Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Lawyers, Guns, and Money [ Corporate Interests Guild ]


“Come to order please.”

Voice of the moderator called out in the circular room, drawing attention to herself. She was not here to voice her opinion, but to keep the summit on track. This included starting on time and with the first topic.

Corporate leaders had been called to Bothawui to convene. Large and small, some of the most influential in the galaxy were assembled to discuss the economy of the galaxy at large. Wars, strife,blockades, refugees, invaders. All affected the businesses of those assembled. The unspoken question hung in the room ; could those gathered today truly influence and bend governments to their will?

The moderator looked around the room. Matsu Ike Matsu Ike , hailing from Sasori Research, producing everything from weapons to armor to materials. Noah Corek Noah Corek , Hekler’Kok Defense, well known for their weapon production. Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr , the powerful Viceroy from the Trade Federation, his ruthless business acumen known throughout the room. Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf , owner of Aurora Industries, producer of the most infamous vessels in the universe. Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath of N&Z Umbrella Coporation, home of various sensors, vessels, and military technology. John Locke John Locke , renown for their work in cybernetics and droid production. Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau , the infamous Trade Queen, a household name in every sector. Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol , Breshig War Forge, the finest in Mandolarian technology. Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell of Salacia Consolidated, the largest salvage company in the ‘verse. Castor Crane Castor Crane , ExO of the Corporate Sector, cutthroat in business and politics. Liin Terallo Liin Terallo , an up and coming capitalist set to put New Cov and New Cov Biomolecule on the map.

Just a few of the names assembled. The moderator did not know them all off the top of her head, relying on a datapad on top of her lectern.

Refreshments were spread across the tables near the assembled corporate leaders. It was expected for the discussions to get spirited. After all, credits tended to make the universe churn.

“Welcome to the first Corporate Interests Summit.” A small pause. There would be few pleasantries. “Our first topic of debate and discussion : the Dark Empire mandate regarding ‘unauthorized foreign commerce’. A copy of the law has been provided for each of you on your datapads. The floor is open for discussion.”

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Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
There was a lot of people here and the petite jedi master was seated as she looked over what was given. An eyebrow raising as she rarely interacted like this.... Sasori made its products for whoever needed them and was always expanding itself... always pushing the limits of what it could do within the galaxy. She read about it and remained there for the moment a sshe wanted to gauge what the others were thinking about and going to say. The Dark Empire was bold enough in places and few others tried for this.. they usually just picked a homegrown group and company that they used. She tapped for a moment at her chin before raising en eyebrow. "I am fairly certain that nearly all in this room sell to the Galactic Alliance. Who do they have for their equipment?"

Derron Daks, CEO and chief stakeholder of DDSI, did not think he'd ever find himself at a meeting such as this one.

DDSI had been designed to be apolitical. It was the closest thing there was to a business that operated in the realm of pure research. And yet, galactic events seemed determined to impose politics upon even the most benign of affairs.

The Dark Empire had decided that there could be no more neutral business undertakings in the galaxy.

"The Lady is quite correct," he spoke up, "my company sells research data neutrally to interested parties within the GA, multiple Empires, and even small independent government groups. We did this without preference and without concern for anything beyond the transaction at hand.

With a law like this, the Dark Empire has justified the seizing of any persons or property who fall within their grasp on this flimsy pretense of 'doing business with the enemy.'

I never intended that DDSI should become remotely political. I'm confident many of you feel the same about your own business interests. But when a law like this is enacted, it is a risk to every honest businessperson who refused to take sides in galactic affairs.

It now seems that galactic affairs have chosen to take sides against us."

His voice was deep, steady, and unemotional. Still, he gestured widely with his fat-fingered hands, suggesting that he felt deeply for the topic.

The size of his near-human form was the best suggestion of his species as being Yakkan... even if his augmentations were not readily obvious to the casual observer.

"By the text of this law, DDSI is already condemned. If the Dark Empire expands their borders into any territory where DDSI operates, we are at risk of seizure and arrest.

So to answer your question in small part, the Dark Empire will not be getting anything from DDSI. Not any longer.

Moreover, it seems we must begin using our resources to actively oppose the Dark Empire, lest they expand their influence successfully and leave our operations with nowhere to go."

Matsu Ike Matsu Ike Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell
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The tension seemed to be palpable within the room, the seeming disbelief within the eyes of those who had read through the copy of the law proclaimed and enacted by the Dark Empire, bar for perhaps a few. The man sitting rather calmly in his chair, leaning back a bit and tapping with his gloved right hand's fingers upon the table let out a gentle sigh when he heard Matsu Ike Matsu Ike from Sasori Research mention that everyone in this room had to have been dealing with the Galactic Alliance, but in truth... The N&Z did not deal with the Galactic Alliance, as their obvious backroom politics and quite frankly tyranical bureaucracy where in truth a swamp for any company trying to avoid any and all political affiliations. In fact, Tertius, after reading that very law wondered how much different it would have been if they had just changed the Dark Empire's nomenclature and name to the typical Galactic Alliance nomenclature and their naming conventions.

