Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Late for Class

ᴅᴀʀᴛʜ ᴀɴᴀᴛʜᴇᴍᴏᴜꜱ


Location: Jutrand, sith academy
Wearing: Sith attire
Tag: Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin

Kaila had been looking forward to this moment for quite some time. Weeks, months, the young governor of Echnos was not entirely sure how long it had been since she last had time off to see her dear princess, but it was finally time.

If only she could've brought flowers.

Well she had flower, waiting in a landspeeder outside, but Kaila had grown impatient and chosen to venture inside the Academy to see Quinn the exact moment her last class of the day ended. And so here she was, still dressed her in traveling cloak as she traversed the halls, expecting to surprise the echani somewhere between class and the door, however a quick glance at her wrist-computer made showed that she was a little early.

And she was already starting to get looks from the students, especially those who recognized her from the holonews.

What are you-"

Sith business." she answered with the most official tone she could manage.

Of course now Darth Anathemous realized she'd need to be more convincing from here on out, Though she supposed maintaining their cover would do Quinn some good in her official life anyway.

And so the young Darth entered the classroom, chin held high and marching with purpose as if she truly belonged in that room for reasons that simply could not wait. Class was nearly over anyway, and so she gave Quinn a faint, knowing smirk as she turned to face her from the back of the classroom, arms folded behind her back like she were some decorated officer delivering a report to his commander, or perhaps, her to her Empress.

Well, it appears I am late for class." she hummed wryly.


//: Kaila Irons Kaila Irons //:
//: Jutrand Academy //:
//: Attire //:
The classroom hummed as Quinn went through the lecture, which focused today on the abilities of force users and how their connection to the Force varied. She continued to lecture using different Sith Lords and Jedi Masters of the past, sharing their philosophies. The students asked questions, and as the woman answered, the sound of their keyboards clanked away. While this was a Sith Academy, learning all aspects of the Force was wise - making the children better Sith and dangers to the Jedi. Another slide shifted on the screen behind her; Quinn turned and began to speak, bringing up points that the Sith Lord on the screen had made.

Upon further listening, it was apparent the young woman was talking about one of the 8th Empire's rulers, Darth Desimus, Ashin Varanin. A student quickly drew the conclusions, and Quinn turned to answer. As she did, a hand gently pushed back her silvery hair. The story continued as students asked questions about her birth mother and the meeting of the pair. Quinn continued to spout information, her cheeks flushing slightly as the students giggled at something that sounded like a compliment on the young woman's features. Her lips pursed together, gently scolding the older male student. Turning, her eyes fell upon the woman in the back. The typically poised Professor caught her breath, causing the students to reflect on what had distracted their beloved teacher.

Snickers happened, seeing the deep crimson blush of their Professor upon catching the Governor of Echnos' gaze. Quinn cleared her throat as the students began their teasing, "Quiet, Quiet. If all of you behave, I'll let the lecture out early." The students were instantly silenced, as was the prospect. Quinn smiled and waved the students goodbye, along with assigning them no homework for the evening. She'll wrangle them tomorrow; her attention was already taken by the woman in the back. Gathering her things, Quinn winked at Kaila and soon followed up towards her, carrying the small briefcase.

"You have quite the timing." She waited till the last student left the room, and the door was shut and locked with a flick of her wrist. They had been away from each other for some time, especially after Susevfi, as they had duties to attend to. The Princess smiled, pulling the woman she held as her beloved protector closer, "I've missed you, my sweet knight." Before Kaila could answer, the would-be Empress pressed her lips against her paramour's. It was just as sweet as she had remembered and a reminder of how much she had longed for it. Having control over herself, Quinn pulled back, fixed her hair slightly, and bit her lower lip. She might have let things progress in their reunion if they weren't in the classroom. "So what brings you to the academy, Governor?"

She asked as she waved for the women to follow her down the hallway towards her office. At least there, they'd have a bit of privacy.
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Location: Jutrand, sith academy
Wearing: Sith attire
Tag: Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin

Kaila afforded herself a faint smile despite her best efforts to hide what could have become a fiendish grin. Her gaze never left Quinn even as the dismissed class filed out the door beside her, thankfully being of a height that the view was never quite blocked.

Being the paler of the two, the echani's flushed cheeks seemed to stand out, a beautiful contrast, as were most things about the princess.

The familiar ✱click✱ of a locking door however allowed the sorceress her wide grin as the pair approached, entering a snug embrace, drawing a content sigh out of the dathomiri-vahla.

And a pleasantly surprised groan as they kissed.

She followed the echani's lips for but a moment as they pulled away, ever hungry for these few moments they could spend without eyes upon them. But alas, opening her own it seemed she'd forgotten herself in that bliss. Quinn, it seemed, was the more controlled of the two.

"So what brings you to the academy, Governor?"

"I was getting impatient," she admitted whilst following her to the office.

"To see my enchanting princess again."

Though her toothy smile had a somewhat mischievous quality, it was also genuine. Beautiful as the woman was, and for as constant as her reminders would be, there were so many reasons to smile with Quinn, beyond the physical. Every visit was as if a breath of fresh air after finally making planetfall after a long voyage, or feeling the warmth of sunlight after a long winter.

Or perhaps that was merely the heat rising in her face.

"Perhaps I should arrange for some sort of official cover that'll allow us to linger close."

"Especially if I get to see you in that suit more often." she added, biting her lip.

"It suits you- well... you know what I mean."


