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Last Watch - The Mandalorian Dominion of Agamar Hex [Cathar and Ord Cestus]


Seeker of Enlightenment
[member="Dariak Talesa"] [member="Hark Vizsla"] [member="Ra Vizsla"] @jaiyn vizsla

(OOC: playing all of this by ear. I guess I'll DM the NPC's for now)

At the bar

The fist fights began to unfold in your typical drunken fashion, with the Gamorrean swinging squarely at Hark, while another man aimed to throw a chair in the general direction of Jayn after the blaster came out. Several people began going to blows over an entirely unrelated matter. The cook of the bar a rather portly Whiphid, sensing the utter chaos unfolding before him, bellowed loudly "You fething shebheads take it outside if ya don't wanna be tomorrow's soup of the day!" with all the grace and compassion of, well, a fry cook who was not paid enough for this.

Another man ran out f the Cantina, grabbing a local Ashigaru in a temple robe with a large Vibro scimitar on his side. "Trouble, friend?" The droid asked, noticing the man's panicked pace.

The man replied. "Bar fight. Shots fired."

The droid nodded. "Take cover. I'll handle this."

City Entrance
Five-oh frowned. When would the delegation arrive? His comm-link chirped. "Bar-fight at the Desert Rose. Casualties. Send a medical team and dispatch. Possible shooting."

Five cursed his luck. Today of all days? He frowned and sent out some commands. "Medical team en route, dispatch via route seven out of Temple sector. I will arrive shortly." Five looked at IN-M8. "Contact me if the delegation arrives when I am out. An emergency has occurred at the Desert Rose."

IN-m8 woudl have cocked a brow if he had one. "Medical or criminal?"

"Both," the droid said with his usual tranquil tone as he walked down the street, petting Natsumi gently before running briskly towrds the trouble.

Back at the Bar
A booming voice rang in through the bar door. It was metallic, and almost rigid in its tone. "Denizens," the voice boomed. "I am the Ashigaru RU4AN, of the temple guard," the monotone voice began. "Lay your weapons on the floor immediately and place your hands on your head. We will see to the wounded as our medical team arrives. I repeat, please stop all violence."

Several people were already hiding under tables, and a few more did so. One man walked over to the Gammorrean, trying to stabilize the big fellows condition. "I can probably keep him from bleeding out til the wagons show up..." the man muttered. "Granna!" he yelled at the barkeep,"get me some towels."

Most of the others were staring at the Mandalorians, the remaining Gamorreans on the ground, save for one, who simply stood there, fists clenched. It was supposed to be a brawl, and they brought guns. Figures. He put his hands up. "Alright," he grunted, half-squeaked, "You win."
[member="Melina Tervho"] [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Caspian Rekali"]
Objective 6
Post 16/38

They were summarily lead to a great mound in the earth. As they approached it became clear this was no natural terrain and the cathar circled the mound to reveal a gaping hole in the ground. Broad enough for four men shoulder to shoulder and tall enough to swing a two-handed sword overhead.

Davon nodded to himself. He wasn't truly scared, but there was a bubble of fear in his core. Would have to be a mad man not to look at that and not give pause to the notion of fighting whatever built it with a sword.

He turned to the other mandalorians, speaking in basic for the benefit of the cathar. He knew Vilaz from the group and had heard of Draco Vereen. He had in fact met Vilaz chasing down the beast that would eventually kill Caspian's mentor, Ember Rekali. A man Davon had held in great esteem.

"Here we are then. I'm Davon Karr, not as sprightly as I used to be but might have a trick or two to impart.

"The cathar know this enemy, we don't. Observe, follow their direction. We fight together until understand what we're fighting."

He looked about the group, expecting introductions. Names were rather necessary when fighting together.

Jorga the Hutt

When life gives you Mandos, make Mando'ade
The next room held another member of the Death Watch. Rel shot him too.

The following room, while Death Watch-occupied, also held quite a bit of cover. In short order, Rel found himself crouched behind a metal crate, trading occasional fire with kyr'tsad.

"I don't suppose we could talk this through," he called over the crate.