Though perhaps the articles that stood out towards Tertius, were the summary executions, the clamping down on these businesses and the sheer level of self-sabotage these clausules brought to the Empire. Clearly those in charge of the Dark Empire were of little to no use when it came to any corporate sector or market. They lacked the insight in how to expand one's monetary value, one's wealth and one's profit margines. If anything, this law would see the empire collapse financially much faster than it would collapse politically.

Derron Daks Derron Daks was the next one to take up the time to speak out and reveal their colors, their own view on this problem they all perceived as hitting them hard. Again, the Eriaduan Marquis could only tilt his head a bit backwards in a most nonchalant way, taking in every word that was being said and showing a somewhat aloof, faint grin on his face in the process. Slowly allowing his head to rest on his left hand, the Marquis seemed to feel rather comfortable in this conglomeration of corporate people, finding it somewhat amusing to listen to the complaints and the musings of his fellow technocrats and aristocrats, nodding somewhat slowly towards Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr as he did acknowledge the Viceroy and was quite certain that the Viceroy would've seen the flaws within said law as well.

"Clearly, the Dark Empire has been taking a note out of the playbook the Galactic Alliance has used as well in the past...perhaps not in such a drastic meassure, but has history not always been very good in showing how quickly such decisions can turn unto themselves?" As he stopped tapping with his fingers on the table, the Eriaduan Marquis who ran the entirety of the N&Z Umbrella Corporation straightened his back a bit as he cleared his throat. "The Dark Empire isn't throwing up a line in the sand, they are throwing up a wall around themselves, isolating themselves from any and all progress."

Placing his datapad on the table and looking at both the Trade Federation delegate, at the Lady Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf , each of them had very good connections with at least one major faction, with each of them at the very least having influence beyond the strict corporate influence of their companies. "I would say it is somewhat funny to think other factions would NOW suddenly choose to go for their own, when they all already are engaging in such acts. However, so far most of the Galaxy's factions have managed to avoid closing the door for other corporations as the influx of competitors means their own companies would be forced to counter the progress of the competition... In short, I can only repeat what I said before: this law is nothing but selfsabotage on a grand scale."

Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell | John Locke John Locke | Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau | Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol | Castor Crane Castor Crane | Liin Terallo Liin Terallo


Listening with half an ear for a moment, Judah quietly tore a small piece of flimsiplast and wrote a small, one line note. Catching the attention of an assistant, he handed the folded note to the young man, who would then deliver it to one Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau to read. He would have typically messaged the woman, but who knew if she would have responded. Flimsi seemed a better option given the proximity to one another.


Focusing back on the summit, there were already concerns bubbling to the surface. Concerns they all likely had. Judah wondered if anyone here was sympathetic to the Dark Empire. Most assembled ran more on the neutral side, looking to make deals across governments and groups. Sticking to one organization or government was foolish. One drawn out war could easily see the loss of a business, the destruction of the government it was tied to. Best to diversify. Something the Dark Empire apparently saw fit not to do.

"One of the biggest concerns I have is how far does this law go? I supply raw materials, once they are bought I do not track what they are made into. If a shipment of refined metal goes to a weapons company that 'double-crosses' the Empire so-to-speak, does that give them grounds to jail myself? To seize assets?"

A small pause.

"Mister Dakks and Mister Nargath seem poised to cut out the Dark Empire entirely. I only have a refining facility on Ketaris, much easier to cut out than say my son who has agricultural interests in the Core. Do we all make a pact today to stop trade with the Dark Empire? Are we enough to throw them into economic ruin? We also have to be concerned about our employees on the ground....Salacia will be pulling out everyone involved on Ketaris to other facilities, but we have the credits to do so. Not everyone is so generous."

I listen quietly. That is what I must do. Most of the eteemed gentlemen and ladies here I do not know, nor do any of them know me. Although NCBC has been around for centuries, it is on New Cov where it is known of the best. More than likely most of the people here have never even heard of NCBC; let alone of New Cov.

I have spent a large part of my time within the Board of Directors to change that. And although we have no dealings with any major government that wouldn't even bother to look our way, we do have a fair amount of business with smaller entities and it is enough to keep our economy going.

Recently Ilic City was attacked by a Sith in an attempt at a hostile takeover. A good number of people died and buildings burned. But the attempt had failed. Still I wonder if there was something else that I could of done to save Ilic from some of the destruction. However I followed protocol to the letter. It worked for us during raids in the past and continues to work for us now. My only change now is in how I approach new business. Inviting others to New Cov will be a rare occurance for some time. I must always look to everyone with a studying gaze.

The article in question has no bearing on NCBC, although Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell does raise a fair point. Would any company that produces at least part of a product be held under the scrutiny of this law? I know nothing of the Dark Empire or who belong to them. The amount of new superpowers popping up over the years in this unstable Galaxy is quite a large number, and quite often their names are so similar to previous ones that it isn't so easy for an outsider to keep track. But I shall do my research after this meeting concludes. I will have a report to make for the Board, afterall.

