Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Last Train Home

[[ Xin Boa Xin Boa ]]

Delila was always a little less optomistic than Xin. Realistically though the Saegassum had spent a few days zig-zagging through various sectors to throw off a direct trail to the Wheel. Besides, they hadn't even settled on heading towards the Wheel until a day ago, after much debate and pro/con discussion. If they could buy themselves two days to get the Kid better and resupply, Dells was going to push for hiding out in deep space for a few weeks until the heat died down.

"Alright, yeah. Lets do the bacta tank.Brak, you mind carrying him? Just feel it might be wiser to move quickly."

If she was wrong about having a few days time at least the Kid would be floating in a tank and regaining strength early in the game. Reality of their situation meant their stowaway needed to be able to run and keep up with the group - especially considering the latest events in their lives. As the Barabel picked up the boy, herself and Xin would bring up the rear. The odd-looking medical droid was leading the way, chirping the entire way.

Shoulder nudged Xins as she slapped the button to the ramp.

"So glad we don't have any kids. This is tiring."
"Lucky dat," Xin replied. They were entirely incompatible on that way. There were no Nautolan human hybrids. Not unless someone had tried cooking one up in a tank. The idea of Dells in a scuba suit trying to raise "tadpoles" under the sea briefly distracted his mind from the present.

Genetic testing was an option for why they were after the kid. Perhaps they sold cybernetics, perhaps they were studying force sensitive families. Either was possible.

The lower level of the wheel was much as it had ever been. The sound of cheap salesmen, the smells of cheap street food, the sight of cheap gangsters making their deals barely concealed in shadow. It felt like home to Xin.

The droid beeped them all the way to a facility with - what Xin noticed as - blast-doors and reinforced windows. Nice neighbourhood. Inside was a different affair. Expensive equipment which explained the outside.

Adric was in a tank before long, floating in the pale blue liquid.

"We've got to find more about his story," Xin said to Dells as they stood before him. He had a sense that neither of them were sure what to do next.
[[ Xin Boa Xin Boa ]]

The lower level of the Wheel reminded her of the stations herself and Xin frequented in the early days of their relationship. A mix of incredibly shady individuals and those on the lower end just trying to survive. Such a place was always good for them to find work and gather information. With a gang of thugs on their tails she hoped they had enough time to explore and appreciate the station.

"We can ask the medical droid to get a genetic profile for us. We've got some extra funds in the emergency coffer. He's young, I don't even see any peach fuzz on his face. We might have a good chance of hunting down a lead."

Arms crossed over her chest as she stared at the tank. She had little idea on where to turn. Delila had no issues keeping the kid on the crew for awhile. What could be an issue was being on the run and having to also find jobs to take on at the same time. If they could find some deep space leads where they were here....

"Well...We get a genetic profile and maybe get someone to run it for us. I figured I could show a little skin and have Corek do the dirty work for us."

For some reason, despite Noah Corek Noah Corek having three wives and too many children, he seemed entirely too attached to her. Dells would have thought having to put up with so many women and children would leave a man with zero free time. She reached up and popped a few buttons for emphasis, as if demonstrating her plan for all this.

"I'm leaving on that note. Going to scope out the area." Brak had his thoughts on the idea apparently.

"It might give us a name and a bit more about him. Are you prepared to keep him with the crew for awhile? I dont think, ethically, we could just drop him anywhere Xin."
"I think dat's enough skin," Xin mused. Making her point for her, his gaze of course followed every button one by one. They hadn't been afforded much time for one another recently.

"He can stay with us. If we can find out where he came from whilst he's out that might give us some leads to follow. What I worry is that his home is exactly where dey might look for us."

That would be a kick for the lad whilst he was down. After the hibernation sickness he might remember where he was from only for Xin to have to tell him that they could not go there.

"We should get some more ID codes for da ship," he added. They had been doing more legitimate work recently so only had so many fake IFF codes. It would be safer to use one that they hadn't before.

"And a beer. Definitely a beer."
[[ Xin Boa Xin Boa ]]

"We'll need to buy a fabricated identity for him as well. We're in a good location for these things luckily."

Delila figured they could get someone to make an easy identity for the Kid - perhaps a young cousin of hers or something similar. Too many people would question why a non-relative boy was in their care. No one would be overly concerned about a simple explanation of a curious relative boy out to learn a trade and a few extra credits. Unlike Xin,however, she wasn't too confident the Kid would want to head home. Dells doubted he even knew what or where home was at this point.