//: Kaila Irons Kaila Irons //:
//: Jutrand Academy //:
//: Attire //:
Quinn smiled, fighting the tightness in her chest as she listened to Kaila's response. Time apart had left her missing the woman who walked beside her, but that time, sadly, was focused on healing. Quinn believed she was better weeks ago, but the Imperial doctors had decided against that. Being cut off from the Force as long as she was, her body had begun to break down at the cellular level. She needed more healing time and meditation to realign her soul to the Force. Her smooth skin and youthful appearance, closer to when she was in school, was evidence of the Force at work.

The walk to her office felt longer than usual; Quinn desperately wanted to have her moment with the woman beside her, as time had not been kind to either of them. "A cover would be interesting, but I could always list you as a personal guard - with previous events, the Academy wouldn't ask any questions." Quinn mused as she pressed her code into the keypad of the large door. Like many professors, she was given her own space, an office, and a personal training room.

Quinn spun, leaning against the door before she faced the woman behind her. Quirking an eyebrow, the Echani looked at her lover and laughed softly, "You're terrible." The pun had landed, and the Princess couldn't help but laugh. Whether it was on purpose or not, Quinn found the woman, for some reason, ungodly attractive. Her eyes glanced side to side; upon seeing the empty hallway of the academy offices, she grabbed the lapel of the woman's clothing and pulled her into the office. Another kiss as the door opened and shut after they nearly fell in.

The control she was known for dissipated, and Quinn pulled Kaila as close as she could. Weeks and potentially months had passed since she had tasted the Knight, and here, in the security and safety of her office - the Princess would indulge. Long and desperate kisses with roaming hands filled the first moments of her office time. Quinn stepped backward, pulling the other woman along until the desk stopped her. In just a moment, the Princess smoothly pulled herself up, making her slightly taller and giving her access to the Vahlaian hybrid. Her lips trailed along the woman's neck till she pulled away and caught her breath.

"I'm sorry," she apologized, her legs crossing as she fixed her now tussled ashen hair. Her gaze drifted about the office as a finger trailed along her lips, cleaning any smeared red pigment on her face. Quinn leaned back and dug in the desk drawer to pull a compact and her lipstick out to fix whatever had been disturbed during her desperate fixation on Darth Anathemous.

"I've missed you as well, and I'm glad I wasn't the only one losing their patience." Quinn finished as she added the final touch to her red lipstick, "So tell me what you've been up to, anything exciting?"
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Location: Jutrand, sith academy
Wearing: Sith attire
Tag: Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin

"Every empress needs her big and strong royal guard." Kaila teased, knowing well that she wasn't much bigger than Quinn at all.

"Perhaps we can make it official someday, We could have neighboring rooms in the palace, connected via secret passage and all those romantic sorts of things things from the holobooks."

Despite her crooked smile, this was a very real possibility in Kaila's mind, assuming that Quinn still wished to keep their secret by the time she sat the kyber throne. While she would certainly prefer the echani allow the silence to be broken, playing royal knight was certainly an acceptable alternative. So long as she remained close to her empress, that's what mattered.

And she would make a fine empress, in time.

Mistakes or not, news of Susevfi had united half the bloody empire that day, all for Quinn. Bloodlines, oaths, hearts, it didn't matter how she'd done it or why, she had made cooperation even between Carnifex and His hateful apprentice for it. Given time to hone her edge, Kaila had no doubts the echani would realize this and wield her influence as both the weapon and shield of this empire.

Already the empress-to-be was more commanding, pulling the young Darth by the collar into her office such that the heavier warrior threw her arms out to stop herself from falling and crushing the recovering princess, thankfully made easy by the desk in front of them.

For a time the only sounds in that office were the smacking of lips and muffled giggling.

Quinn's lips seemed extra soft due to cellular regeneration, or perhaps it was simply the relief she felt, feeling them against her own again after so long. She was almost disappointed to feel them part, though the feeling was quickly silenced with each kiss against her neck, causing her chin to tilt upwards, and a blissful sigh to leave her throat.

"I'm sorry,"

She opened her eyes slowly, realizing she was holding the princess by her waist.

"For stopping, right?" she teased nervously, letting go.

Her face was quite red as she sat down beside Quinn, who was asking what the lord of Echnos has been up to in her absence, and admittedly, she had to catch her breath first.

"Oh, uhm... Hunting rebels, mostly." Kaila admitted, giving an unsure, sidelong glance.

She hoped the topic wouldn't bring Quinn back to an uncomfortable place.

"With someone I'm told you knew, a woman, Tremiru I believe? I saw the two of you at the ceremony too."


//: Kaila Irons Kaila Irons //:
//: Jutrand Academy //:
//: Attire //:
As soon as the Knight pulled her hands from the slender waist of the Princess, Quinn sighed gently, fighting the urge to pull her back. There was something about the woman's firm grip on her, the pressure from her fingers keeping the Echani in place. Quinn figured it was how the Echani language worked; touch spoke louder than words. Kaila's touch spoke of desire and a forbidden word the Princess chose to ignore.

"Of course," she responded to the woman's breathless question. Quinn needed to pace herself, more so for etiquette's sake. They were still quickly within office hours, and knowing her students, if they heard anything from the girlish Professor, they would do everything in their power to break in and see. Quinn was sure that the walls of the office were, for the most part, soundproof. If not, any lucky soul just heard the listings of two women, stifled but on the verge of uncontrolled.

