Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Lawyers, Guns, and Money [ Corporate Interests Guild ]

Liin being addressed as 'Miss Terallo' was common practice among off-worlders. However, a few had called her Director Terallo as well; a notable title for one in her current position.

Her gaze shifted from everyone as a whole towards the lone holo-feed as an offer of a future discussion was proposed. {I wonder what interest a banking corporation would have in New Cov,} she pondered, {outside of perhaps a secure place for some of our coffers to be stored. Our biomolecules would certainly be of little use to him. Regardless, he has me intrigued.} She did not allow her thoughts to stray too much from the important matter at hand. One might accuse her of daydreaming if she had.

A dip of Liin's head was given in acceptance, the only movement in her otherwise perfect posture, which was then followed by a well practiced response; "I would be honored to hear what proposals you may have, Mister Mer'taal. Perhaps I could secure a stopover on my return journey to New Cov."

Having a meeting on New Cov itself was not something that the Covie were prepared for at this time. There was plenty of reconstruction and rebuilding in Ilic City that needed to be done first. The less that see the destruction from their most recent attack, the better.

Tag: Casteel Mer'taal Casteel Mer'taal
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau | Derron Daks Derron Daks | John Locke John Locke | Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell | Liin Terallo Liin Terallo | Castor Crane Castor Crane | Noah Corek Noah Corek | Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr | Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol | Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf | Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath

COntinuing to listento the others the jedi master sat there in the seat. THe majority seemed to be concluded in their ideas towards the Dark Empire. Most wouldn't sell to them or risk their people who might be within the borders. Her interface overlaid on her eye for a moment while she wsas looking at it. She heard the one from the trade federation and raised an eyebrow. "You can blockade the Dark Empire within the hour?" THat seemed a little farfetched if only because of the size and resources needed. "Such an action may backfire and provoke them. The one leading them are coming with this and it could endanger the people on the worlds they control. Trying to seize assets could become hostile and endanger more lives. Though if they attempt to seize the celestial temple it might be too much for them."


Location: BOTHAWUI


It was settled, then. Castor idly rubbed his hands together, building warmth between his palms as he considered the proper execution of a withdrawal from Imperial space. It wasn't so much his own corporations or those of his PreXs on the DireX Board that he was worried about, as much as it was the signatories of the CSA itself. He would need to meet with the board first, then the Legal Division to amend the Authority Legal Codes to reflect restrictions of trade with the Empire. Oh, and of course the nasty business of firing the Sector/Imperial Liaison and liquidating the office. Stars, did Castor hate playing clean-up.

At least there were credits to be made in Sith space. The vassal state to the galactic southwest had already proven to be of great potential to the Corporate Authority, all that remained was convincing the more... honest members of the Sector to cast their lot as well.

Castor's eyes fixed on Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr as the Viceroy revealed not only his willingness but capacity to initiate a sizable blockade against the Empire. Matsu Ike Matsu Ike was concerned with the connotation such an act would bring. "Have the Imperials not provoked the rest of the galaxy already with such a shortsighted economic mandate? They've already shot themselves in the foot by damaging their trade agreements, I doubt they would shoot the other by punishing their subjects in retaliation to a formal blockade - one that they asked for, in writing," Castor added, waving his holopad with the Imperial decree in the air. But, in the spirit of fairness, he would abide by the majority decision here.

"If the Guild levies a blockade against the Dark Empire," the ExO said, "The Corporate Authority would like to partner with the Viceroy and offer additional assets to the operation." A deployment of ChaseMasters, light cruisers, and the CSV Penumbra - a standard Trade Federation Lucrehulk-class battleship - would made fine additions to the Viceroy's blockade.


Derron leaned forward slightly in his seat.

"A translation error, perhaps," he suggested.

"An Embargo is merely a choice about whom we are prepared to do business with.

A Blockade could be regarded as an offensive and provocative act. Not only against the Dark Empire, but against other corporations or nations not affiliated with this committee who maintain a desire to do business with the Empire.

Is the Trade Federation suggesting that our action should go beyond passively ceasing operations with and within the Dark Empire?

Are you suggesting an escalation? Making an attempt to cripple them by forcibly halting all trade in and out of their territory?"

If so, it was a leap beyond what he'd envisioned.

DDSI was certainly in no condition to conduct a trade war that might turn hot. They only had eight ships in the entire corporate fleet.

They were fine ships, but they wouldn't last long if the Dark Empire started shooting at them in earnest. They had been specifically engineered to present a low tactical threat profile.

Plus, there was the matter of public opinion. A blockade would create press that a simple embargo would not. Press that wouldn't all be in DDSI's favor. In Derron's opinion, this body needed to seem like principled businessmen taking a stand. Not like an authoritarian corporate armada.

Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell Matsu Ike Matsu Ike Liin Terallo Liin Terallo John Locke John Locke Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr Castor Crane Castor Crane Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol Derron Daks Derron Daks Noah Corek Noah Corek Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath Casteel Mer'taal Casteel Mer'taal

Interacting with: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell Matsu Ike Matsu Ike Liin Terallo Liin Terallo John Locke John Locke Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr Castor Crane Castor Crane Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol Derron Daks Derron Daks Noah Corek Noah Corek Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath Casteel Mer'taal Casteel Mer'taal

| Dress x | x | x | x | x | x | X | X |

Danger paused her light tapping on the desk, her perfectly manicured finger hovering just above the polished wood as a small notification flashed across her holoscreen -- another message from Judah. A soft arch of a brow in amusement was her only physical expression regarding the content. At least it wasn't scrawled on a torn piece of flimsi this time.

Never one to be impolite in company, she sent a quick reply back to the old salvager. Model schoolboy or not, one had to keep their ear to the ground, especially when discussions of embargos were on the table -- or worse, blockades. Her emerald-fire eyes widened ever so slightly at the thought, her mind already working two steps ahead.

Let them enjoy themselves for a bit before getting lawyers involved. No need to rush.

As the Viceroy's response trickled in, it didn't exactly soothe her worries about dealing with the Imperials. Sure, Arceneau Trade had made its name in smuggling back in the day, but they had worked too hard to build up a reputation of honesty and reliability now. This wasn't just about what was happening within Dark Empire territory; this was about every sector of space they might expand into. A misstep now could ripple across the galaxy, especially if the Imperials seized control of previously neutral sectors and started to respond just as aggressively or worse left and right.

A slight nod at Diretor Terallo from New Cov direction would indicate Danger's inclination to discuss business with the woman. For now it would have to wait while she balanced how to relay her thoughts.

After a moment, the Queen of Trade took a breath, her drawl honey-smooth but laced with concerned thoughtfulness as she spoke up. "I do agree, a blockade feels like throwin' fuel on an already smolderin' Hyperdrive fire. Most of us might not have assets deep in Imperial space, but their checkpoint on the Braxtant Run right before it ties into the Hydian Way? Now that's a different story."

"Any cargo comin' from Bastion, Muunilinst, or Mygeeto -- planets with major Intergalactic Banking Clan ties -- will face a significant impact. Reroutin' around that checkpoint means more fuel, more time, and more credits down the drain. I know Arceneau Trade ain't the only one who uses that Run to move raw materials or goods from those systems in the Outer Rim and beyond to the Core Worlds."

Her eyes scanned the room, taking in the faces of her fellow businessmen and women. "If the Imperials continue expandin' along the Hydian Way near Cathar and beyond, they could end up with another stranglehold on trade between Alliance, Sith, and neutral space and that side of the galaxy. We start blockadin', and you can bet your last credit they'll answer in kind to any new territory they come to control in the future. Seizures, occupations, you name it. We'd be tryin' to herd nerfs through hyperspace without a navicomputer if we jump into this without thinkin' about the bigger picture and what comes next."

She leaned back, her tone still warm but now edged with a businesslike resolve. "So, what's our plan if it all goes sideways? Do we pool our resources to secure the creation of an alternate hyperlane outside the Braxtant Run and the Hydian Way checkpoint? Or do we look at other ways to protect our routes and our people without paintin' a target on our backs? 'Cause right now, it feels like we're stuck in the Sarlacc pit of deals -- slow, painful, and sure as the Nine Hells expensive to get out of."

Her gaze lingered on the others, waiting to see who would be the first to offer an idea out of this mess. While she let that marinate for ideas, she pressed on, her voice taking a softer tone, "Ultimately, I've need to get my employees settled first, and I've a meetin' lined up with the Imperials to figure out my next move with them." Danger was known to handle things personally, so indicating she was meeting with Dark Empire representatives indicated the risk she was personally taking in ensuring her people and business were not left to burn.

"I ask for your patience and understandin' to get things sorted, and I'd sure appreciate any help anyone may be able to offer if I need to pull my people out quick."


Tertius had been silent for a while now, finding it rather unnecessary to mix himself in the ongoing discussion when it came to who would feel the bulk of the changes under the Dark empire and what should be done in regards to the assets that would find themselves subject to the ever expanding Empire's new laws. He had already pointed out it was best to relocate assets and to simply cut one's losses before the losses would cut them. This was also the reason why he was against the Trade Federation Viceroy's idea of trying to look for loopholes; it was after all counter productive to do so and would most likely cost more in the end than it would cost the companies present to just jossle around their assets to avoid the problems at hand.

Each of them spoke up, complaining, bickering and even bemoaning the cost of these changes. It became such a farçe in the Eriaduan's eyes that he had to refrain himself from yawning, letting out a deep sigh and nodding his head just to show his disagreement with how things where being done and discussed.

Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau made some valid points though, just looking at the now was a flawed idea, looking at the potential expansion of the Empire in the future would be the better option, something the Marquis agreed with in such a wholehearted manner, that he actually sat up straight again when hearing her give her point of view and the options that she would like to discuss.