A pause -- no fire. "Why?" said a vocoder'ed voice not unlike his own.

"Well, I'm tired of shooting Mandos. I want to be shooting Sith."

Across the room, behind cover of his own, the kyr'tsad seemed to mull that over. "I, too, would rather be shooting Sith. I'd prefer you were shooting Sith."

"I can imagine."

"Well, if the United Clans did more shooting of Sith, the Death Watch would be doing less shooting of the United Clans."

"Don't give me that necessary-gadfly thing. It's possible to kick a civilization in the pants without resorting to terrorism. Fair?"

"Not all Death Watch-"

"I'll concede that," said Rel.

Another pause. "So what happens now? Do you join the Death Watch?"

"Well, what do you stand for?"

"We're trying to remind the Mandalorian people of what they used to be, and what they should be again."

"By shooting them?"


"All right, what else do you stand for?"

"The old ways."

"Raid bravely, stand by your Clan, follow the Six Rules?"

"More or less."

"So what part of that brought you here? This operation, specifically; this station over Ord Cestus. Does your Clan benefit from this?"

"My Clan won't speak my name."

"Is this raid crucial to, say, teaching your children or wearing armour or speaking mando'a?"

"My children won't speak my name."

"I'm sorry; I wish I could empathize; I never had children. One more question: if brave raiding is what matters, why raid Mandos and not non-Mandos? My point here is that you people are acting for other motives than the principles you name. You're acting based on no principles at all; you don't stand for anything. Your identity is totally reactionary; it only exists in relation to what you think of the UCM."

"And the UCM stands for nothing either."

"Did I say they do?" said Rel.

"I suppose not."

"What makes a Mandalorian, vod? Of the half-dozen different versions throughout history, with different attitudes on everything from merc work to the meaning of honour, which one are you? Which one am I? What version of true Mandohood do we stand for, if anything?"
[member="Ra Vizsla"] | [member="50H31"] | [member="Hark Vizsla"] | [member="Jaiyn Viszla"]

Things had gone wrong in a quick succession of seconds that Dariak hadn't had any real time to react. From the first shots in the crowd he had loosened the sling on his carbine to bring it up to his shoulder while Ra and Jaiyn entered the scuffle. He had spun around to watch their backs for anything or anyone that might have tried to sneak up on them. There was nothing that he could see but when he turned to watch Jaiyn shoot the fat alien in the chest his heart sank. Dariak knew this slope was getting slipperier by the second.

Worse still there was an authoritative sound coming from outside the tavern asking for them to disarm. Dariak didn't skip a beat in placing his blasters and beskad on the floor in front of him before clasping his hands onto the back of his head. With narrowed eyes he turned to Jaiyn and sighed. "Your helmet too tight you bloody fool? We're supposed to be trying to win these people over. Firing your guns in a pub ain't gonna do that. When the coppers and no doubt our welcoming committee come you let me do the talking."

Jorga the Hutt

When life gives you Mandos, make Mando'ade
Post #6

"So what you're saying is," said the Death Watch fighter, still from across the room behind his own cover, "you're on a quest."

"A quest for the heart of Mandonity. Mandoness. Manditude. I respect that you have very strong feelings about the United Clans. Personally, I don't. I don't have a Clan; my rite of passage was fighting Omni at Ord Mantell."

"You were at Ord Mantell?"

"Why, were you?"

"No, my father was."

"What was his name?"

"Starc Vizla."

"Didn't know him, sorry. A lot of good vode died that day. I never learned all their names. Just wasn't a fight I wanted to remember."

A sound of armor grating on deck plate. "My father was a braggart. He never bragged about that fight."

"I can understand that. Tell me, Vizla. What did your father stand for?"
Location: Kiltik Mound
Objective: Blood Hunt
[member="Davon Karr"] [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Caspian Rekali"] [member="Melina Tervho"]
[Post 5]

Once the young female cathar had seen to painting his back and chest in the glyphs and runes of the Cathar Priests, she marked his face as well. From the top of his head to his belt he was colored with the patterns and markings of the Cathar people. For how could one complete a ritual of purging and learning to control their inner darkness without actually participating in such a ritual completely. According to the Cathar, normally this would be done one warrior at a time, alone against the nest, nothing but the steel in their hands and the claws on their fingers.