This law is a bit concerning for the others assembled here, and I wonder if any of their places of business could be attacked by the Dark Empire regardless of which sector they are situated. And if so, it makes me wonder just what these powerful corporations will decide to do about it. Pool our resources and defend every factory and headquarters? These questions and others run through my mind though I do not voice them, for no doubt they would come across all the better if someone more well known was to ask them.

The Skakoan cast a firm look around the room as the corporate leaders entered to commence the conference. Each of these individuals wielded significant power and influence across diverse sectors and industries, capable of dismantling a major faction entirely even the mighty Galactic Alliance. However, not all of them possessed the fortitude or resolve to forgo entry into a rapidly expanding lucrative market, as the Dark Empire absorbed more and more planets into their dominion which would enable them to survive any minor corporate push for a repeal of the Emperor's Decree.

The likelihood of their temporary capitulation upon the arrival of the Imperial Inspectors at their doorsteps was considerable, especially as these officials would present bonuses and incentives to encourage continued trading, despite the strict regulations that prohibited such foreign commercial activities. It would be essential for the Dark Empire to devise a new economic strategy for its survival and knowing the brilliant mind of Aerarii Tithe, the Imperials would attempt to establish a series of import and export trading guilds.

Such an initiative would facilitate trade between the internal systems of the Empire and allow for the acquisition of materials from beyond their territory, all while adhering to the fundamental principles. Matsu Ike Matsu Ike from Sasori Research raised a compelling point during the discussion, inquiring whether any corporation served as the primary supplier for the Dark Empire. SularenCo emerged as the most apparent benefactor, having acquired equipment from all involved parties on the marketplace.

"AWERROROROROOR...SularenCo stands as the primary beneficiary of the Dark Empire and has been known to acquire equipment from the Galactic Marketplace to outfit ships and weaponry for use against the Galactic Alliance. If we wish to exert substantial pressure on the Imperial Market, then the only solution is to blacklist Sularen and his cronies from our corporations catalogues." The Viceroy articulated this through a series of hisses and squeals, as the mechanisms within his pressure suit supplied methane gas to his lungs. Should the Imperials be unable to source equipment from the marketplace, they would be compelled to rescind their economic decree, as they would be at a major disadvantage compared to the Alliance from a war perspective.

It would become necessary for the major galactic corporations to convey the message that free commerce benefited everyone. Implementing embargoes, halting trade, employing privateers and pirates to disrupt space activities, and imposing blacklists on notable individuals should sufficiently capture the attention of the relevant administrators.

"If the Dark Empire wishes to impose such economic suicide, then that is their prerogative from the Trade Federation's standpoint. They do not have the capital nor currency reserves large enough to survive the war with the Galactic Alliance, but their will be temporary shortfalls for companies that operate within the region such as Arceneau Trade. The simple act of halting trade activity would be more than enough to collapse their government even with the management of Aerarii Tithe" Laborr additionally commented, meeting the glance of the Marquis Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath .

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Location: BOTHAWUI


Castor's frown was unmistakable as he read over the terms of the Empire new decree. He was quite surprised, much like the rest of the magnates and corporate executives present. The Corporate Sector Authority was much like any other corporate board. Where there were credits to be make, CSA and its signatories were not far behind... be it the Sith Order, the Galactic Alliance, or the Dark Empire. The ExO's cybernetic eyes dimmed as he lowered the holopad, no longer needing his augmented vision. "This is a very unfortunate decision on part of the Ruling Council," Castor said with a sigh. "Such a shame to bid farewell to the Imperials' lucrative contracts but given that many of us will choose to follow credits over fidelity to the Empire, I suspect the financial perks of exclusivity will wane." Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell brought forth good points. There were dozens of corporations, each with dozens more subsidiaries under their umbrellas; would the Dark Empire hold the CSA responsible for the trade deals made by its members? Surely it was preposterous to expect the DireX Board to legislate, let alone police, which governments could benefit from partnership with the Corporate Authority. Even if they did agree to abandon trade agreements with the Imperials in protest of their decree, not everyone in the Corporate Interests Guild could afford to wait them out or forfeit them entirely.

Perhaps that could be beneficial...

"The Corporate Authority can certainly sweat out an embargo against the Dark Empire, and for those who cannot, I can arrange for substitutional contracts from the Sector to lessen the financial burden of cutting ties... should that be the consensus today." It wasn't that long ago when several faces here met with Castor on Cantonica to initiate partnerships with the CSA. Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau and the Trade Federation were among them, and the ExO was quite eager to add more to the growing list of Authority signatories.

