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Late night Factory Judge

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Ronan Nakasla

[member="Jayce Pryde"]
Yeah that would cause some issues.

[member="Corey's OOC"]
No, now go mind the turtles.

[member="Kana Truden"]
Jayce Pryde said:
Im normally on between Midnight and 7-8 am est. And I can't help but notice that there are normally never any Factory Judges on at that time and would just like to throw out the idea of maybe getting a "Late Night Judge" for during those hours. And though I doubt I'd be accepted I'm willing to offer my services.
Hi, I'm a factory judge active almost exclusively during those times. Most of us are spread across different timezones, like one in the UK, but we still get to subs nearly all hours of the day.

If your submission was not immediately picked up, please be patient and remember that the factory is not compulsory.
Braith Achlys said:
Hi, I'm a factory judge active almost exclusively during those times. Most of us are spread across different timezones, like one in the UK, but we still get to subs nearly all hours of the day.
If your submission was not immediately picked up, please be patient and remember that the factory is not compulsory.


I see you most active during the day...

Wait where do you live? Lol that might be why!

[member="Jayce Pryde"]
Don't feel bad. I get the same way sometimes. The excitement to use an item is a bit high. Because why would you go through the time and effort to make an item that you had no intentions to use soon? I gets ya!

But! This, surprisingly, went better than it could have. I have cracked jokes and simply been shot at by some of the FJs. They have a job, which they volunteered for (except [member="Braith Achlys"]. She's our slave) and also have their RPs to attend to, while also being real life people with real life things to do.

For example of these things? Netherworld began dealing with me on a sub on the 8th, and semi regularly has been on to post/help me make the thing work. All the while I frequently see his/her chars out and about. Yet I do my best to not seem over excited, though the work is partially detrimental for another character.

As a matter of fact, if I'm correct, I'm actually just ending a Roleplay with one of his/her chars!

Take the idea of the factory with a grain of salt. They aren't paid to work, so they get to it when they have time.
[member="Matreya"] It doesn't matter what time you see her or what time she says she's active - she's active.

Again I feel this thread was to just poke at me to get my attention which was somewhat an ill use of time. [member="Jayce Pryde"] if you want my attention PM me.

That goes for everyone else as well o.o .
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