Trying to keep her thoughts pure, the Echani placed the silver etched compact onto her desk with the lipstick. Her gaze drifted back to her lover as the woman recalled her recent adventures. Quinn found her interest peaked as a name that often made her heart leap was spoken. "Tremiru," Quinn repeated the name as a gentle smile crossed her face. Saying the woman's name felt forbidden in the current company. Still, even if they had drifted apart, Alina always held a place in the Echani's heart. "Alina Tremiru, yes, she was at the celebration - we shared a dance," Quinn recalled her voice light, almost enjoying the memory of their time together. As she mused, fingers spun the ring on her necklace, touching the melt delicately.

"You two went on a mission together? How funny my current and former lover find each other without my introduction." Maybe it was a good thing; while Alina wasn't the type to be jealous, Quinn didn't want Kaila to be worried. "Alina and I were engaged once, fairly recently, to be exact. Things just got in the way, and we drifted apart. I was happy to see her at the celebration." There was a fondness in her voice, one Kaila would easily recognize. While her heart belonged to the Knight and the Maid - Alina had been there for her since they were teenagers. Quinn changed the subject without wanting to dull Kaila's time with tales of lost love.

"Did you go hunting rebels with her?" Quinn inquired and then thought quietly at the implications. "She said the same thing about hunting rebels. Were you two on Susevfi?" The woman's concern was written on her face; it was the benefit of being alone with Kaila. Her emotions could be fully displayed: lust, anger, concern, and anything in between. "I'm glad nothing terrible happened to either of you; those rebels are dangerous - they have access to weapons that they shouldn't have." Quinn calmed herself before she started to ramble.

"Did you find anything? If you did, you should report them to Gerw-- Commander Lecher." Quinn knew the man had his own forces moving through, trying to find the mastermind behind the rebellion. Not only was her words the tipping point, but something had driven them to the edge before her arrival. Quinn moved from the desk to stand in front of Kaila. Hands rest on the woman's knees, pushing them apart, allowing her to be as close as possible. Arms wrapped tightly around the woman's waist drew her into a tight embrace. Quinn buried her head into her shoulder and let the silence hang momentarily.

The gentle whisper between the two lovers caressed the ears of the Knight, "Please promise me you're being careful…I can't lose you - ever."
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Location: Jutrand, sith academy
Wearing: Sith attire
Tag: Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin

Kaila listened intently as always to her lover, carefully digesting every scrap of information like an eager student, or perhaps a rathtar in disguise.

She nodded upon hearing they'd once been lovers, Quinn and Alina, confirming her earlier suspicions. It was an odd feeling, eased at least by use of past tense. It was uncommon of the former Kainite to be jealous of one's lover, former or otherwise, especially considering she had once taken more than one in the same evening. But something about this was... different. While capable of sharing, Kaila had realized during their mission that the sangnir was the better sith.

And in that moment, Kaila realized that she had never fallen for an equal before, nor fallen for them as she had Quinn.

The princess was a step above being her equal of course, able to conjure maelstroms the likes of which she had never seen, but perhaps it was more accurate to say that she had never taken a lover who could overpower her if they wished. But neither had she given so much of her heart as she was now, for fear of that trust being broken.

Quinn was the only one she truly trusted, and the fear of losing that connection, irrational or not, terrified her.

She was the future empress, and Kaila was not even a true lord. Easily replaceable, and surrounded by better prospects.

"Did you go hunting rebels with her?" Quinn inquired and then thought quietly at the implications. "She said the same thing about hunting rebels. Were you two on Susevfi?"

"I did... she led the mission." Kaila near muttered, dragging black nails across her lip.

It was one of several really, although Alina's intel had yielded the most results. She was a proper huntress, whilst Kaila had simply been striking at random in her anger, in her shame that she had not done more to protect Quinn.

She was pulled from her thoughts as the echani left her seat, circling in front of her until they were intimately close.

It was a comforting embrace, the kind she'd needed for so long, as did the princess, no doubt. She closed her eyes, running her fingers along the base of Quinn's silken scalp.

"Please promise me you're being careful…I can't lose you - ever."

Kaila fought back a tear, having heard the words she needed most right now.

"I was a Mandalorian, once. Force or not, I will come back to you."

"I promise."

"I can't bear to think of you being left alone here." she cried.


//: Kaila Irons Kaila Irons //:
//: Jutrand Academy //:
//: Attire //:
Quinn felt the comfort she always found in Kaila's arms. The woman provided strength and safety while being gentle. Everything Quinn could have wanted in someone. Nodding, she understood the dangers of having Kaila, but at least where Kaila went, Quinn could follow. Her mind wandered briefly to the Welkian woman who had recently departed. Quinn could feel the emptiness in her heart, knowing Kirie was so far away. Hands clutched the fabric of Darth's clothing; she wanted to ensure that Kaila wouldn't leave her in the same breath.

"I'll never leave you either; I'm so sorry for Susevfi," Quinn remembered the pain etched on the woman's face. The scream that tore through the Mors Mon was full of pain. Quinn hadn't felt that pain since she had watched Vesta take her own life. It was a pain Quinn never wanted the woman to feel again. Pulling away, her hands fell from the cloth, and she reached up to wipe the welling tears from the blonde's face. "No need to tear up, my darling; everything is okay."