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau | Derron Daks Derron Daks | John Locke John Locke | Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell | Liin Terallo Liin Terallo | Castor Crane Castor Crane | Noah Corek Noah Corek | Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr | Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol | Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf | Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath

SHe listened to them and Sularen was not a name she really knew... benefit and detriment of not dealing with many other companies was she didn't meet others like this often. She listened more to the others talking about it and what they could or would do.. the possibilities of someone who bought something from them being used as justification to seize assets for use. "I do not know the name Sularen, We may have to pay closer attention to this galaxy." She said it and was thinking about what they could do. Sasori likely wouldn't sell to them on the basis they didn't sell to most Governments that were imperial stylings or had a bad reputation... calling yourself the Dark Empire didn't paint a nice image.... but the ones in charge could harm longer term the people under them if they were like Imperial warlords who bled resources to be lavish while others below them suffered. "As for us sending them into ruin, it could be possible. Between everyone here we pretty much cover every industry. If we got them to have to compete and try to out produce us. IF they are expecting this to narreow who will sell to them then sinply seeing what is on the market from their best and developing the better alternative for consumers."
She was supposed to be on vacation, but when the invitation had come for Aurora Industries to sit in on this summit on Bothawui, she couldn't pass up the opportunity. She had thought to send Merryn along to the summit, but for some odd reason, her COO had her messages going straight to recording. So here she was, holographically joining the meeting from Baralou while her wife took their sponsored acolyte to a nearby fighter base for a tour, reading over the decree from the Dark Empire about their newest economic policy.

Aurora Industries didn't really have a fathier in this race as they didn't have operations in Dark Empire controlled space, and as a member of a different Sith faction, she wasn't particularly inclined to assist a faction that she considered a rival. No, what struck her as almost amusing about the situation was how much it reminded her of another situation that occurred decades ago now. It wasn't all the same players in this room from the last attempt from a galactic government to seize corporate assets, and the Imperial Ruling Council certainly were not Genevieve and her Selectivist policies from one of the previous Republics, but it was amusing to her nonetheless.

She had to assume this decree had been made without input from Tithe since this was going to make making credits for him exceedingly more difficult. Corporations, especially ones as large as ATC or Locke and Key or the Trade Federation, didn't like being told who they could or could not sell to.

"Wouldn't be too hard for Aurora to join an embargo as we don't have assets in their region of space, currently anyway depending on their route of expansion, nor are we selling anything to them at present" she would say, looking over to the Skakoan and his suggestion. "Freezing out SularenCo would probably put a dent in their ability to fight in the short term, but they seem to be relying heavily on older designs from the previous Empire to fuel their war machine. That would probably require the Federation to stop production of those designs until such a time as the decree is rescinded or they negotiate."

It would be a pointed look as the Sith Lady had not forgotten how much support the Federation had given during that Civil War to the New Imperials and continued after. She would turn to Judah.

"This decree seems fairly straight forward, Judah. If you're supply an enemy to the Dark Empire in any way, it violates the decree and opens up an avenue for punishments for the violators. Such a blanket ban on normal business practices would suggest to me they are preparing for nationalization of all industry and trade within their space, cut the rest of us out completely."

Interacting with:
| Dress x | x | x | x | x | x | X | X |
Danger sat in her seat, a lone manicured finger gently tapping the polished surface of the desk before her. The subtle rhythm was the only sign - - beyond her calm, thoughtful expression - - that she was mulling over the conversation surrounding the Dark Empire's recent decree. The proclamation was causing quite a stir among the gathered business figures, all concerned about the potential fallout for companies operating within Imperial space that also supplied goods to their so-called enemies.

Danger had faced similar situations countless times over the years. Governments tightening their hold, imposing restrictions on free trade - - it was all par for the course. As logical as it was, considering the Dark Empire's stance, it still presented a challenge. For decades, Arceneau Trade had worked diligently to remain neutral, abiding by tariffs and inspections in order to keep the galactic goods flowing. But this was different. The stakes were high, especially with her operations on Ithor and Empress Teta, her late husband's homeworld, well within Imperial reach. Hundreds of local employees - - innocent people just trying to make a living - - were now at risk of imprisonment or worse if the Imperials decided Arceneau Trade's dealings violated their decree.

Still, there was a silver lining. The decree had been announced but not yet enforced with the severity seen in previous crackdowns. Danger remembered a time when another government had issued a similar edict, but with far more aggressive actions - - seizing assets and spilling blood in the process. That rash move had drawn the ire of trade guilds and other major players, leading to chaos that no one wanted to repeat.

Her goal now was clear: negotiate with the Imperials, protect her employees, and find a solution that didn't require drastic measures like shutting down operations entirely. If that meant tighter inspections, higher tariffs, or even pulling out of some locations, so be it. But she wasn't willing to risk her people's lives over politics.

A murmur broke her concentration, drawing her sharp green gaze to a messenger handing her a folded note. Auburn brow arched in bemusement as she glanced over at where Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell of Salacia sat, apparently the sender of this old-fashioned missive. A note? Really? A holomail would've done the trick just fine.

Opening the filmsi, Danger's lips twitched in amusement as she read the contents. Was he serious? This was how he wanted to pose the question? Shaking her head with a mix of bemusement and exasperation, she quickly composed a holo-response instead of sending another sheet of filmsi back. Far easier and far less likely to spark unwanted gossip.

So it seems. To be expected, considering our children's proclivity to spend time with each other.

Also, filmsi really? Are you harkenin back to your school boydays?