"Hmm, I must admit that you make some excellent points, Lady Arceneau," Clapping his hands gently, but audible enough for all to hear, Tertius nodded towards the Trade Queen with a gentle smile. "Though I will not risk losing much of my finances and products by cutting off and relocating the few assets of importance within the Dark Empire, I do think that for the sake of our businesses' wellbeing and future is indeed wise to look for alternatives beyond the current tradelanes which seem to come under duress with the Dark Empire's desire for further expansion."

Tapping his fingers on the table, tilting his head a bit to the side, the Eriaduan noble let out a soft chuckle. "Why don't we approach this as a business venture? We have three options, further expand the trade through and with use of the Hypergates, support John Locke John Locke in his endeavour to fascilitate trade through new hypergates built and maintained by Locke & Key industries, or as you mentioned...we set up alternative trade lanes and trade routes. Either of these options is vallable considering the danger posed by the expansion of the Dark Empire...however, the problem with the trade lanes would be the fact that if I recall, only a few of us technically have the means to actually safeguard the tradelane itself..."

Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell | John Locke John Locke | Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau | Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol | Castor Crane Castor Crane | Liin Terallo Liin Terallo

The different points of view stated by most within the room gave Liin an insight into the inner workings of such large corporations with multiple footholds in many corners of the Galaxy. NCBC was vastly different; for it wasn't just a company but a planetary government as well. New Cov's form of government was corporate and had been so for centuries. When a planet's source of income relied on one viable resource, a corporate government was the best option for the people that lived there. And it was a system that worked very well. Yet if their independence and neutral stance was taken from them; how well would their corporate democracy work for them then? Would they be forced to change? A blockade by the Trade Federation could possibly send hostile fleets at the Covie's doorstep given their close proximation to eachother on the map.

{Oh, how wonderful,} Liin thought as she caught Miss Arcenau's promise of a conversation. {It looks as though there will be at least some good news for the Board of Directors.} She dipped her head in kind, sending the non-verbal cue that the implied promise was received and accepted.

Focusing back to the discussion at hand, it was becoming more clear that the business leaders here were divided in their response. For NCBC and for New Cov there was only one avenue to take. Although she was certain it wouldn't tip the scales in either which way, she still needed to voice her position. "A blockade is something that NCBC does not have the means to enforce. However an embargo is something that we can support."

Tags: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell John Locke John Locke Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr Castor Crane Castor Crane Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath

Judah listened to those assembled with rapt attention. Decisions being made were not ones to be taken lightly. There was a lot to consider, a lot to mull over and choose the best path forward.A blockade was a good idea, yet it also signaled a big move from all corporations and the Trade Federation who signed onto such a thing. Judah suspected the Trade Federation did not have the military resources to back up a blockade. There would be retaliation on corporate property and while they most likely wouldn’t die, their employees would.

Not to mention those caught in between.

“I would say, at this time, a blockade is not prudent. First, it will come off as too aggressive and the Dark Empire will send a message to one of us in the form of violence. Secondly, it will hurt the common citizen beyond merely select corporations who choose to sever ties with the Dark Empire. That suffering of the common citizen will be propagandized and placed firmly on our shoulders. That’s the last thing anyone needs.”

Judah looked around the room. There were a few differing viewpoints but it seemed things were firming up. Reality was they couldn’t make a move now beyond an embargo. Not without major consequences.

“I second an embargo for those who can stomach it business wise.”

The old salvager looked to the Viceroy. This was going to take some time. A long game unless the Empire suddenly collapsed. Possible, but not likely.

“Corporate lobbyists might be a good bet to help bridge the gap. I’m willing to ‘sponsor’ one to get some of our ideas brought into the decision making room. Although….given it is an empire, I am unsure if a dictator takes such lobbyists.”

A small pause.

“Viceroy is this something in the Trade Federation wheelhouse?”

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau | Derron Daks Derron Daks | John Locke John Locke | Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell | Liin Terallo Liin Terallo | Castor Crane Castor Crane | Noah Corek Noah Corek | Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr | Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol | Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf | Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath

She looked up and news that John Locke was working with hypergates was interesting enough. "Hypergates run risks and the larger they are the larger things are that can come through from other places. Rave Merrill showed that and that there were worse things." She said it looking at the one and towards danger. "We learned that when we were experimenting with extragalactic connection, though as an alternative they can be quite helpful. The latest in hypergate weaponry has been developed to make use of it." She looked at Danger.

"As for your meeting, it can be a good metric to learn their disposition. You have more charm then most of us and worse case scenario. I'll lend you our farcasting equipment. It can send and retrieve across great distances. We use it to avoid most of the hyperlanes." She said it with a small grin though. "Sasori's resources could support an embargo as needed and if the worse comes we have been reverse engineering a few things that could protect people. The lives of the people on the worlds they hold are the concern... if we cut them off and widdle away at their economy with no one outside trading it could make them bleed the citizens who don't have the means to leave."