For many of the Mandalorians it was odd being out of their beskar'gam, meaning iron skin, was almost always worn. Many of them were still carrying blasters which was being allowed by the Cathar given the size of the nest. As was the fact that multiple warriors were approaching at once. The gaping opening the feliniods lead them to.

"I'm Draco. Our shepherds for this have instructed to stay to the main tunnel, watch for the sides, the many access tunnels can be used to ambush us, and should be watched. They will burrow new accesses as we fight." The others he looked around. He had heard of the Old Man, much akin to Ember Rekali's situation. Vilaz of course he knew. The others he did not, though he recognized the surname of the other. Rekali was a name every Mandalorian knew some.

Draco gripped his sword in his hands and the blade slowly elongated into a long sword, only a little shorter than the average lightsaber, the ostrine edge angled outwards from himself, since it would be the best for killing these creatures.

"Ka tyara tsikala. Rala oya'karir om." The words were spoken in Mando'a and the Cathar beside him nodded, seemingly understanding by tone. The Cathar warriors turned their heads to the sky roaring at the top of their lungs and Draco followed suit.

Inside the mound noise stirred, movement could be seen in the shadows.

The chittering of thousands of manibles, coming to protect their queen and feed their nest. They had some space, it would be the waiting with the noise that got to their nerves.
Objective -
Objective 3 -Relief Aid. Come unarmed and bring supplies to the camps outside Calna Muun where those who lost their homes in the invasion are staying. The fierce weather is bad news for those without real homes.

Location guiding the Dancing Thranta to the surface.
Post 1

She often flew her own ship, and often flew with limited staff, today she brought three teams of responders they were bringing in supplies, and their own talents of medical assistance. She was late in getting here, now having to travel about the galaxy between different worlds. Different sectors. She knew that she wouldn't be able to keep this up for long periods, the force was life giving but even at her age she understood she had to slow down some.

She was not the woman of her youth, but neither was she to be considered the old crone.

"Master Rianna, the pallets are ready for the camps, and we have the portable clinic ready to set up"

Rianna nodded looking back briefly, "Good, I"m not sure what we will encounter" She assumed lots, though she could have just used the force to find out. Why? In a few moments they would be on the ground and finding out. She sensed no danger though, too many times aide had been requested only to find themselves in a crossfire.
Location: Kiltik Hive
Objective: Blood Hunt
Allies: [member="Davon Karr"] [member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Melina Tervho"]
Post: [2/20]

Caspian remained quiet for the most part as the group moved as one towards the Kiltik Hive that would be their killing grounds for the test to come. However he shared a common feeling felt among all the Mandalorians, as if they were naked without their armor on. They spent so much time in their armor, taking care of their armor, that it felt odd to go into battle without it. There was a common mandalorian saying about the man who wound up fighting without putting his armor on is a dead man, it was safe to say that the level of caution they were taking was a few pegs higher than normal. As the men began introducing themselves some of them he already knew either purely through reputation or through hearing his grandfather speak of them.

Caspian heard of the infamous Dragon of Mandalore before, the Alor of Clan Vereen had a great and sometimes controversial reputation, but he was highly respected regardless. However from what he heard about him it was extremely rare for anyone to even see the infamous Dragon out of his armor. He speculated what the man might look like under there, perhaps he was smaller than how he looked in the armor or thinner. Draco was in fact just as big out of his armor as he was in them. He wasn't quite as tall as Caspian but he definitely weighed more. Vilaz Munin the Field Marshal was another well known name. Vilaz was a highly skilled warrior renown for his non existent force sensitivity yet he excelled in fighting, and ruthlessly beating force users into the dirt. The "Rattlesnake of Concord Dawn" was well known for his temper and extremely blunt way of speaking, he wasn't one to dance around making a point. Most of all it decidedly helped to see who Vilaz respected, if he didn't respect you then you can damn well be sure that he would let you know he didn't.

