
NAME: LE-X1 (Lexon)
FACTION: Independent
MODEL: LE-series repair droid (modified)
AGE: ~780 years
GENDER: Masculine programming
HEIGHT: 1.7 meters (~5'7")
WEIGHT: 90 kg (~198.4 lbs.)
PLATING: Dark gray
- Specialized sensors (visual spectrum, slight infrared, high magnification possible)
- Broadband antenna (access to most comm frequencies & some HoloNet channels)
- Hologram recorder/projector
- Macrofuser (attachment, left arm)
- Sealed plating (waterproof, vacuum-proof)
- Ruggedized circuitry (resistance to ion damage, EMP, restraining bolts, deterioration)
- Reinforced memory circuits (eidetic memory)
- SoroSuub "Renegade" heavy blaster pistol
- Hydrospanner
- Brown cloak
Using his programming as a repair droid, Lexon has modified his hardware with a macrofuser, armor sealant, and ruggedized circuitry to prevent decay and prolong his life. He has also reinforced his memory circuits and hard-drive, preventing all memory loss. His programming made no allowance for software maintenance, however, so he has developed an erratic and rebellious personality. In part, this is due to his past, which he is incapable of forgetting; his failures haunt him constantly, and he has a debilitating fear of failing again. As a side effect, he has become incapable of intentionally ending the life of an organic sentient. He is helpful, but impersonable.
He is an excellent pilot, mechanic, and marksman (the first two by programming, the last by practice). He is also skilled at starship and droid design and modification. He is intuitive and has a strong self-defense streak, but without any protocol programming, he often misunderstands sentient behavior. He is a mediocre survivalist, due to his recent experiences, but would be less than useless to an organic lifeform in the same circumstances.
He has no ability to maintain or modify software, and he is a poor slicer. At various points since his activation, he has been tasked as a bounty hunter, but he lacks investigative skill. He is inept with melee weapons, except when used as impromptu projectiles. He has few skills beyond his base programming and limited experience.
Shortly after his activation (c. 55 ABY), LE-X1 was sold to a human female Jedi Master. (Since this period of LE-X1's life occurred prior to his memory circuit upgrade, her name has since been lost, even to him.) He served as her pilot and mechanic for twenty years, and they became close friends. She did not routinely take him in for maintenance, so he became adept at operating on his own systems as necessary. She never took him in for a memory wipe, and he quickly developed a quirky personality, which entertained her.
At some point, around 75 ABY, the Jedi Master was sent on a mission to Mon Calamari. In preparation, LE-X1 made a number of adjustments to his systems, so that he could survive the waterworld unscathed. He was her pilot, but he made an astrogation miscalculation. This mistake resulted in a crash-landing on the all-but-forgotten swamp-world of Drongar. There, in spite of her abilities with the Force, LE-X1's master was infected and killed by the native spores.
LE-X1 spent the next 760 years on Drongar. On occasion, a damaged vessel would crash land, and all of its inhabitants would die - just as she had died. One of LE-X1's earliest upgrades was to his memory circuits, about one hundred years after his own crash. Using systems from an exploration vessel, he modified his neural net so that future memory loss, including a memory wipe, was impossible; though some degradation had already taken his master's name from him, he resolved never to make another miscalculation, and a perfect memory seemed the best way to attain that goal.
He acquired various equipment from crashed vessels and continued to upgrade his hardware. He practiced with a SoroSuub "Renegade" heavy blaster that he found on a wrecked mercenary ship, and became an adept marksman. Whenever he encountered an unsecured database, he would download whatever contents he could. He thereby maintained a moderate awareness of events in the galaxy over the centuries.
Using his master's ruined ship, and bulkheads from other vessels, he constructed a makeshift home in the northern hemisphere of the planet, where he still resides.
[OOC: I realize this biography leaves him at something of a disadvantage, seeing as he's trapped, but I have a plan for that.]