So am I, but the power just goes to your head, y'know?
Dantum Kryszar The Corellian Sharpshooter Character Bio Feb 22, 2022 #1,501 So am I, but the power just goes to your head, y'know?
Dantum Kryszar The Corellian Sharpshooter Character Bio Feb 23, 2022 #1,504 No, I believe it is mine.
Dantum Kryszar The Corellian Sharpshooter Character Bio Feb 23, 2022 #1,514 Ah, silly me. I know that in Spanish supera means beats or is better than, so I was a bit confused. Wish I knew Latin though
Ah, silly me. I know that in Spanish supera means beats or is better than, so I was a bit confused. Wish I knew Latin though
Dantum Kryszar The Corellian Sharpshooter Character Bio Feb 24, 2022 #1,519 What the Hutt kind of language is that? (You guys heard about Ukraine?)