He could feel the looks the men gave him as they walked together, he was a Rekali. They were able to tell not just because of the tattoos on his body, but he shared the common features associated with his family, including the vibrant violet eyes. Every Mandalorian knew who Warmaster [member="Ember Rekali"] was and it was through the deeds of him and their family that most mandalorians knew the name. To some it was already a chip of respect on their shoulders, but certainly not for Caspian. For better or for worse he shared some of his grandfathers traits, being more stubborn than a krayt dragon in a nesting hole was one of them. He would earn his respect through individual merit, not through how they perceived his family. "I'm Caspian. From what I've heard about these things from the hunters as we get closer to the queen they'll get more and more desperate in trying to kill us. Don't get caught in their stampedes, you'll be a pulpy stain on the ground." Caspian said. As the warriors drew their various weapons Caspian grabbed the hilt off of his belt and activated it, the Rekali Witchsword forming seemingly out of nothing. He held the blade in one hand as he walked.
[member="Melina Tervho"] [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Caspian Rekali"]
Objective 6
Post 17/38

Davon watched the extending blades of Caspian and Draco with some suspicion. Perhaps that was technology, perhaps the Force. What was that old saying? Suitably advanced technology was as magic to those who didn't understand it.

He made a mental note to ask one of his many grandchildren about it. Perhaps extending swords were simply a new technology; he had been off the front lines for some time now.

Still, he trusted a simple beskar blade. His inwardly curved blade was best wielded in two hands. A spear would perhaps have been better suited to the task ahead, but he knew this blade. His hands had known its weight and feel for nearly eight decades. Woe to the Kilikt that put a leg within his reach. What Davon did know was that he hadn't the stamina he used to have to swing it over and over. Running out of steam when fighting beside young warriors, that thought scared him more than the incoming horde.

He just needed a name from the last mandalorian. He would come to know those beside him far better in the coming hour than any words would allow.

Jorga the Hutt

When life gives you Mandos, make Mando'ade
Post #7
Space station above Ord Cestus

"My father," said the Death Watch warrior, "believed in the Supercommando Codex. He believed hard. I grew up on the six hundred tenets of how to be a good mercenary, how honorable it was to fight other men's wars well."

Rel's helmet sensors showed no movement, but helmet sensors could be spoofed. He glanced around his metal crate and caught a glimpse of a buy'ce, a gauntlet -- just the edges, not enough to be vulnerable, but enough to more or less confirm that his nominal enemy was still under cover on the other side of the room. "I take it you don't believe in merc work."

The kyr'tsad laughed, guttural through his vocoder. "I believe in the resol'nare."

"Providing for your family is part of that."

"Consider this, vod," said the kyr'tsad. "Not all choices are between good and bad. Some things are good, some are better, and some are best. It is good to provide for your family. It is better to act in their best interests. I contend that you fail to act in their best interests when you lead them to fight for others' interests, rather than their own, and when you teach them to fight for others' causes without thinking through the consequences of their actions."

"A kyr'tsad is telling me to think things through?" said Rel.

"I can't know the results of these particular actions that I take as a man of the Death Watch, vod. I believe that I can achieve my objective, and that it falls within the realm of probable consequences. How many have taken up the banner of the Death Watch in the last twenty years, the last five especially? Do you honestly believe that a non-negligible fraction of the mando'ade would take up arms against the rest without thinking it through? Over and over again? Every day of our lives?"
Objective 8, Post 1.

[member="Dariak Talesa"] | [member="Ra Vizsla"] | [member="50H31"] | [member="Hark Vizsla"] | [member="Jaiyn Viszla"]

Bloodshot dropped the rodian he was holding with an unceremonious thud as the violence seemed to lull, and his chagrin at the situation would have been obvious had he not been wearing a helmet. He'd been delighted when the other mando'ade arrived and almost immediately turned the place into a brawl, but now that the authoritative droid had begun yelling things seemed to be cooling off. Something had to be done about that droid. It took him all of half an instant to decide on what that was, and he drew one of his blasters without hesitation, aiming it squarely at the wounded creature on the floor and squeezing the trigger three times in rapid succession.