With that distraction handled, she refocused on the ongoing discussions, her mind racing through the implications. An embargo was certainly on the table if the situation escalated, especially if the Imperials began arresting those suspected of violating the decree. But not everyone present shared her concerns. For many, the decree was irrelevant - - they had few, if any, assets within Dark Empire territory. That left Danger in a more delicate position.

These were counterparts that she highly respected and had valid concerns; but she also had people depending on her next steps and decisions.

Taking a measured breath, she addressed the room. "Y'all have valid concerns, no doubt. This isn't the first time - - and likely won't be the last - - that we'll face decrees like this from governments lookin’ to secure their borders." Her voice, smooth and tinged with that distinctive honeyed drawl, carried an undercurrent of steel. "Arceneau Trade has folks, routes, and properties within Dark Empire space, so I've got to consider the well-bein’ of those under my protection. We're workin’ on negotiating Arceneau's status with the Imperials, but I won't stand by and see innocent lives ruined just for earning an honest wage."

Her finger resumed its quiet tap against the desk as she let her words sink in. "If it comes down to it, I'll support an embargo - especially if bein’ neutral still puts my people in danger of arrest or worse. But I'd prefer to see this resolved through talks first."

Turning to Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr , Danger's tone softened, taking on a note of respectful inquiry. "Viceroy Laborr, I wonder - - do you reckon there's a path forward with the Dark Empire that allows corporations to comply with their new rules while still honorin’ our contracts elsewhere?"

If anyone had insight into Imperial policy, it would be Laborr. As a delegate of the Trade Federation with ties to the Imperials, he might hold the key to finding a workable solution.


"Your suggestion will be taken into account and given a proper feasibility study , Lady Raaf." Laborr's armored goggles shifted their focus toward the Mastermind of Aurora Industries and the Mother of Sithspawn, Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf , whose expertise in ancient history merits recognition. The Federation, operating under Tambor, had supplied resources and financial support to the rebellion against the Sith Empire, which consequently facilitated the manufacturing of military-grade vehicles that now equipped the Dark Empire.

Tambor's enterprise, known as the Technoid Manufactorum, served as the principal maintenance and production facility for the latest iterations of the Imperial Arsenal. It would be imperative for him to engage in dialogue with Tambor to halt this production from continuing. The gentle voice emanating from his left captured the attention of the Queen of Trade, Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau , as she asserted her presence among the corporate sponsors and investors.

She posed a straightforward inquiry regarding whether the Viceroy was aware of any opportunities that could arise from the Decree enacted by the Imperial Ruling Council. Laborr had already devised strategies to navigate around this legislation, given that it was evident the council had not sought the advice of an economic specialist.

"There is no immediate necessity to apprehend the prospect of a nationalized economic system, nor is it essential to secure the backing of the Corporate Sector under the leadership of Castor Crane Castor Crane at this time. The existing legal framework contains numerous loopholes that can be strategically utilized to our advantage, particularly if the Imperial Market is deemed crucial for the sustained growth of your corporation in the current quarter and the subsequent ones, contingent upon the successful execution of my proposed plan." He explained through a series of hand gestures while periodically adjusting the methane levels of the pressure suit, acknowleding the financial assistance of the Corporate Sector should this decree remain in effect for a considerably long period. He had thoroughly examined the legislation and sought the expertise of various lawyers and contract specialists from the Neimoidian Faction of the Federation to develop a new proposal that would temporarily illuminate the atmosphere.

"The most simple way to skirt around this legislation is to sign a co-partnership agreement with the Commission for Logistics, Industry and Transportation, a governmental body led by a member of the Imperial Ruling Council. This agreement would effectively invalidate the foreign commerce clause of the Imperial Decree, as it would not constitute trade beyond the confines of the Dark Empire. Consequently, it would complicate any attempts to contest this arrangement, as doing so would risk undermining the legitimacy and authority of both the Grand Vizier and the Emperor—an unlikely stance for an Imperial Tribunal to adopt." Laborr spoke with a gentle demeanor, fully aware that this seemingly straightforward maneuver would suffice to circumvent the Imperial Decree without necessitating any embargo or negotiations with the Imperial Government. Given that the Trade Federation exercised control over the Commission via their proxy, it would pose significant challenges for the Imperial authorities to prosecute or detain any individuals implicated in the matter.


Derron Daks, CEO and chief stakeholder of DDSI, shook his head.

"Forgive me for pointing out the obvious, Viceroy," he interjected, "but it is clear that the Dark Empire's new law is intentionally broad. Where you see loopholes, I see areas of willfully vague interpretation. Where you see opportunities for exploitation, I see only traps waiting to be sprung."

He leaned forward very slightly.

"Nationalization is so clearly on the Dark Empire's agenda that I am surprised at anyone who would risk doing business with them.
This law is not merely a means to punish disloyal business partners. It is self-evidently a tool that will allow the government to seize assets as required or desired for their ongoing war effort.

Anyone doing business with the Dark Empire moving forward- regardless as to how well you play their game- will be at risk of asset seizure on the flimsiest of excuses. Not to mention imprisonment and execution if you dare to speak up about it.

