Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Learning from the past

Sirius Nova

"All we have on the Blackwing Virus is that it sort of takes over whoever is exposed to it." said Alexander. "This is all the information the Narrikians know on it. It is why we've decided it needs to be killed with fire, and pain." Alexander sighed. "The Narrikians don't want a repeat of the Gulag Plague but worse, so that's why I'm paying you half now, and half later. They're to suffer." He handed over half the aforementioned credits to the individual. Alexander wanted to put the Gulag Plague behind the Narrikians but couldn't do that yet. For that reason he had placed the bounty.

Sirius smiled as he enjoyed the kiss she had given him. He then said. "The lipstick is a very great invention. I enjoyed it. I wish it killed the Blackwing Virus though," He said with a frown on his face. "That would save me a lot of time, and trouble."

Lliara Daeva

Pharmaceuticals (Save|Kill)
Lliara reached up to caress the man's face as her bright eyes gazed up at his face. "Evidently not enough," she replied calmly and followed it up with a smile. Some level of resistance perhaps? Perhaps physiological in nature? Was she not his type? Or was he so consumed with being Emperor the man had never had a day to relax in his life?

"I told you, my Lord, the best thing you can do is purge anywhere or anyone that's come in contact with it. You could sweep the entire galaxy, but if you miss a single carrier it'll just come back. It's a plague with something bordering on sentience. Maybe that's just left over from the sentient lifeforms it infects, but these living dead don't shamble across a battle field. They go out of their way to hide and infect others. They can even use tanks. Believe me, they are a threat to all life in this galaxy; and it is only because of the scorched earth policy it has not spread like the Gulag plague."

Her eyes fell to where the tips of her fingers ran along the man's lips for a moment. "Mmm.... however," Lliara's eyes shifted back up again, "I do know of a cure."

Sirius Nova
"-That's why we're paying you half now..."

He'd be lying if he said those words didn't rock him to the core, The Narrikian placed the credits in his hand. For a moment, he was stunned, he twiddled it in his hand for a second.

His droid's incessant voice awoke him from his daze, barking inside his helmet; ["One million credits in the palm of your hand. Don't blow it all on Taris dancer this time, sir..."]. Bishop straightened up, tucking it safely away.

"Well....." Bishop nodded, "I'll see what I can do". Bishop quickly pulled out a small chip, plugging it into his gauntlet and pressing the 7th, 3rd, and 1st button, the chip blinked blue as he removed it, handing it to Alexander. "My personal comms.... encrypted text, only good for a one on one communication line but then again, that's really the point. I'll update you once I have something...".

With that, Bishop turned and walked back across the platform. Making quick work crossing the port back to his ship, watching the ramp drop, and climbing aboard as he and his astromech powered the vessel up for launch.

"I'll contact some info sharks on courscant.... maybe even one or two on the outer rim. Last I heard rebellion got into contact with this thing".
R4 took control of lift off as he turned his full attention to his terminal, sending out a message to his contacts about the virus. "You know if we're looking for a bio weapon.... word is bound to get back to it's creators" his protocol droid had made it's way to the door to the cabin, staring down at him with it's bright yellow eyes.

"Yes, and?".

"And we will have a target on our backs".

Silence filled the cabin as the momentum of the situation started to really sink in- "2 droids and a Mandalorian go looking for a plague" the protocol droid murmured. "Sounds like a bad joke?" Bishop quipped, hailing back to that one rough day chasing a Jedi and getting jettisoned out the airlock. "On the bright side..... this time we'll finally be able to afford that little.... accessory we've been looking for".

Sirius Nova

"So let me get this straight," said Sirius as he enjoyed the affection she was giving him. "There's a cure, but not a vaccine to the plague that should have been wiped out the moment someone invented it, along with it's makers and their families?" He hissed, irritated beyond belief. "What is the cure to this little nightmare that the galaxy has seen fit to cause as a problem?" He asked, as he looked at them. Sirius really didn't want the Narrikians to have to deal with the Blackwing Virus. It was already terrifying merely hearing about the virus from her. Her touch did relax him somewhat and that would be obvious to her was she looking at him. Still, he was scared. This wasn't good as those who were scared rarely made the right decision or any smart decisions in fact.

Alexander nodded as the guy handed him the Info Chip for the comm frequency. "You're to kill it's makers with fire, their assistants with fire, their families if they've messed with it or are likely to mess with it with fire. Bottom line, no trace of the virus or the infected can be allowed to survive. If you get infected we will of course have to eliminate you. Nothing personal, but we can't allow that plague to reach Setus Prime. Also kill all the infected with fire as well. " sighed Alexander as he looked at the bounty hunter, before waving him off to go to his ship.

Lliara Daeva

Pharmaceuticals (Save|Kill)
"Well," the palms of her hands soon pressed against the man's chest as she gaze into his eyes, "the cure was only recently developed, my Lord. Not by those that made it -- those fools were likely the first to become the Living Dead. No, I've heard word the Confederacy possesses this cure. They used it to save the world of Atrisia."