@Bloodshot @Dariak Talesa [member="50H31"] [member="Hark Vizsla"] [member="Ra Vizsla"]

Head still spinning due to the ungodly amount of pain the Mandalorian had received, Jaiyn froze, blaster held pointed at a Selkath's yet unscathed kneecap. He was just about ready to fry the fish too, had it not been for the droid's booming authoritarian voice.

"So much for work..." He grumbled, holstering his weapon, and raising his hands up in surrender. Under his helmet, there was a pointed glare targeted at Dariak, but it was silent, and meaningless. He just really didn't want to get into trouble with the authorities. "Officer, I bid you arrest these men!" He called out, in a tone far more official than any other Mandalorian spacer. "This... Filth decided to cause a public disturbing in this fine cantina!" He spoke, hands still raised. "Had we been unarmed, we would have been killed!"
Objective 8: Envoy

Allies: [member="Dariak Talesa"] [member="50H31"] [member="Hark Vizsla"] [member="Jaiyn Viszla"]
Post: 4

"Stand down," Ra growled, raising his hands. "It's over."

Chaos had ensued in front of the Desert Rose cantina, all thanks to a grumpy Gamorrean who thought he recognized the larger Mandalorian. He looked over at the droid who had entered, or seemingly a droid. Ra wasn't sure. It had claimed it was of the Temple Guard, though, so the elder Vizsla assume they were about to find out exactly who he was - not to mention that this small party of Mandalorians looked extremely guilty right now, in this predicament. "Greetings, Temple Guard..." A spat of blood erupted from Ra's mouth, as one massive hand lowered to clutch his sides.

The Gurlanin Mandalorian's shirt was covered in thick pastes of blood, the crimson beginning to turn brown with age in the cloth. Ra didn't seem surprised - it seemed he knew exactly where those first three blaster bolts ad landed. He looked over at Jaiyn, Dariak, and Hark, then back to the Temple Guard as sweat began to run down his brow.

"I think I'll be requiring that medical attention..."
Objective 8​

So this is where the Wolf came back. Whispers upon winds had landed him here. Thirst had thrust him into yet another fight. The Mandalorian Field Marshal walked casually through the opening to the Cantina, passed the denizens were who getting the hell out of dodge, not for the reason of survival or a fear of injury- they'd prefer not to be around the local law enforcement- and then there were those cowering under the tables. He wore his armor, the signature visage of the Wolf, the savage Mandalorian who had inflicted so much terrible violence from one end of the galaxy to the other. Helmet clutched tightly in his crushgaunt-adorned hand, brown eyes danced around the scene, sizing each of the individuals up, before falling upon the Mandalorians in the room. [member="Jaiyn Viszla"] got a quick stare, the unimposing and unimpressive Mandalorian was simply glanced over.[member="Dariak Talesa"] spoke sternly, and almost professionally. Preliat gave him however, a similar disconcerting and uncaring look. @Hark Viszla got a stare, an understanding stare that would be akin to two predators finding each other in the wild. Preliat could just tell by a glance he was a military man, but he doubted by all this that he was of any importance to the Mandalorians.

Then, his gaze fell harshly upon the large man, Ra Viszla. He gestured to the carnage and chaos around him.

"I was expecting more when I heard the Mandalorians were on this desolate planet."He gazed down at a civilian who was near the point of wetting himself."No offense."He turned back up to the group of Mandalorians."Although...I do not think this is beneficial for the image of our people on the planet, hm?"He looked down at the wounded pig on the ground, then back to the other pigs, who had barged in on a perfectly good barfight. His eyes narrowed at the temple guards.

"I do believe my men have found themselves in a cut-and-dry display of self-defense against your local lowlifes."