"I could use a stiff drink. We still have one bottle of Alderaanian wine on board but I was saving it..." Another item for their impromptu shopping list, beer and spirits. Always good to have while hiding out in the black. "First time we've been alone together in while. Unless you count the droid. Well, and the Kid but I doubt he can hear anything. How are you holding up? Between the firefight and the group on our might be hard, you know?"

Privately it was more than a little rough for herself. Nothing she couldn't handle but there was the stressor of insuring everyone on board made it another day. Outside factors seemed to be keen on making sure that job was as difficult as possible. It was one thing to worry about herself but an entire group?
"Yah it's a little rough," he admitted. "Can't help but feel we were getting everything together and I did something to ruin it again."

Xin raised both hands defensively as he turned to face her.

"And I know dat ain't true. Still feel it a little even if wrong. Let's get something to drink on the way home and save that bottle for a special day."

An ID chip or two for the kid wouldn't go amiss. If they were going to do more legitimate haulage then they were going to go through more checkpoints. At times he felt it was worth being shot at to avoid the paperwork.

Xin was still taken aback by what had happened. Even if he had expected violence, he never would have expected so many mercenaries just for one kid.

"Let's get a drink and decompress," he said, placing a hand on her shoulder.
[[ Xin Boa Xin Boa ]]

It had taken some ( a lot ) of coaxing from Xin to actually get her out of the medical facility. Dells was certain at one point the meddroid had even chimed in and all but pushed her out. Logically, if they had been found already, blasters would have been drawn and the relative quiet of the Wheel would have turned into one big shootout.

Xin had steered her into a seedy looking bar not far from the facility. It was dimly light with gruff looking types who would rather not be identified or involved with anything. Perfect for them, the less second glances the better. Delila stopped by the bartender and put in a discreet request for ship and personnel codes, as workers in these types of bars typically knew at least a few people. If they didn't get a lead for new fake documents perhaps then there would be a lead for long-haul cargo. Something for a months-long stretch of time would be perfect, it would give them time to research and figure out the next few steps.

Soon they were sitting across from one another in a back booth, beer in front of each of them. It wasn't the stiff drink she wanted but a place like this typically watered everything down.

"Its not your fault." Delila finally spoke, beer remaining untouched. "If anything we can blame Brak. Beauty of having an extra crewmember that isn't Skreech."

A small smile graced her features.
"Oh no I can always find ways to blame Skreech too," Xin replied. His smile was a thin veil. The tips of his head tails curled slightly, as they often did when he felt uncomfortable.

"Didn't handle myself too badly. Considering..."

He didn't need to finish the sentence. For some time after being very nearly shot to death must holding a blaster had sent his hands trembling. Xin necked half of his beer in one go. It was bland but drinkable.

" Wish we could give him a proper amount of time. Once he's out the tank we'd best make a move."

Xin watched a quarren cross the bar floor to take the booth behind them. He cast Dells a glance. Xin could tell his attention had been on them both. His free hand went to rest lightly on his blaster.

"Ship codes don't come cheap," said the quarren, not even looking at them.

[[ Xin Boa Xin Boa ]]
"You did great."

Picking up her own beer, Dells took a sip. Face frowned at the taste, almost as if it was water, yeasty water. She didn't expect a great deal of quality but at the same time she didn't plan on something so plain. She gently pushed the glass towards Xin, he seemed to be enjoying the alcohol way better than herself at moment.

There was a shift in body language, Xin moving his hand towards his blaster. She remained neutral, back turned to the person in question. The Quarren was back-to-back with herself, speaking low. The Quarren maintained an air of disinterest, from what she could tell out of the corner of her eye, possibly sipping a drink inbetween.

"Nothing in this 'verse comes cheap anymore."

Dells looked at Xin, judging his reaction in the moment.

"We are in need of an identity as well. If one can get a vessel code surely a beings documents could be faked by yourself as well. We're on a time crunch, my associate and I have enough credits to make the process go faster..."
"Faked documents. You make it sound like the computation involved in cracking an ID scan handshake is like forging a signature," the quarren replied.

Xin's hand had already lifted from his blaster. The offer was either genuine or a sting operation from law enforcement. In neither option would pulling a blaster help.

"So you can't get personal ID?" Xin asked.

"Didn't say that. Depends where you want them to come from. Can't make faking an ident chip from Naboo fast for example. Not all systems take security seriously."
[[ Xin Boa Xin Boa ]]

Delila was already going frustrated with the potential document maker. She understood the need to be cautious as to not fall into the wrong crowd - authorities, those who would take advantage of the service. However, this in her opinion was ludicrous. Either the Quarren was going to make the document or not - what was the issue?