Again, Quinn was reminded of how beautiful Kaila was and how much her heart swelled when she thought of her. Memories of her death, of the peace she had when she was in limbo. Still, that peace had changed, shifted the moment she thought of the woman who had cried for the death of her Princess. The words she wanted to say hung on her lips, only the quick lick of her tongue giving reprieve and pulling her heart back. Her head tilted, eyes looking up towards the taller woman upon the desk. "I need you, I want you," Quinn whispered, her words hanging in the large circular office.

Sometime later...

Quinn brushed back her silvery hair from her face as she sat in the large chair behind her desk. The woman rocked from side to side with a slight movement from her leg while she watched the blonde from across the desk. Quinn bit on her index finger in thought as she mused about the coming and going of the Echnos Governor. Her hands found their place folded in her lap, "Oh, how I've missed you, my darling Knight." The Princess smiled as her head tilted slightly, her playfulness showing more as their relationship grew.

Standing, she moved around the large wooden desk, its sturdiness being tested just moments prior. "I hope you're not tired. I am interested in doing a couple of things with you." Sitting once more on the edge of the desk, the Echani nodded. "I need you to protect me; I know you're the only one I trust to do so, to be allowed to be this close to me, to be intimate with me besides my handmaiden." She chose to use Kirie's position instead of her name for her own reasons, which would become apparent as time continued.

"You once mentioned wanting to learn Echani combat and to speak and understand the warrior clans' language. I'm willing to teach if you're willing to learn." Quinn paused as she remembered their first spar; her attack had awakened something. "But, there's one thing that I've wondered about. When I kicked you with the lightning I had channeled from your sabers - you seemed to be more affected by it than anyone I've ever faced; why is that?"
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Location: Jutrand, sith academy
Wearing: Bodyglove
Tag: Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin

Kaila was sat upon the desk once more, back turned towards Quinn for the moment whilst she pulled her tangled hair back, and stretched her arm, the muscles in her shoulders and back visibly flexing beneath the newly fitted bodyglove.

"Well, I've missed you more." she groaned gently, her body far more relaxed than when she'd entered.

Turning to regard Quinn over her shoulder, she smiled at her princess, and listened closely despite her desire to tease and banter.

Her gaze followed as the echani circled the desk, slowly turning more serious as the topic came closer to her heart. Protecting Quinn. Whatever comments she might have made about testing her endurance were held, her lips pursing at the thought. While the empress-to-be could demonstrably handle herself, Susevfi had painfully reminded the witchblade that her lover was far from immortal. Kaila had the daunting task of defending her from things and people willing to challenge a being stronger than herself, and the imperial heir to boot.

"You... place a lot of trust in us, princess." trust I do not deserve, she thought, eyes dropping to the floor.

It returned moments later at the mention of the echani language, their battle speech being of particular interest to the young Darth ever since meeting Srina Talon Srina Talon .

But then, quickly as they came, her eyes dropped once again to the floor when Quinn spoke of the lightning infused kick which had seen the beginning of the end of their last spar. She remembered, far from fondly, how the current had spread throughout her conductive skeleton, rendering her nearly immobile for longer than she could be comfortable with.

"It's because my bones are not... bone."

Kaila sighed, almost ashamed of both this weakness, and the story behind it.

"They never were. I am half Vahla, and so my body was once filled with frail cartilage."

"My master, He wouldn't stop breaking them... So I had myself injected with liquid
laminanium to survive, hardened to my skeleton."

"It's- it's very conductive." she admitted, rubbing her arm where a needle had once been.

She was trusting Quinn with very dangerous information now.


//: Kaila Irons Kaila Irons //:
//: Jutrand Academy //:
Quinn listened; the shift in Kaila's body language said enough before the woman began her tale. The question about the lightning seemed to have brought back memories that weren't pleasant. Quinn gripped the edge of the desk tightly as she tried to fully understand what Kaila had to do to protect herself. It was frustrating knowing that her Master had found it more pleasurable to break the woman instead of teach her. Her grip tightened till her knuckles whitened.

"I hate that you had to resort to that." She said after a bit of silence, her frustration settling, seeing that, in the end, it strengthened the woman and helped her survive. However, the type of metal she had coating her bones made her susceptible to energy attacks. Quinn pushed herself off the desk and let herself smile at her swain. A hand rested on the woman's thigh as she leaned into the woman and gently kissed Kaila's cheek. "Thank you for telling me," her voice was low, knowing the importance and danger of the information she was just given. Lucky for the Governor, Quinn's mind was a steel trap, protected from anyone willing to hunt for information.

Leaning away, Quinn patted the woman's leg again and moved away from the desk. "I think I can turn your weakness into a strength." The woman smiled as she moved towards the large wooden cabinet in the corner of the room. The doors opened, revealing several piles of towels along with white and blue linen. Quinn began to pull out the clothing, and it was apparent it was from a traditional Echani training gym. Looking over her shoulder, she examined Kaila, remembering her exact measurements. Another gi was pulled from the cabinet, and Quinn returned, laying them on the desk.

"Easier with more skin exposure for the things we're going to go over today," There was a seriousness to her tone. No longer Quinn was the woman's lover or paramour - she was a Master of the Force, an Echani leader. Turning her back towards the blonde, Quinn began to disrobe and slowly dressed into the tight linen sports top followed by the loose pants, tightly cuffed at her ankles.

Once Kaila was ready, Quinn opened the doors to the small private training room in every professor's office in Jutrand. The training room was nothing like Kaila's back on Echnos. Instead of the walls adorned with weapons, there were just soft padded walls and floors with a slight spring to help with any hard falls.