SHe said it while tapping a finger. "Though the same technologies we could use for assets would be perfect for sending in aid packages if needed and we could send in a few of our evacuation biot ships. It would be easier then sending a fleet." She was partially talking to herself and running the logistics in her minds for it. "Or perhaps...." Hmmm she mused herself a little as she looked up and wriggled her fingers for a moment adjusting and stacking... focusing and slowly forming a bottle and juice with the molecules manipulating to her needs.

Shuklaar Kyrdol

CEO of Breshig War Forge Consolidated


Tag(s): Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau | Derron Daks Derron Daks | John Locke John Locke | Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell | Liin Terallo Liin Terallo | Castor Crane Castor Crane | Noah Corek Noah Corek | Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr | Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf | Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath


Shuklaar listened quietly for a few moments as he entered, trying to pick up where the conversation was heading and who was where. He recognized Liin Terallo Liin Terallo immediately, though he knew of most of the others by reputation alone. He was never really one to socialize in corporate circles. Business was just that, business.

The conversation was more timid than he thought it would be, but then again, he had to remind himself that most of them were not warriors, and though many of them sold weapons, they had not been on the dealing and the receiving end. That was the problem with aruetii. Still, he knew Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr had managed to pull off a blockade before. For a moment he thought about reminding them that not only was establishing a blockade feasible, it would be easier done than they'd imagined. The Dark Empire was far from the juggernaut that either of their purported predecessors were.

Then he heard what Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell had to say on the matter. While use of the hypergates only served to benefit both his and the collective interests that he represented, it wouldn't solve the problems that they had. Unfortunate as though that may be, their interests and ensuring they were protected was of no real issue to him. Then again, it was a business opportunity waiting to happen. Depending on how much it was that needed to be moved, Strill's more...subtle units could easily be tasked with doing so.

If he thought that the apparent lack of temerity of establish a blockade was the most irksome idea aired, he'd be wrong. He scoffed almost immediately once Matsu Ike Matsu Ike finished speaking, "And here I thought I'd be the one stepping on people's toes. These hypergates aren't made from poorly understood reverse engineered technology. No, what Locke and Key has achieved is a refined, precision engineered example of hypergate technology without jury rigging some reclaimed material together with the hope that it works. Green isn't a good color on you, Jetii."

"As for this blockade, the Dark Empire's navy is a sad joke. Not to mention the fact that the Trade Federation alone has managed a blockade against the Empire of the Lost before. I'd wager if they weren't above cannibalizing resources it might have an immediate effect. Only, as you said, the blame will be laid on whoever maintains that blockade. I am more concerned about the repercussions of this decision. If we leave this unanswered, we let others think that this is a viable option," he added after a moment to let it sink into the Jetii's head that petty insults with no factual basis were not a good way to promote their own product.


The Skakoan remained silent throughout the discussions at the conference table, where numerous objections and proposals were presented. Although these contributions were made with sincere intentions, they ultimately lacked the depth and resolve necessary to confront the dominant powers that believed they could undermine their benefactors—those who sustain their military forces and provide sustenance to their soldiers in the field through ration factorums.

The alternative of retreating from this stance posed the risk of being perceived as weak and ineffectual, thereby allowing more ruthless and profit-oriented corporations to seize their position on the corporate charts. The Trade Federation was determined to prevent any occurrences that could jeopardize their standing, as a decline in status might lead to the complete dissolution of the corporation.

Laborr, in particular, was keen to avert such an outcome, given his role in preserving the legacy of Gat Tambor. Although many members, from Derron Daks Derron Daks , Matsu Ike Matsu Ike , Liin Terallo Liin Terallo to the formidable Trade Queen Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau , opposed the blockade, their motivations were varied and complex. The Skakoan found no substantial flaws in their reasoning, aside from its perceived lack of courage. Once a formidable political entity capable of altering the trajectories of empires, Danger now appeared to be evading confrontation and focusing on worker-morale more than the protection of profits which were needed in the turbulent era of 900 ABY and beyond.

"The assistance of the Corporate Sector would be most invaluable to any proposed blockade." The Skakoan addressed Castor Crane Castor Crane , the Executive Officer of the Corporate Sector, who had been a trusted ally and collaborator since the signing of their agreement several years prior. Although the ships referenced were older models, they remained effective in maintaining a mandated blockade, particularly given the current disarray within the Imperial Navy.

Marquis Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath consistently exhibited a pungent and distasteful demeanor, attempting to elevate himself above the general discourse while suggesting alternative strategies to mitigate the financial shortfall resulting from the Dark Empire's resources. However, as was often the case, he and his peers were devoid of the advantage of economic hindsight.

"I have already identified the most advantageous strategy for the Trade Federation's interests in the territories governed by the Dark Empire, despite our lack of an official presence in those areas following our withdrawal declaration at this conference. While you are welcome to advocate for your position, Mr. Dashiell, I must inform you that I will not disclose any information that could compromise my own interests." Laborr conveyed his thoughts through a subtle expression directed at Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell , acutely aware that revealing excessive confidential information during this conference might jeopardize the integrity and financial stability of the Trade Federation for the next economic quarter.

