As soon as the Knight pulled her hands from the slender waist of the Princess, Quinn sighed gently, fighting the urge to pull her back. There was something about the woman's firm grip on her, the pressure from her fingers keeping the Echani in place. Quinn figured it was how the Echani language worked; touch spoke louder than words. Kaila's touch spoke of desire and a forbidden word the Princess chose to ignore.
"Of course," she responded to the woman's breathless question. Quinn needed to pace herself, more so for etiquette's sake. They were still quickly within office hours, and knowing her students, if they heard anything from the girlish Professor, they would do everything in their power to break in and see. Quinn was sure that the walls of the office were, for the most part, soundproof. If not, any lucky soul just heard the listings of two women, stifled but on the verge of uncontrolled.
Trying to keep her thoughts pure, the Echani placed the silver etched compact onto her desk with the lipstick. Her gaze drifted back to her lover as the woman recalled her recent adventures. Quinn found her interest peaked as a name that often made her heart leap was spoken.
"Tremiru," Quinn repeated the name as a gentle smile crossed her face. Saying the woman's name felt forbidden in the current company. Still, even if they had drifted apart, Alina always held a place in the Echani's heart.
"Alina Tremiru, yes, she was at the celebration - we shared a dance," Quinn recalled her voice light, almost enjoying the memory of their time together. As she mused, fingers spun the ring on her necklace, touching the melt delicately.
"You two went on a mission together? How funny my current and former lover find each other without my introduction." Maybe it was a good thing; while Alina wasn't the type to be jealous, Quinn didn't want Kaila to be worried.
"Alina and I were engaged once, fairly recently, to be exact. Things just got in the way, and we drifted apart. I was happy to see her at the celebration." There was a fondness in her voice, one Kaila would easily recognize. While her heart belonged to the Knight and the Maid - Alina had been there for her since they were teenagers. Quinn changed the subject without wanting to dull Kaila's time with tales of lost love.
"Did you go hunting rebels with her?" Quinn inquired and then thought quietly at the implications.
"She said the same thing about hunting rebels. Were you two on Susevfi?" The woman's concern was written on her face; it was the benefit of being alone with Kaila. Her emotions could be fully displayed: lust, anger, concern, and anything in between.
"I'm glad nothing terrible happened to either of you; those rebels are dangerous - they have access to weapons that they shouldn't have." Quinn calmed herself before she started to ramble.
"Did you find anything? If you did, you should report them to Gerw-- Commander Lecher." Quinn knew the man had his own forces moving through, trying to find the mastermind behind the rebellion. Not only was her words the tipping point, but something had driven them to the edge before her arrival. Quinn moved from the desk to stand in front of Kaila. Hands rest on the woman's knees, pushing them apart, allowing her to be as close as possible. Arms wrapped tightly around the woman's waist drew her into a tight embrace. Quinn buried her head into her shoulder and let the silence hang momentarily.
The gentle whisper between the two lovers caressed the ears of the Knight,
"Please promise me you're being careful…I can't lose you - ever."