Quinn opened her hand as they walked in, and her lightsaber flew from the desk. Catching the metal hilt, she turned and smiled, "Do you remember how I could absorb the energy from your lightsabers? Then I turned the energy into lightning?" Quinn wiggled the lightsaber's hilt at the Governor, "I'm going to teach it to you; I think it will remove one of your biggest weaknesses, turning it into one of your strengths." There was a smug little grin on the Princess' face as she felt pretty proud of herself.
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Tag: Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin

Kaila leaned into the princess, wrapping one arm around her in a tired, yet relieved hug.

Quinn was many things, all important to her, among them was a much needed break from the endless cycle of strife which had been her life since leaving Dathomir.

"Thank you for telling me,"

"There are few I trust with the story." she nodded.

But trust came easily with Quinn. Not only due to the things she had done for her, but because the echani was just that sort of person, someone neither jedi nor sith could produce, it seemed. Ironic then that she might one day rule them all, though the empire would be in good hands.

To her statement however, Kaila quirked a brow curiously.

She watched as the echani ventured off to fetch some traditional uniform from a nearby cabinet, laying them out across the table. Kaila however in her infinite wisdom hadn't noted the change in mood.

Quinn, you could have asked if you wished to see me dis-"

She shut up immediately upon seeing the shift in Quinn's expression. It was easy sometimes to forget that she was echani, being one of the few she'd met that seemed capable of smiling and laughter. But this was no game, it seemed, and though she knew little of their culture, the very serious nature with which they approached combat was plain to see.

Kaila allowed her gaze to linger but a moment longer until she too turned away to peel herself from the bodyglove and slipping into the new outfit.

Linen wasn't exactly her style, but the uniform certainly gave her a good range of motion suited to combat.

If she wasn't already certain that they'd be sparring, the padded training room to which she was led screamed the echani's intentions. At least it's well padded, she thought, remember how she'd been thrown about during their last session. It was worth it however, to learn more of Quinn, and the bond which had only been strengthened since.

"Do you remember how I could absorb the energy from your lightsabers? Then I turned the energy into lightning?" Quinn wiggled the lightsaber's hilt at the Governor, "I'm going to teach it to you; I think it will remove one of your biggest weaknesses, turning it into one of your strengths."

"It was quite the trick, certainly kept me on my toes." she admitted with a nervous smile.

However she became more serious upon hearing that she would learn such a technique. The young sorceress had fewer opportunities to expand her mystic arsenal, and though she was relieved to be freed from her master's choking grasp, Anathemous could not help feeling she'd become stopped training too early.

I hope you're not planning to stab me and hope for the best, princess." she chuckled.

It's how Carnifex tended to teach us."


//: Kaila Irons Kaila Irons //:
//: Jutrand Academy //:
Quinn was thankful Kaila took her time. It would be criminal for her not to catch a glimpse of the woman as she disrobed. The Echani buried her face into her hand until she felt the heat from her cheeks dissipate. Despite how serious Quinn got, there was always a moment for admiration. Kaila walked in, and Quinn ignited the blade, turning the intensity down to prevent any harm from coming to either of them. Kaila was learning.

A soft chuckle and Quinn opened her mouth, only to let her jaw hang. Kaila mentioned the one person she had hoped she wouldn't. The yellow blade returned to its emitter, and Quinn stared at Kaila. Surprise wasn't something Quinn often felt; being a mentalist, she was usually able to pick up on intent. She had often heard horror stories about the acolytes that her Uncle trained. When she had the chance to ask him questions and learn from him in her youth, moments were nothing like people had described. So much of her life was disconnected from others, and she felt her eyes soften as she looked at Kaila - finally understanding.

Hands gripping around the lightsaber, tightening and twisting around its metal hilt. "I'm sorry." Quinn finally responded, her voice small. There was an embarrassment knowing that parts of her looked up to the man that had done horrible things to the woman she lov-cared for. The princess stepped towards her swain, hands dropping the saber and holding the woman's face. "I would never." Her thumbs gently caressed Kaila's face, and standing on her tip-toes, she kissed the woman's forehead. "I will never hurt you." Her hands fell, and she summoned the blade again to her hand.

"I'm going to teach you Tutaminis; the saber is going to be the first step to learning how to block, then absorb the energy - then turn that stored energy into something else." The yellow blade ignited again, and Quinn gripped its ion firmly. Her hand didn't burn nor cut; the energy flickered from the lightsaber, and suddenly, the air around the Echani began to thicken with tiny sparks manifesting. Releasing the blade, Quinn exhaled deeply twice, and the sparks dissipated.

"In most cases, the energy needs to go somewhere; I've mastered being able to absorb the energy back into myself - I don't know if you'd be able to do it mostly because I figure it has to do with um," Quinn paused, "how I was created." She shrugged, almost embarrassed at the feat her mothers did to manifest her existence. The saber once more shut off, and she pondered, trying to remember how she was taught. Spencer wasn't the kindest Master, but she wouldn't throw Kaila into a river of lava on Mustafar. Quinn laughed nervously at the memory.