It appeared that Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol of Breshig War Forge possessed the requisite strength and determination to support the Federation's prior stance regarding a blockade surrounding the Dark Empire, noting that a similar blockade had been implemented around the Empire of the Lost, which remains in place.

"AWEROROROROROR...While we engage in protracted discussions regarding the viability and risks associated with sustaining a blockade and the use of hypergates designed by Locke and Key, the Dark Empire continues its relentless pursuit of new systems and the augmentation of its military capabilities. Each newly acquired system enhances their capacity for lucrative trade, further entrenching their localized economic framework and effectively excluding us from these opportunities permanently. In time, this will give rise to competitors—new corporations that will usurp our position within the Empire and proliferate throughout the galaxy, advancing the ideals of Imperial Marketism and not free commerce and trade." The Viceroy articulated, despite the hissing sounds emanating from the pressure suit, a clear understanding of the implications of permitting the Dark Empire to establish its own corporations. He recognized that their imperialistic ideology would proliferate rapidly into every new system acquired through conquest, leading to the exclusion of their corporations by the planetary governments. This notion was particularly alarming, especially if they were to gain dominance over Kuat or Corellia, both of which are crucial for trade and commerce.

"So I ask each of you here a simple question. Do you risk total destruction through slow exclusion or will you take a stand and force them to back down?." He finished with a simple question to each of them present.

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Tagging: Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau | Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell | Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol | Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath | Liin Terallo Liin Terallo | Matsu Ike Matsu Ike | Derron Daks Derron Daks | Castor Crane Castor Crane

"It's likely that when we pull our trade from the Dark Empire space, there will be those who seek to fill the vacuum we leave behind. And, at least within the territory controlled by the Dark Empire, I'm sure they will be able to. It was inevitable that when we sought to pursue some action against a sovereign nation, that there would be consequences we would have to face. However, when those companies choose to leave the safety of the Dark Empire, they choose to play in our house, and by our rules. Given the Dark Empire's…aggressive foreign policy, do you think that any nation would accept them as a guarantor, would accept their bank as a means of exchange? The Dark Empire have revealed that they are willing and able to seize and nationalise any asset within their territory they see fit to. Which company, which nation would feel safe under that threat? Which bank outside the Dark Empire would risk our displeasure by taking on any of these companies as a client?"

John's lips curled up into a smile that just touched his eyes, the smile of a predator observing their prey.

"For most of us, our strength isn't in the fleets of warships, and the grand armies we can call to battle. Our strength is our political and economic influence, so bring that to bear. But, if we truly wish to make our displeasure known, to act against the Dark Empire or those companies seeking to replace us…there are ways. Bounties we can place, or pirates who can be directed against their operations. If we want to hurt them, cripple then and actively show our displeasure without a blockade then we're uniquely place to do that. Shuklaar is correct, to do nothing would be to show weakness that others might seize on. Let's play to our strengths, we all know how a company can be hurt, how economies can be threatened. It's the nightmare that keeps us all up at night, so visit it on those who would do us harm. But…only after all our employees and their dependants are clear of any danger."

Each of those gathered here today had thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of employees who looked to them for protection from the vagaries of the galaxy. It was the promise that John had made to himself all those years ago when he was floating in the bacta tank, that none of his employees would suffer again. It's a promise that he intended to keep, one of the only ones that mattered.

The dark-haired man turned his head to the side as he settled back into his chair, gaze settling on one of the other participant, his voice pitched cold and low.

"Mistress Ike, I am not the one here who habitually tugs on the strings of reality to see what will happen. Nor do I jump at fairytales, or things that go bump in the dark. I've seen many of the spectres and ghouls that go bump in the night, and found them less than the myths make out. I would never release a product that might bring danger on the user. I have never put out a sub-standard product, my body is a testament to that."

His eyes shifted back to examine the others gathered around the table, as John took a sip of his glass, putting the Jedi out of his mind as his gaze focused on Danger.

"Ms Arceneau, Mr Nargath is correct. I had originally intended to construct hypergates in major industrial and economic centres, however, in order to aid in this time of crisis, and prevent my allies around this table, and their employees, from suffering undue hardship I am happy to pledge to deploy hypergates in locations that will allow us to move around the territory under the influence of the Dark Empire to allow trade and deliveries to continue as normal without undue rerouting."


Tertius eyes met those of Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr when Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol made his own position clear when it came on taking a more pro-active approach towards the Dark Empire. Though the Marquis had decided not to put too much stock into any sort of blockade considering the N&Z clearly managed to work around the Trade Federation's embargo and blockade of the Imperial territory, he did have to agree to a certain extend with the Mandalorian's position in regards to curtailing the Dark Empire's possible, if not practically expected aggressive expansion.