[member="Preliat Mantis"] [member="Ra Vizsla"] @Bloodshot @Dariak Talesa [member="50H31"]

If unchained, Jaiyn could've probably pulled some sort of crazy speech on the droid, leading him to con the authorities. Or at least, he'd try. But even the young Mandalorian knew when to obey his leader. Teeth clenching into a tight snarl, Jaiyn stepped away from the bot, eyes glaring at the Mandalorian official which had just entered the room. Although he was seemingly on their side, Jaiyn knew better than to immediately trust the man. He'd much rather face trial by local authorities than by a Mandalorian judge. Though... If he did take matters into his own hands, Jaiyn could convince him to supply them with fuel. That'd at least solve some of their problems.

Sighing, he removed his blood-splattered helmet, taking a glance at Ra as he did so. "You alright, old man?" He asked hollowly, assessing his wounds. The answer was an obvious no. The blasters must have been sub par- Not good enough to cauterize the blast, instead causing a series of small explosions typical to energy weapons. He'd seen the likes of said wounds before, back on Mandalore. If untreated, the pain would slowly eat at him. "Uh... I think I've got some old medkits on me. Kolto, so don't expect an instant recovery." Scrounging around on his belt for the intervenial, he went through a few stimulants, before handing the Gurlanin a syringe loaded with a clear, green tinted liquid.


Seeker of Enlightenment
[member="Jaiyn Viszla"] [member="Preliat Mantis"] [member="Ra Vizsla"] @Bloodshot @Dariak Talesa [member="Hark Vizsla"]

Things seemed to almost calm down as the guards entered and assessed the situation. And then one of the armored men shot at the alien bleeding out on the ground while the others did their best to claim innocence and demand a trial. The guard drew his blade and pointed it at Bloodshot. "You will set your weapon on the ground, or I will remvoe your head from the rest of you," he said sternly. "The remainder of you, and your compatriots," the droid began tersely, "will surrender to our custody for questioning. This is not negotiable. A citizen of this city is dead."

The other droids, seven in number at this point, all in similar uniforms, kept their weapons leveled.

The man who had been trying to stop the Gamorrean's bleeding looked in utter horror. "You bastard! He was already wounded! What the hell is wrong with you people!" The man screamed, seemingly overtaken by his rage.

---Outside the bar---

Five-oh had finally made it to the bar. The Temple guard had set up a perimeter. "What is the situation, brother," the Monk said to a large, burly zabrak in an outfit not unlike a corsec uniform dyed in the same colors as Five's own robes.

"Greetings, brother," the Zabrak said gruffly. "RUH4N's trying to talk them down. Heavily armed and armored. Foreigners."

Five-oh frowned. If he had gears in his head instead of circuits, this is the point where they would turn. "Armor....damnit."

"Sir?" the Zabrak inquired.

Five-oh wished he could frown right now. "I will assist in the interrogation of these prisoners, should they be in suitable condition."
The Admiralty
Location: Generis.

A command tent was set up outside the backdrop of an ancient temple complex.

The Kyr’tsad had send four, Vizsla and theirs were four too. This was a week after the events on Agamar and Clan Vizsla’s insertion at the last moment of the battle.

Their push had tipped the scales.

The Death Watch forces keeping the Clans main forces pinned in the Starport scattered against the pressure and from there Agamar had fallen in line again. Ronan felt little remorse about it all - to him, these Kyr’tsad were a disgrace to the legacy of the Vizslas. This opinion solidified after their terrorist attack on the shipyards over Mandalore.

But when a challenge was set… you could not decline as easy as that.

So Ronan came with three of his brothers at his back. A shield, a sword and a lance, they and the Kyr’tsad stayed outside of the tent, while Ronan went inside.

Dark with a few candles here and there illuminating the corners at random. There was a table in the middle of the spacious tent, two seats facing each other and a man sitting on the other side.

No armor, two icy blue eyes in deep, deep sockets and half a smile that did not quite reach up to lighten the mood.

No armor, what did that mean?

Vizsla halted at the entrance, before speaking finally. “Brother, I didn’t expect you.”

Deep sockets grinned in full then, his chin resting on his hands.

