Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Last Stop | SO Dominion of Ertrax

Objective: Seek and Destroy
Location: Evac on Shuttles

While personal conflicts of ideology or revenge littered the battlescape. Centax thought Keth would be at his most content right here in the malestrom, that Centax now claimed as his own testing ground. The old wretch was the past and he was the future. The bodies of the unworthy cultists falling by his feet, were stunned, shackled, and put on hovering slabs.

He gripped the weakest in the force and slowly crushed the life out of him, throwing him to the floor to make room for another. There was enough weakness in the galaxy, to allow the Alliance to not only survive but prosper. He remembered the dead that day on Coruscant, and all they had taken from him to make him what he was. The newest apprentices would be stronger, better, purer sith. The code would endure.

Turning from the battle, the small teams had what they had come here for. Pulling their force cultists in a line behind them on slabs, new apprentices for those few that survived their trials. Escorting themselves out of the warzone and back into the shuttles. Shots were fired in steady withdrawal but no one had stopped the future unfolding here.

There was one promise he made as he left, as he had those years ago, Coruscant's moon would still fall.

Fin for Centax
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Location: Engineering Sub Levels - Malsheem
Objective: III - Assassin vs. Speedster
Tags: Taresa Kae Taresa Kae

The smoke dissipated and expanded, time slowing to a crawl within the speedster’s perception as her senses registered not one, or two, but three different assassins. For the moment, she was entirely ignorant as to the nature of the power her opponent had manifested. She saw only a trio of armed assassins who had managed to get the drop on her.

A snap decision was made and with it, her chakrams slipped free from her hands to fall towards the ground. In their place, the short-statured Acolyte willed forth a concussive burst of pressurized air projected in a wide cone in front of her, carrying a high enough pressure differential to shatter bones and rupture organs.

Enough to turn aside bullets and flung knives.

Not even a split-second later, her gauntlet vibroblades came unsheathed as she rushed towards her nearest assailant with the speed of a bolt loosed from a crossbow, before delivering a slashing strike with the blade on her left arm, intended to sever the nearest assassin’s left leg at the knee, without breaking her stride. However, the short-statured Acolyte didn’t stop there. Shifting her Inertia by instinct, Quintessa sidestepped towards the gun-wielding assassin on the ground next, before delivering a running slash with the vibroblade on her right arm, intended to open up their jugular.

However, that still left one free.

Objective: Seek and Destroy
Personal Mission: Judge the worth of her opponent.
Location: Malsheem Engineering Sub Levels
Opponent: Quintessa Zambrano Quintessa Zambrano

Met with a violent burst of telekinetic energy, her weaker force barrier wasn't fully able to hold it, and another dull pulse of energy discharged as it failed. Taresa felt her muscles twist and a rib crack. Shoved back still further, now looking up from down the hall. Judgment for the first time considered someone here worthy, and that was enough. Pressing a disc item to the ground with her palm she seemed to freeze in place.

Her knives were knocked aside, the daggers embedded in the wall, dripping their poison to the deck below. The first doppleganger dispersed when pierced on the leg, giving out a pulse of force energy. Then cut of Quintessa's knife drew wispy smoke from the neck of the next doppleganger who also dissolved into the air. Pale imitations of what a Lord or even knight could do with this technique, but the imperfect copies of herself sufficed for now.

Backing off slowly, and keeping in line with the image. The black mirror figure ahead seemed to flicker, dipping low to the ground like a cat. She didn't take the opponent's stances like Centax might. Else she would have pulled her along using her own speed against her. Taresa had been trained differently.

Still, the black mirrored figure flickered in place.


Just looking at Quintessa's coming approach.


A projection! She was behind it, edging further and further away. Ion grenades jammed in the nearest door panel, it opened and she exited left. A large ion blast followed, exploding in the hall behind her, probably doing nothing for the door controls.

She observed what she needed to judge. There was power here enough to satisfy Keth.

Armor: Asherian Sentinel Armor | Voice Recorder | Holoprojector
Wrist: A-MWD1
Belt: ON Stealth Field Generator | OFF Verpine Energy Shield. One active at once. | Throwing Vibro-Knifes x 2/4 | a-pm1 Medkit
Waist: Dauntless Combat Blades x2 | Lightsaber | Smoke Grenades x 3/4 | Ion Grenades x 0/2
Hips: Pistol Verpine shatterguns x2
Back kit: Voice Recorder+Player x 9/10 | Small Holoprojector x 5/10

Poison Used on Blades: Rock Worrt Venom

Dropped: Anti-Riot Tangle Gun
Location: Engineering Sub Levels - Malsheem
Objective: III - Assassin vs. Speedster
Tags: Taresa Kae Taresa Kae


It was the immediate thought that came to mind upon registering that her vibroblades had met little more than wispy smoke. She should have expected more illusions after the first, but nevertheless, Quintessa now had the real assassin forced into a corner.

Or so, she believed.

Calling her chakrams back into her hands as her vibroblades automatically slid back into their sheaths, Quintessa heaved one chakram, then the other towards the assassin’s neck…

Only for the blades to pass through wisps of smoke.

Suddenly, an explosion of purple lightning went off by the closest door panel, the doors sliding shut as the assassin’s illusory form flickered out of existence before Quintessa’s eyes. The speedster launched herself towards the door with sudden velocity, but even she was too slow to reach them before they slid shut, denying her the opportunity to pursue the assassin. Letting out a frustrated grunt, Quintessa pulled out her lightsabers to cut through the doors, but stopped a moment before activating them, slumping down to the ground as she did.

It was hard to call this a victory, but she could at least take satisfaction in having preserved the integrity of the sacred ark by forcing the assassin to retreat.

Final Post.

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