The Viceroy made it quite clear that he wasn't going to just step off of his plans, adding some of the typical slyness and slippery bureaucratic terms to his words, like a fine sauce paired with a proper meaty dish. Despite the N&Z chairman's desire to outplay the Trade Federation wherever and whenever he could, he had to admit that the Skakoan was... not as dull and dimwitted as he had initially thought, tilting his head a bit to the side with a certain degree of interest as the Viceroy continued to try and create the connections and the bonds needed to push his own plans through without divulging anything substantial.

"You sly dog," Was all Tertius could mutter underneath his breath as he grinned faintly towards the Viceroy. The Marquis was almost drawn into the idea of the blockade when the Skakoan adressed all of them with his final question, showing a certain degree of guts and tenacity any Eriaduan, even Tertius, could appreciate.

However, before the thought could properly settle in, John Locke John Locke as a late arrival managed to suddenly throw in his own opinions and ideas, advocating a less direct approach and relying more on the skills as businessmen rather than relying on sheer force. It wasn't a bad thought; to fund small bands of raiders and pirates to actually do the dirty work and to harass and disturb the Dark Empire's trade, while all those present could and would band together to prevent the Dark Empire from getting much, if any substantial produce and material from outside their borders. It would further spark their aggressive expansion, which in turn would not go unnoticed by the surrounding powers that be...essentially it would no doubt end up exactly as Tertius had claimed before: the Dark Empire would overextend and eat itself alive.

"So...while we do agree on a universal embargo to be placed on the Dark Empire," Leaning a bit back and frowning slightly to illustrate he was now a bit torn by the two proposals, Tertius had a clear problem with chosing which proposal he could fully back. On the one hand, the Trade Federation HAD militarized itself greatly, flaunting quite a powerful fleet of warships and an army that could rival at the very least a minor faction. If they'd be supported by the Mandalorian's Strill Securities... they'd be an absolute force to be reckoned with, but even so the N&Z chairman wondered to what extend the blockade itself would work... after all, would those two be enough to actually keep the Galactic Empire at bay? "We do seem to have two somewhat similar on paper, but outright different choices in reality. Ofcourse I suppose we could rely on a blockade, but I seem to recall that not all of us have the means nor the assets to perform such a task in the open. This act may also be viewed negatively by other nearby factions and governments. So my personal question to the honored Viceroy of the Trade Federation and the enigmatic owner of the well-known Breshig War Forge would be as such: in case of the Dark Empire actually attempting to break such a blockade...what would you believe your percentage of success for maintaining that blockade to be?"

Then, to further emphasize that he was slightly torn between the two choices, the Marquis turned towards Mr Locke. "Pardon me for asking, but if we utilized pirates or raiders, is there not the danger of the Dark empire turning this onto us as well? They will eventually obtain the knowledge on who is paying the pirates and raiders and while an outright confrontation in regards to the Blockade is not something preferable usually, it does have a sense of normality to it, something that can be expected and prepared for...while if the Dark Empire unleashed their... underground agents upon us, or threw us for a loop with pirates and raiders of their own, we'd be caught in an unexpected and unfavorable position where we can't truly predict the Empire's next move. How will we work around such a scenario playing out?"

Rubbing his brow with two fingers, gently squeezing the bridge of his nose, Tertius nodded calmly to both the Viceroy and the cybernetic man. "Forgive me for coming over as being so indecisive, which is rather unprofessional, but I do like to have certainties. When a proposal is made, I wish to see my own fears and doubts be dispelled and as such, I hope neither of you would fault me for asking these questions."

Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr | Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol | Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau | Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell | Liin Terallo Liin Terallo | Castor Crane Castor Crane | Matsu Ike Matsu Ike | Derron Daks Derron Daks

Admittedly, as she was on vacation, she had slightly tuned out of the proceedings once she had said her piece. The Trade Federation Viceroy had offered a potential workaround after saying he would take her suggestion under advisement. Not that she expected him to actually do so, nor did she miss who controlled whatever agency in the Dark Empire that he had proposed they needed to work with. And yet, he seemed to be overcompensating by proposing a full blockade instead of a simple embargo.

An eyebrow would lift at that, especially as she was much of the same opinion as Danger and Judah. Such an action would certainly ignite tensions further and examples would need to be made against any participants. She did much find it amusing that it seemed ancient history could repeat itself if the Federation did go through with such a plan, but that could end up being disastrous. She was not surprised in the slightest though that the Mandalorian present was all for a fight.

She did like Locke's idea of a more surreptitious approach to actual conflict, on more than one level. As a rival sect of Sith and Imperials, any actions against it were only a positive and there were ways to keep the payments and employers of such raiders hidden. It also gave an air of deniability if someone came along from the Dark Empire's intelligence services about such raids.

But what really brought her back into the conversation was the discussion about hypergates and hyperlanes. She had been reading over the ITN proposal put forward by Locke and Key about their hypergate initiative on the flight to Baralou, wanting to know more about the specifics of the gates themselves considering Aurora was also in the process of developing and experimenting with hypergate technology with their Project Nexus. Nothing that had been announced yet, but it had been in her mind and the mind of her board for some time.

