Karsan Munin
Lost Son
Here you are, sunshine. Ticket to nowhere, a backpack full of old clothes, worthless currency, and a knife. That's all you got- at least you have enough to buy a meal.
The droid served him crappy noodles in a crappy bowl. He was sitting on a crappy stool in the crappy part of Coruscant. That's where his ticket dropped him off at. They gave him a per diem to get off the prison ship, and 'rejoin society at the Alliance's discretion'. Funny place for him to rejoin society. Gave him enough money to blow the station, and buy one meal. Maybe enough to buy exactly one bullet to swallow, too.
Depended on how the night went.
The droid whirled and said something, but it was either faulty programming or another language. Karsan couldn't tell. He sighed and began to eat his noodles. It was about as good as the food in prison. And that was saying something, to say the least. The old soldier sighed, and slid his last credits over to the droid, who blipped and made more weird noises.
Another language. Couldn't even tell what it was. Basic was all he knew, and every other thing was a guttural mess in his ears. He sighed and rested his head on the table, saving the too-hot noodles for the next few minutes of brooding he was enjoying. Prison might've sucked, but it didn't suck like uncertainty did. What good was an old stormtrooper in the galaxy anyway? Karsan had no idea who was what, who was who- hell he didn't even really knew who was running Coruscant nowadays. Murmurs from passing people mentioned the word Mandalorians and war- but Karsan only knew them in passing as well.
He had a lot of catching up to do.
And no money, and no place to start it in- right now.