are runes, buildings friends enemies, image of the great temple. Beautiful works of art to be handled gently.
The Coruscant Temple was leveled by the One Sith Jedi Master Darron Wraith during the One Sith Invasion of Coruscant and then Darth Shara completely destroyed any evidence of it's existence in subsequent threads.

I assume that some of these were taken out by [member="Jorus Merrill"] or someone else when he removed the major artifacts from the Temple during the battle? I only ask out of legitimacy because it was literally destroyed, flattened and the One Sith destroyed any trace of the Jedi ever having a presence there.

Basically, there wouldn't be a plethora of them left with that being said - it would be an extremely rare or legendary piece of work - in my opinion.

[member="Kian Karr"]
[member="Aaralyn Gyndar"] | [member="Serena Bouie"]

I don't see any reason why not to assume at least some were smuggled out. If not by fleeing Jedi than by someone trying to make a quick cred by selling Jedi relics after the destruction. Unless there is a thread that talks about destroying them, in which case I'll drop the missions we were thinking of doing.

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