One hand lifted from Sirius' chest so she could press a lone digit across the man's lips. "You could negotiate receiving the cure from them. In fact, you may even have a common enemy; but take care, my Lord, the Confederacy has recently grown tired of protecting others at its own expense. Though if you were to obtain information on where this plague was made, or where it might strike next... I could foresee the Confederacy being quite enamored with your efforts."

Her finger lifted and her hand went back to caressing the Emperor's cheek all while Lliara beamed up at such a handsome and polite ruler. Someone with a great deal of credits and resources that she might find useful. Now all she had to do was make sure they didn't spend it all over one virus and perhaps learn the same lesson the Confederacy rallies on about of late. "Perhaps I could aid you in this, my Lord?"

Sirius Nova

Sirius Nova

"Then yes, aid me in this. You will go across the Galaxy and gather a coalition of bounty hunters. The Blackwing Virus and those things like it must be wiped out for the sake of all life." Sirius wasn't in a good mood despite her touch, as the virus was something he had hoped the Narrikians would never have to deal with. Viruses were one thing, but a virus like this? Well, the Narrikians were soon going to go on a crusade to eliminate the virus which meant they needed new technologies they didn't have at present. "You will go on my behalf and obtain this cure so it can be modified into a vaccine to immunize my species so they will never have to deal with this. I have too much to do on planet." He stated. It was true he had a lot to do on the world of Setus Prime that needed accomplished.

"The Narrikians will soon begin amassing the largest armada ever created to make them ready to protect their planet." He stated. "Expendable Ground Troops are needed. Perhaps droids, or clones that aren't Narrikian would be good."

Lliara Daeva

Pharmaceuticals (Save|Kill)
The smile on Lliara's lips softened, but the radiance to her eyes did not. Such a diligent leader. Ever so swept up by the consuming desire to purge contamination from the galaxy. Useful, perhaps, though not quite attentive enough for the more...relaxing means of manipulation.

"If I must be parted from my Lord to see your people so protected," Lliara purred with a slight downward tilt of her chin. The bright golden gaze lifted quickly, however, to gaze back up at the driven Emperor. "The Confederacy does possess droids in abundance, and the Kamino are members of that state. Perhaps I could explore expendable defensive options for you while I negotiate for the cure. They are cunning, however. It will take time to reduce what they will demand in return." Or Sirius could say money was no object, which would suit Lliara just fine. The more line items to assemble the easier to add something for herself?

Was it wrong to think about what she could get out of all this work? Perhaps if the Emperor offered her some form of payment or assurance... Lliara was not excessively greedy. However there were things she could buy while in Confederacy space to bolster her own aims as well.

Tag: Sirius Nova

Sirius Nova

"Your kiss was great, I'd like to have another in the near future." said Sirius, as he looked at her. "When the crisis is averted, and I manage to avert the panic the Blackwing Virus has caused the Narrikians. As payment for your services you will be given a castle on Setus Prime, and appointed as a noble on the planet." said Sirius. "As well as a position as one of my advisors. Money is no object to see the problem resolved. But once the virus is eliminated once and for all, well, I'll be a lot happier." It was true. When he was in a happy mood he'd be far more easily manipulated than he was now to put it mildly. He then said to her. "I will give you a goodbye kiss before you set out on your mission to purge the Galaxy of that contaminant. The Gulag Plague was enough of a nightmare for the Narrikians. You will set out immediately afterward, taking 10 Squads of Fifty Narrikians with you. You will be acting as my proxy in the Galaxy at large to enforce the Zero Tolerance Doctrine of the Narrikians on biological and disease and viral weapons. "

Lliara Daeva

Pharmaceuticals (Save|Kill)
Lliara caressed the Emperor's cheek as she gaze up into his eyes. She was nothing if not the attentive, understanding woman humbly at Lord Nova's magnanimous service. At least the man seemed to have a shred of respect for her, despite being an outsider; and he didn't need chemicals to induce his libido to her favor. Still, she would need to work on the chemical balance of her concoction for the Narrikian species. Obviously their physiological held some added resistance. An unexpected complication, but it had not ruined her plans thus far.

That was until her caress paused mid-stroke and her bright eyes widened. "My Lord? Ten squads?" That had not been anticipated by Lliara at all. One minder, perhaps, to keep an eye on her. But that many troops was not meant to keep an eye on her, or even control her. Sirius' zealotry was perhaps getting a tad ahead of itself, mostly because of the complications so many would introduce in her life. "That may be misinterpreted by the Confederacy if I were to arrive with so many retainers, my Lord. They have had recent... difficulties with outsiders of late. Their security is tighter than ever. However, I would be honored if I could supply such loyal Narrikians with information vital to locating and destroying any sources of viral outbreaks or threats to this world."

Sirius Nova

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