"Look here, you'll either make the ship idea and indentchip or not. There's others we can turn to, its not like we're in some bastion of sophistication and you're the only one peddling your wares. I don't have the time for this."
"If you don't give a feth which planet is going on his docs I can have it in two days. The ship I can get as many codes as you need within a few hours of you giving me a model number and any obvious modifications a scan will pick up. Two for the ship, ten for the person. But I need some bio-data to bake into the ID."

"Ten for both," Xin replied without missing a beat. The trick about creating IDs for backwaters that didn't protect their documents as well was known. It was just being used to try and draw this out - something Dells was clearly fed up of.

On the other hand they needed a quick turnaround and couldn't bargain all day.
[[ Xin Boa Xin Boa ]]

Being stubborn and obstinate was one things. Bargaining was an entirely different thing. It meant some progress was potentially happening and the Quarren was serious about business. If Delila had a drink she would have choked on the liquid. The Quarren was playing on their desire to get the job done and quickly. She could appreciate wanting extra credits for time but this was just beyond ridiculous.

"Ten for both? I have a business to run. Eleven and a half for both."

Delila took over this time.

"Ten and a half for both. You make the boys identcard from the Bright Jewel system."
"Well if we're going to add specific requests in after the bargaining..."

The quarren moved to stand up. Xin stood up too. The quarren stopped. There was a look in Xin's eyes that suggested the time for games was over.

The quarren sat back down.

"Ten and a half, but if there's anything else you need say now."
[[ Xin Boa Xin Boa ]]

"You realize my life was immensely easier when I was able to shoot people without question, right? Of course I could have shot the Quarren right in the bar but it might have raised many questions. I wouldn't want to get on your bad side either, might be some type of honor-law you'd have to follow if I had shot a fellow squid."

Elbow nudged Xin at that comment as they walked side-by-side, glancing up with a grin on her face. They had hashed out the deal with the Quarren and a meeting time of two days from now at the same bar,same booth, same time. It left them with some time to restock the Saegassum and poke around the Wheel. It wasn't going to be as relaxing as normal though - with the Kid in tow they would be looking over their shoulders more than ever.

"We've got a couple hours to kill before we have to collect the Kid from the tanks."

They were wandering through the streets outside the bar area. Dells rubbed her face a little, tired from being on the move for how long now. She drifted towards a small cart, smelling the caf that was for sale. Nothing like street-stall caf in her opinion, if done right it was quite stronger that what could be brewed aboard the ship.

Hot caf was in her hand now, pouring in some type of cream.

"Any plans?"
"A fellow squid?" he asked. He feigned an entirely shocked and offended expression.

"Going to start comparing you to every alien out there that can only breathe air in future," he chuckled. The feigned offence never lasted long with Xin. Even at his lowest he laughed. For the longest time it had been a defence mechanism, hiding his true feelings. For a long time now his laughter had been far more genuine.

He quickly felt the stress creeping back in. On a slow road back to a quieter lifestyle for them both, this was a particularly big bump in their path.

"Can't think of anything we can do with two hours. You?"
[[ Xin Boa Xin Boa ]]

"Go ahead with the alien jokes, I can handle it. Just buckle in and prepare for more squid jokes."

Finished preparing her caf, she had fully expected a different answer from Xin. Eyebrow raised slightly as she took in his form, waiting for more of a reply. Nothing.

Instead she reached up and felt his forehead,as if seeing if he was sick. A small tsk escaped her.

"We haven't been alone in weeks and you have nothing on your mind? Are you sick? Dehydrated? Am I no longer attractive? I knew this day would come sooner than later."
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He was not very good at hiding his feelings. The corner of his lips twitched upwards. Sparks of amusement flickered across the black of his eyes. Unfortunately he knew that he couldn't grab a thread that was as strong as the squidly jokes. They were just too embedded in their past.

"Da thought might have crossed my mind. I mean...Brak and Skreech are out with jobs. If you're insisting we could set an alarm on the loading ramp and find a room we haven't...been to before."

"Assuming of course ah don't look too much like a quarren for you," he added.
"Mm." A small pause as they switched directions on the dirty streets. "What every woman dreams about, a romantic rendezvous in a room she hasn't had one in before. I'm really living the dream, aren't I? I should walk back and find that Squid to see what he's offering. [[Couldn't be too much worse that this point."

Grin danced on her features as she slipped an arm around Xin. Their playful banter was a mainstay and most likely the key on how they didn't get on each others nerves too much during long stretches of time locked on a ship together. She did wonder how every air-breathing being they came across was going to be compared to herself though - time would tell on that one.

[[ Xin Boa Xin Boa ]]

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