"Force barriers are created outwardly from you, and you spread them as far as possible or necessary. Focus on just protecting yourself, bring the Force barrier to the layer of your skin, and wear it like uh." Quinn tried to think about something that would be familiar to Kaila. Remembering the woman's typical attire, the Echani blushed again but continued with her example. "Like your body glove, when you feel like you have it, try grabbing the lightsaber." Quinn offered the saber to Kaila and smiled. "Focus on protecting the hand you're going to grab the blade with - it's on low, so it shouldn't hurt. Just sting if you have any holes in your protection."
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Tag: Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin

Kaila had assumed for so long that Quinn had known who her former master was since seeking her out, that the dark lord's intervention had spoken enough of the loyalties she'd since betrayed.

Seeing that look on her face now, It suddenly made since why she'd been so much quicker to trust than the others.

Quinn didn't know.

She had to wonder if they'd even be together now, had she known. No one else had given her the time of day, not until that disaster of a coup exposed her true allegiances, or lack thereof. She'd made more allies as a traitor than a loyalist. The irony was not lost on her.

Though perhaps, knowing Quinn, the princess would have helped her just as she did Kirie, if only she'd given the echani a chance sooner. However, it was important to remember that Quinn did not represent the many mistakes of her past.

Quinn was her future.

"I would never." Her thumbs gently caressed Kaila's face, and standing on her tip-toes, she kissed the woman's forehead. "I will never hurt you."

"I know." she managed a little smile.

I know."

She took Quinn's falling hand in her own for but a moment, giving it a gentle squeeze before letting go. Kaila knew few things about the culture of eshan, but it seemed to place a great emphasis on the physical, not unlike how Mandalorians chose to communicate behind their visors and steel.

She wanted Quinn to know that she understood.

Kaila put a thumb to her chin in thought as it became her turn to understand, an important lesson being explained. It was fortunate that her former master had taught her to defend through barriers, and to combine them other techniques such as the lethal lightning shield or simpler protection bubble, skills in which Darth Anathemous had become quite adept in, especially whilst fighting overwhelming odds.

She had never thought to use them with such finesse however.

- I don't know if you'd be able to do it mostly because I figure it has to do with um," Quinn paused, "how I was created."

"Hmh. Sometimes I forget that you are more than a happy coincidence of nature, but a deliberate masterpiece."

Kaila smiled warmly, genuinely. It came more naturally than a compliment, as if it were but a fact of life more than her own opinion. If she were not careful, the rest of the lesson go unheard, blocked out by a trance.

She blinked moments later, her face fading into a more serious, contemplative expression as she recalled what had been said in that time.

"Uhm- bring the shield inward, focus my defense in one area. The saber is on low power." that sounded about right.

Kaila nodded to herself before taking the saber. Within moments, the weapon was floating a short distance from her, golden eyes narrowing on it's similarly hued tip as the device came to life, it's blade just within arm's reach.

"Where did you get such a weapon anyway? I thought only jedi could produce blades of this color?"

A question of mixed parts curiosity and anxiety, a way of distracting her thoughts from the looming embarrassment she may soon feel if the young Darth was to fail in front of her lover, a master even. She was under no illusion of course as to who stood atop the power dynamic here, but it was only natural for the sith to hold onto a little pride.

Closing her eyes, and taking a deep breath, she reached out.

Within moments, a nearly imperceivably barrier began to subtly distort and shimmer between them, a translucent semi-circle of energy. In time it began to contract, retreating closer to her hand, slowly forming an awkward glove-like shape around her hand as Kaila played with it's form, having never fine tuned a shield so.

She reached out finally, the saber spitting sparks as it slowly scraped against her shield-

...only to wince as it broke through.


//: Kaila Irons Kaila Irons //:
//: Jutrand Academy //:
Kaila always seemed to know what to say, even when they were more teachers and students than lovers. The mention of her means of creation brought a blush across the Echani's cheeks - one that she couldn't hide as much as she wanted. Embarrassed, Quinn brushed stray hairs behind her ears, allowing her time to refocus. The princess, again, watched Kaila repeat the lesson in preparation. Quinn nodded along, agreeing with the course of action that she repeated.

A question stuck out, mainly about the lightsaber. It seemed to have sparked the Darth's curiosity. Quinn examined it and figured it was a standard lightsaber, which was nothing unusual. Still, further thinking, she realized most Sith used red crystals. It was an interesting notion, but Quinn hadn't even thought about the concept that the lightsaber of a former Sith Empress was a non-standard color. It was a conversation after Kaila performed the skill, though, and Quinn remained silent on the question for the moment.

Quinn watched, seeing the barrier expand and then retract. For a first attempt, it was understandable, but in the future, it would need to be controlled better. She made a note of this and allowed the woman to continue. "Good," she encouraged the woman as the barrier began to shrink, covering her hand. The first step was complete; the bravery to hold the blade came next. Again, Quinn watched, and at first, the blade was deflected, then began to break through.

The blade disappeared the moment she saw the pain on Kaila's face. It was potentially done prematurely. If Kaila had been her apprentice, she would have allowed the blade to remain, if only to teach the pain of doing its work to better prepare for the next attempt. Internally, Quinn scolded herself.

"That was good. This time, focus on expanding the barrier quickly to the tightest point of your frame; once there, focus on drawing the energy in from the point of contact," Quinn clipped the lightsaber to her side and grasped Kaila's palm. Turning it, her index finger slowly trailed from the center, up her arm, to her chest, stopping at her stomach. The Echani's palm flattened, pressing against the blonde's stomach. "Here, the energy will be stored; from there, you'll let it course through you and come out manifesting into whatever you desire. Lightning or even Fire can be the easiest to manifest if you allow the energy to choose."