There are some laws which, when passed, indicate that a government is no longer concerned with even the guise of fairness.

Hence, it is illogical to expect a fair hearing in any of their courts. This is not the GA, who can be tied up in pretzels while they struggle to prove their benign nature. The Dark Empire simply do not care, and they have announced their lack of care for the galaxy to hear.

When the time comes, they will not hesitate to seize what they want."

He leaned back again.

"DDSI is prepared to discuss helping any corporation that wishes to evacuate assets from Dark Empire space before they can fully mobilize on their intentions. Our fleet is not vast, but it is capable. We can evacuate significant personnel and resources on behalf of those who require it, in the spirit of economic cooperation.

I suggest we act quickly.

No one will be safe within those borders, no matter what agreements they believe they've secured."

Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath
Matsu Ike Matsu Ike
Derron Daks Derron Daks
Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell
John Locke John Locke
Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau
Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol
Castor Crane Castor Crane
Liin Terallo Liin Terallo Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau | Derron Daks Derron Daks | John Locke John Locke | Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell | Liin Terallo Liin Terallo | Castor Crane Castor Crane | Noah Corek Noah Corek | Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr | Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol | Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf | Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath

"Sasori has few assets there. NOne of the bigger things that they could use... though the food supplies might be needed if they are not able to do business outside of a few companies." THey had food and they had largely moved to their new corporate world. "We can offer ships, our latest uses replication technology so you can get as many as needed to evacuate and the dimensional engineering we have done allows for a much larger amount to be held within the holds." She said it and could offer more in some cases. "We also have our omnis for moving stations and larger structures in space. We use it on our megastructures."

Excellent points were being made. Judah was aware, however, a number of those assembled may be putting themselves at a financial strain. Leaving an entire facility behind was expensive. Yet, being imprisoned and possibly executed was also not high on anyone's list he assumed. While he could understand the need for the Dark Empire to keep a tight hold on business, the consequences were off-putting.

Holomail message came through as he listened and he typed a small reply back. Progress, it seems.

Message to Danger :

To loosely quote Makai 'married people tend to have babies' -- I can't say I'm incredibly surprised given how those two talked before this. However, creates some work for us. We will need to get together and decide if said grandchild will get any holdings from our joint ventures of Celestia Station and Maramere.

I've already got a trust fund going, well, the lawyers are working on it.

Also, I'll have you know I was a model schoolboy. Wasn't having my Ma come down to the schoolhouse to beat me in front of the class.

Message sent, Judah felt it was his turn to speak again.

"Everyone has excellent points. I feel this is not easy to decide as a group. Some of us may have to stay in the region, it may be too dangerous or too costly otherwise. I am going to urge those who are planning to stay to use the highest of caution. Don't think because your position as an business owner will protect you. I can imagine one of us being used as a swift example to get others in line."

A small pause, none of them were above being executed, even the Viceroy and Trade Queen. It would be seen as a feather in the Empire's cap.

"I agree with Mister Dakks. These loopholes seem like a way for claws to be put into privately held corporations. For myself, I don't do enough business to even entertain the idea. I can safely cut out the entire Dark Empire with minimal loss - there will be some, but not enough to cause ruin."

"It is why, after listening to these arguments, Salacia will be no longer doing business in Dark Empire territory nor trading with companies sympathetic to their cause. There is too much risk involved. I have heavy investments and business with Coursca Bank on Empress Teta. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if actions I take have a ripple affect through my partners."

Judah looked at everyone assembled.

"I highly advise all of you to consider the costs beyond credits. Mister Crane has generously offered to help support those who feel they may not be able to escape with total financial ruin."

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Shuklaar Kyrdol

CEO of Breshig War Forge Consolidated


Tag(s): Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau | Derron Daks Derron Daks | John Locke John Locke | Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell | Liin Terallo Liin Terallo | Castor Crane Castor Crane | Noah Corek Noah Corek | Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr | Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf | Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath


Co-written with John Locke John Locke

It was amazing how a small thing could have such profound implications, a small action, signing off on an announcement for example, could pull together some of the largest companies in the galaxy. A collection of some of the largest companies in the galaxy gathering together with a view of leveraging their combined economic might…or at least getting a great party out of it.

If he was honest with himself, John knew there was very little a single company could do to shape the direction of galactic politics, he’d been trying it for himself long enough to realise that it wouldn’t be easy, but maybe a group of companies stood a chance.

If nothing else, it would be a small break from the pressure of running the company, and a chance to unwind with those who could understand what that was like. And that, the man decided as his shuttle came in to land, was reason enough to make the trip out here.

The Dark Empire had tried to tighten the stranglehold it held on those unfortunate or dini’la enough to count themselves among its population. It didn’t surprised him in the slightest, but at the same time he wasn’t expecting something like this to come around so soon. This law of theirs had no effect on him and his, and yet, there was something about it that he was concerned would inspire others to follow in their di’kutla example.

