Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Learning the Force

After about twenty minutes of Xieza walking around and getting used to force heat shielding, he decided he was ready. He walked back towards [member="Matsu Ike"] and reached out towards her hand. He grabbed the flame and pulled it into his hand with the force. It started to die down at first, but Xieza focused and brought in more heat to the flame in his palm. The flame burst back almost into the shape it was when it was in Matsu Ike's hand. Xieza moved his hand around slowly. He was starting to hurt a little from the heat of the flame. He focused a little more and the pain soon went away. He stood there holding the fire in his hand and smiled.

"Phew, that was fun..."

He, then, looked at Matsu Ike for further guidance.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Xieza Blade"]

Matsu stood there and continued to look at the padawan while he practiced and found it fun... That was good, it meant he wasn't going to be rash and endanger himself but hopefully also wouldn't be bored and not paying attention. A dangerous thing to do with fire in the jungle. Her eyes flicked back over to him though and she spoke. "Good and what have you learned from it? There is much I can say about what you should feel but that is only my experiences and those can be very different from yours."
Xieza held the flame in his hand up in the air, watching as he slowly let it die down.

"I learned that the force is something that must be taken in steps to learn. The fire technique shows that with patience, you can do extraordinary things. I thank you for this lesson, master. Hopefully we can do this again sometime."

Xieza bowed to [member="Matsu Ike"] as the last bit of fire left his hand. The final small sparks took flight with the wind and sparkled as they flew off.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Xieza Blade"]

"Good that is the best way to do things. Patience and doing it the right way over rushing ahead and endangering oneself. I have seen other padawans not pay attention to that lesson and they have had dangerous consequences." She was moving though and clasped her hands behind her back while speaking. "So have you given more thoughts on what you would like to learn?"
"I've given some thought on the matter. I believe I would like to learn force techniques that would assist me in stealth, and maybe a few combat force techniques as well. In the means of combat force techniques, I prefer close-up combat."

Xieza gave his reply and waited patiently for an answer.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Xieza Blade"]

Matsu looked at him. Combative force techniques for close quarters she had some knowledge and techniques. "There are some skills I have learned that are useful in close quarters. One is convection to make your body be able to scold an opponent." She had trained and fought with plenty but hand to hand was all about speed. A skill all jedi learned and would need to use best. Reflex another they could learn in time with practice and you had to know how to work with the techniques and skills.

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