Stepping back, the lightsaber ignited once more. The Echani smiled, finally answering the questions she had ignored previously. "The blade belonged to one of my birth parents." The quiet hum of the blade bled Ashin's force energy; there was a comfort to it and a reminder of the greatness of the daughter's potential. "It was one of the blades she used to defeat Darth Moridin and usher in the 8th Empire; not all Sith must bleed their crystals; others justify the darkness in other ways." The blade pointed towards Kaila, reminding her to continue the lesson. "Alright, let's do this again."
ᴅᴀʀᴛʜ ᴀɴᴀᴛʜᴇᴍᴏᴜꜱ

Tag: Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin

To say that learning from Quinn was different from her past teacher would be an understatement.

It felt good, and Kaila soaked in the praise like a greedy little sponge. But it made the sting of failure that much worse. Were it Tamsin Graves Tamsin Graves in her shoes, the young Darth would have exercised the utmost patience and offered just as much encouragement, but she so paradoxically refused those things of herself. She was a weapon given flesh, and when a weapon fails, you replace it.

Old habits died hard it seemed.

"I'm fine." she claimed, flexing her fingers.

The pain did not last, He had seen to that. But it was never the pain which bothered her.

It was fortunate then that the princess allowed her thoughts to be occupied by the task rather than the results, causing her to glance up with renewed focus as the lesson continued.

Or at least, she would have, were it not Quinn. She inhaled a little more sharply than she meant at the echani's touch, and though she did her best to take in what she was saying, Kaila found it momentarily difficult to focus on anything else. She exhaled again, slowly this time, steadying herself. Or perhaps a sigh, knowing that now was not the time to indulge the thoughts running through that little head of hers.

"Fire..." she echoed.

"It is like fire then? I am not here to fight the fire, but control the burn, redirect it, to consume only what I allow."

She knew fire well, even before she understood the force nor it's grip upon her.

As did Quinn, it seemed, or certainly her lineage at least. The fires of war, the likes of which empires were built upon the ashes of. The 8th empire, like Quinn, was something of a fairy tale to the young Darth, a legend from before her master's reign of terror over the sith. She found it strangely fitting that she and Tamsin, like Quinn's mothers, chose crystals which were more... individualistic, than most.

"I think I would have liked to meet your mothers. But I will take comfort, knowing that we will rebuild their empire."

She wished to see an empire where the individual and the duty may co-exist, and it is for that reason she would fight to see Quinn's dream made reality.

And so she outstretched her hand, and began the lesson anew.

The barrier reformed, closer and tightening much quicker than before. She took a deep breath, eyes closing, and the space between her skin and shield became near imperceptible. Her fingers twitched as the blade made contact with her palm, sparks flying once more, and the ghost of pain crawling under her skin as before. But as her jaw clenched with a newfound resolve, the lingering sensation began to dissipate.

This time, the saber began to flicker and flair as the last of the smoke wafted away.

She outstretched her opposite hand moments after a strange heat traveled to her core, and angling away from Quinn, fire began to flicker from her finger tips.

She unclenched her jaw, beginning to appear strangely serene as she allowed the energy to flow through her body, rather than fight it. And as she did, the fire grew, spitting from her fingertips and into the air as if from the maw of some great dragon from a holobook.

The flames were golden, just like the flickering saber, shortly before it too vanished.


//: Kaila Irons Kaila Irons //:
//: Jutrand Academy //:
Her fingertips still burned. The gentle touch against her lover's skin had reminded the Princess of her feelings. Quinn paused and let Kaila make her attempts. It was easier to focus on the lesson than on the tightening in her chest. Kaila's lips parted, and Quinn caught herself watching the woman's subtle movements—looking for some hidden meaning of nothing. The desire to treat and to heal came naturally, but Kaila stated she was fine. Quinn pursed her lips together sheepishly as she watched and listened.

There was something familiar in the way Kaila said, 'fire.' The tone and the way her face flexed as her lips curved around the letters. Quinn was scared to ask what that familiarity was. A part of her wondered if it involved her Uncle; knowing that she was subjected to the rumored horrors of the apprentices he held made her stomach churn. The smile remained on her face as she nodded, "Exactly, energy in and energy out."

Quinn shifted, trying not to show her discomfort with the mention of her parents. While they had given her life, she wasn't what they had hoped for her to be. Noelle was the brighter child, always knowing what to say, and lacked Quinn's temper. She was fit to rule, with her only ambition to help her people. Reflecting on her childhood with the girl, there was always a loathing—one that dredged up when they would train.

Ashin tended to be harder on Quinn; in reality, Quinn was more demanding of herself. In quiet thought, the Echani remembered her only fond memories of the afternoons Srina would visit. Those visits meant she would leave Eshan and return to Bastion - be treated like a loving child and not like a platform for her sister to rise. Deep in her heart, she knew her parents did love her, which was why her adoption had been a secret and she belonged to Srina Talon.

"Good!" Quinn smiled happily, seeing the blade flicker and the fire produce. It was the start, but a good one and Kalia had picked it up quickly. Nearly forgetting everything, Quinn stepped forward and then stopped suddenly. An eyebrow quirked as she reassessed. Had Kaila always been this much taller? Looking up slightly, the confusion was evident on Echani's face. Usually, it was just a slight up on her toes for Quinn to kiss Kaila on her cheek. Yet now? Quinn cleared her throat, grasped the linen tunic, and pulled Kaila down to meet her eye level. "You did good." Her voice was gentle as she praised her lover.

