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Learning the Ways of the Force (Pt 1--Matsu Ike)

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
The Chiss gave a grateful nod, he pulled the finished garment from the weave and looked it over. It was a men's kimono, simple but elegant. Blue hues of the Force shimmered off it in blue and purple themed colors. He doubted it would win any contests for glory or mastery but there was as sense of pure humility in the garment that attracted the Chiss. He gave a soft bow to it, to the weave, and to the Force, thanking them for the chance to learn.

He offered the garment to [member="Matsu Ike"]. It was only proper that she have a chance to inspect it and decide if it was worthy of the work, "Master, thank you for the opportunity to learn from you. Perhaps there are some duties around this workshop that I could perform to assist you in return for your help?"

Akio did not know much about these Jedi with their cultures or what they intended on gratitude. However, he was intent to make sure to do his best to respect them.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
@Akio Diachi

Standing there and as she was presented the kimono she went into the inspector form. Allowing her finger tips to touch it lightly and feel along it. ALl of the force energy as she knew how to look over many of the things. "Beautifully crafted and perfectly used in the loom." She continued to watch it while going over some of the things with more attention on the details before she presented it back to him with a nod of her head. They had been working on things and there was a whole lot of fun coming off in some of the equipment. The spindle for making the weave was gleaming as her attention went around. "There are some changing rooms with mirrors you can use."

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
Akio gave a slight smile and bowed. She was pleased, and that was something that he rarely got in the past from his masters and teachers. The most they had given him was a begrudging acceptance--or stoic nothingness.

"Thank you, Master," he said taking the garment back.

He turned on his heel and moved to the changing room. There he slipped out of his orange robes into these. They were well worn anyway, little more than tattered and stained rags that he wore when armor was not fitting for the occasion. The new Kimono fit around his body well, almost perfectly. As he tied the belt across his midsection, the Chiss looked up in the mirror. An aura surrounded him, even through the reflection he could see the faint shimmer of the entrancing energy that had woven itself into the faberic. Akio could feel his mind clear, and his vision sharpen. An awareness of all that was around him heightened, the people in the next room, the air around him, the sounds, the sights, the colors. It was all more vivid than before--almost like seeing for the first time.

Akio stepped out back into the workshop, discarding his old garments in a waste bin.

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
@Akio Diachi

She was letting him work at it and get some of his clothing changed. Droids moving to make sure there was nothing on the floor. All of the work they had going into the things let the new droids get a few ideas for the different stuff they could do. She allowed more attention to go to the reports they were working on for the manufacturing and construction efforts of some of the larger pieces of gear and equipment. With all of the work harvesting crystals they could work on a few more things. She knew the stronger work they were doing on the crystal weave was an important thing as well as what they were designing to go in and with the armors to make them stronger.

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