So there he was, waiting for one of the few people in the galaxy who still remembered that living in it meant you couldn’t let it go to haran in a handbasket. He still didn’t understand that particular aruetii turn of phrase, but he liked the sound of it. The sound of a shuttle touching down caught his attention, the IFF code’s affiliation prefix being one he recognized instantly; Locke and Key.

"You're here," he said to the unmistakable figure stepping from the shuttle. “I was considering shooting someone out of boredom, let’s hope the meeting’s more interesting.” The hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth belied that this was a joke...mostly. His buy’ce sat where it usually did at events like this, mag clamped to his utility belt.

A small smile turned up the corner of John’s lips as he nodded his head at the armored figure that stood in the doorway, light streaming around his familiar frame. There were very few Mandalorians John actually liked, let alone called a friend, this man was one of those precious few.

“I don’t think our host would be overly pleased with you putting holes in his furniture, but then, who knows, sometimes people are looking for any excuse to redecorate. If he knew he was inviting he probably hid away all the nice silverware and furniture.”

The man lifted a hand, the matt metal of the cybernetic hand gleaming as he wiggled his fingers.

“You know, sometimes I don’t know my own strength.”

A small moment of levity as he rested his hand on his friend’s pauldron for a moment.

“I guess they’re all here then shall we?”

“People look for an excuse to do that?” he asked, eyebrows raised for a moment in question before he exhaled slowly. Sometimes, he didn’t understand aruetii. He couldn’t help but choke out a chuckle on thinking about what John had said about the furniture and silverware, “I imagine he would.”

His eyes followed the motion of John’s hand. He was cybernetically augmented as well, but nothing like his friend was. John ‘s augments were an engineer’s dream, even Jhira had admitted as much. To Shuklaar, however, it was a shame such a combat capable system had scarcely been used in the field, “You should come with next time there’s someone who needs dealing with,” he said, his smile getting warmer. “Blow something up.”

He nodded at his subtle reminder, “Wouldn’t want to keep them waiting too long.” With that, he started toward the meeting. Though he usually didn’t consider such things, a moment’s consideration of what manner of an impression their coordinated arrival prompted a momentary amused smirk to flicker across his features. If someone had told him this was a business partnership he’d end up in, let alone the friendship that they’d started to enjoy, he would not have believed it, yet here they were. Oh well, stranger things had happened.

The leaders of the larger corporations had a lot more to say and a lot more at stake. Liin merely waited for the right opportunity to speak up. Afterall there was no point in butting in. Small companies had smaller concerns and smaller voices to be heard.

"NCBC has not had any contracts with the Dark Empire or any major government for a few hundred years. As such we will retain that position for the foreseeable future. And although NCBC will suffer no losses, we understand that some of you may do so. If I may say so, recent events on New Cov have opened itself up to requiring assistance from companies like yours. So there lies an avenue for some recovered profits for you."

Liin conceded the floor, so to speak for anyone else to have their say. Her posture didn't waiver, nor did her position on where NCBC stood. They were a tiny island within a massive ocean that had yet to be eroded by the rough sea. Their small size could very well be the reason for their survival.

After having been quiet for a long enough time, the Eriaduan Marquis started to clap his hands, letting out a rather cold and somewhat aloof chuckle. "It so happens to look that for the most part we are in agreement when it comes to the Dark Empire and their new implementation of a nationalization law."

Turning his attention at first to Viceroy Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr and nodding towards Derron Daks Derron Daks , Tertius leaned forwards, pressing both his gloved hands together as he let out a deep sigh. "I must admit that though the idea of trying to look for loopholes in those laws is a very tempting idea, Sir Daks has a valid point. Whatever loopholes you may find, might at best be some little, insignificant redundancy and at worst it might be a trap to lure in those who think exactly like you do. The Trade Federation, though this is not meant as an insult, but as a friendly warning... can be a bit, predictable. You are known to follow the law and when it suits you bend it to your will in such a way that a profit will be made. I may call myself good in doing exactly that, but the Trade Federation have turned it into an art...but at the same time, it may have very well become a weakness within your corporate armor."

Letting both his hands finally be lowered upon the table again, the head of the N&Z Umbrella Corporation smiled and nodded towards both Castor Crane Castor Crane and Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell . "I will pitch in with this idea. The N&Z can offer the same assurances, including transportation of integral personel and material in the short window afforded to us."

TAGS: Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol | John Locke John Locke | Matsu Ike Matsu Ike | Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau | Liin Terallo Liin Terallo | Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf


"AWEROROROROR..Points of objection have been raised to my proposal and they have been deemed....Adequate" The Skakoan explained through the haze of methane gas filling his system, having sufficient intelligence to recognize shifts in public sentiment and the various objections articulated by the members of the corporate council assembled in this venue. Each objection was meticulously categorized into essential counsel and deliberate misdirection aimed at misleading the Trade Federation.