"To answer your question, Viceroy, it is no issue for me to be excluded from the Dark Empire's markets or to see competition grow from within their space. Aurora isn't heavily invested in the region to begin with, they need to advance a little further up the Braxant Run before we have to worry about that. Until then, Aurora is content to support an embargo, even assist with Mr. Locke's idea of hiring raiders as I can make some suggestions on that, but we will not assist with a blockade."

Her hologram would actually turn towards John as she continued.

"I'm far more interested in the discussions about the hypergates and the hyperlanes. Aurora would be happy to help shoulder some of the costs in construction, Mr. Locke, and we would likely be interested in further partnership on such if you are interested." Any in-depth discussions could be held later, once she was done with her vacation, but she would put the first teasers of an offer out now. "Count Nargath, as for fleshing out the hyperlanes around Imperial space, if I recall correctly, a few new routes were charted out by both the previous Sith Empire and the First Order in this region such as the Cassiopeia Corridor that runs from Bastion to Etti IV or the Blood Trail that was charted by Iron Crown that goes through the Unknown Regions. Not exactly an elegant solution, but both also provide starting points we could work off for further hyperlane development."

Interacting with: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell Matsu Ike Matsu Ike Liin Terallo Liin Terallo John Locke John Locke Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr Castor Crane Castor Crane Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol Derron Daks Derron Daks Noah Corek Noah Corek Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath Casteel Mer'taal Casteel Mer'taal

| Dress x | x | x | x | x | x | X | X |

Danger Arceneau cast a wistful glance at the polished decanter sitting just out of reach, the amber liquid inside catching the light in a way that made her long for a glass of Whyren's best -- or better yet, the soothing burn of a cigarillo. But appearances mattered, especially when one carried the title of the Queen of Trade, and indulging in her vices in the middle of a formal negotiation wouldn't do. So, she held herself in check, maintaining that polished veneer of professionalism.

Grateful though she was for the offers of assistance, she sincerely hoped it wouldn't come to that. A blockade wasn't something she'd ever support -- not when it would invite the Imperials to scorch the ground and salt the ground of every sector they set their sights on. She knew their ruthlessness all too well, and the last thing she wanted was to see them wreak havoc on any new territories they managed to claw into.

Thank the Void John Locke, Taeli Raaf, Darron Daks, and Count Nargath were considering other options. Matsu, bless her heart, always meant well, but Danger wasn't convinced it was wise to provoke the Imperials. The Viceroy, too, might have had contingencies up his sleeve, but Danger couldn't and wouldn't risk the safety of those under her employ. She'd rather sidestep the fight entirely than have her people caught in the crossfire.

Taking a steadying breath, Danger lifted her chin and gave a composed nod, the kind that could calm a boardroom or sway a negotiation.

"I'm inclined to agree with Miz Raaf and Mistah Locke," she said, her voice smooth and measured. "Arceneau Trade is more than willin' to provide the monetary resources needed to invest in your hypergates and any new routes charted. With our combined assets, we can leverage those lesser-known pathways as alternative routes for transport -- possibly even faster than before." her finger would pause in their thoughtful tap.

"And if I'm not mistaken, Sasori has the kind of cargo containers that could maximize the volume of goods moved, all temperature controlled and tailored to precise specifications. With that technology paired with the hypergates, I reckon we stand a good chance of staying a step ahead of the Imperials."

A pause and she followed with another question to the room.

"Any chance that anyone has an in with the Dark Empire closely enough to see if we can gather intelligence from within their ranks before they make any moves to expand further. Forgive me, Viceroy Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr , but I imagine that your department might be a bit too scrutinized now unless you have other little mouse droids that can still provide you intel? That way, we can start relocatin' our staff and assets before they touch down on any more worlds that align with our interests."

She held her gaze steady, eyes flickering with determination. It was a calculated gamble, but she'd bet on her business instincts over brute force any day. It was all about staying one step ahead, and with the right allies, she was confident they could keep the Imperials at bay.

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau | Derron Daks Derron Daks | John Locke John Locke | Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell | Liin Terallo Liin Terallo | Castor Crane Castor Crane | Noah Corek Noah Corek | Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr | Shuklaar Kyrdol Shuklaar Kyrdol | Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf | Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath

She looked at John Locke and offered a grin. "That... is a terrible misquote of Sor-Jan. He said Sasori beats reality with a bat like it owes us credits but I would never say don't do the research and development. Just be aware of dangers." She said it while working on her interface the conversations turned to investment and she wasn't worried about that. Alternative routes could be important and she was checking on some of the ideas as John Locke did inspire her for a few things they might be able to move from research into the development cycle. Then danger mentioned her and she gave a nod. "IN terms of moving exponentially large amounts of cargo there are few things better then dimensionally engineered containers. The interior can be as large as the needs and we have experimented with temporal engineering so you can preserve or age as needed. Adapting them to alternative ships make require a rhion for full intrigration though."