Leaning closer, Quinn gently hovered her lips over Kaila's, threatening to kiss as she let the air between them thicken. It was on to the next lesson. Quinn carefully tucked her leg behind Kaila's, and using the grip on the tunic and applied weight, she went to take down the Vahla woman. Intent bled from the tiny twitches and movements of Echani's muscles, yet her eyes never betrayed her or gave Kaila a hint at what was happening next.

Quinn would follow the woman, pinning her to the mat if she didn't respond fast enough, but the Echani had some hope for the Governor of Echnos.
ᴅᴀʀᴛʜ ᴀɴᴀᴛʜᴇᴍᴏᴜꜱ

Tag: Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin

The last of the flames died, and sweat pooled in the creases of her face.

But Kaila grinned.

Her arms were folded behind her back as she straightened proudly. She was not yet a master of Quinn's arts, but the echani's smile warmed her heart more than any act of pyromancy.

Her following look of confusion however, caused her thin brow to raise questioningly.

"Quinn?" she chuckled.

"You alri-?

Quinn pulled her close, and her smile grown once more, almost sheepishly.

"You did good."

But then her lips tightened, little by little, as the echani leaned in. Her smile held, but took on a sort of smug satisfaction, knowing that Quinn too was proud of her student, and they would soon kiss-

Her eyes widened.

They'd been so focused on Quinn's that she hadn't noticed whatever games she was playing at, still playing at. Kaila had always been quick on her feet—hypervigilant—before meeting her. That was the strange thing about peace, she supposed, warriors like her fought and died for it, yet it was often detrimental to one's chances of survival when that time inevitably came to an end.

Peace is a lie, she reminded herself.

There is only passion.

Her footing had since been compromised, Quinn's passion for the Echani arts greater than Kaila's, certainly her experience at least. But the former mandalorian wasn't quite declawed yet.

She was quick to take a firm grasp of the echani's wrist, and though the metal boned vahla fell to the floor with a heavy ✱thud she struggled and grunted at her lover's play fighting. Even without her artificial muscle suit, Kaila was strong, both from lugging around the laminanium caged inside her and from years of Ataru practice. What she lacked in her slender yet able arms, she more than made up for her strong thighs, firm and nearly big around as her waist.

Acting on instinctive panic which Quinn knew well now, she swung her free leg up attempted to hook the echani by her neck between her thigh and calf whilst holding her wrist in place, although that didn't stop Quinn from putting Kaila on her back, nor solve the matter of her free hand.

Try as she might, Kaila had only brute strength on her side.

But knowing is half the battle.


//: Kaila Irons Kaila Irons //:
//: Jutrand Academy //:
Quinn had simply figured she would do a quick takedown of the Vahla woman. It would mean that she would be able to gloat and tease the taller woman about being brought down onto her back. However, the moment that Kaila showed the fight in her that originally attracted the Echani, something bright lit up Quinn's face as she grinned. The fight that the former Mandalorian had excited the Echani made her heart race.

She had hoped for Kaila's resistance to giving in. She wanted her lover to always fight back, even if they were just playing. The challenge that the woman presented added to her beauty. As she felt the grip of the woman's hand around her wrist, keeping where she was, Quinn read and began to translate the motion into the beautiful martial language of the Echani. Kaila couldn't' speak it, sounding like a child fumbling with crayons, but it was enough for Quinn to know. There was a desire to prove herself and remain in Quinn's favor, and while the women had nothing to fear, it made the Princess desire her more.

Forever improving and never settling was an ambition that the woman valued in a partner.

Kaila's leg hooked around, and instead of resisting the momentum, Quinn leaned into it. Moving forward, her fingertips pressed against the flooring, and Kaila's strong thighs threatened to crush her. It was a panic reaction, but it was still one that would have caused an opponent to stress and potentially make an error. She could continue, but their tangled bodies would be locked in a struggle that would tire them both out. "Good," The Echani said with a smirk as she tapped Kaila's thigh.

"Impressive. I hoped that you were going to react and wanted to continue. Wouldn't have been as fun if you just let me win." The Echani laughed as she pulled and tried to free herself from the Vahla's grip.
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Tag: Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin

The echani's grin gave her pause and comfort in equal measure.

She smiled as logic caught up with instinct, laughed softly, and realized that they were still playing, that this was another of Quinn's games. They always had a strong start that boggled the poor warrior's mind, but they were... fun to play, she'd begrudgingly admit.

Especially if they end the way their first had...

Her eyes shined with an excited glint as she played her next hand. She was laying on her side, though Quinn was half atop her already, wriggling free, or trying to at least.

Kaila had her by the neck, but Quinn left her with only one limb unoccupied to her two, as her other leg was still pinned.

In a desperate, if playful, bid for dominance, Kaila gently swayed towards one side, before throwing all her weight to the other, trying to slam her assailant into the padded floor where Quinn would be the one laying on her side, giving Kaila time to then sit forward and atop Quinn, holding the echani's arm behind her back and placing the other beneath her own weight, or at least in an awkward angle where she'd have to reach behind herself to attack the vahla.

Assuming, that is, Quinn moved the way she hoped.

One awkward twist, one miscalculated movement, and the echani would either remain upright or use Kaila's own weight against her somehow. It was a gamble, but also a test. Could she meet Quinn's standards? and if not, how might she improve?

Kaila needed to know.


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