Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Last Words

Mmm... love u to death! Literaly... ;)

(tho im not kuite strong enogh to crush ur ribs in a hug, not unles your a skinny guy; id have to grab you in a thigh-lock for that XD )


Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Say, did an ADM delete one of your posts here, [member="Natalija"] ?
I could have swore you posted between my two posts on this page.

Hmm.... wonder if it's the Big Green Gila Monster that did it?.. :huh:
[member="Marina DeVoe"] I did... but aparently i been a bad girl vith that post, and the staff decided to slap me on the vrist. just back from 3 day suspenzion. Truth be told... yea... that one vasnt exacly PG13.

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
[member="Natalija"] , looks like we have something in common. Well, not with Marina, no. This character is an angel.
But my alt Karlie got into trouble. She got into trouble flirting with one of the factory judges and was scolded by the Big Kahuna himself. Karlie asked for some warning points, but they didn't want to give her any. I think they were on to her motive in asking for points as she was going to wear those points as medals or something. But yea, she got reamed for that little stunt of hers, and they denied her submission and then deleted the entire thread. She had to resubmit and behave cordially. writing Karlie. She's been my favorite character ever since I created her on other boards.
Sooooo....welcome to the bad girl club. :p
Wel, i'm on 1 warning point. Vhatever that means... but i dont particulary like haveing any "points". As someone vith a police rekord (dont ask, lets just say things got out of hand a few times over the years, ocupational hazard), i dont need a bad girl moniker... i alredy have one IRL :p

But thx! Let me guess... that flirting crosed the PG line, huh?

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
lol, no. It was innocently cute, Karlie style. She was like giving the judge her communication's number (which linked it to her profile), inviting the judge for coffee etc... things of that nature. All IC as I always am on the boards. But being the factory and I'm guessing the factory was overloaded at the time (maybe reason it got shut down/revamped), it didn't tollerate taking up judges time.
And no, I wasn't the cause of the revamp or what ailed the factory. Just saying the factory was overloaded and with Karlie doing her IC thing, the Big Kahuna popped a fuse.
But honestly, it was some good Karlie fun. Who knows, maybe they remembered her from the other boards and was payback time...I can only guess. Karlie used to get into a lot of trouble with quite a few peeps OOC... :p
But no, it wasn't vulgar...just good ol'fashion quirky flirting...Karlie style. :laugh:

God, I love writing her. :D

And you got a point! That', that's like a battle badge! Be proud of it...Karlie would. :)

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