Judah listened quietly, head turning back-and-forth as each person gave their own opinions of what path should be picked going forward. He idly noted the Viceroy said nothing on his corporate lobbyist idea, which may not have been possible to begin with considering it was a dictatorship.Ideas were being floated for everything from the blockade once again to pirates to hyperlanes.

While many could toss about a bit more aggressive ideas, he was more following Danger's line of thought. There was a bit more at stake for him, not that he did an amazing amount of business in Dark Empire space - just a refinery he had recently opened on Ketaris. What was at stake was the family and their safety. Funding pirates was all well and good until they flipped and pointed the finger right at their benefactor. It was a risk not worth taking.

Eyes drifted to Danger, wondering if she was equally concerned or if it was just himself.

Crippling the Empire economically, in his opinion, was much more viable. While it would hurt innocent citizens, it would also make the Empire look bad. These types always promised peace and prosperity. Sunshine and rainbows. If goods suddenly became scarce and inflation skyrocketed, it wouldn't be a good look for the Emperor. Disgruntled citizens made for horrible soldiers, perhaps creating a domino affect down the road.

"I would also be able to provide funding for hypergates, hyperlanes, and cargo containers and other forms of transportation. I am currently working on a hyperlane with the infamous Starchaser family. They may be a wise resource to contact for navigational assistance."



TAGS: every one present


The snowy-haired youth stepped into the room, moving swiftly towards a man with long black hair, glasses, and a zebra-print tie standing beside Jocelyn Jocelyn . Taking the offered datapad, he skimmed through the notes, murmuring hushed words in quick exchange. He then spoke up when he had a moment to do so.

"Y'all are twisting yourselves into knots over this. Blockade, embargo, pirates—it's all just talk for 'how do we poke the Dark Empire without getting burned.' But let's be real—they're already looking for a fight, puffing themselves up, trying to make fear do their work. Fear makes the wolf look bigger, but that doesn't mean they can stand against the combined power gathered here.

An embargo, a blockade, sure—those could land a blow. But what's the endgame? They're not gonna back down. Starve them out? Maybe, but how long before it 'backfires' on us? We need to hit them hard, without bleeding ourselves dry.

John's right—we've got leverage in politics and economics. We can squeeze them without a single shot fired, and they know it. Their threats of nationalizing assets? Desperation.

Cut off their trade, cripple their economy, sure—but they won't go quietly. Fear makes them dangerous.

Push too hard, and they'll lash out? NO they intend to be aggressive regardless. We have to protect our people first. Strengthen our defenses so they don't get any cheap shots in. Make their lives miserable, but be ready for the consequences that are coming regardless.

And while we're doing this, let's not forget the ones suffering already—the people trapped under their rule. They know this fear is a powerful tool. You will have my support for giving them hell to pay. "



Location: BOTHAWUI


Hypergates. Now that was an idea worth tinkering with.

"The Corporate Sector will happily invest in such an endeavor," Castor said with a nod. The apertures in his optical cybernetics constricted as the ExO spoke.

"It would solve the hyperlane issue easily, and if we couple that with a solid trade embargo against the Empire, we'll cripple them without facing nearly the amount of risk as blockading them. Of course, we'd still have to defend the gates from Imperial saboteurs... and only after your respective facilities and personnel are evacuated from Imperial space," he added. Unlike the majority of the other corporate enterprises here, the CSA had very limited assets in Imperial space. The DireX Board much preferred to work with the Sith Empire on nearby Dromund Kaas than it did the fair-weather Imperials, a decision that proved in hindsight to be worth its weight in credits.

The Corporate Authority would eagerly send a portion of their fleet to help secure the hypergates and new routes of trade near the Sector. Locke's tech would easily earn more than its return, and should they prove as successful as Castor predicted, they'd continue to shape and shift the galactic economy for years to come after their implementation.

All he needed to know now was where to sign.


Voice of the Captalist

Corporate Interest Guild NPC

The Moderator stood once again, taking the lectern to speak. It had seemed much of a consensus had been reached. The first meeting of the Corporate Interests Guild was coming to a close. Would most consider the meeting successful? After all, the owner of a corporation had to be strong willed. Trying to agree upon a course of action with so many personalities and agendas was not an easy task.

"It has been decided an embargo will be placed upon the government of the Dark Empire. The decision was unanimous."

The Moderator looked around the room. Other courses of action ; covertly striking out, declaring a blockade, striking first, had all received mixed results. The Moderator knew it was up to each individual and company to go from here. Such actions would not have an endorsement of the Guild, but members were free to discuss and do as they wished.

"Secondly, Mister Locke has provided an investment opportunity and potential solution to travel and trade within Dark Empire territory. Those interested will convene with Mister Locke at his earliest convenience. At this time, our convocation is dismissed. Until our next assembly, may you all have a prosperous journey ahead."


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