Ultimately, this information suggested that any proposed loopholes or avenues for exploitation related to the Imperial Decree could function as a sophisticated snare, designed to capture those who could not resist the alluring resources and materials offered by the Imperial Dominion. Derron Daks Derron Daks expressed a readiness to provide DDSI's support in the evacuation of assets from Dark Empire territory prior to the complete nationalization of the economy. T

his endeavor would also involve the relocation of skilled personnel, presenting a significant financial challenge due to the necessity of navigating the Imperial Fleet that is actively patrolling the region. Matsu Ike Matsu Ike was also contributing by presenting various advanced technologies aimed at accelerating the process of withdrawing from the Imperial territories.

In the course of the discussion, Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell echoed this sentiment, responding to Derron Daks' objections with the Viceroy's proposal with a decisive announcement to retract all assets and business dealings with the Dark Empire. This move would significantly weaken the imperial government, and he even seriously considered the proposal put forth by Castor Crane Castor Crane , the ExO of the Corporate Sector.

"I am fully aware of the complexities surrounding the current situation, Marquis Nargath. The Trade Federation will adhere to the suggestions put forth by this ad hoc committee, which entails the withdrawal of all assets and resources from the Dark Empire for the foreseeable future. The Trade Federation Fleet are in position to complete a mandated blockade within the hour" Laborr cast a resolute gaze towards the representative of N&Z Corporation Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath , fully aware of their ambitions to rival the Trade Federation within the Sith-Imperial Market. He recognized that they would go to great lengths to undermine the Federation's position.

Although the Trade Federation's withdrawal from the Dark Empire would temporarily impact their financial performance, it was anticipated that they could swiftly recover these losses through increased investments in the Galactic Alliance whose war with the Sith Order was promising to be a prolonged conflict.

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Via Holo-Video Feed
Interacting with: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell Matsu Ike Matsu Ike Liin Terallo Liin Terallo John Locke John Locke Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr Castor Crane Castor Crane Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol Derron Daks Derron Daks Noah Corek Noah Corek Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath

Casteel's figure flickered in the soft blue glow of the holofeed within the circle of the summit's participants, casting sharp shadows across his chiseled features and perfectly combed platinum hair. The Anaxai banking executive, ever composed, exuded a calm confidence even through the flickering transmission. Meeting in person was out of the question; the fall of Empress Teta to the Dark Empire had thrown the banking world into a precarious dance of shifting alliances and hidden dangers. Transactions that once flowed smoothly now required the kind of deft maneuvering that only the best in the business could manage, and Casteel had done his damnest to ensure it could be done.

He had spent those tense hours bunkered underground, orchestrating mitigation plans with an unwavering focus while the battle above raged on. Side by side with Makai, they had monitored every development, waiting for the dust to settle and a victor to emerge. The moment Teta fell, Casteel had already been several steps ahead, ensuring Corseca Bank's clients would remain shielded from the turmoil, their identities secure and their assets untouchable.

Now, the question of a new headquarters loomed. His advisors had offered suggestions: Etti V seemed a viable option, as did the bustling world of Corellia. But Casteel wasn't one to settle for the obvious choice. For a bank like his to succeed, neutrality was paramount, along with the ironclad security his high-profile clientele demanded. The decision of the new headquarters was not to be taken lightly, and Casteel was acutely aware of the weight it carried.

That led him to Ralltiir, a world renowned for its financial prowess and discretion. It offered the perfect blend of privacy and stability -- qualities that aligned seamlessly with Corseca Bank's reputation. As Casteel surveyed the sleek skyline from his temporary office, he knew he was in the right place.

As the discussion around the new decree unfolded, he listened intently, taking in the murmurs and murmured proposals of the other key players. His own plans were already in motion, the gears of his mind spinning with the quiet efficiency of a finely tuned chronometer. The decision to begin extricating his assets from Empress Teta had not been made lightly; after all, he owed a debt of gratitude to Alric Kuhn for his initial foothold. Yet, one does not linger sentimentally when the future demands meticulous action.

He was bloody well sure that his parents were likely cheering in appreciation over the Imperial decree, likely emphasizing that this would make Imperial rule great again, nevermind the ridiculousness of such isolationist and extreme policies.

But what was he to expect from the withered womb and wilted dick that conceived him?

[ Much like Mrs. Arceneau, ] Casteel began, his voice cool and smooth, with just a distinct accent to identify him as Anaxan by birth, [Corseca Bank does, regrettably, hold assets on Empress Teta. However, ] he continued, a faint smile ghosting across his refined features, [ I've taken the liberty of relocating a significant portion to a more secure, temporary location alongside my valued staff. Should an embargo come to pass, I've already devised safeguards to ensure that my clients on Empress Teta will still enjoy secure access to their funds. ]

He paused, allowing his words to settle with the same deliberate elegance that marked his every move. [ Our intention is to align with the prevailing majority, not solely to consolidate our standing but to broaden our influence even further without the rigid restrictions of the Imperials. ] As he spoke, his icy gaze shifted toward Liin Terallo Liin Terallo , the Head of NCBC, his expression one of refined scrutiny, framed by the faintest hint of a practiced courteous smile.

[ Miss Terallo, ] he addressed her directly, his tone effortlessly genteel. [ I would be interested in exploring avenues that might be mutually advantageous to both our interests and those of New Cov at your leisure. ]


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