Ahhhhh, Ronan. You never quite could resist a challenge set. How’s father? How’s our clan?
Location: Kiltik Mound
Objective: Blood Hunt
[member="Davon Karr"] [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Caspian Rekali"] [member="Melina Tervho"]
[Post 6]

The warrior cleared his mind and began searching for his calm center. Combat was rarely calm, and the Cathar believed it was the sign of maturity to be able to find and maintain a calm, collected, calculating attitude during pitched battle, something so few were actually able to accomplish. Perhaps that was why the Cathar had been able to pull themselves from the brink of extinction and survive, why they were able to even consider forgiving the very culture that had seen their species face death's door, though they were not the only ones.

Draco swung his sword around just a bit, rolling it with a twist of his wrist about himself in a pair of tight arcs to either side of his body before gripping the weapon in a high guard just over his head. He had trouble finding that calm center the Cathar had told him about, and he knew they would be watching the Mandalorians, looking for those overtaken by bloodlust and too overly concerned with conquest. Survival and the thrill of battle was one thing, the wanton bloody murder of everything that breathed, the lust for killing other beings was an entirely different matter.

The Mandalorian suffered from that bloodlust, he had before and this Blood Hunt was intended to aid warriors in obtaining the calm center the felinoids spoke about. The chittering would wear at the nerves of younger, less experienced warriors, bring fear into their hearts, but not these Mandalorians. Davon was one of the most seasoned warriors still able to heft a Beskad through battle. Caspian was a Rekali, known for their hearts of courage and fire. Vilaz hunted beasts of tremendous size and held his own against Force Users, Jedi and Sith alike. He didn't know the girl, but she could pull on the four warriors' courage. And Draco, what he feared most was himself, no bug was going to stir terror in him or cause him to freeze.

"Keep tight so we can assist each other if need be. If it starts to drag on, we can go by pairs. Two fight while the other two rest. This is about surviving, outlasting. It doesn't matter how many we kill if one of us falls in the process." Draco grinned and dropped his guard to his waist in a low upward guard.
Objective 6: Blood Hunt
Allies: [member="Davon Karr"] | [member="Draco Vereen"] | [member="Vilaz Munin"] | [member="Caspian Rekali"] | Cathars
Post: 2

She imagined standing there watching the others around the opening at the mound that they would feel naked and exposed, uncomfortable going into an unknown situation without their armor. Mel felt as though it was just another day on the job.

She nodded to them in turn as they introduced themselves, an impassive expression on her features. When it was her turn to speak, she rolled her shoulders back and stood to her full height.

"I'm Mel."

That was it, nothing fancy. She didn't give her last name, as currently it didn't matter. She drew one of her DC-17's from the holster and clicked off the safety. When the others gave direction, she acknowledged but other than that, she didn't really have much to say.

Her hair was pulled up out of her face into pigtails, long strands of purple extensions peeking out of them. Her pale eyes moved around the tunnel, looking for cover and sight lines.

When the men moved, she followed.
Objective 6: Blood Hunt
Allies: [member="Melina Tervho"] [member="Davon Karr"] | [member="Draco Vereen"] | [member="Vilaz Munin"] | [member="Caspian Rekali"] | Cathars
Post: 18

Davon followed in the wake of the Cathar warriors. Several carried large bags, the reason for which was quickly revealed. Small spheres, a few centimetres across, were taken out one by one and thrown against the cavern walls. As they struck they lit up, each small globe providing almost plenty of light for a stretch of tunnel. They illuminated the remains of many dead Kiltiks, workers who had been killed by the advance party.

Davon gave a curt nod of appreciation. Idle thoughts would have to wait for another time. A distant rumble started to build. The cathar rushed forwards to a point where the tunnel split into two and held firm. The sound grew in volume until he could make out the constant chittering as well as a background of chitinous hide clattering away.

The shapes emerged slowly from the side tunnel, clearly hesitant at the light ahead. The cathar wasted no time in attacking. These were soldier-insects, wide mandibles snapping the air. The feline warriors were quick, avoiding the plates and striking the joints of limbs and eyes.

When one of them broke through the Cathar Davon launched himself to his left in a long stride. Something he’d usually avoid with a blade, but he doubted the insects were watching his footwork. His curved blade came around from his right and severed two legs. The creature half-dropped to the ground, pushing itself along towards the rest of the mandalorians.

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